Regular Meeting February 27, 2008 – 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. Board Room, Building 200 IPBC Membership 2007-08 Minutes Cristina Ruggiero, Co-Chair Yvonne Wu Craig, Co-Chair Faculty Carolyn Arnold Mike Absher JoAnn Galliano Chad Mark Glen Debra Howell Joe Kuwabara Donald Plondke Linda Rhodes Cristina Ruggiero Wanda Wong Members Present: Cristina Ruggiero, Yvonne Wu Craig, Celia Barberena, Matthew Kritscher, Carolyn Arnold, Mike Absher, JoAnn Galliano, Chad Mark Glen, Joe Kuwabara, Debra Howell, Donald Plondke, Marcia Corcoran, Farhad Javaheripour, Gerlad Shimada Classified Rachel Ugale Yvonne Wu Craig Reviewed and Tentatively Approved Minutes from Feb. 13 meeting Administrators Norma Ambriz Celia Barberena Marcia Corcoran Rosemary Delia Farhad Javaheripour Melinda Matsuda Gerald Shimada Ron Taylor Members Absent: Wanda Wong, Linda Rhodes, Rachel Ugale, Norma Ambriz, Rosemary Delia Reports • Chancellor visit March 12th The Chancellor will attend the next IPBC meeting on March 12th. • Report from CEMC Meeting At the CEMC meeting, there was a request for the Unit Plan to include the Discipline worksheet. Yvonne and Cristina attended CEMC to discuss the inclusion of the Discipline Plan worksheets for 09-10 as part of the package for the 07-09 Unit Plans due March 14. Since we will not yet have our FTEF allocations for 09-10, it does not make sense to create the Discipline Plan worksheets at this time; rather, faculty will need to do them in the fall after we receive the district allocations and division allocations. CEMC agreed that IPBC would not need to ask for them now, but suggested we ask for faculty to include any goals for potential elimination or growth as part of their narrative which might later be incorporated into the worksheets. There will be a campus-wide email stating that only the cover of Part 4 of the Unit Plan will be required. The spreadsheet will not need to be completed. The CEMC minutes will be referenced and the email will go out from Yvonne and Cristina. Agenda Items • Question/Discussion with President Celia Barberena President Barberena felt that the questions from IPBC were an excellent platform for a president. She felt that it was a good way to start dialogue. She sat down at her computer and started writing and kept referring back to her responses. Therefore, the handouts distributed during the meeting were a draft of the responses. Question #1: Where will this information go and how will it be used? Response: This question goes with the standard. How it relates one into another is that Program Review is done at the discipline level. The Strategic Plan is a global record of what is in the Unit Plan, and is the direction of the institution. It goes from being more specific to being more global. The educational Master Plan is updated every three years with minor updates in between. The educational Master Plan is the global view and provides general direction for the college. Question #2: Is IPBC the governing body where this information should come together and be prioritized? Response: There are several places where this information comes from. Institutional Research uses this information as a resource. The Accreditation chairs and IPBC chairs collaborate in reporting what goes on at the institution. Question #3: How will all of this information be coordinated for Accreditation? Response: The Unit Plans need to be available to the committee chairs. The President asked Chad for his comments about Accreditation. Through Accreditation, Facilities Committee should look at the Shared Governance model to remind them how to go forward and IPBC should be sending it to them. There is a need for both the hard copy and digital documents. For instance, Dental Hygiene was required to send three copies in addition to a paper document for their Accreditation. Question #4: What role do you see yourself taking in the planning process? As president, what do you feel your responsibility is in the planning process? Response: Engaging all committees to motivate and participate in the planning process at all levels. Templates are sent from IPBC. Do you think faculty and staff are engaged in developing the Unit Plan right now? Administrators feel that they have to meet a deadline. There is a disconnect between the rank and file and decision makers because you are in a rush to get them done. Carolyn mentioned that the survey asked this question. The president mentioned that there is a need to engage people before the survey is administered. Yvonne has distributed the document and they are due in March. Both Language Arts and Mass Communications feel that their departments are fully engaged. Question #5: What is your philosophy when it comes to Strategic Plans? Response: The next step is to use the information form the Unit Plan to develop the Strategic Master Plan. (That is where IPBC feels there was a disconnect). The president would like to correct it by following a process. There was mention of a possible retreat with outside facilitators. Outside facilitators can motivate, think of programs that we haven’t thought about before, they are in tune with the economy, interesting and create dialogue at the college level. Funds are utilized for Staff Development; however, a facilitator coming to Chabot could be more economical if the information is used. Further Discussion with President With IPBC there are not a lot of outcomes. Chad stated that not many people want to be involved in IPBC because there is the perception that there are not tangible outcomes. IPBC is hoping that the new president can change IPBCs’ image. The president asked how a person becomes a member of IPBC. The response was basically if you attend the meeting(s), you can become a member. The challenge is to recruit and get representation. In the Shared Governance document there are instructions for recruitment and membership. Members should gather thoughts and/or opinions from their areas and take it back to IPBC. There are many Shared Governance committees and not enough faculty members. It is difficult to have faculty members attend meetings. The president mentioned that at Hartnell faculty reduced committee size to six members from a dozen, because of lack of participation. She suggested that a larger committee could be formed with subdivision and smaller work groups. Some faculty members are merely doing their faculty obligations and some are not on committees. Teaching related to their discipline and the same people are involved in various committees. The president asked Ron to nudge deans for committee involvement from Faculty, and she also asked Melinda and Farhad to motivate more participation in committees. How would you like to see planning expressed? What is useful information for you? In the next few months the president will get acquainted with IPBC’s needs and will relay the information to the District. The president has not seen the district’s Strategic Plan. There is a need to see the visioning exercises of where the district should go. This is a great time to think about programs that are here with facility planning and money being spent. The issue is communicating and perception. The process is not systematic enough, and people do not understand IPBC’s process, and that process can work. IPBC process exists, but people do not know how it works. The process has worked and success stories are not shared. The president suggested adding the stories to a Hotsheet or newsletter. The Planning Committee must have a product at the end. The Planning Committee is critical to the direction of the institution. Joe brought up the point that the previous president had stepped away from the committee. He asked the new president, “How do you have a Planning Committee without the president?” IPBC used to be the most representative body on campus, and it was the seed for CEMC. However, it needs support from the president, and direction from the district. The president responded that the direction of institutional planning at the college level is our responsibility. It was mentioned that the Planning and Institutional Research have a lot to do with the Strategic Plan. Marcia stated that planning does not always take budget. In the Language Arts division, they wrote their goals and came up with three goals. They set out to accomplish their goals and showed what they completed. They did not hear a response, because there were not enough funds. The president stated that things need to be communicated. Yvonne suggested that more information about general trends could be sent out. Farhad mentioned that there is a disconnect, and the bridge is the funds. The president replied that Faculty Prioritization for new faculty is a part of planning. Reevaluating the size of divisions is part of the Unit Plan and the vision. What is the basis of how the funds are allocated? It was mentioned that CEMC has money to allocate. Farhad mentioned that the Budget Committee has the smallest effect and authority on the budget. Mike shared a Budget Committee issue from two year ago. He said that they approached the end of the year and there was a little bit of money left, so they needed to decide what to do with it. They prioritized items that were not funded and picked the most effective ones. Then, the president took the money away anyway. But, it did not help that people were asking for a lot of things. The president mentioned that if there is $30K to give out, everyone should be at the table deciding what to do with those funds. Celia mentioned a process mapping activity would be good. Yvonne mentioned that while in Shared Governance groups during Convocation, each committee could have a process map. There is a large attendance at Shared Governance group meetings. But, it is difficult to invite people to a meeting when there is no structure. Don mentioned the need for a role player to make sure inputs/outputs are still flowing. IPBC can’t do their work if there aren’t any inputs. But, you must be clear about how you want to change what you do. Don made a process map from the last IPBC meeting. He was assigned to create a map to understand how programs are connected. There is rationality between the programs and the campus can’t see the connection. The president said that she will be attending all of the meetings. Next Meeting(s): March 12, 2008 • Chancellor’s Visit • Create list of resource documents for strategic planning/priority objectives and assigned member duties to collect them. • Ron’s update on priority objectives for Hotsheet • Program Revitalization/Discontinuance –Ron • Process Map –Donald Plondke