CHABOT COLLEGE ACADEMIC/FACULTY SENATE Regular Meeting Board Room, Building 200 Thursday, November 9, 2006– 2:22 p.m. to 4:55 p.m. A P P R O V E D M I N UT E S Submitted by Barbara Ogman and Chad Mark Glen Senator Attendance: Applied Technology & Business (Michael Absher); Counseling (Sally Stickney & Rachel Aziminia); Health, Physical Education, & Athletics (Nancy Cowan & Vacant); Arts & Humanities (Diane Zuliani); Language Arts (Francisco Zermeño & Vacant); Library (Norman Buchwald); Science & Mathematics (Dave Fouquet & Ming Ho); and Social Sciences (Barbara Ogman & Michael Thompson); Adjunct Faculty (Anne Brichacek). Guests: Dr. Ron Taylor (Vice President, Academic Services), Nolly Ruiz (Curriculum Chair) Jane Church (Articulation Officer), and Jan Novak (Distance Ed Chair). Presiding Officers: President Chad Mark Glen, Vice President Michael Absher. ITEM 1.0 GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1.1 Call to Order: President Glen called the meeting to order at 2:22. 1.2 Approval of the Minutes: Sally Stickney moved to approve the October 19, 2006 minutes and Michael Absher seconded. Some minor corrections were made. The motion to approve carried. 2.0 REPORT S 2.1 Robert Lu, ASCC Report: No report. 2.2 Senate President’s Report: Chad Mark Glen tabled his report to allow more time for other agenda items. 2.3 CLPFA: No report. 2.4 Public Comments: None. 3.0 A C T I O N I T E M S ACADEMIC/FACULTY SENATE MINUTES November 9th, 2006 3.1 AS Degree Proposals: Discussion was based on the following: Below are five items that should help guide your consideration of the AS degree revision: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Existing Chabot-LPC AS Degree Requirements Title 5 Degree Requirements Proposal A for AS Proposal B for AS Proposal C for AS We’ve also included the background information for discussion with your divisions. The ongoing discussions about the AS degree has led to two items of consensus among the Chabot and LPC faculty: Most faculty favor keeping the AS as a lower-unit degree than the AA. Most faculty don’t favor keeping the “American Institutions or Health” option under the AS because it creates unclear learning outcomes for students. The proposals eliminate the “American Institutions or Health” option under the AS degree. Please rank the three proposals along with keeping the existing AS degree as currently composed. Your senators will then be asked to vote based on division rankings and the discussion at Senate. E-mail, or give a hardcopy of, your rankings to your division Senator by 5:00 PM, November 21, 2006. (Reference: Notes from Convocation posted on District web site.) Background Information 1. Existing Chabot-Las Positas AS Degree Requirements Area Title 5 Area Language and Rationality D. English Composition D. 1. Communications and Analytical Thinking D. 2. Natural Sciences A. Humanities C. Social and Behavioral Sciences B. Physical Education E. Units 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 November 9th, 2006 ACADEMIC/FACULTY SENATE MINUTES American Institutions or Health American Cultures Mathematics (proficiency) E. TOTAL 3 0 0 19 2. Title 5 Degree Requirements These are the areas defined by Title 5. Area Number of units required by Title 5 A. Natural Science 3 B. Social Science 3 C. Humanities 3 D. Language and Rationality 3 1. English Composition 3 2. Communications and Analytical Thinking E. Local Option Minimum of 3 units in this area. In the CLPCCD: for the AA degree, this area consists of: • Writing and Critical Thinking • American Institutions • Areas of Health • Physical Education for the AS degree, this area consists of • Physical Education • American Institutions OR Health TOTAL 18 (minimum) In addition, Title 5 mandates minimum standards for English and mathematics. The current standard is eligibility for English 1A and mathematics proficiency at the level of Elementary Algebra. Background Information Based on the Title 5 requirements, discussions at Convocation, discussions in the Chabot and LPC Curriculum Committees and Chabot and LPC Senates, we have prepared the following proposals. 3. Draft Proposal A 3 ACADEMIC/FACULTY SENATE MINUTES November 9th, 2006 This proposal allows division faculty to choose three units of program-based GE to complete the AS. Proposal A Areas of General Education Associate in Science Degree Area Title 5 Area Language and Rationality D. English Composition D. 1. Communications and Analytical D. 2. Thinking Natural Sciences A. Humanities C. Social and Behavioral Sciences B. E. Wellness (Areas of Health or PE) E. Program-based GE* American Cultures Mathematics (proficiency) TOTAL Units 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 0 0 19 *Associate in Science Degree Program-based GE (Title 5 Area E): Subject to Curriculum Committee review and approval, the faculty in the discipline containing the degree program determine, based on program needs and a clearly defined program level learning outcome, which course or courses will satisfy this area. The discipline may require a specific course or allow students to choose from a list of courses or GE area(s). Any courses chosen to satisfy this area must be chosen from the areas defined by Title 5 and must be chosen from the list of courses approved by the college curriculum committee as area GE courses. This innovative approach has the following benefits: Empowers faculty to decide which area of GE is most important based on program needs and outcomes Fits within the requirements of Title 5 Wouldn’t necessarily exclude any of the GE areas from consideration (including American Institutions and Health) Is outcome-based and leads to creation of program-based Student Learning Outcomes. Incorporates Wellness from the AA 4. Draft Proposal B This proposal creates a parallel structure to the AA degree with Wellness as an area and American Institutions as a separate area at the current number of units (19). 4 ACADEMIC/FACULTY SENATE MINUTES November 9th, 2006 Proposal B Areas of General Education Associate in Science Degree Area Title 5 Area Language and Rationality D. English Composition D. 1. Communications and Analytical D. 2. Thinking Natural Sciences A. Humanities C. Social and Behavioral Sciences B. E. Wellness (Areas of Health or PE) E. American Institutions American Cultures Mathematics (proficiency) TOTAL Units 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 0 0 19 This more traditional approach has the following benefits: Makes outcomes consistent with the AA for the GE portion of the AS Keeps the AS at its current level of 19 units Addresses concerns raised by the LPC and Chabot Academic Senates about American Institutions being an option rather than a requirement in the AS. Incorporates Wellness from the AA Proposal C This proposal creates a parallel structure to the AA degree with Wellness as an area and American Institutions as a separate area at an increased number of units (22). Areas of General Education Associate in Science Degree Area Title 5 Area Language and Rationality D. English Composition D. 1. Communications and Analytical D. 2. Thinking Natural Sciences A. Humanities C. Social and Behavioral Sciences B. E. Wellness (1 course from Areas of Health and 1 unit from Physical Education) Units 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 ACADEMIC/FACULTY SENATE MINUTES November 9th, 2006 E. American Institutions American Cultures Mathematics (proficiency) TOTAL 3 0 0 22 This approach has the following benefits: Makes outcomes consistent with the AA for the GE portion of the AS Addresses concerns raised by the LPC and Chabot Academic Senates about American Institutions being an option rather than a requirement in the AS Incorporates Wellness from the AA Please, note, however, that many faculty members in disciplines that offer the AS degree do not favor raising the General Education requirement for the AS degree. Discussion: Nancy Cowan: whichever suggestion is adopted it will have serious consequences for her division. They also believe that students should have more knowledge about their bodies. She would like us to consider selecting the option that is less onerous as far as PE and Health is concerned (Proposal C). Discussion ensued about the idea of a proficiency in American Institutions/ American Cultures: credit by exam or credit from work in high school. It is already in place for Chabot students to get credit for a course they are enrolled in by testing out of it. Dr. Taylor: The groupings of the American Institutions or Health degree requirements do not really make much sense. Nolly Ruiz: You can not reconcile health and American Cultures. Michael Thompson: Perhaps a new course that would fulfill the wellness/nutrition requirement should be created that would not increase the number of classes. Ming Ho moved to approve the AS Degree Options memo and send it out for all faculty and Michael Absher seconded. The motion carried. 4.0 DISCUSSION ITEMS 4.1 LDTP (CSU Lower Division Transfer Project): The PowerPoint presentation Jane Church prepared would not load on the computer. Per Jane’s request, this item was tabled until the November 30th Senate meeting. 4.2 General Education Reciprocity Program Certification: Jane Church explained that Chabot is a part of Region 4 and most colleges in the region have already signed on to this GE Reciprocity Program. It was a difficult process to reach this agreement. It is one of its kind in the state. The reciprocity agreements are not legislated, but Jane believes we should join into the Region 4 reciprocity group. Could the lower GE requirements for the AS degree be applied to an AA degree as part of the reciprocity agreement? The AA/AS question needs some clarification. The Senate seems in favor of GE reciprocity idea. Jane will clarify the information. 6 ACADEMIC/FACULTY SENATE MINUTES November 9th, 2006 Senators will bring the reciprocity idea back to divisions and get feedback. This will be an Action Item on the November 30th Senate Agenda. 4.3 Distance Education and Online Instruction: Jan Novak gave an overview of the state of DE at Chabot, the DE Priorities for 2006-08, an update on current online teaching incentive program, and discussed the proposed revised DE Committee charter. Revision of the DE charter requires Senate approval. Ms. Novak gave an overview, and enrollment trends. There is growth in both online and Blackboard sections from last year. In a comparison of local colleges we are toward the lower end of what we offer in terms of breadth and quality of DE courses. Foothill and West Valley are way ahead of us in terms of support for students taking online classes. Ms. Novak gave statistics on the online student and data concerning their success. Information was given for reasons the students might want to take online classes. DE priorities include expanding the number of quality online courses to meet student demand. DE is expanding access to quality online courses with one time funds: 16 new classes in spring schedule. 28 new online courses summer/fall, 8 online teaching mentors identified, training course options developed, 17 faculty taking an intro to Blackboard course. DE is undergoing Program Review and potential “rocks” (inquiring projects) include, getting to know our online student, improving student success, improving student retention, removing barriers for faculty to teach DE courses. Proposed Charter Revision: Change name of committee to Distance Education Committee, provide (see handout for details) more flexible membership guidelines, slightly revise our charge, and update meeting dates and location. Discussion of changes: President Glen: regarding the open/closed membership, there is concern that savvy faculty might stack the committee at strategic points to sway decision making. Perhaps membership should be ratified. Michael Absher: the committee does not vote per se but makes recommendations through consensus. Glen: “Voting” should be representative. Core “members” are the ones that weigh in on decisions. Core representatives are one from every division with the number of stated minimum qualifications. Discussion ensued about who is on this committee and how voting happens. Glen made specific recommendations about committee make up and wording related to charge and asked Jan to bring it back to the DE committee for discussion. Ms. Novak will redraft the proposal and Senate will have it as an action item at November 30th Senate meeting. Dave Fouquet: For DE courses that students are taking for transfer, is there a requirement that students take an on-campus exam to prove that they are the person who has taken the online class? Ms. Novak: There is no such requirement. There was discussion about the potential problems that might come up about student identity, proctoring exams and transfer course reciprocity. 7 ACADEMIC/FACULTY SENATE MINUTES November 9th, 2006 4.4 Unit Plan Reconfiguration: Dr. Taylor: We attempted to keep it as simple as possible and user friendly. Forms will be both on-line and hard copy. Some language changes were suggested by Diane Zuliani. All agreed it is an improvement. This is not something the Senate needs to vote on as an Action Item. If there are suggested revisions, we can put the proposed revisions on the Agenda as an Action Item. 4.5 Accreditation Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Cycles: discussion. 5.0 No REPORTS II 5.1 Senate Committees: No reports. 5.3 Senators: All are encouraged to attend the opening of the new art exhibit. This is a great cause and beautiful art. The show runs through December 14th. Diane Zuliani: Report on SLOs Presentation to College Council. There was a chilly reception to the report. She felt there was some questioning of the reliability or bias of her sources. Subsequently, she has gotten lots of response to her talk that has been positive. President Glen expressed his appreciation to Diane for her presentation. Diane Zuliani expressed dismay at the College President’s reaction. She and Glen were disappointed in the response. The potential for a “change of heart” does exist on both sides. 6.0 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 6.1 Student Learning Outcomes and the Accountability Movement: What Faculty Should Know— Diane Zuliani; 6.2 Administrator Evaluations— Stephanie Zappa; 6.3 eLumen Assessment Software Overview— Sally Stickney; 6.4 At-Large Faculty Vote on Senate Constitution Changes— Chad Mark Glen; 6.5 District Faculty Hire Procedures— Chad Mark Glen; 6.6 Minimum Qualifications Equivalencies for Faculty— Chad Mark Glen. Meeting adjourned at 4:55 PM. Next Meeting— November 16, 2006 Fall Meetings— 2nd & 4th Thursdays: 11/30* and 12/14. (*Special Meetings— not on 2nd or 4th Thursday). BO/C MG 8