B o a r d R o o m , B u i l d i n g 2 0 0
, 2005 – 2:15 p.m. to 4:55 p.m.
Submitted by Francisco Zermeño & Chad Mark Glen
Senator Attendance : Applied Technology & Business (Michael Absher); Counseling (Sally
Stickney & TBA); Health, Physical Education, & Athletics (Nancy
Cowan & Ross Shoemaker); Arts & Humanities (William Johnson);
Language Arts (Stephanie Zappa & Francisco Zermeño); Library
(Norman Buchwald); Science & Mathematics (Dave Fouquet & Ming
Ho); and Social Sciences (Barbara Ogman & Michael Thompson);
Anne Brichacek (Adjunct Faculty).
Guests: Taylor (Vice President, Academic Services); Melinda
Matsuda (Vice President, Student Services); Anthony Gutiérrez
(Director, Student Life); Brigitte Kouakou (Student Trustee); Dayne
Nicholls (President, ASCC); Ashnika Narayan (Vice President,
ASCC); Shwanika Narayan (ASCC Marketing Director); Corry
Morrison (ASCC Senator); Daniel Hinds (ASCC); Renato Ramanto
(ASCC); Robert Lu (ASCC); Carol Baumann (Library/Staff
Development); Angie Magallon (Language Arts/Puente); Kip Waldo
(Social Science/Staff Development).
Presiding Officers: President Chad Mark Glen, Vice President Michael Absher.
1.0 GENERAL FUNCTIONS to : President Glen called the meeting to order at 2:15 p.m.
1.2 Approval of the Minutes : Francisco Zermeño moved to approve the
Minutes of November 17, 2005 and Michael Absher second. The motion carried with minor revisions to the minutes.
2 . 0 R E P O R T S
2.1 College President . Dr. Robert Carlson encouraged the Senators to openly ask him about anything and not fear any repercussions.
President Glen asked about the “secret” Friday administrative budget cutting meetings that had been taking place. Dr. Carson indicated the meetings were not secret since he’d announced them in a November 7 th memo. Senators expressed concern about the process that these
, 2005 budget-cut decisions were being made. Barbara Ogman asked what the relationship was between budget cuts and shared governance. Dr. Carlson stated that faculty had opportunities for input throughout the K. H. meetings.
President Glen clarified that although faculty had input on the front end of the
Strategic Cost Management (SCM) process, now that programmatic and service cutting decisions are being proposed based on that information, faculty are not at the table or privy to the actual cuts being proffered. Bill
Johnson stated that everyone have time to respond to the proposed cuts.
Dr. Carlson indicated that decisions had to be made in a timely manner and there wasn’t enough time to have the budget cuts go through the shared governance process. The process will be that the Board decides on the budget cuts with recommendations from the Chancellor who received recommendations from the College Presidents, who received K. H. shared governance input. President Glen indicated that nothing is being shared with the faculty from the time the program and services cuts are being proposed at the college and the time they are going to the Chancellor or Board.
Stephanie Zappa stated that her colleagues in Language Arts expressed the concern that the decisions are coming top down. Francisco Zermeño asked about ISLS cuts and stating that there hasn’t been time to study the cuts.
2.2 ASCC . The Academic/Faculty Senate requested this report, not to involve itself in ASCC affairs, but rather to understand what has been transpiring and to offer assistance. Report by Anthony Gutiérrez , Director of Student Life on
ASCC, Students for Social Justice, and the Speaker Series. There will be a vote in the ASCC Senate next week as to whether the Speakers Series will continue or not. There were and are ASCC problems of communication, strong personalities, and governance procedures. These problems include the
Speaker Series, chairmanship of committees, constitutionality of ASCC and committee actions, and confusion about the role of the Students for Social
Justice. This has lead to the possible cancellation of the successful Speaker
Series. The heart of the whole problem possibly boils down to personality clashes. Report by Dayne Nicholls , ASCC President as to the problem. The lack of adherence to the ASCC governing document procedures created problems when committees were formed outside of the realm of the governance documents. Michael Thompson asked if the ASCC binding document said the best way to discipline the Speakers Series was to cancel it?
Bill Johnson stated that he attended the last ASCC Senate meeting and that it was poorly run, proper procedures were not followed and insulting things were said during the meeting. Johnson suggested that the ASCC put aside personalities and keep working on a successful Speaker Series. Nicholls asked the Senate to remind the Faculty to go directly to the ASCC for clarification, rather than writing innuendo. Student Trustee, Brigitte Kouakou , distributed a November 16, 2005 memo from History faculty member, Sherri
Yeager to the ASCC regarding the ASCC Resolution to dissolve the ASCC
Speaker Series . Kouakou further clarified apparent confusion regarding
, 2005
Students for Social Justice and the ASCC Speaker Series. She a good faith meeting was needed to possibly resolve this issue, since the ASCC recognizes the positive impact of the series. Students do not want to break the ASCC rules and want to continue the series. Melinda Matsuda stated that she tried to mediate and suggested a meeting and was told by Dayne Nicholls to stay out of it. It was none of her business. ASCC Senator, Corry Morrison asked the
Senate for advice that would help him vote wisely next week. It was suggested that he remember the intent and spirit of the binding ASCC rules when casting his vote.
CLPFA . Dave Fouquet announced that the Faculty Salary Schedule has been placed in our mailboxes. Fouquet cautioned that cutting programs cuts revenue generation and this needs to be weighed against any potential savings. Only cuts with “huge” gains should reluctantly be considered. Chabot has expensive programs like Nursing, Dental Hygiene, and the Children’s Center. If the district wants to offer these programs, the costs for the programs should not be Chabot’s alone. The District and Las Positas should bear some of the costs as well. Dr.
Kinnamon and Dr. Cota are expected to respect and follow the Program
Revitalization and Discontinuance Process agreed to, even if the Board has not yet approved it. The college has put Health Information Technology (HIT) and
Design Technology into suspension. Programs should be suspended rather than discontinued, cancelled, eliminated, etcetera. The FA (Tom Dewit and Dave
Fouquet) refused to participate in the K. H. strategic cost management exercise because they did not put much stock into it. K. H. uses caned ideas from one institution to another with the institutions plugging in their numbers. It was felt that K. H. knew less about budgeting issues than the FA representatives.
2.3 Public Comments : Melinda Matsuda discussed the Cheating and
Plagiarism Reporting Procedure the Senate passed. She asked about the level of discipline or sanctions to be taken and where they would be administered.
The Senate wanted this left to the Vice President of Student Services and not spelled out in the reporting procedure. Ms. Matsuda indicated that she did not want to keep a file of those alleged to have cheated, etc. but only those found guilty of the offense. It was clarified that this reporting procedure does not violate students’ rights to due process. President Glen said he and Ms.
Matsuda would meet to discuss this more and confer with legal council as to whether keeping these files is legal and whether having students sign the report is legally advisable.
3.1 District Curriculum Council.
Barbara Ogman moved to approve the District
Curriculum Council governance structure and Norman Buchwald second. The motion carried. Some changes were made for improvement to the document and the process so that both colleges can work together better.
District should not
, 2005 be allowed to sign off on curriculum matters, since this is the purview of the
Academic/Faculty Senate. To keep in alignment with Las Positas College, it was agreed to move the Vice Presidents of Academic Services to non-voting members of the Council. An
Occupational (Vocational) Education Faculty member from each college was added as voting members. T he Curriculum
Council will meet even when there are no conflicts, which is beneficial.
There was discussion around the Articulation Officers having a vote on the Council. It was decided that as long as the Articulation Officers are faculty, they should have a vote.
3.2 Educational Master Plan 2005-2015. Ming Ho moved not to approve the
Educational Master Plan for 2005-2015 and Bill Johnson seconded. The motion carried. Senate feels the Educational Master Plan was done in a rushed manner without adequate time for input from the various divisions, disciplines, constituencies, and governance groups. Administrators created the plan and the completed product was presented without adequate time for revisions before going to print. There needed to be a call for more faculty input earlier in the process. In a quick glance through the document, Senators found a number of inaccuracies and inconsistencies in the document. There is information in the Ed
Master Plan that is not in agreement with the College Catalog.
Bill Johnson pointed out the plan failed to reflect a correlation between the
Industries with Growth Tables 10a and b, Table 11, Table 13, etc. and the college’s programs. Job projections should be reflected in the goals sections of the Ed Master Plan. Language in the document is ambiguous and confusing.
For example, on page 43 the Tentative Breakdown of Needs for Faculty
Positions by division/Goal section the “30 fte added to fulltime faculty ranks on a year-by-year basis” is not clear. Also “Interdisciplinary Leadership” is listed with three fte faculty positions, yet the ISLS program is being suspended. Page 48 lists “punch and die work” as an area of training. This has not been offered at
Chabot in many years. Pages 58 - 61 covers the Language Arts Division. The division wanted revisions made to a number of the discipline/program descriptions, since they were not involved in what was listed in the Ed Master
Plan. This did not happen because the document went to print before feedback could be incorporated.
Ming Ho asked about how the progress made towards achieving goals in the Ed master Plan was being tracked? What is the point of setting goals, if there’s no follow up or tracking? If the Ed Mater Plan is to have any relevance and not merely be a shelf document, it needs to have broad based input with time to go through the shared governance process. Senators are to bring revisions for the document to the next Senate meeting.
, 2005
4.1 Faculty Hiring Process . President Glen presented the draft Faculty Hiring
Process document. Senate discussed whether the stage one committee recommendations should be sent to the stage two committee ranked. After discussion, a straw poll was taken, and all but two Senators were in favor of sending the recommendations forward unranked.
4.2 College Council Charge . Tabled.
4.3 2006-2007 Draft Strategic Plan . Tabled.
4.4 Tree Planting and Naming . Tabled.
5.1 Senate President’s Report . President Glen reported that he and Mike
Absher met with Dr. Carlson to discuss the Senate reporting to the College
President in the Shared Governance structure. The meeting lasted about an hour and a half. Dr. Carlson did finally agree to change the Shared
Governance document to reflect the Academic/Faculty Senate reporting directly to the College President. Mike and Chad were thanked and congratulated on achieving the Senate’s goal of changing the governance document.
6.1 Future Agenda Items,
Counselors Assigned to Divisions ( Mike Absher) .
6.2 Adjournment . The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m.
6.3 Next Meeting: Thursday, December 15, 2005 at 2:15 p.m. Board Room.
Spring Semester Meetings: 2 nd
& 4 th
Thursday, 2:15 - 4:15 p.m., unless designated “*special”. January 26; February 9 & 23; March 2* & 23; April 6*
& 20*; May 4* & 11* (*Special Meetings — not on 2 nd
or 4 th