M i n u t e s Regular Meeting

Regular Meeting
February 11, 2009 – 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Board Room, Building 200
IPBC Membership
Tram Vo-Kumamoto, Co-Chair
Yvonne Wu Craig, Co-Chair
Carolyn Arnold
Mike Absher
Joann Galliano
Chad Mark Glen
Debra Howell
Joe Kuwabara
Donald Plondke
Linda Rhodes
Catherine Powell
Rajinder Samra
Yvonne Wu Craig
Celia Barberena
Gary Carter
Gene Groppetti
Matthew Kritscher
Melinda Matsuda
Gerald Shimada
Members Present: Yvonne Wu Craig, Tram Vo-Kumamoto,
Carolyn Arnold, Gene Groppetti, Joe Kuwabara, Debra Howell,
Gerald Shimada, Donald Plondke, Melinda Matsuda, Rajinder
Samra, Gary Carter
Members Absent: Mike Absher, Kimberly Blackwell, Linda
Rhodes, Catherine Powell, Celia Barberena, Matt Kritscher
Minutes from the January 28 meeting were approved, with
 Budget Committee
Gerald Shimada reported that, at its last meeting, the Budget
Committee discussed accreditation, unit planning, and funding for
the Basic Skills Initiative.
 Strategic Plan draft update
Yvonne Wu Craig updated the committee on progress in drafting the 2009-2012
Strategic Plan (SP) detailed narrative. It is in the process of being finalized, IPBC
members are invited to review it and offer edits, and it will be sent to the graphic
designer for a hopefully publication date of mid-March.
Carolyn Arnold suggested that, in order to enable the maximum exposure of SP
objectives campus-wide, and so that SP ideas can be incorporated into unit
planning, program review, and surveys, we want to push toward the earliest
possible date for SP publication. Fortunately, the Strategic Plan brochure is out and
is very visible to those developing unit plans. Yvonne told the committee that
President Celia Barberena would like the full SP narrative delivered to all Chabot
employees. Hopefully, it can be delivered to all divisions via email before the time
of March division meetings.
IPBC Minutes – February 11, 2009
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Discussion / Decision Items
Spring 2009 Institutional Research Agenda
Carolyn distributed a one-page summary of the Institutional Research agenda for
Spring 2009, listing upcoming projects in priority order that will be conducted by the
Office of Institutional Research (OIR). The projects include research and analysis
for strategic planning, the accreditation self-study, and development and
assessment of student learning outcomes. Additionally, major research efforts in
support of decision-making will be led mostly by Rajinder Samra of OIR.
In response to a question from Yvonne, Carolyn clarified the data collection types
and tools for analyzing enrollment management information that is useful in
program review and unit planning.
Carolyn also distributed a list of Fall 2008 accomplishments by OIR in support of
planning objectives, student learning outcomes, and accreditation, as well as those
ad hoc research efforts in response to division and academic disciplines’ requests
for data. More than 65 ad hoc research requests were fulfilled by OIR in Fall 2008.
2009-11 Division/Area Summary Guidelines
Yvonne presented a simplified set of guidelines for the Division/Area Summaries to
be completed by division deans, area managers, and vice presidents by April 17.
The guidelines memorandum will articulate the goals and intent of the overviews in
supporting development of our Strategic Plan and Priority Objectives. The overview
reports should include two parts: Part A addressing the broad initiatives divisions
may be considering and how they support SP goals; Part B will summarize the
division’s or area’s budget in an Excel spreadsheet format.
Yvonne indicated that meetings are in progress with division administrative
assistants to compile Unit Plan budgets into a single spreadsheet for each division.
From this effort, a spreadsheet template will be distributed to all division
Gerald asked if the division budget overview includes any category for expressing
human resources needs. Tram Vo-Kumamoto said the need can be expressed in
the overview document’s narrative. Yvonne stated that an additional tab could be
added to the spreadsheet where staffing requests could be listed. An additional tab
will be added.
Carolyn questioned whether the Division/Area Overview format would be
appropriate for use by Student and Administrative Services units preparing plans,
given that these units may have significantly different goals and initiatives from
those pursued by academic divisions. Tram suggested that some units (for
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example, Counseling) may find writing the overview useful if plans for that unit will
reach up to a vice president’s level.
Gene Groppetti explained that the administration is looking for common themes or
shared ideas among the various units. Prioritizing the themes or aspirations of
divisions is not needed or even desirable. What is needed is a simpler form for
summarizing unit planning through these overviews that emphasize broad
initiatives and shared themes.
Tram reinforced this idea that the overview’s purpose is to provide a ‘snapshot’ of a
division’s current planning. This sort of ‘executive summary’ can then be input to
plans for summarizing the college’s strategic plans as presented to the community,
and for master planning. Deans should be urged to keep their summaries
succinct—a one-page document.
Joe Kuwabara pointed out that the overview will also be useful to the Budget
Committee to aid in projecting staffing needs. Gene suggested that the
spreadsheets have tabbed worksheets with plain English descriptors of budget
categories, in addition to account number, to promote understanding, cooperation,
and organization in completing the tasks of planning and budgeting. A staffing tab
will also be added.
The due date for Division/Area Overviews is Friday, April 17, 2009. Gary Carter
suggested preparation of a master timeline for disseminating information on
planning unit report deadlines. Gene responded that Academic Services can issue
this timeline.
Due to the progress the committee has made in refining the planning process and
integrating program review, Yvonne proposed a short break from meetings until
program review documents, unit action plans, and division/area summaries are
submitted. The committee agreed that a break would be appropriate.
Next Meeting(s):
March 25, 2009