M i n u t e s Regular Meeting

Regular Meeting
March 25, 2009 – 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Board Room, Building 200
IPBC Membership
Tram Vo-Kumamoto, Co-Chair
Yvonne Wu Craig, Co-Chair
Carolyn Arnold
Mike Absher
Joann Galliano
Chad Mark Glen
Debra Howell
Joe Kuwabara
Donald Plondke
Linda Rhodes
Catherine Powell
Rajinder Samra
Yvonne Wu Craig
Celia Barberena
Gary Carter
Gene Groppetti
Matthew Kritscher
Melinda Matsuda
Gerald Shimada
Members Present: Yvonne Wu Craig, Tram Vo-Kumamoto,
Carolyn Arnold, Gene Groppetti, Debra Howell, Donald Plondke,
Melinda Matsuda, Rajinder Samra, Gary Carter
Guests Present: Cynthia Hicks, Wayne Nakano, Jack Mahrt,
Chad Mark Glen, Ahmang Han, Tom DeWit, Jennifer Lange,
Patricia Shannon
Members Absent: Mike Absher, Kimberly Blackwell, Linda
Rhodes, Catherine Powell, Celia Barberena, Matt Kritscher
Minutes from the February 11 meeting were approved, with
 Budget Committee
Jack Mahrt reported that, as part of the Human Resources
functions on Banner, each District employee has a position
control sheet that is used for classification and assignment of
accounting categories of the position. Patricia Shannon indicated that the
District’s plan is to compute total amounts annually for salaries, benefits, parttime employee payments, and the like, in order to make allocation for subsequent
college/division/area budgets. Some account accuracy is lost when budgets are
“swept”; i.e. when funds are moved between accounts. The target date for
completion of the computations is May.
 Grants Subcommittee
Yvonne Wu Craig reported on meetings between the Grants Office, the college
president, and the Tri-valley Business Council about grant proposal development
for grants from the Department of Labor, State of California, and other
 Strategic Plan publication
Yvonne reported that publication of the Strategic Plan with full narrative will occur
around April 5. She presented a preview of the document on Adobe Reader.
Yvonne congratulated the authors and editors for the professional quality of the
document, which includes many charts and graphs on student characteristics
prepared by the Office of Institutional Research. The names of Board of Trustees
members and IPBC members appear on the back of the document.
Discussion/Decision Items
 Feedback about Unit Planning and Program Review
Yvonne reported some positive feedback from the Classified Senate about the
Program Review and Unit Planning processes and the members’ involvement.
Gary Carter reported that many faculty expressed appreciation for the data
packets on enrollment statistics and trends. Jennifer Lange expressed some
faculty’s concern that the quantity of data is difficult to process in the time
available for Unit Planning and that participants could benefit from earlier
availability of the data.
Cynthia Hicks asked about the new form of Part II of the Unit Plan (UP).
Yvonne responded that the previously existing form with tables for goals and
objectives proved too laborious, and that is why Part II was revised to be in a
more narrative form.
Addressing specifically the Flex Day activities for the Administrative Services and
Student Services Program Reviews, Melinda Matsuda summarized for the
committee the response to the newly redesigned process (handout provided).
Each unit of the Student Services area is unique in terms of the need for
comprehensive depth in the review, but each unit is generating an Action Plan.
The narrative summaries and Actions Plans for Administrative Services and
Student Services were parallel in format.
Tram Vo-Kumamoto suggested that the primary issue to address from looking at
feedback from the recent Program Review and Unit Planning processes is how to
digest the input reports, implement helpful changes, and disseminate the
information back out to the college units. Gene Groppetti reported that a list of
units is being published on the college website. Cynthia Hicks asked how we
summarize the UP information and make it accessible. Tram responded that last
year, UP budgets went to the Budget Committee. Deans will be meeting with
their units to develop the division or service area summaries. Gene indicated that
IPBC and the Office of Academic Services will respond to each UP with a
directed memo, not a form letter. The college administration is looking for a
confluence of interests from the Unit Planning process to help in the identification
of an overall college vision.
Patricia Shannon expressed the desirability of a continuous process of Program
Review and planning that produces evidence for outside entities (e.g.
accreditation officials) to assess the proper functioning of our planning. A great
deal of responsibility is placed on the deans to make inferences and summarize
priorities based on common themes recurring in the Unit Plans.
Yvonne and Gene addressed the issue of the visibility and accessibility of Unit
Plan and Program Review documents, pointing out that there will be wellorganized links on Chabot’s website to the Strategic Plan, Program Review, and
Unit Plan documents. On-campus and external accreditation evaluators will have
convenient access to the online documents. Gene emphasized the importance of
Program Review in the accreditation process. One of the major reasons colleges
are placed on probation or receive recommendations is the lack of a visible,
structured Program Review process.
Following-up on the idea of making the Program Review process more visible,
widely known, and supported, Tram, Yvonne, Tom DeWit, and Gary commented
on ways to improve communication about Program Review and to develop more
Program Review resources.
IPBC scheduling and upcoming business
The committee and guests discussed the list of remaining agenda items in
IPBC’s work for this academic year and potential conflicts in scheduling
meetings and/or retreats on major planning questions. Alternative dates were
An IPBC “working group” will to meet in April with the Program Review
Committee to look over unit plans and discusses how the information from the
documents will be communicated. Unit Plan summaries are due from the
deans on April 17, and review of the summaries is an IPBC priority and they
will be reviewed at the upcoming planning retreat.
An upcoming meeting must also include election of a chair and co-chair for
academic year 2009-2010.
Next Meeting(s): May 13, 2009 (part 1 of two-part planning retreat)