M i n u t e s

Regular Meeting
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Room 1506
IPBC Membership
JoAnn Galliano, Co-Chair
Yvonne Wu Craig, Co-Chair
Carolyn Arnold
Mike Absher
JoAnn Galliano
Chad Mark Glen
Debra Howell
Joe Kuwabara
Donald Plondke
Linda Rhodes
Mark Schaeffer
Ken Williams
Stephanie Zappa
Catherine Powell
Rajinder Samra
Yvonne Wu Craig
Celia Barberena
Gary Carter
Matthew Kritscher
Melinda Matsuda
George Railey
Gerald Shimada
Theresa Pedrosa
Present: Rajinder Samra (Institutional Research/ Classified Senate/ IPBC), Yvonne
Wu Craig (Co-chair, IPBC), Mark Schaeffer (School of the Arts/ IPBC),Catherine
Powell (Classified Senate/ IPBC), Matt Kritscher (Counseling/ IPBC), Gerald
Shimada (Special Programs/ Budget/ IPBC), Stephanie Zappa (Language Arts/
IPBC), Carolyn Arnold (Office of Institutional Research/ IPBC), Melinda Matsuda
(VP Student Services/ IPBC), Yulian Ligioso (VP, Administrative Services/ IPBC),
Gary Carter (School of the Arts/ IPBC), Gordon Watt (Classified Senate), Judy
Young (Director, Admissions and Records), Chad Mark Glen (School of the
Arts/IPBC), Tram Vo-Kumamoto (Dean, Math and Science), Rebecca Otto
(Biology), Debra Howell (Biology), Celia Barberena (President, IPBC), Roger
Noyes (Performing Arts Center), Kari McAllister (Performing Arts Center), Rachel
Ugale (Classified Senate).
Co-chair Yvonne Wu-Craig opened the meeting by noting that the task at hand for
this special meeting was the prioritization of classified positions using the newlyadopted prioritization plan. College Council has been moved to December 11 in
order to accommodate time for the Faculty Prioritization to take place.
VP Matsuda presented her plan for Student Services and passed out a sheet
showing her priority positions along with the rationales for each.
Priority I
100% Administrative Assistant II for Special Programs and Services
100% Student Services Assistant for Office of Student Life
50% Counselor Assistant I for Puente Project
50% Counselor Assistant I for Counseling
Priority II
100% Student Services Specialist II for Financial Aid
100% Assistant Director for Admissions and Records (Supervisory)
100% Administrative Assistant I for Admissions and Records and
Financial Aid (shared)
Melinda mentioned that her list contained only one SERP retirement, and that was
the #1 position on her priority 1 list. She mentioned that Admissions and Records
has been historically understaffed and that the Office of Student Life is an important
area to grow.
VP Railey's list was presented by Gary Carter
Priority I
100% Curriculum and Scheduling Specialist II for Academic Services
Dental Hygiene Assistant (increase in hours for existing positions)
100% Laboratory Technician II for Biology
100% Theater Manager for Performing Arts Center (Supervisory)
100% Television Manager/Engineer for the TV Studio/Mass
50 % Anthropology Lab Technician
Stage Technician (increase in hours for existing position)
Priority II
Staff Assistant I (increase in hours for existing positions)
Equipment Technician
100% Instructional Assistant for Instructional Technology Center
100% Website Content Updater for Instructional Technology Center
50 % CPR Coordinator
>50% Instructional Assistant II for Language Arts
100% Radio Technician for Mass Communications
100% Instructional TV Technician for Mass Communications
100% Children's Center Assistant Manager for Social Sciences
Gary indicated that except for the Curriculum and Scheduling Specialist each list
is not in priority order. Gerald indicated that the Instructional Assistant II
position listed as a priority II will be appealed to go to a priority I status. Judy
indicated the need to make sure that the list includes bargaining unit titles along
with levels and percentage of FTE.
VP Yulian Ligioso's list was presented:
Priority I
Replacement for Alice Hsu in Business Office
Replacement for Lin Zuidema in Campus Safety
Replacement for Sarah Black in Campus Safety
Priority II
Replacement for Colin Pejman in Media Services
Steve Piatestsky's position as manager of Media Services is not being refilled.
Mike Seaton is working in an interim capacity to cover many of those duties.
Also noted was that there are no Priority I rankings from the Office of the
President as there are so many needs in other areas of the campus.
Yulian also shared a page outlining the cost savings analysis of a reorganized
Business Services office. Savings would be $36, 804.00.
Yulian passed out a handout that shows all the priority I positions as well as a cost analysis. It was agreed
that we should fund all priority I positions. In all there are 14 positions: 3 in Administrative Services, 4 in
Student Services and 9 in Academic Services. Savings in salary and benefits from the SERP retirements
and proposed replacements is $126,071.00. He noted a word of caution, noting that shortfalls may affect
the ability to fund all of the positions, so no action on posting vacancies will occur until January when
necessary budget information is made known. In any case, we will work in keeping safety issues and
contract compliance in the forefront of all decisions.
Yvonne compiled a list of the positions and how they affect the goals of the Strategic Plan. This allows
us to see the whole picture in our planning and decision making.
Respectfully submitted,
Catherine Powell