August 28, 2008, 2:29 – 3:55 pm
Board Room in Building 200
Submitted by Ken Grace and Ming Ho
Senate President
Ming-Lun Ho
Vice President
Applied Technology
& Business
Mike Absher
Arts & Humanities
Dov Hassan
Rachel Aziminia
Dara Greene
Health, Physical
Education & Athletics
Nancy Cowan
Ken Grace
Language Arts
Jason Ames
Linda Barde
Jim Matthews
Part-Time Faculty
Anne Brichacek
Applied Technology & Business — Michael Absher
Arts & Humanities — Dov Hassan
Counseling — Rachel Azimina & Dara Greene
Health, Physical Education, & Athletics — Nancy Cowan & Ken Grace
Language Arts — Vacant & Vacant
Library — Jim Matthews
Part-time Faculty — Anne Brichacek
Science & Mathematics — Dave Fouquet & Vacant
Social Sciences — Kathy Kelley & Sherri Yeager
ASCC — Ahmad Asir, Vice President
CLPFA — Shari Jacobsen, Membership Coordinator
Gene Groppetti— Interim Vice President of Academic Services
Presiding Officer
President Ming-Lun Ho
Call to Order – President Ho called the meeting to order at 2:29 p.m.
Approval of Minutes of May 22, 2008 – Jim Mathews moved to approve the minutes of May 22,
2008, and Dave Fouquet seconded. The motion carried.
Welcome of Guests and New Senators
College President — reported by V.P. Gene Groppetti in lieu of Dr. Barberena. Working on
SLOs is a top priority now so that the college can focus on other important goals. To that end, the
flex day on Oct. 7 will be dedicated to faculty working on SLOs and linking them to course
outlines. Faculty will use an SLO template to generate a large majority of course SLOs during
flex. This action will move us closer to compliance with accreditation. The flex day in Spring will
be February 12, 2009.
ASCC — Ahmad Asir. ASCC hosted Welcome back week, which included activities like the Ice
Cream Social. On Oct 2, 2008 the ASCC will host Voter Registration Day. The ASCC President
and Vice President visited Folsom Lake College on a trip organized by the District to examine the
compressed calendar. The ASCC representatives asked only a handful of students on Folsom
Lake College campus who were there also before the change to compressed calendar. These
students responded that the change has made their schedule more difficult. Senator Kelley
remarked that a compressed calendar may allow for more efficient use of facilities.
CLPFA — Dave Fouquet. Any compressed calendar issue also need to be visit by CLPFA.
Claim of bump in enrollment from switching to the compressed calendar appears to be a one-time
deal. CLPFA will meet in September – October with the district to discuss the academic calendar,
how lab load factor is calculated, and how summer and part-time sick leave is reported towards
Associated Students
of Chabot College
Ahmad Asir
Chabot-Las Positas
Faculty Association
Shari Jacobsen
Science &
Dave Fouquet
Social Science
Kathy Kelley
Sherri Yeager
= Agenda Item Handout
Chabot Faculty Senate Approved Minutes for August 28, 2008
Vice President – MSC (Matthews/Cowan) that Mike Absher be the Faculty Senate V.P.
for 2008–2009.
Part-Time Representative – MSC (Matthews/Greene) that Anne Brichacek be the
Faculty Senate Part-Time Representative for 2008–2009.
Senator’s Handbook — Ming Ho has put the Senator’s Handbook on the Faculty Senate
College Budget & Budget Committee Structure — Tabled due to absence of Mike Absher.
Alternative to Academic Council Proposal — Ming Ho. Instead of another shared governance
committee, the Faculty Senate President will review issues with knowledgeable faculty and
designate faculty experts to create preliminary proposal for Senate feedback and to coordinate
with the administration.
Guest Reports — None
Senate President — Ming Ho
Variable Flex Day
Faculty need to complete 12 hours of variable flex days this year, and we should have a process
for it. Jim Matthews has listed some criteria to consider:
1. Definition of what is acceptable. Workshops, Conventions are easy, what about staff
retreats, staff meetings, meetings of professional organizations, etc.?
2. When can flex time be taken? Summer session, weekends, weekdays?
3. Who approves variable flex credit and on what form?
The goal is to develop standard criteria that can be listed in the faculty handbook so we do not
have to revisit the issue each time. It would be helpful that faculty would be able attain their
variable flex credit during the summer session for the upcoming academic year.
Some of Ho’s thoughts regarding the above criteria:
1. Modify the process of what is acceptable after that followed by CA credentialed teachers
to document their 150 hours of professional growth needed every five years to renew
their credential. The process addresses the content and mode of acceptable activities.
Handouts from The California Professional Growth Manual for Multiple and Single
Subject Credentials and Services and Specialist Credentials were given as reference. 2. Flex time can be taken any time between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009. If college
duties (e.g. scheduled classes) were missed in order to participate in an activity and the
miss hours are not otherwise made up, the activity shall involve more hours than the time
missed, and only the difference would count toward satisfying variable flex obligation.
3. If the administration allows, I would prefer self-certifying and self-reporting for easily
documented hours such as conference attendance. For other less well-defined activities
(e.g. reading about developmental education effective practices and writing up relevant
adaptation of those to Chabot), the faculty can negotiate individually with the their deans.
Question was raised, Why does the SMCCCD memo state five hours of activity to equal one flex
day, while we specified six hours in the past? One can see the memo at
Senators Fouquet and Matthews volunteered to work with President Ho on creating the
Student Cheating Report and Process Student Cheating Report Form was adopted by the Senate on Nov. 10, 2005. However, the
Chabot College Informal Student Cheating Policy has not yet been adopted by the College
Council. It needs to be formally approved by the College Council and the form needs to be
available to faculty. President Ho has sent e-mail to Melinda Matsuda asking for a policy that the
Student Services Office follows when they receive these forms.
Chabot Faculty Senate Approved Minutes for August 28, 2008
Problem of Faculty Senate and FA Appointment to Administrative Hiring Committee at
LPC Senate President Greg Daubenmire reported that on a hiring committee to which he
appointed Faculty Senate representation, the state FA representation was denied based on the
argument by an LPC administrator that all faculty are members of FA. Ho contends, however,
that according to the contract Section 4J, FA “retains the right to appoint unit members to District
and College Committees.” Ho will seek clarification before Chabot forms hiring committees for VP
of Academic Services, Dean of Science and Math, and Dean of Social Science. It is Ho’s position
that Faculty Senate appointments do not also count as FA appointments.
Building Renumbering and Possible Naming
This item belongs to the Facilities Committee. Further, there is already Board Policy 2313
( addressing this matter. Faculty with
input should send their suggestions to Facility Committee. The Senate should only get involved if
established procedures are not followed.
Introduction of New Administrators
It is felt that if the Faculty Senate needs input from new administrators, it will ask them to attend a
meeting. Otherwise, the Faculty Senate is cognizant of the demands and workload of
administrators and would rather not impose on their valuable time.
Computer Resource
For our computer resources, there are five or more different types of computer needs: (1) general
open lab, (2) instructional open lab for restricted group of students, (3) instructional teaching lab,
(4) assessment, and (5) open terminals with internet access only. With campus space is at a
premium, scheduling a computer lab for multiple must occur. We must determine where these
resources are located and how to access them in a efficient and timely manner. Faculty need to
know what computer resources are available in order to select the best facility.
Use of Funds of Grants
The Faculty Senate President spoke to IPBC chairs Tram Vo-Kumamoto and Yvonne Wu-Craig,
Dr. Barberena, and Gene Groppetti about streamlining the process for accessing Title III, BSI,
and other funds and grants. It was suggested that some group should look through the unit plans
to see which proposals qualify for which funding source and contact the authors that their
proposals are under considerations and to submit only additional information that funding source
may require. This way, faculty are not asked to fill out separate forms, and it makes good use of
the submitted unit plans. Of course, a proposal form should be available for those ideas that
emerge after the unit plans were submitted. All parties seem to like the idea, but the devil is in the
details. The question arose of who is in charge of Title III funds? How are Title III funds acquired
and used? A possible presentation during flex day might reveal some of the answers that faculty
are looking for.
Senate Committees
Curriculum. Jim Mathews reported that Curriculum Council had its first meeting. The council
is establishing schedule for the future meetings.
Accreditation. Jim Mathews reported that the first draft of the accreditation has to be
completed by the end of this fall.
Facilities. Dave Fouquet reported that Lot A will be extended, and faculty/staff parking will
be close to the new instructional and office building when it is complete.
Good of the Order
Future Agenda Items
● Faculty Senate to consider stand against Proposition 8 —Sherri Yeager ● Enrollment
Management and Distribution of FTEF allotments —Kathy Kelly ● Basic Skills Committee Update
— Katie Hern, Michael Thompson ● Public Arts Committee Update — Don Plondke ● DSPS &
Library proposal regarding closed captioning for DVDs — Norman Buchwald, Kathleen Allen ●
Review of Advanced Placement Examination Policy — Jane Church
Adjournment — MSC at 3:55 p.m. Next meeting is September 11, 2008.
6 .3
Future Meetings — cf.