M i n u t e s Regular Meeting

Regular Meeting
August 26, 2009 – 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Board Room, Building 200
IPBC Membership
JoAnn Galliano, Co-Chair
Yvonne Wu Craig, Co-Chair
Carolyn Arnold
Mike Absher
JoAnn Galliano
Chad Mark Glen
Debra Howell
Joe Kuwabara
Donald Plondke
Linda Rhodes
Ken Williams
Stephanie Zappa
Catherine Powell
Rajinder Samra
Yvonne Wu Craig
Celia Barberena
Gary Carter
Gene Groppetti
Matthew Kritscher
Melinda Matsuda
Gerald Shimada
Present: Melinda Matsuda (VP Student Services/IPBC), George Railey
(VP Academic Services/IPBC), Yvonne Wu-Craig (Co-chair IPBC),
JoAnn Galliano (Co-chair IPBC), Carolyn Arnold (Office of Institutional
Research/IPBC), Catherine Powell (Classified Senate/IPBC), Theresa
Pedrosa (ASCC/IPBC), Rajinjder Samra (Institutional Research/Classified
Senate/IPBC), Mark Schaeffer (School of the Arts/IPBC), Joe Kuwabara
(Counseling/IPBC/Budget) , Gerald Shimada (Special
Programs/IPBC/Budget), Matt Kritscher (Counseling/IPBC), Ken
Williams (Social Sciences/IPBC), Tram Vo-Kumamoto (Math and
Minutes of the July 14 meeting were discussed and approved with the
revisions discussed in the meeting.
Update Membership List: Yvonne Wu-Craig reviewed the list of those
serving on the IPBC committee for 2009-10, and introductions were made.
Budget Committee: Yvonne gave an update on the recent Budget
Committee. Using the prioritized requests for equipment submitted as by
the deans, the Budget Committee met on August 25 and allocated
approximately $1 million dollars from the 6000 line equipment requests.
This reflects most of the funds available for allocation, and the remaining
funds will be allocated at the next meeting of the Budget Committee.
These allocations will need to be approved by the president.
Institutional Research Priorities: Carolyn Arnold shared the Office of
Institutional Research's Institutional Research Agenda for Fall 2009. Top
items on the list are the Student Satisfaction Survey (to be conducted
October 2009), preparations for the Accreditation Site Visit (October 1923, 2009) and work with the Basic Skills and Title III projects. Vice
President George Railey complimented the Institutional Research Office,
indicating its important work as "critical to the vitality of the institution."
Classified Prioritization Process: Yvonne reported that the Classified Prioritization draft
document had been presented to the Classified Senate on August 21. Senate members were in
general agreement with the draft document but wanted to include the Classified Senate President
in the second-level discussions. Vice President Melinda Matsuda will present that idea to
President Barberena. Joe Kuwabara voiced his support for the inclusion of the senate president in
the second level, as it mirrors the faculty process.
The question arose as to what process will be followed for unexpected vacancies; the
process, once in place, will likely be able to be undertaken to prepare for new hires twice per
year, but what happens when a position becomes vacant and that position cannot wait to be
filled? Since the area's unit plans are the main source of planning for new and replacement
(those vacant for an extended period of time due to budget constraints) positions, there may need
to be a parallel tract for decisions on rehiring of "unforeseen" vacant positions, especially this
academic year when the Retirement Incentive process will likely open up areas of immediate
need for positions. The question came about as to whether the unit plans are used to request new
positions only or whether replacement positions are properly included in the plans. More clarity
needed on that issue.
The Classified Senate members will be invited to attend the IPBC meeting in the spring
in which the "honing down" process of the list is discussed. Though they are not voting
members of the IPBC, their presence will be helpful in clarifying information and will build
confidence in the process. It was suggested that the first year be seen as a pilot and the process
be updated based on feedback of the first cycle.
Faculty Prioritization Process: JoAnn updated the group on the history and recent
implementation of the Faculty Prioritization Process. Past Faculty Senate President Ming Ho
will look for the documentation regarding the most recently used process. The Human
Resources website posts a document relating to faculty hiring. Work will continue on refining
and updating this process.
Discussion/Decision Items
Review of IBPC Charge: The committee reviewed the document, as it is written in the Chabot
College Shared Governance and Collegial Consultation Process, for possible updates or
revisions. None were noted, but Yvonne commented on the hope to include more faculty
participation in this committee.
Review IPBC Goals for 2009-10: Yvonne began the discussion by noting that most of the goals
set for 2008-09 were accomplished. The challenge continues to be how to make the work of the
committee more real and how to keep things moving forward in a systematic way. Therefore,
the first goal decided upon for the year is making the IPBC "more real" with the possibility of
meeting less frequently. Mark Schaeffer helped create an additional goal, to get governance
committees more involved with the IPBC.
IPBC Planning Calendar: Yvonne reviewed the annual planning timeline, beginning with
review of the Vision, Mission and Values statement in September and ending with a summer
planning retreat, with many planning activities schedules throughout the year.
Priority Objectives & College-wide Planning: Yvonne lead the group in reviewing the "20092011 Strategic Plan Priority Objectives, Persons Responsible" document. These were priorities
that were selected at the planning retreat in May based upon input from planning documents and
governance chairs. Yvonne proposed that a point person(s) be assigned for each priority
objective. In the past, shared governance committees were assigned to working and reporting on
progress towards these objectives. This met with mixed results and proved cumbersome for
committees who often did not have enough time or resources to make progress towards these
objectives. After discussion of who the point person(s) should be, it was decided that the
appropriate Vice Presidents are likely to be the point persons and that they would fold in the
other administrators to assist and advise. The Vice Presidents would have a broad view, have the
ability to marshal and delegate resources to accomplish the objectives, and the time and
opportunities to report on progress. Melinda will bring the revised document to the Vice
Presidents and to the Administrative Staff Meeting and report on it at the next meeting.
Homework: Review Chabot Mission, Vision and Values statement to see if it needs updating.
Good of the Order: Yvonne will extend an invitation to the Chancellor to attend an IPBC
meeting some time this fall.
Next meeting: Wednesday, September 9, 2009, 3:00 – 5:00 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Catherine Powell