Minutes Regular Meeting April 23, 2008 – 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Regular Meeting
April 23, 2008 – 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Room 1104, Building 1100
IPBC Membership
Cristina Ruggiero, Co-Chair
Yvonne Wu Craig, Co-Chair
Carolyn Arnold
Mike Absher
JoAnn Galliano
Chad Mark Glen
Debra Howell
Joe Kuwabara
Donald Plondke
Linda Rhodes
Cristina Ruggiero
Wanda Wong
Rachel Ugale
Yvonne Wu Craig
Members Present: Cristina Ruggiero, Yvonne Wu Craig, Carolyn
Arnold, Debra Howell, Donald Plondke, Norma Ambriz, Sarah
Jahnke, Rosemary Delia, JoAnn Galliano
Members Absent: Mike Absher, Linda Rhodes, Wanda Wong,
Rachel Ugale, Chad Mark Glen, Joe Kuwabara, Norma Ambriz,
Celia Barberena, Marcia Corcoran, Farhad Javaheripour, Melinda
Matsuda, Gerald Shimada, Ronald Taylor
Approved Minutes from April 9 meeting
Norma Ambriz
Celia Barberena
Marcia Corcoran
Rosemary Delia
Farhad Javaheripour
Melinda Matsuda
Gerald Shimada
Ronald Taylor
• Title III/Grants Subcommittee Report
The “2008 Title III Grant Proposal” handout was referred to. Yvonne
explained the Title III Grant Proposal to the group. The grant was
released on April 21st, and it is due on May 22nd. The goal is to
improve basic skills across the curriculum to increase student
success, persistence, and institutional effectiveness. If the grant is
awarded, the funds will be available in October 2008. Yvonne
mentioned to contact her with any questions. Once IPBC approves the document it
will be distributed in all mailboxes campus-wide. There was a discussion on the
goals stated in the document. IPBC approved the 2008 Title III Grant Proposal,
and it will now be taken to College Council.
• Process Mapping update
Some process maps are still being submitted. There was a question in regards to
when the process map will be used. The response was that it would be up to
President Barberena. The goal is to have the process map information in the YearEnd Report during Convocation, therefore, it would have to be completed by June.
• Community Focus Groups/Input for Planning
There will be a Strategic Planning process this fall. There is time to plan and see
what the input will look like. There were focus groups formed in the past, and the
information is still available to use for the Strategic Plan. Planning will probably begin
in May or June. There was a request for volunteers during the meeting.
Agenda Items
• Establish Themes for development of Priority Objectives and Strategic
There was research conducted on other community colleges in the local area. It was
found that some other local community colleges use themes to organize their
strategic planning. The “Themes used at Chabot and other colleges” handout shows
the similarities and differences between the colleges. There was a discussion on the
questions at the bottom of the page.
Question #1: Do we want to use a list of Themes to guide our discussion and
selection of Priority Objectives and possible Convocation discussions about the new
Strategic Plan?
It was mentioned that Chabot used to use themes in the past. There is a list of
relevant data sources that will be used to create Priority Objectives. There was a
discussion to move the May 30th meeting to May 28th.
Question #2: Do we still want to assign committees the responsibility for meeting the
Responsibilities will continue to be assigned to relevant committees. There must also
be evidence for responses to Priority Objectives.
Question #3: What decision-making process do we want to use to decide on the
Priority Objectives?
The process should be based on the relevant data sources. There was a discussion
to combine some of the Relevant Data Sources list. Then, the items were ranked as
to which would receive the most weight in setting the 2008-09 Priority Objectives:
1. Recommendations from Accreditation Self-Study Reports &
Highlights/Lowlights of Accreditation Survey Data (IR Website)
2. 2007-08 Priority Objectives & 2007-08 Priority Objectives
Accomplishments Report
3. Division Summaries
4. Basic Skills Initiative Action Plan
5. 2006-09 Strategic Plan
6. Unit Plans
Out of this list, all members agreed to review the first four listed Data Sources above
prior to the May 28 Priority Objectives meeting where the Priority Objectives will be
established for 2008-09.
• Priority Objectives Decision-making Process - Resources
Once these Data Sources are available and reviewed, members were asked to bring
three recommendations for next year’s Priority Objectives. However, IPBC will wait
to decide how many Priority Objectives will be listed.
• Review the charge of IPBC and representation – find ways of recruiting new
IPBC discussed the “Institutional Planning and Budget Council (IPBC)” handout.
Some of the charges on the document were reformulated to be more realistic to what
is really happening in the committee. IPBC made changes to the wording of some
charges while the membership/representation were kept the same.
Upcoming Deadlines
• May 1 – Accreditation Self-Study Drafts
• May 9 – Division Summaries
• May 14 – IPBC Accomplishments Report on Priority Objectives – assign duties
Next Meeting(s):
May 14, 2008
• Program Review Report and Discussion (Tom Dewit and Wayne Philips)
• Review Dean/Area Managers Summaries & Recommendations from Accreditation