Minutes Oct. 28, 2009 – 3:15 – 5:00 p.m.

Oct. 28, 2009 – 3:15 – 5:00 p.m.
Board Room, Building 200
IPBC Membership
JoAnn Galliano, Co-Chair
Yvonne Wu Craig, Co-Chair
Carolyn Arnold
Mike Absher
JoAnn Galliano
Chad Mark Glen
Linda Rhodes
Ken Williams
Stephanie Zappa
Catherine Powell
Rajinder Samra
Yvonne Wu Craig
Present: Melinda Matsuda (VP Student Services), Chad Mark Glen
(School of the Arts), Tram VoKumamoto (Science and Math), Mark
Schaeffer (School of the Arts), JoAnn Galliano (Co-Chair), Yvonne Wu
Craig (Co-Chair), Ray Cornejo (ASCC), Darya Zherrebnenkov (ASCC),
Cynthia Powell (Classified Senate), Stephanie Zappa (Language Arts),
Carolyn Arnold (Office of Institutional Research), Ahmang Han (ASCC),
Ken Williams (Social Sciences) Matt Kritscher (Dean of Counseling),
Gerald Shimada (Dean of Special Programs & Services).
Celia Barberena
Gary Carter
Matthew Kritscher
Yulian Ligioso
Melinda Matsuda
George Railey
Gerald Shimada
The meeting was called to order at 3:21 PM by Co-Chair Yvonne Wu
Craig. The minutes of the October 14 meeting were reviewed and
approved with no corrections. Note that a special commendation was
given to Mark Schaeffer for his excellent note taking of the October 14
ASCC Student Rep
Rotating Reps
Three members of the ASCC were in attendance so, introductions were
made and a brief overview of what IPBC represented was provided by
various council members.
Budget Committee – No Report
Accreditation Report – Chad Mark Glen Chad began his report
by thanking a “whole lot of people” who assisted in the preparing
the college for its Accreditation process! He then provided the
council with a overview of how the recent Accreditation process
went. Key points of Chad’s presentation are as follows:
Commendations that the Accreditation team made are as follows:
 Office of Institutional Research
 Student centered campus
 Fresh & Natural
 Student Services
The college met seven of the previous Accreditation recommendations with the
exception of Recommendation #2 that dealt with program review; specifically
providing clear evidence that the college had developed a process that a process had
been developed which integrated program review with unit planning and the allocation
of resources.
Chad went on to add that the Accreditation team members further offered the
following suggestions:
 Need to develop a written plan that links planning and budgeting
 Create a plan to increase participation in SLO development
 Develop a written plan to justify AA and AS degrees
 Need to develop a regular program review schedule with a well publicized
 That the college needs to un “silo” its governance structure
 That DBSG needs to conclude its work in time to so that the colleges can
complete its budgeting plans in a timely fashion
Finally Chad concluded his report by saying that he was his opinion that the college
would be put on “warning” or be given “all of the same work as if we were put on
warning, but without the label of warning.”
2. Faculty and Classified Professionals Prioritization
• Yvonne provided the council with an update on how both the faculty and classified
prioritization processes were going. She indicated that the Academic Senate was
reviewing and apparently approving the latest version of the faculty prioritization
process and that the classified professional process was in place. The development of
timelines were all that remained for both processes to go forward and to assist the
process she would gather all requests for both faculty and classified professionals
made on individual unit plans so that everyone would have the same information.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:09 PM. The next scheduled meeting is scheduled for
Wednesday, November 11, 2009.
Respectfully submitted,
Gerald Shimada
IBPC Member