M i n u t e s


IPBC Membership


JoAnn Galliano, Co-Chair

Yvonne Wu Craig, Co-Chair


Carolyn Arnold

Mike Absher

JoAnn Galliano

Chad Mark Glen

Debra Howell

Linda Rhodes

Mark Schaeffer

Ken Williams

Stephanie Zappa


Catherine Powell

Rajinder Samra

Yvonne Wu Craig


Celia Barberena

Gary Carter

Matthew Kritscher

Melinda Matsuda

George Railey

Gerald Shimada


Rotating Reps

Regular Meeting

February 24, 2010 – 3:15 - 5:00 p.m.

Board Room, Building 200

M i n u t e s

Present: JoAnn Galliano, Yvonne Wu Craig, Carolyn Arnold, Chad Mark

Glen, Mark Schaeffer, Stephanie Zappa, Ken Williams, Rajinder Samra,

Gary Carter, Matthew Kritscher, Yulian Ligioso, Ray Cornejo

Approval of minutes

Minutes of 2/10/10 were reviewed and approved

Minutes of previous meeting, 1/27/10 were also passed out.

These were in a dialog format, which produced some humor, and they were also approved.

Standing Reports

- Grants had no new information to report

- Budget Committee

Yulian reported based on notes from the Chair, Tim Dave. The

Budget Committee approved a request of $73,295 for A&R to digitize the

A&R student records using Image Source, which needed to be done for the move to the new building.

The Budget Committee also considered their timeline for the year and how it blends with the IPBC timeline. They proposed a Budget

Committee meeting in the summer, since that is when they are most like to be able to allocate 6000 account requests.

Ken Williams proposed a solution to our lack of communication and interaction– a blog where all committee documents and developing ideas are posted, so more can participate in the college-wide dialogue. This was discussed briefly. It was recommended that it be part of another discussion and agenda item at the next meeting.

Report from Adhoc Program Review Steering Committee

Meetings have been occurring since January with an adhoc group and a consultant, in order to respond to the Accreditation recommendation due October

2010 to integrate program review and assessment of student learning into planning.

This group forwarded a recommendation of some guidelines to the Dean’s

Council, and now some members of the adhoc group and the Deans are meeting to finalize a new process. These discussions will continue during the next two weeks, and the result will be brought to IPBC on March 10 th

, before it is reviewed by the

Academic Senate. This might include a change to the IPBC charge.

Unit plans – now due March 26 th

, will continue as planned, but will be the last time for this process since the new process would start in the Fall 2010, which is when Curricu Net will start as well.

Educational Master Plan and Facilities Planning

This will be done in the next year or so to update the current 2005-2015 plan. This needs to be done in order to create a new Facilities Plan. The last Facilities plan has been completely built out. Dr.

Barberena would like to start this process by hiring a consultant to facilitate the process and take on the work load of compiling and writing it. An RFQ will go out for this, and a hiring committee will be formed to write that RFQ.

Year-end Planning Retreat

Even though the planning structure might change, should we still have a planning retreat? And if so, when should it be, and who should come.

Members asked – what is the purpose and what will we be doing? JoAnn and Yvonne explained that it is the time of the year for IPBC to review the unit plans, i.e. deans summaries and VP summaries, to see what is bubbling up to put in the strategic plan. We know we want to revise the strategic plan based on budget realities, and we also need to see if there are other priorities that need to be changed. Should we have presentations and/or reading? And should we ask for Governance chairs to present and discuss the issues they see as important? A need to hear from the Deans was also requested. It was decided to have all the presentations at the second to last meeting and the last meeting to discuss all the input and determine any new trends or issues that will affect the strategic plan. The presentations are expected to be shorter than last year since we won’t have so many units completing program review.

Upcoming meeting schedule

IPBC has accomplished most of our year’s work, so we may not need both meetings in March.

We decided to postpone the IR presentation to be closer to the planning discussion, and use the next meeting (March 10 th

) to discuss the new program review process. We would then skip the meeting during the week that unit plans are due. So the schedule will be:

March 10 th

: discuss new program review/SLO/planning

March 24 th

April 14 th


: IR data presentation in prep for planning

May 12 th

: Presentations from Deans and governance chairs on priorities and issues

May 26 th

: IPBC discussion of themes and changes to strategic plan

Adjourned at 4:35 pm.

Next meeting: March 10, 2010, 3:15 – 5:00 p.m. in the Board Room

Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Arnold
