MONASH UNIVERSITY OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE (MUOHSC) MEETING 1/2014 (Note: Amended date and time) th Monash University Occupational Health and Safety Committee Meeting 1/2014 will be held on Wednesday, 12 February at 11.00am in the James McNeill Room, Bldg. 3A, Level 1, Room138, Clayton Campus. Meetings of the Monash University Occupational Health and Safety Committee are attended by Management Representatives, Employee Representatives and Observers. Members are asked to note that apologies should be emailed to Lynne Peterson Minute Secretary February 2014 AGENDA 1. PROCEDURAL MATTERS 1.1 APOLOGIES 1.2 ATTENDANCE 1.3 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Committee is asked to confirm the minutes of meeting 4/2013 held on th Thursday, 7 November 2013. For Confirmation – The Chairperson 1.4 MEMBERSHIP 1.4.1 Resignation & New Appointment The Chair to inform members of the resignation of Brenda Fortington, Management Representative for the Faculty of Engineering. For Discussion – The Chairperson 1.4.2 Attendance at MUOHSC meetings A report of attendance by members at 2013 meetings to be presented. 1/2014 For Discussion – The Executive Secretary 1.5 2. URGENT BUSINESS AND STARRING OF ITEMS MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES 2.1 HEALTH & SAFETY REPRESENTATIVE FORUM A Health and Safety Representative (HSR) forum, organised by Occupational th Health & Safety was held on the 27 November for HSRs and Deputy HSRs. The Executive Secretary to provide feedback on the session. For Discussion – The Executive Secretary Agenda 1-2014 AUTHOR: MANAGER, OH&S PAGE 1 OF 5 20/1/14 2.2 MONASH UNIVERSITY OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY PLAN 2014 Following presentation of the above plan at the last meeting, a copy of the Plan has been emailed to areas and is available on the OH&S website. For Noting 2.3 2014 MUOHSC MEETING DATES Following confirmation by members, meeting dates for 2014 have been entered into members’ calendar. For Noting 2.4 WELLBEING A topic was raised at the last meeting in regard to pets on campus. Paul Barton to update members. For Discussion – Paul Barton 3. REGULAR BUSINESS 3.1 REPORTS FROM SUB-COMMITTEES No reports will be presented to this meeting.. For Noting 3.2 MONASH UNIVERSITY OHS PROGRESS REPORT The Monash University OHS Progress Report is attached: 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.2.6 3.2.7 3.2.8 2/2014 Incidents & Hazards Workers’ Compensation Unacceptable Behaviour WorkSafe Reports Summary Building Evacuations Audits Induction OHS Training For Noting 3.3 OHS DOCUMENTATION FOR ENDORSEMENT AND INFORMATION There will be no documents presented to the committee for approval. For Noting 3.4 AUDITS 3.4.1 Audits were conducted for the following areas: Internal Audits: • Indigenous Engagement Unit – OHS Risk Management • Faculty of Education – Field Trips Audit • Monash Academy of Performing Arts – OHS Risk Management/ First Aid • School of Geography and Environmental Science – OHS Risk Agenda 1-2014 AUTHOR: MANAGER, OH&S PAGE 2 OF 5 20/1/14 • • Management Eastern Health Clinical School – OHS Risk Management/After Hours School of Geosciences – OHS Risk Management External Audits: • Department of Fine Arts – OHS Risk Management/After Hours Work – conducted by Safety SME Speciality Audit: • Department of Mechanical Engineering – Machine Guarding Gap Analysis – conducted by Safety SME 3.4.2 2014 Audit Schedule • The 2014 Audit Schedule for areas to be audited is attached. 3/2014 For Noting 3.5 MONASH UNIVERSITY OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY PLAN 2013 The Executive Secretary will update members on quarterly progress reports received from faculties, divisions and areas. For Discussion – The Executive Secretary 3.6 SMOKE-FREE CAMPUS 3.6.1 Smoke Free Universities Working Party In December 2013, Wayne Brundell, Manager, Property & Leasing Management attended a meeting on behalf of Stephen Davey, of the Smoke Free Universities Working Party. Stephen Davey to update members on discussions held at the meeting. For Discussion – Stephen Davey 3.6.2 Smoke Free Paper to SMT Attached for information is the Smoke Free paper submitted and approved by the th SMT (Senior Management Team) on the 5 February 2014. 4/2014 For Noting 3.7 WELLBEING A University Wellbeing report is attached. 5/2014 For Noting 4. NEW BUSINESS 4.1 VC AWARD FOR EXCEPTIONAL CONTRIBUTION TO OHS The Executive Secretary will speak to this item. For Discussion – The Executive Secretary 4.2 S.A.R.A.H. (SAFETY AND RISK ANALYSIS HUB) The Executive Secretary will speak to this item. For Discussion – The Executive Secretary Agenda 1-2014 AUTHOR: MANAGER, OH&S PAGE 3 OF 5 20/1/14 4.3 STUDENT & STAFF TRAVELLING OVERSEAS The Executive Secretary will speak to this item. For Discussion – The Executive Secretary 5. NEXT MEETING th The next meeting of the MUOHSC will be held on Thursday, 15 May 2014 in the Health & Wellbeing Seminar Room, Rm 1171, Western Extension, Level 1, Building 10 Clayton Campus commencing at 10.00am. Agenda 1-2014 AUTHOR: MANAGER, OH&S PAGE 4 OF 5 20/1/14 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Management Representatives: Name Area to be represented Professor John Loughran Chairperson - Nominee of the Vice-Chancellor Stephen Davey Senior Representative from an Administrative Division (Facilities & Services Division) Andrew Picouleau Senior Representative from an Administrative Division (Human Resources) Martin Taylor Management Representative (Faculty of Art & Design) Margaret Murphy Management Representative (Faculty of Business & Economics) Brenda Fortington Management Representative (Faculty of Engineering) Janet Kemp Management Representative (Faculty of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences) Moh-Lee Ng Management Representative from an Administrative Division (Risk and Compliance) Employee Representatives: Name Area to be represented by staff employee Vacant Biomedical Cluster (Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences; Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences) Stuart Lees Humanities and Creative Arts Cluster (Arts; Arts and Design; Education) Nino Benci Physical Sciences Cluster (Engineering; Science; Information Technology) Diane O’Neill Social Science Cluster (Business and Economics; Law) Tim Wong Berwick Campus Dan Wollmering Caulfield Campus Vacant Gippsland Campus Lisa Kaminskas Parkville Campus Michael Barry Peninsula Campus In Attendance: Name Trent O’Hara Monash Postgraduate Association (MPA) Vacant Monash Student Association (MSA) Stan Rosenthal NTEU Representative Paul Barton Facilities & Services Norman Kuttner Executive Secretary John Tsiros Occupational Health & Safety Lynne Peterson Minute Secretary Agenda 1-2014 AUTHOR: MANAGER, OH&S PAGE 5 OF 5 20/1/14 MUOHSC 1/2014 MONASH UNIVERSITY OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE (MUOHSC) Attendance at 2013 Committee Meetings Management Representatives: Attendance at Meetings Name Professor John Loughran Position on Committee Chairperson - Nominee of the ViceChancellor Mtg. 1 Mtg. 2 Mtg. 3 Mtg. 4 × (J.Loughran apology S.Davey acted as Chair) Stephen Davey Senior Representative from an Administrative Division (Facilities & Services Division) Andrew Picouleau Senior Representative from an Administrative Division (Human Resources) × × × (Apology received) (Apology received, proxy attended) × × × Martin Taylor Management Representative (Faculty of Art & Design) Margaret Murphy Management Representative (Faculty of Business & Economics) (Phone conference) Brenda Fortington Janet Kemp Management Representative (Faculty of Engineering) × × × (Apology received) (Apology received) × Management Representative (Faculty of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences) × (Apology received, proxy attended) (Apology received) Moh-Lee Ng Management Representative from an Administrative Division (Risk and Compliance) Employee Representatives: Attendance at Meetings Name Position on Committee Mtg. 1 Mtg. 2 Mtg. 3 Mtg. 4 Vacant Biomedical Cluster (Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences; Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences) N/A N/A N/A N/A Stuart Lees Humanities and Creative Arts Cluster (Arts; Arts and Design; Education) Nino Benci Physical Sciences Cluster (Engineering; Science; Information Technology) × × (Apology received) Attendance at 2013 MUOHSC meetings Author: Executive Secretary February 2014 Attendance at Meetings Name Position on Committee Diane O’Neill Social Science Cluster (Business and Economics; Law) Tim Wong Berwick Campus Mtg. 1 Mtg. 2 Mtg. 3 Mtg. 4 × × (Apology received) Dan Wollmering Caulfield Campus Lisa Kaminskas Parkville Campus × × Michael Barry Peninsula Campus × × (Apology received) (Apology received) × × × (Apology received) Others In Attendance: Name Trent O’Hara Stan Rosenthal Representing Attendance at Meetings Monash Postgraduate Association (MPA) Mtg. 1 Mtg. 2 Mtg. 3 Mtg. 4 Vacant × × (Apology received) (Apology received) NTEU Representative × (Apology received, proxy attended) Paul Barton The Office of Environmental Sustainability Norman Kuttner Executive Secretary John Tsiros Occupational Health & Safety × (Apology received) Lynne Peterson Minute Secretary Attendance at 2013 MUOHSC meetings Author: Executive Secretary February 2014 MUOHSC 2/2014 Monash University OHS Progress Report Quarter 4, 2013 Table of Contents Incidents and Hazards................................................................................................ 2 Workers’ Compensation ............................................................................................. 5 Unacceptable Behaviour ............................................................................................ 6 WorkSafe Reports Summary – Quarter 4, 2013 ......................................................... 7 Building Evacuations .................................................................................................. 8 Audits ......................................................................................................................... 9 Induction................................................................................................................... 10 OHS Training ........................................................................................................... 11 Progress Report MUOHSC – Qtr 4/2013 AUTHOR: MANAGER, OH&S Page 1 of 12 06/02/2014 Incidents and Hazards This section includes data about all hazard and incident reports (hazards, incidents and near-misses) submitted to OH&S. Incident: Defined as any occurrence that leads to, or might have led to, injury or illness to people, danger to health and/or damage to property or the environment. For the purpose of these procedures, the term 'incident' is used as an inclusive term for injuries/illnesses, accidents and near misses. Injury/Illness: Any physical or emotional wound, damage or impairment resulting from an event in the work environment. Near-Miss: Defined as any occurrence that might have led to injury or illness to a person. Hazard: Anything that has the potential to cause injury or illness to a person. A comparison of hazards against injuries reveals that safety matters are being resolved prior to an injury being sustained. This implies that we should aim to increase the numbers of hazards being reported. Total Reports Received By Category Hazard Injury / Illness Near Miss Unacceptable Behaviour 200 180 Number of Incidents 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 2009 Progress Report MUOHSC – Qtr 4/2013 2010 2011 AUTHOR: MANAGER, OH&S 2012 2013 Page 2 of 12 06/02/2014 Incidents and Hazards received per FTE per Faculty/Division in 2013 Injury/Illness Hazard Near Miss Faculty of Medicine Nursing & Health Sci Faculty of Science Faculty of Education Monash Student Organisations DVC (Education) Faculty of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sci Chief Operating Officer & Senior VP Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Law Provost & Senior Vice-President Vice-Chancellor & President Chief Financial Officer & Senior VP Faculty of Information Technology Faculty of Business & Economics Faculty of Arts Injury/Illness Reported 200 180 Incident Reports Received 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 2009 Progress Report MUOHSC – Qtr 4/2013 2010 2011 AUTHOR: MANAGER, OH&S 2012 Qtr4 Qtr3 Qtr2 Qtr1 Qtr4 Qtr3 Qtr2 Qtr1 Qtr4 Qtr3 Qtr2 Qtr1 Qtr4 Qtr3 Qtr2 Qtr1 Qtr4 Qtr3 Qtr2 Qtr1 0 2013 Page 3 of 12 06/02/2014 Hazards & Near Misses Reported Hazard Near Miss 200 180 Hazard Reports Received 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 2009 2010 2011 2012 Qtr4 Qtr3 Qtr2 Qtr1 Qtr4 Qtr3 Qtr2 Qtr1 Qtr4 Qtr3 Qtr2 Qtr1 Qtr4 Qtr3 Qtr2 Qtr1 Qtr4 Qtr3 Qtr2 Qtr1 0 2013 Near Misses have recently (as from quarter 2, 2013) been incorporated as a distinct category of hazard and incident reporting. The inclusion of Near Misses has potentially negatively impacted on the number of hazard reports and injury reports recorded. Progress Report MUOHSC – Qtr 4/2013 AUTHOR: MANAGER, OH&S Page 4 of 12 06/02/2014 Workers’ Compensation Workers Compensation claims are those claims made by staff as a result of an injury sustained while at work which has resulted in lost time, medical expenses etc. Workers compensation is managed by the Employee Assistance group within HR. These statistics are important as they highlight the types of injuries that are being incurred by staff while conducting activities for Monash University. For more information please visit: Workers' Compensation Claims 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 Qtr1 Qtr2 2011 Qtr3 Qtr4 Qtr1 Qtr2 2012 Qtr3 Qtr4 2013 The above chart represents the change in workers compensation claims that have been accepted and the trend in claims (Linear (Total)) per quarter per year. No of claims 2011 2012 Accepted 28 26 Pending 2013 24 3 Types of Injuries Compensated since 2010 Concussion, 1, 1% Stress, 6, 5% Burn, 2, 2% Contusion, 8, 7% Fracture, 15, 12% Laceration, 11, 9% Strain/Sprain, 75, 62% Soft tissue swelling (Bruise), 2, 2% The above chart represents the various types of injuries that have been accepted as claims. Progress Report MUOHSC – Qtr 4/2013 AUTHOR: MANAGER, OH&S Page 5 of 12 06/02/2014 Unacceptable Behaviour Unacceptable Behaviour is that behaviour that has created or has the potential to create a risk to the staff member’s health and safety. Examples of unacceptable behaviour include but are not limited to: bullying; emotional, psychological or physical violence or abuse; occupational violence; coercion, harassment and/or discrimination; aggressive/abusive behaviour; unreasonable demands and undue persistence; and disruptive behaviour Definition of categories: Hazard – a hazard is the reporting of an issue where no injury has occurred Injury – an injury is where someone seeks medical treatment or takes time off work Unacceptable Behaviour reports received Hazard Injury 10 9 Number of reports received 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 2011 Progress Report MUOHSC – Qtr 4/2013 Qtr4 Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 2012 AUTHOR: MANAGER, OH&S Qtr4 Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 2013 Page 6 of 12 06/02/2014 WorkSafe Reports Summary – Quarter 4, 2013 WorkSafe will investigate situations where significant hazards or incidents have occurred at Monash University. All visits result in an Entry Report. All notices must be rectified by the identified compliance date. For the 4th Quarter 2013, WorkSafe site visits were not conducted. Progress Report MUOHSC – Qtr 4/2013 AUTHOR: MANAGER, OH&S Page 7 of 12 06/02/2014 Building Evacuations Building evacuations are required to ensure that stakeholders within the building are aware and able to respond to those emergencies in the safest and timeliest way possible. For buildings controlled by Monash (Category A), an evacuation is required each semester. For those buildings not under Monash control or otherwise identified (Category B), 1 evacuation per year is required. All false alarms and genuine emergencies which result in an evacuation are included. 2 evacuations required per year (category A buildings) Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 2013 Semester 2 2012 Semester 1 Campus 2011 Bendigo 0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Berwick 64% 64% 64% 64% 100% 100% Box Hill 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 100% Caulfield 85% 38% 92% 62% 100% 100% Clayton 49% 60% 81% 75% 98% 100% Frankston 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Gippsland 83% 59% 83% 79% 100% 100% Moe 0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Notting Hill 100% 100% 100% 0% 100% 100% Parkville 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Peninsula 47% 63% 74% 53% 100% 100% Total 60% 60% 80% 71% 99% 100% 1 evacuation required per year (category B buildings) Campus Alfred 2011 50% 2012 50% 2013 100% Bairnsdale 100% 100% 100% Clayton 30% 60% 100% Gippsland 67% 100% 100% Mildura 0% 100% 100% Misc. 100% 100% 100% Peninsula 0% 0% 100% Sale - SRM 100% 0% 100% Traralgon - Latrobe Regional Hospital Total 100% 0% 100% 48% 57% 100% Progress Report MUOHSC – Qtr 4/2013 AUTHOR: MANAGER, OH&S Page 8 of 12 06/02/2014 Audits The monash university audit system is built around OHS AS18001 requirements to review the implementation of the OHS Management System. The audit program is delivered by OHS and includes audits run by external agencies, OHS Consultants and internal review audits (self-audit). Audits are conducted at Monash University to ensure legislative compliance and provide independent feedback on the level of safety systems that are currently implace. Areas audited in 2013 Area DVC (Education) External Relations Development & Alumni Faculty of Art Design & Architecture Faculty of Arts Faculty of Business & Economics Faculty of Education Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Information Technology Faculty of Law Faculty of Medicine Nursing & Health Sciences Faculty of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences Faculty of Science Gippsland Centre for Art & Design Monash Colleges Pty Ltd PVC & President (Gippsland) PVC (Research) Vice-Chancellor & President Vice-President (Administration) Vice-President (Finance) & CFO Vice-President (Marketing & Comm) Progress Report MUOHSC – Qtr 4/2013 Qtr1 2012 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 Qtr1 10 7 1 2013 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 6 33 3 6 1 7 1 1 1 1 25 1 1 1 1 2 2 8 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 72 9 8 8 8 2 1 9 3 8 AUTHOR: MANAGER, OH&S Page 9 of 12 06/02/2014 Induction Inductions are currently depicted by two systems, the centralised “online” inductions and the “localarea” inductions. Centralised inductions are required to be completed within 4 weeks of starting at Monash University and are tracked via SAP. New starters represent the group of staff that require induction and priority should be given to inducting these staff. Induction of New Starters for Quarter 4, 2013 Key for colour codes Inducted within 4 Fixed Term and Tenured Inducted after 4 weeks Not Inducted Casual and Sessional 7, 2% 9, 11% 42, 14% 31, 37% 44, 52% 249, 84% New Starter (Fixed Term & Tenured) Percentage of Induction Quarter 4, 2013 Inducted within 4 weeks Inducted after 4 weeks Not Inducted 80% Percentage of total staff 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Q1 Progress Report MUOHSC – Qtr 4/2013 Q2 AUTHOR: MANAGER, OH&S Q3 Q4 Page 10 of 12 06/02/2014 OHS Training OHS training is critical to ensuring the staff and students have been provided with the most up to date safety information relevant to their activities. Training is provided both at the local level and across the university as facilitated by the Staff Development Unit. Monash University OHS training is tracked via SAP. NOTE Training attendance may fluctuate yearly due to the 3 year timeframe required for refresher training for staff Key for colour codes Training conducted in the quarter was more than average Training conducted in the quarter was less than average Apply Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Asbestos Course Automated External Defibrillation Biosafety - Module 1 Biosafety - Module 2 Breathing Apparatus Training Bullying & Occupational Violence Awareness Chemwatch MSDS database application Confined Space Refresher Confined Spaces Course Cooling Tower Training CPR Refresher Cryogenics (Liquid Nitrogen) Dangerous Goods & Hazardous Substances Emergency Warden Training Emergency Warden Training and Evacuation Entry to Hazardous Areas (LABS) Ergonomics & Manual Handling Ergonomics/Manual Handling Essential OHS Essential OHS (for Managers/Supervisors) EWT & Fire Safety at Work Fire Safety Fire Safety & Extinguisher Training Fire Safety at Work First Aid Level 2 First Aid Level 3 (Advanced) First Aid management of Anaphylaxis First Aiders Information Session Gas Cylinder Safety Training Hazard/Incident reporting & work cover process Hazard & Incident investigation methods Hazard and Incident Management Hazard Substances & Danger Goods Cert IV Progress Report MUOHSC – Qtr 4/2013 2011 2012 2013 9 4 10 73 161 112 70 47 105 6 15 4 18 12 9 7 4 5 239 59 26 56 168 58 247 2 24 41 33 419 133 244 11 128 238 47 1 38 93 4 239 326 278 1 368 4 11 44 84 19 55 84 105 12 90 74 8 AUTHOR: MANAGER, OH&S Page 11 of 12 06/02/2014 Hazardous Substances & Dangerous Goods Health & Safety Representative Health & Safety Representative refresher Height Safety Entry Hot Work Permit Hydrofluoric Acid Handling Incident Reporting - Work Related Injury Job Safety Analysis Training Laser Safety Officer Laser Safety Training Manual Handling Manual Handling for Facilities & Services Staff Mental Health First Aid Mental Health First Aid - Day 1 New Horizons Induction OHS Audit Findings OHS for Managers & Supervisors OHS Info. Sessions for Zone OHS CC,SO,HRS OHS Risk Management Cert IV OHS Roles & Responsibilities OHS Staff Induction Oxygen Therapy Training Radiation Safety Officer refresher Radiation Safety Officer Training Radiation training for synchrotron users Remote Area First Aid Risk Management Roof Access Permit Safety Officers & Health and Safety Rep Student Project Safety (Cryogenics) Student Project Safety (Risk Management) Student Project Safety 1 Student Project Safety 2 Trenching & Excavating Trenching & Ground Support University First Aider White Card Training Workplace Safety Inspections Youth Mental Health First Aid Total Progress Report MUOHSC – Qtr 4/2013 2011 2012 2013 25 37 35 4 14 9 13 12 8 2 5 7 6 8 6 1 4 16 30 21 5 11 102 106 73 101 107 81 170 42 73 449 135 4 27 23 60 1013 1463 2314 11 4 1 1 12 6 6 1 2 1 98 338 212 6 11 17 5 44 38 3 1 2 2 2 2 190 301 269 2 74 203 116 10 2738 4847 5810 AUTHOR: MANAGER, OH&S Page 12 of 12 06/02/2014 MUOHSC 3/2014 AS/NZS 4801, OHSAS 18001 OHS20309 SAI Global MONASH UNIVERSITY OHS AUDIT PROGRAM 2014 February 2014 A representative sample of academic/administrative units will be selected for Faculty, Division, and Portfolio and School level audits. 1. OHS SELF AUDITS Each year, each unit/entity is responsible for completing the self-audit questionnaire to provide a guide to the compliance of their unit/entity and to the continual improvement of their OHS compliance status. OHS will maintain a register of areas who have completed this requirement. 2. INTERNAL OHS AUDITS Areas to be audited by OH&S staff in 2013 include: Area 3. Faculty/Division/Portfolio Type of audit Monash HR Vice-President (Administration) Department of Social Work Medicine Nursing & Health Sciences Pharmacy Practice Faculty of Pharmacy & Pharm Sciences Procedural Faculty of Law Faculty of Law Procedural Research Office PVC (Research) Mental Health Programs Campus Community Division Monash University Museum of Art External Relations Development & Alumni Monash Sustainability Institute PVC (Research) Equity & Diversity Centre Vice-President (Administration) Procedural Immunology, Alfred Hospital Medicine Nursing & Health Sciences Procedural Department of Accounting Faculty of Business & Economics Procedural Procedural Procedural Procedural Procedural Procedural Procedural EXTERNAL OHS AUDITS External OHS audits will be conducted to provide a check of hazardous activities by field experts and specialists. Areas to be externally audited in 2013 include: Area Faculty/Division/Portfolio Type of audit School of Chemistry Science Radiation Physiology Medicine Nursing & Health Sciences Radiation Auditprogram 2014 - for MUOHSC.doc Reviewed: June 2013 Responsible Officer: Manager, OHS Page 1 of 2 12/06/2013 4. OHSAS 18001 & AS 4801 SURVEILLANCE AUDIT. THIS AUDIT SCHEDULE IS STILL TO BE FINALISED WITH SAI GLOBAL. THE NUMBER OF AUDITS WILL BE SIMILAR TO 2013, APPROXIMATELY 12. 5. TYPES OF OHS AUDITS 5.1 AUDITS WILL BE CONDUCTED TO: 5.2 THE AUDIT PROGRAM WILL REFLECT: 5.3 assess compliance of the Monash University OHS management system with the requirements OHSAS 18001:2007 and AS 4801:2001; assess the extent of implementation of the Monash University OHS management system in the university's operations and activities; and, Verify the implementation and effectiveness of OHS policies and procedures. the level of risk associated with the activity, policy or procedure; the OHS importance of the specific element of the Monash University OHS management system; the results of previous audits; and The significance of problems encountered in the areas to be audited. The audit procedure is outlined in OHS audits at Monash University . Auditprogram 2014 - for MUOHSC.doc Reviewed: June 2013 Responsible Officer: Manager, OHS Page 2 of 2 12/06/2013 MUOHSC 4/2014 Internal Memo Attention: SMT Sender: Prof. John Loughran, Dean Faculty of Education, Chair Monash University OHS Committee Mr. Stephen Davey, Executive Director Facilities and Services Subject: Smoke Free Monash Date: 28 January 2014 Background 1. For a number of years, Monash University (both independently and together with other Higher Education providers) has considered becoming a smoke free organisation. The University currently prohibits smoking inside all its buildings and vehicles and within ten metres of entrances and doorways, but smoking is allowed in its open spaces. In recent times, it has become clearer to all involved in such discussions that the push towards this aim is becoming more and more widespread nationally and internationally. It is also consistent with the broader Monash objective, that of improving the health of our students and staff as well as the quality of our work and study environments. 2. After a briefing paper by Professor Helen Keleher (Towards a Smoke Free Monash 2011) and the following report from the Monash Tobacco Free Initiative Working Group (2012), the Vice Chancellor supported the recommendation for Monash to move towards a smoke free university. 3. In 2013 the University’s OHS committee commenced consultation and discussion on Monash becoming a “smoke free campus” university. A working group was established to develop an implementation plan for roll out in 2014. 4. Coinciding with Monash’s discussions, a joint Victorian universities working party was established to develop a plan for all Victorian universities to collectively become Smoke Free Campuses in 2014. Monash has been participating on the working group. 5. Of the Go8, the University of Sydney, University of Adelaide, University of Western Australia and ANU all have non-smoking policies and call themselves "smoke-free" universities. However, in practice smoking is still permitted in designated smoking areas. The University of Melbourne will go tobacco free on all campuses on February 4 2014. Monash Specifically 6. Monash University, as an organisation, has always been supportive of improving health outcomes for staff and students and providing a healthy working and learning environment. To that end, the University OHS commitee believes it is now time that concerted efforts were made to move the University towards a smoke free campus. This follows many other organisations that have eliminated smoking from their sites. These include all schools and hospitals, where it has become policy for staff, students, patients, visitors and contractors not to smoke while on the premises. 7. Visitors and contractors will be advised prior to entering Monash grounds of the smoke free environment, and for a time, we expect there will need to be additional signage around the campuses. Joint Victorian University Committee 8. Led by Deakin University, a cross university smoke free campus working group has been established and has met several times in 2013. At their last meeting on the 17 December it was proposed that a joint public announcement be made on World Cancer Day 4 February. The announcement would state that all Victorian universities will become smoke free universities. 9. Each university is currently developing an individual implementation plan. Most universities are looking at a staged approach, with firstly restricting smoking to designated points and then moving to a total ban of smoking and the sale of cigarettes on campus. Monash Implementation Plan 10. It is understandable that creating a completely smoke free environment is a process that can’t be achieved overnight and therefore a two year phase-in implementation plan has been put into place commencing and coinciding with the united Victorian universities statement in February 2014. 11. Over the coming months a communication campaign, together with consultation across the Monash community and support for staff and students who wish to quit smoking, will be implemented along with the introduction of the designated smoking points. 12. Designated smoking points will then be removed and campuses will become totally smoke free. 13. The implementation plan will be as follows: February 2014 Report and recommendations to Senior Management Team Initial internal communication to staff and students Joint universities announcement of the move towards a smoke free campus Smoke Free policy approved April 2014 Review and update of university websites, inductions, maps, visitor information and signage Removal of existing ashtrays and installation of designated smoking points 2nd Round of communications to staff and students June 2014 July 2014 February 2015 June 2015 November 2015 January 2016 Restriction of smoking to designated points at each campus rd 3 Round of communications to staff and students th 4 Round of communications to staff and students th 5 Round of communications to staff and students Removal of designated smoking pointssmoke free campus Policy/procedure 14. The Wellbeing and Support Policy, Wellbeing and Support Procedure- Smoke Free Campus will detail the procedure applying to staff, students, contactors, residents and visitors in its Australian campuses. Smoking will be prohibited along with the use of e-cigarettes1, in all university buildings and controlled entities, outside entrances and air intakes, in university vehicles and all other areas not signposted as designated smoking areas. Consultation 15. Consultation has been sought from a broad stakeholder group including Monash Residential Services, Human Resources, staff representatives including smokers, University Solicitor, Campus Directors, Facilities and Services, Occupational Health and Safety committee members, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, 1 Electronic cigarettes or ENDS (electronic nicotine delivery systems) are devices whose function is to vaporize and deliver to the lungs of the user a chemical mixture typically composed of nicotine, propylene glycol and other chemicals, although some products claim to contain no nicotine. The safety of ENDS has not been scientifically demonstrated. The potential risks they pose for the health of users remain undetermined. (Reference: World Health Organization Campus Community all campuses, NTEU , student representative (MSA), Marketing and Communication. Support 16. An important part of the transition to a smoke free environment is the strong message of support available to staff and students who wish to cease smoking, assisting them to move to a healthier lifestyle. The following support is available to staff and students: • • • The University Health Service (UHS) offers health care and wellness programs to assist staff and students to cease smoking Quit Victoria provides resources and programs for smoking cessation and the university may subsidise the cost to staff partaking in these programs In addition, the university provides a confidential counselling service on campus for staff and students , and the Employee Assistance Program is accessible for staff Smoking points 17. As an interim step to a total smoke free environment, smoking will be restricted to designated smoking points on each campus. In keeping with university design guidelines the smoking point will consist of a signed bollard which incorporates cigarette butt disposal. 18. Locations for smoking points are being selected in consultation with Campus Directors and stakeholder groups based on safety, adequate distance from buildings and eating and drinking areas. The number of designated smoking points will be limited to ensure staff students, contactors, residents and visitors are not exposed to environmental tobacco smoke. Vendors 19. Negotiations are currently under way with the one vendor on Clayton campus who sells cigarettes. It is intended that sale of tobacco or tobacco products will be restricted in line with becoming totally smoke free in 2016, or earlier pending negotiations with the vendor. University engagement with tobacco and tobacco related organisations 20. Monash will not engage in support from the tobacco industry for research funding, arrangements, strategies, associations, accept gifts or sponsorships. Compliance- enforcement 21. The University will rely on peer pressure for enforcement of a smoke free environment. Contracts 22. Where appropriate, standard contract agreements will include reference to the Smoke-Free Campuses Policy. Communication 23. A communication plan over the 2 year period from the date of the announcement, will include information to staff, students, visitors, contractors, residents and the broader Monash community through Monash memo, Global emails, updates, and student communication channels . The necessary signs and marketing material will be updated to reflect Monash’s transition to smoke free campuses Individual campuses will also advise their staff of new designated smoking points and will provide updates throughout the various phases of transition. 24. Students will also need to be advised and it is anticipated that while some students may not be immediately supportive of the University’s efforts, most will welcome the opportunity to live and study in a completely smoke free environment. Communications will be issued separately to staff and updates will also be distributed at regular intervals. 25. The University will continue to provide updates on the Smoke Free 2014-16 campaign. Members of Smoke Free Working Groups • • • • • • • • • • John Loughran Stephen Davey Wayne Brundell Andrew Picouleau Ian Davis Vicki Ashton Paul Barton Norman Kuttner Glenda Beecher Samantha Blair/ Stacey Mair • • • • • • • • • • Marian Costelloe Terry Hogan Helen Dunne Michael Watchorn Trisha Prpich Jason Whitaker Stan Rosenthal Freya Logan Lydia Sper Anne Ohlmus Recommendations 26. Monash adopt a policy for a smoke free university under the Wellbeing and Support Policy - Smoke Free Campus procedure 27. SMT endorse the implementation plan for a Smoke Free University in Monash Australian campuses MUOH HSC 5/2014 4 Wellb being @ Monash M MUOHS C reportt Meeting 1, February 2014 Report summary:: 1. The e physical health of Monash staff: WorkHealth h Program 2. Web bsite statisttics 3. Com mparison off University Wellbeing K KPI achieve ements 1. The Physic cal health of o Monash staff: WorrkHealth ch heck prograam ated in the WorkHealth W h program over o the 201 13 period. T The 15 minute 1366 sttaff participa health ccheck provid ded informa ation on blo ood pressure e, waist circ cumferencee, cholestero ol, and blood glucose. Th he program m will not be e offered th his year. H Health chec ck dates 2011 2012 2013 T Total staff participatio p on Stafff partticipation 1728 8 3221 1366 6 6315 5 Hea alth risk pro rofile of University sta aff Health risk Eat insu ufficient veg getables each day Have m medium to high risk bloo od pressure e Professio onal / acad demic staaff (6315) 90% 59% % systolic 37% % diastolic Have m medium to high risk diab betes risk 58% Do insu ufficient phyysical activity each day 70% Have m medium to high risk waist measure ement 36% Have hiigh choleste erol 22% Greaterr than 15% risk of a CV VD event wiithin the nex xt 5 years 2% 10-15% % risk of a CVD C event within w the ne ext 5 years 6% Contact: Anne Ohlm mus, Wellbein ng @ Monashh Coordinato or, OHS Wellbeing newsletter readership - 2013 January: February: March: April: May: June: July: August: September: October: November: December: 3819 3476 3066 3017 2742 2447 2872 2728 2872 3220 2420 1924 Wellbeing website Website page Wellbeing homepage Employee benefits brochure (download) Staff discounts SWAP brochure SWAP brochure (download) Healthsmart brochure (download) Health revolution Q1 2669 4004 2531 1204 1479 1635 1106 Q2 2623 19555 2198 993 1630 890 1057 Q3 3149 8740 2696 947 8158 378 1011 Q4 2729 5540 1864 866 5291 603 902 2013 Year 11170 37839 9289 4010 16558 3506 4076 86448 Contact: Anne Ohlmus, Wellbeing @ Monash Coordinator, OHS