M i n u t e s Regular Meeting

Regular Meeting
October 8, 2008 – 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Board Room, Building 200
IPBC Membership
Tram Vo-Kumamoto, Co-Chair
Yvonne Wu Craig, Co-Chair
Carolyn Arnold
Mike Absher
Kimberly Blackwell
JoAnn Galliano
Chad Mark Glen
Debra Howell
Joe Kuwabara
Donald Plondke
Linda Rhodes
Catherine Powell
Rachel Ugale
Yvonne Wu Craig
Celia Barberena
Gary Carter
Gene Groppetti
Matthew Kritcher
Melinda Matsuda
Gerald Shimada
Members Present: Yvonne Wu Craig, Tram Vo-Kumamoto,
Carolyn Arnold, Gene Groppettii, Chad Mark Glen, Debra Howell,
Joe Kuwabara, Donald Plondke, Melinda Matsuda, Gerald Shimada,
Rajinder Samra, JoAnn Galliano, Gary Carter
Members Absent: Mike Absher, Kimberly Blackwell, Linda
Rhodes, Catherine Powell, Rachel Ugale, Celia Barberena, Matthew
Approved Minutes from September 10 meeting
• Budget Committee Equipment Allocation
A total allocation of $1.3M for equipment in 2008-2009 was
approved by Dr. Barberena. The 4000 & 5000 Accounts are
allocated to deans’ and area managers’ budgets, so the
equipment allocation report presented covers only 6000 Accounts.
Yvonne Wu Craig said she will send out a draft to IPBC members,
Mike Absher, Judy Young (Budget Committee), Gene Groppetti, and Dr.
Barberena, and thereafter to the whole college to communicate requests that were
fulfilled. She will follow-up with Judy on steps necessary to review and fulfill
additional Unit Plan requests. Joe Kuwabara said that recent Budget Committee
changes and clarification of their responsibilities have been positive. Bond money
this year is under more local college control. No longer is the college limited to “rollover” money as in previous years. The amounts requested in Unit Plans for this
year covered everything, not just hardware.
Gerald Shimada indicated that the Budget Committee now has some continuity and
has made progress in the integration of priority objectives and the budget. For
example, the requests for laptop computers from some units resulted in appropriate
consultation with IT on computer specifications, classroom technical capabilities,
and district policies.
Gene Groppetti reported that Dr. Barberena would like the Budget Committee will
forward its recommendations to the College Council as well as to IPBC.
IPBC Minutes – October 8, 2008
Pg. 2
• Yvonne and Tram met with Dr. Celia Barberena. She wants the Strategic Plan
done before the Thanksgiving recess. There are 3 IPBC meetings before this
deadline. The committee will review the wording in upcoming meetings as
Yvonne and Tram write-up the draft language, with help from Susan May. No
time will be available for community input forums this fall.
• Environmental Scan results (Institutional Research)—Background Data for
Strategic Planning
Tram stated that data from the environmental scan are important in driving
development of the Strategic Plan. Rajinder Samra of Institutional Research
presented a detailed report on the findings of the Environmental Scan (report
attached to these minutes). The report includes profiles of statewide and local
demographics, educational levels of the local population, and statistics on student
access, success, and equity. Rajinder gave commentary on the numerous charts
included in the report showing trends in these areas.
Questions arose pertaining to an explanation for the drop in the number of
certificates awarded by the college between 2006 and 2008. Also discussed was the
decline over the last three years in numbers of transfers to CSU and to UC.
Tram requested a breakdown of the student persistence data by ethnic group and
persistence rates from one fall semester to the next.
Gene requested a graphical addition to the report showing change in enrollments in
evening classes in comparison to enrollment in online classes, since there is an
apparent correlation.
Discussion / Decision Items
Strategic Plan-Themes
Tram reported that the Educational Master Plan and previous Strategic Plans were
used to put together overarching themes for the 2009-2012 Strategic Plan that
should somehow align with the California Community Colleges’ (CCC) Strategic Plan.
The CCC’s format for the Strategic Plan is being used as a model for structuring
theme categories that will hopefully enable a readable and concise format for our
strategic goals. She presented two draft options:
Draft option #1
THEME A: Excellence in Education – Equity in Student Access and Success
THEME B: Community Service, Partnerships, and Collaboration. This includes
workforce development.
THEME C: Vision, Leadership & Communication that supports a Healthy College
IPBC Minutes – October 8, 2008
Pg. 3
Draft option #2
THEME A: College Awareness and Access
THEME B: Equity in Student Success, Retention & Readiness
THEME C: Community Service, Partnerships, and Collaboration
THEME D: Vision, Leadership & Commnication that supports a Healthy College
In this option, “success” was pulled out from Theme A, and “awareness” was added.
Outreach is separated from campus-resident work.
The last 2 themes are the same in both options.
feedback from committee on the draft Strategic Plan Themes
JoAnn Galliano said that option #2 is clearer in that it breaks out equity, success, and
retention from awareness.
Gary Carter asked whether “theme” is a Chabot term for strategic “goals”.
Subsequent discussion indicated that “theme” is used in these drafts merely as an
area or grouping of goals.
Gene suggested that we keep the the Strategic Plan very readable and the
vocabulary clear by using “Goal”’ rather than “Theme”. The ensuing discussion
indicated concurrence with this analysis. In the current Educational Master Plan, the
term “goals” is used. So, it would be more parallel to use the term “Strategic Goals” in
the Strategic Plan.
It was suggested that something more specific about the workforce or community
business be add to the theme on Community Service, Partnerships, and
Carolyn Arnold said that Standard I of the accreditation study is emphasizing the
“student learning” component. She suggested adding “student learning” in an
appropriate place.
JoAnn noted that there is no apparent reference to our philosophy of diversity, and
suggested that we address this more in THEME D of option #2.
Further discussion indicated agreement that the Strategic Plan themes (or goals) do
align with the college’s vision, mission and values.
Next Meeting(s):
October 22, 2008
• continue working on Strategic Plan