CHABOT COLLEGE ACADEMIC/FACULTY SENATE R e g u l a r Meeting Board Room, Building 200 Thursday, May 8, 2008, 2:29 p.m. to 4:28 p.m. APPROVED MINUTES Submitted by Anne Brichacek, Chad Mark Glen and Diane Zuliani Senators Applied Technology & Business — Michael Absher Arts & Humanities — Dov Hassan Counseling — Rachel Azimina & Dara Greene Health, Physical Education, & Athletics — Nancy Cowan & Jeff Drouin Language Arts — Susan Gill & Vacant Library — Jim Matthews Science & Mathematics — Dave Fouquet & Ming Ho Social Sciences — Michael Thompson & Sherri Yeager Part-time Faculty — Anne Brichacek Ex-Officios ASCC — Jove Meyer, ASCC Vice President and Senate Representative CLPFA — Shari Jacobsen Academic/Faculty Senate Immediate Past President — Chad Mark Glen Guests Norma Ambriz Presiding Officer President Diane Zuliani ITEM 1. GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1.1. Call to Order: President Zuliani called the meeting to order at 2:29pm 1.2. Approval of the Minutes: Chad Mark Glen moved to approve the minutes of April 24 and Michael Thompson seconded the motion. The minutes were approved with one correction: Item 1.3 regarding IOB should read “additional funding had to be shifted for total cost of $16M.” Abstentions: Nancy Cowan, Mike Absher, and Dara Greene. 1.3. Guests: Norma Ambriz; and Recognition Award Recipients who are not members of Senate: Alice Lo, Catherine Gentiluomo, Dale Wagoner, Karen Lounsbury, Nan McDonell, Joann Cerefice, Seth Harwood, Susan Sperling, Waiz Badar. ACADEMIC/FACULTY SENATE DRAFT MINUTES May 6. 2008 2. REPORTS 2.1. President’s Report: Zuliani: Diane Zuliani deferred her report to the next meeting on May 22nd. 2.2. ASCC: Jove Meyer reported that ASCC elections had been held. Justin Reyes is the newly elected president. Funding was found as promised for book scholarships for Fall 2008. The forms should be available soon. 2.3. CLPFA: Dave Fouquet reported that polling on the compressed calendar was complete. The results will be made available soon; discussion around this complex issue will continue. Negotiations about load factor (labs) will begin in summer. 2.4. Senators: Nancy Cowan reported that there is one nominee for the office of Senate President. The ballot box will be placed in the lobby of building 200 for the ballots. The nominee is Ming Ho. Dara Greene invites everyone to attend the Transfer Celebration honoring students who are transferring to a four-year institution. It will be held on May 14th. Everyone is invited to attend. 2.5. Public Comments: Jeff Drouin announced that Steve Johnson who played football at Chabot in 2004 and 2005 was drafted by the Buffalo Bills. 3. ACTION ITEMS: 3.1. None 4. DISCUSSION ITEMS 4.1. Chabot as a Hispanic Serving Institute (HSI): Norma Ambriz began her presentation by saying that the task of gathering the data and submitting a proposal that could make Chabot College eligible to receive Federal funding as a Hispanic Serving Institution (HIS) was begun in Fall 2007. An institution is designated as an HSI through the Department of Education as the first stage of application for a Title V grant under the Higher Education Act (Developing Hispanic Serving Institutions Grant). To be so designated the institution must have 25% FTE undergraduate Hispanic students who are either seeking a degree, a certificate, or transfer to a 4-yr college. The benefit of receiving HSI designation (under Title V) is that it opens the door for the college to also apply for funding under Title III. There is at least one college district in California that receives funding under both Title V and Title III: San Diego College District. Most HSIs are concentrated in urban areas. In California, however, they are in rural areas. Everyone will benefit from Title V funding, even though the criteria requires 25% Hispanic FTE, because although state funding will be directed to improve and/or maintain programs that promote the success of Hispanic students, all students benefit from improved and maintained programs. Grants are for five years, after which they may be applied for again. Chabot College is recognized as a “Latino Friendly” college by the community. The Strategic Plan and Chancellor’s Goals articulate the following: to increase the number of students from historically under-represented groups; in 2 ACADEMIC/FACULTY SENATE DRAFT MINUTES May 6. 2008 particular, focus on increasing the percentage of Latino students from 22% to 25% to reflect representation in local population. The Race-ethnicity Student Headcount: Fall 2007 indicated that Latinos comprised 24% of the students at Chabot. In reality there are perhaps more, because the headcount also indicated 8% Unknown (not declared). These figures spurred a renewed and more intensive effort to contact students who chose Unknown with the request that they identify their ethnicity. This information gathering is urgent because Chabot must meet the guideline criteria (25% FTE Hispanic) by September in order to be eligible to apply in spring 2009. Although Admissions and Records is taking the lead in following up with students who have not checked an ethnicity designation, everyone is requested to participate in this effort. If you have questions during summer, contact Ramon Parada or Sandra Genera. Ambriz answered several questions from Senators. 5. FACULTY SENATE RECOGNITION AWARDS CEREMONY 5.1. Chad Mark Glen initiated the Academic/Faculty Senate Recognition Awards Ceremony when he became president five years ago. The following were recognized for the 20072008 academic year: Student Leadership Award: Waiz Badar Jove Meyer Outstanding Classified Professional Award: JoAnn Cerefice Catherine Gentiluomo Alice Lo Nan McDonell Distinguished Administrator Award Gene Groppetti Dale Wagoner Adjunct Faculty of Distinction Award Anne Brichacek Seth Harwood Karen Lounsbury Outstanding Faculty Contribution Award Susan Sperling Faculty Leadership Award: Dave Fouquet Diane Zuliani Academic/Faculty Senate President’s Award Chad Mark Glen 6. GOOD OF THE ORDER 6.1 Future Agenda items Compressed Calendar Academic Council Chancellor’s Budget Workshop 6.2 Adjournment at 4:28 PM. 6.3 Last 2008 Meeting: May 22, 2008 at 2:15 p.m. 3 ACADEMIC/FACULTY SENATE DRAFT MINUTES May 6. 2008 AZB/CMG/DZ 4