MONASH UNIVERSITY OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE (MUOHSC) MINUTES OF MEETING Meeting 4/2014 of the Monash University Occupational Health and Safety Committee was held on Wednesday, 3rd December 2014 in the in the Health & Wellbeing Seminar Room, Building 10, Clayton Campus at 10am. MINUTES 1. PROCEDURAL MATTERS 1.1 APOLOGIES: Apologies received: John Loughran (Chairperson) Nino Benci Trent O’Hara John Tsiros Members not present: Lisa Kaminskas Dan Wollmering 1.2 ATTENDANCE: Members present: Mr Stephen Davey (Chairperson) Mr Andrew Picouleau Mr Martin Taylor Ms Louise Francis Ms Jill Crisfield Mr Doug McGregor Ms Moh-Lee Ng Mr Stuart Lees Ms Diane O’Neill Mr Tim Wong Mr Michael Barry Others in attendance: Dr Vicki Ashton (OHS) Ms Margaret Rendell (OHS) Mr Stan Rosenthal Mr Norman Kuttner (Executive Secretary) Mr Paul Barton Ms Lynne Peterson (Minute Secretary) 1.3 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of meeting 3/2014 held on Thursday, 18th September 2014 was confirmed as a true and accurate record. 1.4 MEMBERSHIP 1.4.1 Resignation The Committee acknowledged the resignation of Trent O’Hara, Monash Postgraduate representative. Minutes4-2014 Author: L Peterson Page 1 of 6 10/12/14 1.5 URGENT BUSINESS AND STARRING OF ITEMS The following items were starred for discussion. All other items were taken as read and noted. 2.1 3.1 3.5 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 2. Monash University Occupational Health & Safety Plan 2014 Reports from Sub-Committees Smoke-Free University Establishment of Health & Wellbeing Sub-Committee Hazardous Materials Generic Faculty/Division OH&S Plan 2015 and Monash University OH&S Strategic Plan 2015-2017 Monash University OHS Committee Structure Monash University OH&S Conference 2014 MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES 2.1 MONASH UNIVERSITY OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY PLAN 2014 The Executive Secretary explained that the online system for managing and reporting actions on future OH&S Plans could not be demonstrated, as OH&S are waiting for eSolutions to complete the development of the software and program. Paul Barton suggested that the Executive Secretary speak to Stephen Davey outside this forum to escalate the progress. (Action: Executive Secretary) 3. REGULAR BUSINESS 3.1 REPORTS FROM SUB-COMMITTEES Monash University’s Radiation Protection Officer, Margaret Rendell spoke on behalf of the Radiation Advisory Committee for 2014. She advised that because the Committee currently does not have a Chairperson, meetings have not been held this year. Margaret reported that she has had some informal discussions with senior academics with an interest in radiation in regard to filling the position of Chairperson of the Committee. As a result of their heavy workload, they are understandably reluctant to take on an additional role. Margaret Rendell asked assistance from the Chairperson of this Committee to write to the Deans of Medicine and Science, on behalf of the Radiation Advisory Committee, to emphasise the importance of the role and to seek a nominee. It was decided that the Chairperson write to the Dean of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, as this was the larger portfolio. (Action: The Chairperson) After discussion, members agreed that the person appointed to the role should be a senior academic staff member. Margaret reported that the committee is currently working on a University Radiation Management Plan which incorporates procedures, guidelines and information in one document and can be provided to all those who work with radiation. It is envisaged that this will be completed by the end of the year. Margaret also explained that a review of ionising radiation sources was recently conducted by an external auditor who examined three departments that use radiation. The results of this audit will be used to develop a radiation audit tool in the future. The Executive Secretary, on behalf of this committee, thanked Margaret for her work on the Radiation Advisory Committee. Minutes4-2014 Author: L Peterson Page 2 of 6 10/12/14 3.2 MONASH UNIVERSITY OHS PROGRESS REPORT The Monash University OHS Progress Report, including detail below, was noted without discussion or comment: 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.2.6 3.2.7 3.2.8 3.2.9 3.3 Incidents & Hazards Workers’ Compensation Unacceptable Behaviour WorkSafe Reports Summary Building Evacuations Audits Induction OHS Training Wellbeing OHS DOCUMENTATION FOR ENDORSEMENT AND/OR INFORMATION The Committee endorsed the following documents for final approval by the Vice-Chancellor:3.3.1 3.3.2 First Aid Procedure Management of Suspected Exposure to Cercopithecine Herpesvirus 1 (B Virus) Procedure 3.3.3 Protecting Unborn and Breast-fed Children from the Effects of Maternal Exposure to Chemicals, Biologicals and Animals Procedure 3.3.4 Using Chemicals Procedure (Action: Chairperson & Executive Secretary) 3.4 AUDITS The committee acknowledged, without comment, the following audits conducted: 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.5 Internal Audits - Research Office – OHS Management System Audit External Radiation Survey Audit (conducted by the Australian Radiation Service) - School of Chemistry SMOKE-FREE UNIVERSITY Paul Barton explained the Smoke-free Working Party is working with Marketing to enhance communication material in 2015 across Monash University. He confirmed that there are still enforcement issues in some areas of the University and strategies are currently being looked at to address these issues and increase security patrolling of relevant areas. Paul mentioned that the joint Victorian Universities Tobacco-Free Committee is launching a competition aimed at students to come up with the best marketing smoke-free message. He also mentioned that the Victorian Universities have submitted a joint no-smoking programs application for the State Health Awards. The winner will be notified within the next few weeks. Paul notified that wording on pavements are in the process of being initiated and approval will be submitted to Stephen Davey soon. Members asked whether consideration has been given to establishing shelters where smoking bollards are located so that smokers will be discouraged from congregating in nondesignated areas. The Executive Secretary reiterated that the intention is to discourage smoking and make it inconvenient for smokers to have to go out to the designated areas. He also mentioned that Monash will become totally smoke-free in 2016, therefore establishing shelters would be counter-productive. Louise Francis raised concerns in relation to the smoking bollard at the basement of Building H at Caulfield campus. She mentioned that because of construction work taking place in the area where people would have used as a pathway, pedestrians now use an alternate route where a smoking bollard is located. Paul Barton mentioned that this issue would be rectified when construction was complete, however did agree to look at the problem. Minutes4-2014 Author: L Peterson Page 3 of 6 10/12/14 Martin Taylor raised concerns about the number of cigarette butts left strewn across external footpaths at Caulfield campus. Stephen Davey agreed that although we cannot control or stop people leaving their cigarette butts on public footpaths, Monash is looking into the clean up processes in these areas. Concerns were raised regarding people smoking at the Clayton campus bus loop, as there seems to be a misconception that this area is not Monash property. Stephen Davey acknowledged that this issue is being investigated and firmer policing of these areas will be considered. 3.6 WELLBEING Members noted the Wellbeing report without comment. 4. NEW BUSINESS 4.1 ESTABLISHMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLBEING SUB-COMMITTEE Dr Vicki Ashton, OHS Physician, spoke to the attached document and explained the need to formalise the wellbeing programs and activities that have been in existence since 2005 at Monash University. She asked for approval from this committee to establish a Health and Wellbeing Sub-Committee. She explained that Wellbeing at Monash have been approached by the Victorian Government asking that we join the Healthy Together Victoria Achievement Program and act as the leader to all other universities in wellbeing programs and activities. Vicki proposed that the Sub-Committee be formed to manage the development and implementation of wellbeing initiatives across the University and focus on continuous improvement, along with the program’s growth and sustainability. The first step will be to form a committee and look at participation on this committee. The Sub-Committee will also report back to MUOHSC on a quarterly basis. Paul Barton suggested that the position of the Chairperson for this Sub-Committee could include a senior management nominee, if a Deputy Vice-Chancellor is not available for the position. This should be reflected in the Terms of Reference. Members agreed to support the implementation of the Wellbeing Sub-Committee. 4.2 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Andrew Picouleau reported on discussions recently held involving members from Security, HR, the University Solicitors’ Office and OHS with regard to the management of safe purchase and use of potentially hazardous materials at Monash University. Issues raised at this meeting were that the Chemwatch program needs to be used more efficiently to document and record chemicals used and where they are located within the University. He also stated that proper purchasing procedures should be enforced and communicated to areas to ensure they follow these processes when purchasing chemicals. Andrew Picouleau suggested that purchasing of chemicals through corporate credit cards should be monitored and tightened and suppliers be informed to follow Monash University procedures when supplying chemicals to areas within the University. Andrew offered to report to this committee at a later date on progress of this issue. (Action: Andrew Picouleau) 4.3 GENERIC FACULTY/DIVISION OH&S PLAN 2015 & MONASH UNIVERSITY OH&S STRATEGIC PLAN: 2015-2017 The Executive Secretary discussed the OH&S Strategic Plan and noted minor additions to incorporate priority on customer services, proactively identify causes of injury and on how to control them and focus on the implementation of electronic OHS systems and programs. Minutes4-2014 Author: L Peterson Page 4 of 6 10/12/14 The Faculty/Division OH&S Plan incorporates more high level objectives. The OHS Consultants and Advisors will take the basic Plan to their stakeholders where they may insert their own projects for 2015 in the column “Faculty/Division Agreed Actions” and it will also give areas the option of adding more initiatives. The Executive Secretary reiterated that when the online program is implemented, the process of completing the Plan will be easier for areas and will enable OH&S to monitor progress more efficiently. The Executive Secretary confirmed that next year the Faculty/Division Plan will be presented to this Committee earlier so that faculties and divisions can incorporate it into their strategic planning process. Members discussed options for encouraging areas to improve reporting. This issue will be discussed with the Chair of this Committee and the Executive Secretary in more detail. It was suggested that the Chairperson may be able to influence Deans and Directors to escalate this matter within their areas of influence. (Action: Chairperson) Members endorsed both Plans. 4.4 MONASH UNIVERSITY OHS COMMITTEE STRUCTURE The Executive Secretary spoke to the attached document and explained that currently the committee structure does not represent all areas of the University. According to the Regulator, one person should not represent multiple areas, therefore the proposed restructure would have a representative for each faculty and division, either from management or a Health & Safety Representative as long as the total number is in equal proportions. He confirmed that a large number of DWGs have vacant positions for Health & Safety Representatives and plans are in place to contact areas asking they elect a representative in those areas. Members supported the implementation of the new structure to this Committee. It will take effect in the first quarter meeting of the Monash University OHS Committee in 2015. (Action: Executive Secretary) 4.5 MONASH UNIVERSITY OH&S CONFERENCE 2014 The Executive Secretary spoke on the success of the recent OH&S Conference and the large number of local and interstate people who attended. The success was partly due to the Vice-Chancellor’s OHS Award presented by Professor Margaret Gardner to Ricardo San Martin on his nomination in relation to field work safety. The Executive Secretary mentioned that the Vice-Chancellor was very supportive and encouraging of OHS and he acknowledged her influence at the OH&S conference. The Executive Secretary also thanked the OH&S Unit for their efforts in making the conference a success and urged more member participation at the next conference in 2016. 5. NEXT MEETING Date: Time: Venue: Minutes4-2014 Thursday, 26th February 2015 1.00pm TBA Author: L Peterson Page 5 of 6 10/12/14 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Management Representatives: Name Area to be represented Professor John Loughran Chairperson - Nominee of the Vice-Chancellor Stephen Davey Senior Representative from an Administrative Division (Facilities & Services Division) Andrew Picouleau Senior Representative from an Administrative Division (Human Resources) Martin Taylor Management Representative (Faculty of Art & Design) Louise Francis Management Representative (Faculty of Business & Economics) Jill Crisfield Management Representative (Faculty of Engineering) Doug McGregor Management Representative (Faculty of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences) Moh-Lee Ng Management Representative from an Administrative Division (Risk and Compliance) Employee Representatives: Name Area to be represented by staff employee Vacant Biomedical Cluster (Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences; Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences) Stuart Lees Humanities and Creative Arts Cluster (Arts; Arts and Design; Education) Nino Benci Physical Sciences Cluster (Engineering; Science; Information Technology) Diane O’Neill Social Science Cluster (Business and Economics; Law) Tim Wong Berwick Campus Dan Wollmering Caulfield Campus Vacant Gippsland Campus Lisa Kaminskas Parkville Campus Michael Barry Peninsula Campus In Attendance: Name Vacant Monash Postgraduate Association (MPA) Vacant Monash Student Association (MSA) Stan Rosenthal NTEU Representative Paul Barton The Office of Environmental Sustainability Norman Kuttner Executive Secretary John Tsiros Occupational Health & Safety Lynne Peterson Minute Secretary Minutes4-2014 Author: L Peterson Page 6 of 6 10/12/14