R e g u l a r Meeting
Board Room, Building 200
Thursday, February, 8 2007 – 2:15 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.
Submitted by Michael Thompson and Chad Mark Glen
Senator Attendance: Applied Technology & Business (Michael Absher); Counseling (Rachel
Aziminia & Dara Greene); Health, Physical Education, & Athletics
(Nancy Cowan & Vacant); Arts & Humanities (Diane Zuliani);
Language Arts (Francisco Zermeño & Vacant); Library (Norman
Buchwald); Science & Mathematics (Dave Fouquet & Ming Ho); and
Social Sciences (Barbara Ogman & Michael Thompson); Adjunct
Faculty (Anne Brichacek).
Dr. Ron Taylor (Vice President, Academic Services), Dr. Carolyn
Arnold (Institutional Researcher and Grants Coordinator), Bill
McDonald (Counseling), and Katherine Tollefsen (ITS).
Presiding Officer:
President Chad Mark Glen and Vice President Michael Absher.
1.1 Call to Order: President Glen called the meeting to order at 2:15 p.m.
1.2 Approval of the Minutes: Michael Thompson moved to approve the
January 25, 2007 minutes and Francisco Zermeño seconded. The
motion to approve carried.
2.1 College President’s Report: Dr. Robert Carlson was out ill.
2.2 ASCC Report: ASCC Vice President, Robert Lu was unable to
attend. Please see President Glen’s report below.
2.3 Senate President’s Report: Chad Mark Glen reported that the
Chancellor Search Committee 1st meeting is Friday, March 9th at the
district office. The New Chancellor takes office July 1st I’ll keep you posted
on the process and the progress. Administrator Evaluation Process
and Procedures: I met with Mary Anne Gularte, the New Director of
Human Resources at the district. She provided the requested documents
and has good ideas for making improvements to the way things are done.
February 8th, 2007
The LPC Senate President and I will be working with her on codifying the hiring
process. ASCC: Robert Lu from Robert Lu: Club day is now on March 15, which will
be a St. Patrick’s Day theme. The ASCC will also be participating in flex day
2.4 CLPFA: Dave Fouquet reported that he had a prototype of the salary schedule.
He is meeting with Joel Kinnamon tomorrow and asked if there is anything else he
can do to expedite the completion and distribution of the salary schedule.
Information included on the new schedule is faculty office hours and summer office
hours. The issue of faculty office relocation has come to the union. Fouquet will
be involved with the committee deciding these issues, particularly around privacy
issues. There are examples of cubicles with high walls and lockable doors,
shelving, computers with internet access, etc. The FA can push to make sure
these issues are addressed. Students want access to faculty, but there are
security issues that need to be addressed with open cubicles for offices. Marcia
Corcoran is now chairing the relocation committee. Mike Absher stated that the
Facilities Committee has already discussed some of these issues and many
decisions have already been made and others are soon to be made. Fouquet
said decisions made by the Relocation Committee will go to the architects.
Barbara Ogman pointed out that her current office is a cubicle and she has not
had security problems, but is concerned that might change and invited anyone who
wants a glimpse of her cubicle life to visit.
2.5 Open House Proposals— Katherine Tollefsen and Bill McDonald presented
their committee work on creating an Open House at Chabot on May 12, 2007.
Events include a car show, barbeque, events for children, etc. The goal is to get
the community onto the campus to recruit for enrollment. Expedited enrollment will
be offered to attendees. Trying to arrange on-site application and enrollment with
Admissions and Records. Any community member who meets with a program
member will get expedited enrollment in program course. The Activity Proposal
Form was also present to the Senate. A High School Open House will occur
earlier in the day. They will go through orientation/information session in the
morning. Francisco Zermeño stated that the college killed the TV station/program
so its representation at the Open House will be limited. Others had suggestions of
vocational/academic programs that could be involved. The deadline for submitting
proposals is February 28th. After that, underrepresented programs will be asked to
participate. Mike Absher reminded that there are Saturday classes that will be
affected that day. McDonald encouraged those classes to participate in the day.
Chad Mark Glen encouraged Senators to spread the word about the event in our
divisions. The form will be e-mailed and hard-copied to the Chabot community.
2.6 Public Comments: None.
February 8th, 2007
3.1 AS Degree Revision Implementation: Francisco Zermeño moved to approve
and Nancy Cowan seconded. The following motion passed:
On Friday, December 1st, the District Curriculum Council met to discuss the A.S.
degree proposals ranked by the Chabot and Las Positas College faculty.
The faculty at both colleges and both Academic Senates favored Draft Proposal A.
This proposal consists of a total of 19 GE Units: 15 units from Title 5 Requirements
+ 1 unit of Wellness + 3 units of program-based General Education. (Please see
the attached Associate of Science Degree Revision Resolution adopted November
30th, 2006.)
Every A.S. degree must go to the Curriculum Committee for approval. Below are
the Timeline and Implementation Process for the Associate in Science Degree
• College Hour informational meeting (February 22nd at noon in the Board Room)
• Curriculum form available for faculty in disciplines that award A.S. degrees
(please see attached)
Applicable courses from Title 5 with local options on back
Also on Intranet
Spring 07
• Draft the A.S. and AA degree philosophy/guidelines
• Begin pilots
o Inform advisory boards, learn their expectations (ongoing process)
o Discuss how to evaluate courses for A.S. GE applicability
• February 2, District Curriculum Council (DCC) meeting
o Vet (examine) implementation
• February 20 to Board of Trustees for approval of new A.S. degree configuration
• Begin training: Counselors, evaluators, student services (ongoing process)
Fall 07
• Submit A.S. degree courses to Curriculum for approval
Spring 08
• Finalize A.S. degree information for College catalog
Fall 08
• New A.S. in catalog, on Web, and on all literature
Chabot and LPC Academic Senate Presidents and Curriculum Chairs are working
to create a clear process for programs with A.S. degrees to determine programbased GE. Note that the program-based GE must be approved by the Curriculum
Committee and must fulfill a program-level learning outcome. The Curriculum
February 8th, 2007
Chairs will be meeting with faculty whose programs offer A.S. degrees to discuss
the process in more detail.
If you would like to provide feedback on the process or if you'd like to get the jump
on determining program-based GE for an A.S. degree in your program, please let
Curriculum Chair, Norberto Ruiz know. In order to get the word out to students in a
consistent manner, it would be helpful to complete this process for all A.S. degrees
at the two colleges in time for the 2008-10 catalog. (Given the curriculum process
and printing deadlines, this would mean by the end of Fall semester 2007.)
DISCUSSION: On February 22nd there will be an informational meeting led by
Nolly. Mike Absher asked if a class is already approved to fulfill a requirement
does it have to be approved to fulfill a GE requirement. Dr. Taylor replied yes that
it did. Absher asked does the Curriculum Committee have to approve this. Again,
the answer is yes. Even if another program is utilizing a course as a GE
requirement, any other program still must get approval for that course. Every A.S.
degree-granting program must re-submit their degree requirement to incorporate
the new program-based AS requirement to the Curriculum Committee. Absher
stated that this information should be included in the motion and document that the
Senate is approving. This information should be at the beginning of the document.
3.2 AS Degree Revision Proposal Form: Francisco Zermeño moved to make
Discussion item 4.1 Action item 3.2 and Norman Buchwald seconded. The
motion passed with greater than the required 2/3 vote to approve. Dave Fouquet
asked why agenda item says revision and the actual form says proposal. There
are also other typos and alignment issues on the form. President Glen he will
make the corrections. Mike Absher asked about the term “Program-level learning
outcomes.” Will programs have to devise these outcomes? Dr Taylor suggested
that programs look at college-wide learning outcomes as guidelines to develop
program level learning outcomes. To clarify, Absher stated, all AS degree
programs will have to develop program-level outcomes. Mike Thompson asked
will all programs AA and AS degrees have to submit program learning goals at
some point. Dr. Taylor suggested that yes; all programs will at some point do this.
Dave Fouquet raised the issue of the contradiction program-based GE
requirement. Dr. Taylor also sees the contradiction. We are conflating a couple of
levels of goals in this requirement. Absher stated that one of the selling points
was the program flexibility and now we are at the implementation stage. Ming Ho
stated that those AS degree programs that have problems submitting rationales
and courses could be removed. He sees benefits, particularly in offering students
courses related to but outside of their major and widening their view. Thompson
suggested that we will continually be making revisions. Fouquet asked will
approval be based on the ability to effectively argue your rationale. Would
providing an example of a rationale be helpful on the form? Thompson asked if
multiple courses can be submitted on the same form. Can there be multiple
rationales? Chad will recommend that the Curriculum Committee come up with an
example in the rationale section of the form. Zermeño moved to approve the AS
February 8th, 2007
Degree Revision Proposal Form with the above revisions and Absher seconded.
The motion to approve carried.
4.1 AS Degree Revision Proposal Form: Please see Action Item 3.2 above.
4.2 Draft AS Degree Philosophy / Guidelines: The following draft philosophies were
DRAFT AS Degree Philosophy/Guidelines: The Associate in Science
degrees are commonly offered in technical and career programs and
those disciplines requiring a high number of units in the major. The
Associate in Science degrees require a minimum number of general
education units.
DRAFT AA Degree Philosophy/Guidelines: The Associate in Arts
degrees are commonly offered in disciplines not requiring a higher
number of units in the major. Generally these degrees are chosen by
students planning to transfer to a four year institution. The Associate
in Arts degrees require a minimum number of general education
units, with greater emphasis on writing, critical thinking, and
American institutions than in the Associate in Science degree.
Ming Ho stated a rationale for the AA degrees is not just for transfer and should be
restated. President Glen stated that the people who pursue the AA are not always
pursuing a higher level degree. Norman Buchwald said he was concerned with
the wording of the AA degree philosophy. Dara Greene said that students are
coming to counseling and the wording should be the facilitating of a degree. Mike
Absher said that AS degree students do transfer, but not in their AS Degree
chosen field of study. Dave Fouquet stated our engineering faculty do encourage
our students to take other courses which would perhaps allow some students to
achieve an AS Degree in other areas. Ho believes the AA degree is a liberal arts
degree which often meets the course reflected as a subset of the first two years of
a Bachelors degree. Glen stated the meaning of an AS and AA degree is also
being discussed at the District Curriculum Council. Buchwald was worried about
how a student might read and understand what the two degrees mean. This is
meant to be a starting point for discussion. If we have a good definition for the AS
then the AA will be able to counterpoint the need for definition of an associate
degree. Greene says it needs to be simple for us and students to help understand
the difference.
4.3 Nike Site $500,000 Campus Art Update: This was discussed but Senate agreed
to carry this item over to the next meeting to allow time for faculty to give input at
the next meeting.
February 8th, 2007
At 4:45 p.m. Dave Fouquet moved to extend the meeting for 15 minutes and Ming
Ho seconded the motion. The motion carried.
4.4 Learning Assessment: Dr. Carolyn Arnold and President Glen presented the
revised Basic Skills grant proposal and budget submitted by the Senate and Dr.
Arnold. While the Basic Skills money is only for a year (possibly a year and a half),
there is hope a Title III Grant will come through to continue the Basic Skills/SLOAC
work. The proposal calls for two paid faculty coordinators. Dr. Arnold volunteered
to be one of the coordinators at no additional cost. Another Coordinator would be
appointed. A steering committee could also be formed to coordinate the SLOAC
work. This Spring the committee would lay the informational groundwork on the
campus. The committee would identify speakers and workshops to have in the
Fall of 2007. Dr. Arnold will begin a Student Learning Assessment conversation
this Flex Day on critical thinking across disciplines. Dr. Arnold plans to pilot the
college-wide critical thinking learning in the Fall of 2007. Stipends will be available
for those faculty involved in SLOs at the course level. Michael Thompson stated
that there has to be a lot of work to get faculty buy-in. Barbara Ogman stated that
she and Francisco Zermeño participated on a committee with Nolly Ruiz to create
a course level SLO approach that would make the task direct and simple. Like
Program Review, we are creating in SLOACs/Basic Skills a system that is a little
unwieldy and time consuming. President Glen responded that the steering
committee can have multiple views and representation. On the course level it can
be streamlined. Zermeño stated that they have already created a streamlined
rubric. Dr. Arnold encouraged all come to the Flex Day discussion in the
afternoon for a discourse on this topic.
4.5 Administrator Evaluations: A packet with the administrator evaluation process,
forms, and timeline was distributed and discussed. Dr. Carlson has stated that
each administrator is tasked to do an evaluation each year. In the past, the group
of Dr. Carlson, Dr. Taylor, Ms. Matsuda and Chad Mark Glen have helped to
choose who gets evaluated. This is no longer the case with the new process.
Some felt that this was a problem. The evaluation could to be more clearly defined
and therefore it has not been implemented very well at Chabot. Mike Absher
pointed out the Administrator forms for new evaluations are not covered in any
appreciable way in this process.
4.6 Accreditation Self-Study Faculty Chair: There was insufficient time to have a
meaningful discussion on this item and it was tabled until the next meeting.
5.1 Senate Committees: No reports.
5.3 Senators: No reports.
February 8th, 2007
Senate Presidential Election Committee— Chad Mark Glen
Recognition Ceremony April 17, 3:30 – 5:00, Little Theater — Chad Mark Glen
At-Large Faculty Vote on Senate Constitution Changes— Chad Mark Glen;
District Faculty Hire Procedures— Chad Mark Glen;
Minimum Qualifications Equivalencies for Faculty— Chad Mark Glen;
Faculty Working With ASCC to Publicize Events— Curtis Ballard.
Meeting adjourned at 4:45 PM.
Next Meeting— February 22, 2007
Spring Meetings— 2nd & 4th Thursdays.
March 8 & 22, April 5* & 26, May 10.
(*Special Meetings— not on 2nd or 4th Thursday)