Hamilton Elkins

Hamilton Elkins
Texas Tech University
School of Accounting
Rawls College of Business
P.O. Box 42101
Lubbock, TX 79409-2101
Mailing Address:
5809 3rd St. Apt. 311
Lubbock, TX 79416
Current Position
PhD Candidate / Part-time Instructor
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX; Accounting anticipated May 2016
Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, MA; Accounting 2010
Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, MA; Accounting & Finance 2010
Cape Cod Community College, Barnstable, MA; Liberal Arts 2008
Teaching Experience
Part-Time Instructor, Texas Tech University
Financial Accounting (undergraduate) Fall 2012
Evaluation Teaching Effectiveness 4.45 out of 5
Financial Accounting (undergraduate) Fall 2013
Evaluation Teaching Effectiveness 4.23 out of 5
Managerial Accounting (undergraduate) Spring 2014
Evaluation Teaching Effectiveness 4.40 our of 5
Visiting Lecturer, Bridgewater State University
Fundamentals of Financial Reporting (undergraduate) Fall 2010-Fall 2011
Average Evaluations 7 sections Teaching Effectiveness 4.65 out of 5
Managerial Accounting (undergraduate) Spring 2011
Evaluation Teaching Effectiveness 4.45 out of 5
Managerial Finance Spring 2012
Average Evaluation 2 sections Teaching Effectiveness 4.35 out of 5
Options and Futures Spring 2012
Evaluation Teaching Effectiveness 4.40 out of 5
Professional Experience
Research and Teaching Assistant, Rawls College of Business, Texas Tech University,
Lubbock, TX, 2012-present
Visiting Lecturer, Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, MA, 2010-2012
Consulting Accountant, Massachusetts Council on Economic Education, Bridgewater,
MA, 2010-2012
Bookkeeper/Office Manger, TW Nickerson Inc., Chatham, MA, 2005-2007
Landscape Manager, Pine Tree Nursery and Landscape, Chatham, MA, 2004-2005
Construction Superintendent, Wadsworth Golf Construction, Plainfield, IL, 2002-2004
Awards and Honors
AAA-Deloitte Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow 2015
Texas Tech Outstanding Contributions to Teaching as a Doctoral Student in Accounting 2015
Research Interests
Top management team/entire firm compensation and fundamental performance, compensation
structure and managerial decision-making, corporate governance, corporate social activities and
the financial and societal impact of these activities
Xiao, Z., He, R., Lin, Z., and Elkins, H. (2013). CEO compensation in China: Accounting
performance, corporate governance, and the gender gap. Nankai Business Review International,
4(4), 309-328.
Working Papers
“The Interrelations Between Firm Compensation System Structure, Equitable Pay, and Firm
Performance” (Dissertation)
“Can Charitable Giving Provide Real Returns?” (with Shannon Rinaldo and Andrea Romi)
“Determinants, Causes, Consequences, and Optimal Level of Promotional Pay Ladder”
Work in Progress
“Sales Growth as a Bonus Trigger for CEOs in Manufacturing Industry” (with Lawrence Abbott
and Denton Collins) – Data Analysis Stage
“The Effects of Payoff Time Horizon on Manager Risk Tolerance” –Experimental Design Stage
“Manager Efficiency and Firm Equitable Pay Structure” – Data Gathering Stage
“Determining Organizational Structure through Accounting Disclosures” – Data Gathering Stage
The 5th CSEAR North America Conference, Université Laval, Quebec, Canada, July 2 and 3
2014. “Can Charitable Giving Provide Real Returns?”