M i n u t e s Regular Meeting

Regular Meeting
May 14, 2008 – 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Board Room, Bldg 200
M i n u t e s
IPBC Membership
Cristina Ruggiero, Co-Chair
Yvonne Wu Craig, Co-Chair
Carolyn Arnold
Mike Absher
JoAnn Galliano
Chad Mark Glen
Debra Howell
Joe Kuwabara
Donald Plondke
Linda Rhodes
Cristina Ruggiero
Wanda Wong
Rachel Ugale
Yvonne Wu Craig
Members Present: Norma Ambriz, Carolyn Arnold, Marcia Corcoran,
Rosemary Delia, Tom DeWit, Chad Mark Glen, Debra Howell, Farhad
Javaheripour, Melinda Matsuda, Sean McFarland, Wayne Philips,
Donald Plondke, Cristina Ruggiero, Ronald Taylor, Yvonne Wu Craig
Members Absent: Mike Abhser, Celia Barberena, JoAnn Galliano, Joe
Kuwabara, Linda Rhodes, Gerald Shimada, Rachel Ugale, Wanda Wong
Approved Minutes from April 23 meeting
Review “homework” regarding Priority Objectives meeting
May 28
Norma Ambriz
Celia Barberena
Marcia Corcoran
Rosemary Delia
Farhad Javaheripour
Melinda Matsuda
Gerald Shimada
Ronald Taylor
• Accreditation Report (Chad Mark Glen)
Chad attended the Accreditation meeting this week. Chad also has a
meeting with the Accreditation co-chairs on May 15th to discuss the
process. At the previous Accreditation meetings it seemed as though
everything was on target. However, there is some clearing up to do.
Some standards were unclear in their focus and structure. There will
be a follow up memo in regards to what things to work on next semester. Several
colleges that went through accreditation were given warnings and some were put on
• Standard I Planning Process (Carolyn Arnold)
Carolyn reported on Standard I of the Planning Process. Carolyn is the co-chair of
Standard I. She spoke about the cycle of planning and she mentioned that part of the
cycle is Program Review. She discovered that there is nothing being done about
Administrative Services Assessment. Carolyn Arnold brought this issue up at the Vice
President’s meeting. Carolyn distributed and discussed a handout on Cabrillo College’s
model. She asked that all IPBC members review the handout and bring their
thoughts, ideas and questions to the next meeting. Carolyn will also distribute
questions to discuss at the next meeting.
• Edits to governance document
Reviewed the edits to IPBC charge document during the meeting.
Agenda and Discussion Items
• Video Presentation (Sean McFarland) – 15-20 minutes
Sean McFarland mentioned that when Carnegie awarded Chabot College the grant, in
return they asked Chabot to provide them with representation of the work on
campus. By June 2008, there will be five films completed at Chabot. Film topics
include: Investigation of Reading, Writing, Orientation, Daraja. There is about 300
hours of footage in total. Sean feels that the lives of the students are worth
investigating. The fourth movie was paid for mostly by Chabot, and the district. The
goal is to create one movie per semester, and possible create a program where the
students would earn pay and/or credits. Sean feels that it is a great way to learn and
to market ourselves and wishes to do more of it. Sean mentioned working with
Chabot’s burgeoning film program. There are many types of uses for the movies.
They can be used by high school counselors, site counseling classes, website, and
student orientation. It is a great way to engage people to the website.
• Program Review Report and Discussion (Tom Dewit and Wayne Philips)
Wayne Philips distributed handouts describing the timeline and an example of a
discipline’s Program Review packet. There was a discussion on the timeline handout.
Wayne described the Program Review process as a three year process. There have
been mentions of compressing the three year timeline to two years. Wayne believes
that after the first year, the timeline can be compressed into two years, since
applicants know what to expect after the first year. Currently, there are three
disciplines that have completed the entire three-year Program Review process. These
consist of the following: Health, Business, and Dental Hygiene.
There was a conversation on tying Student Learning Outcomes (SLO’s) to Program
Review. Tom DeWit stated that he was not an SLO expert, therefore they had not
been embedded into Program Review. However, SLO’s can be included into the
Program Review documents. The Program Review process is close to what the SLO
process is like. There was also a conversation on better coordination of Program
Review and the Unit Plans. The idea is to review the two cycles to see how they
overlap and to show people how their work in program review can be inputted into
the Unit plan. There was consensus that IPBC call a joint SLO, Program Review, and
Unit Planning meeting over the summer to discuss the overlap and integration of the
various processes and elements.
At Convocation, there will be questions about Program Review, IPBC, etc. It would be
effective if the audience was shown the results of any integration that may take place
during the meeting over the summer.
• Nominations for new chairs for 2008-09
Nominations for new chairs go to Jasprit Gill. Cristina will be on Leave of Absence
next semester. There was a conversation on asking Diane Zuliani to advertise to the
faculty for a co-chair, and to increase membership.
Review “homework” regarding Priority Objectives meeting for May 28
The Division Summaries are needed. Please have the “Selection of Priority Objectives
2008-09” form filled out before the meeting. Copies will be made and distributed during
the meeting for discussion.
• Collect, compile, and distribute Accomplishments Report - Jasprit
• Set deadline for providing all other data source documents for May 28 meeting
Next Meeting(s):
May 28, 2008
• Voting for new chairs for 2008-09
• Setting the 2008-09 Priority Objectives (3-6 PM – SNACKS!)