September 25, 2008, 2:20 – 4:30 pm
Board Room in Building 200
Submitted by Nancy Cowan and Ming Ho
Senate President
Ming-Lun Ho
Vice President
Mike Absher
Applied Technology
& Business
Mike Absher
Arts & Humanities
Dov Hassan
Rachel Aziminia
Dara Greene
Health, Physical
Education & Athletics
Nancy Cowan
Ken Grace
Language Arts
Jason Ames
Linda Barde
Jim Matthews
Part-Time Faculty
Anne Brichacek
Applied Technology & Business — Michael Absher
Arts & Humanities — Dov Hassan
Counseling — Rachel Azimina & Dara Greene
Health, Physical Education, & Athletics — Nancy Cowan & Ken Grace
Language Arts — Jason Ames & Linda Barde
Library — Jim Matthews (Norman Buchwald, substitute)
Part-time Faculty — Anne Brichacek
Science & Mathematics — Dave Fouquet & Wanda Wong
Social Sciences — Kathy Kelley (Andrew Pearson, substitute) & Sherri Yeager
ASCC — Ahmad Asir, ASCC Vice President
CLPFA — Shari Jacobsen, Membership Coordinator
Michael Thompson — History Faculty, Co-chair of Basic Skills Committee
Presiding Officer
President Ming-Lun Ho
Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 2:20 by Senate President, Ming-Lun Ho.
Approval of Minutes of September 11, 2008 Minutes read and approved as corrected (minor typos re: Prop 8 (should read 8
instead of “6”)
Social Science
Sherri Yeager
Kathy Kelley
Chabot-Las Positas
Faculty Association
Shari Jacobsen
ASCC — Ahmad Asir Report from ASCC rep: Mr. Asir reported that Club Day
activities was very successful. He reported that the student representatives
wondered if the college could have the labs open in case there is staff absence. M.
Absher noted there is no staff backup for the labs and because of security concerns,
the labs cannot be left open for the students. W. Wong and R. Aziminia affirmed
Senator Absher’s statement. Senator Wong said there is a need to resolve the
problem, but at present there is no money for it. ASCC also intend to host a debate
between the two candidates running for the Area 1 seat of the district’s Board of
Science &
Dave Fouquet
Wanda Wong
Associated Students
of Chabot College
Ahmad Asir
CLPFA — None
Public Comments — None
Senate Resolution against Proposition 8 — Sherri Yeager
The Senate reviewed the resolution developed by Senator S. Yeager urging the
Senate to support the vote against Proposition 8 (see minutes of September 11). It
was moved by Yeager and seconded by Buchwald to support the resolution. Some
Senators reported that some faculty in some Divisions questioned the Senate’s
purview regarding this matter in supporting the resolution (Senators J. Pearson, M.
Absher, N. Cowan). One response was that no one would have asked such a
Chabot Academic/Faculty Senate Approved Minutes of September 25, 2008
questions had Proposition 8 affected Jews, Blacks, etc. instead of gays and lesbians.
It was also pointed out that the mission and values statement of the college affirmed
the intent of equal protection under the law. Senators R. Aziminia and L. Barde
voiced agreement on this matter. Senator D. Fouquet reported that the issue had
been discussed by CLPFA. The union supported such a resolution. Senator Absher
asked if the resolution was considered to be a “first reading.” The consensus by the
group was “No,” as the topic had been discussed at the last meeting, and the text of
the resolution had been sent out to Senators along with this meeting’s agenda.
The resolution carried 12 to 2.
Senator Yeager wanted to know to what extent we can work to support its defeat.
Senator Barde said that, as instructors, we can’t present our own opinions while in
class. When we are not in class, we can express our position.
Cheating Policy — Ming Ho
Cheating policy (with revisions) of two years ago was reviewed for final approval and
recommendation for adoption as policy. Senator L. Barde asked if the policy would
be included in the college’s Student Handbook. President Ho stated that it would be
included. ASCC representative A. Asir queried the Senate about the extent of
student involvement in the development of the policy. Senator N. Cowan replied that
when this policy was first discussed in the Senate some two years ago, the ASCC
representative was present and involved.
MSC (Absher/Ames) that we approve the policy statement (with the changes that
had been made. The motion was seconded by and unanimously approved.
Committee on Online Learning
MSC (Absher/Ames) that the new charter for the Committee on Online Learning be
approved, with the preference for a DSRC added back in from the current version.
Committee on Online Learning Andrew Pearson explained the rationale behind the proposed changes in the
changes in the Distance Education charter. Senator R. Aziminia wondered if there
was a reason for not including DSRC participation in the charter. Andrew Pearson
said it must have been an oversight and that he was open to entering it back into the
charter. Senate President Ho wanted to know if we could deal with the proposed
changes now or not. Senator D. Fouquet wondered what was the reasons for adding
the Vice President of Academic Services, as well as why there was no representation
of CLPFA. MSC (Absher/Buchwald) that the request to change the charter be moved
under this meeting’s action item.
Andrew Pearson added (for the record) that there was significant increase in on-line
class registration and that retention is also increased. Senator M. Absher
commended the committee for its hard work.
Basic Skill Committee Update
Michael Thompson (co-chair of Basic Skills Committee) distributed the following
recommendations and forms from the committee:
• Action plan for strengthening basic skills education at Chabot
• Expenditure plan for Basic Skills/ESL
• Application form for participation in assessment, orientation and placement
• Focused inquiry group (FIG)
• Pedagogical approaches for the focused inquiry group
M. Thompson noted the majority of the monies allocated were to be spent directly on
benefiting students and that it was intentional that the money was not going to support
regular operating costs such as adding sections of classes. He further stated the
focus of the plans would be to improve basic skills across the curriculum (especially
English and Math). The intent of the committee’s plans are that all projects involved in
Chabot Academic/Faculty Senate Approved Minutes of September 25, 2008
this grant would be institutionalized and that priority would be given to projects that
explicitly address and integrate effective practices related to Basic Skills. The Office
of Institutional Research will be involved in identifying and gathering relevant data for
use in guiding the process.
He further explained the function of the focused inquiry groups (FIG), especially the
work entailing orientation and placement. He expressed the committee’s hope that
policy scenarios will be forthcoming. The FIG inquiries might be either
Interdisciplinary or discipline-specific inquiries. Further, the work would be directed to
investigation and implementation of ways that would improve student retention,
success, and persistence.
The pedagogical approach FIG would be aimed at faculty teaching transfer-level
groups and would focus on identification of “effective practices” for basic skills
education. Implied in this exploration would perhaps be a recommendation for smaller
class size while investigating the effectiveness of a practice. Other ideas the
committee had discussed included:
• Reading apprenticeships in which some leaders would attend courses which
will help them learn and implement and study outcomes of the training that is
designed to assist students in the English discipline
• Release time and remuneration for those who are working on the projects
• Retreats will be planned
• Proposals that a subcommittee be created comprised of administrators,
faculty, and students for the purpose of evaluating proposals for Basic Skills
Senator M. Absher asked who would comprise the oversight group making funding
decisions. M. Thompson responded that there would be a framework for the
committee to follow and that guidelines would be developed for the committee to
follow. The information would be shared in a transparent manner with relevant college
committees. He added that perhaps an Administrative Assistant would be hired to
keep the records of the work of the oversight committee with the funds for the
Administrative Assistant position to be shared between Title III (25%) and Basic Skills
Senator S. Yeager wondered if the intent of the group was that all instructors are all
basic skills instructors, as she felt it is more accurate to state that we all have basic
skills students in our classes. Senator L. Barde said if this were case, we should all
be trained in this area. Mr. Thompson replied this was not the intent of the
committee. The Basic Skills Self-Assessment done in Spring 08 was under time
constraint. Although the self-assessment stated that a common theme was that “we
are all basic skills instructors,” we as a faculty can continue to discuss to what extent it
is really true.
J. Ames requested that the committee “walk the Senate through” the process. M.
Thompson responded that the committee planned to stimulate conversations about
Basic Skills. R. Aziminia said she thought one approach is to look at how all students
are doing in the basic skills area at the programmatic level (for instance, EOPS
students). She would like to explore where the students were weak—in isolated
courses or “across the board,” as she believes the latter is the problem in most
instances of student difficulty.
Senator Yeager wanted to know what relationship this project had with the Unit Plans
which areas have developed. Basic Skills Funds are discretionary funds with no
guarantee they will continue. The ultimate success of the committee and the plans is
that the project will be institutionalized and subsequently reflected in the Unit Plans.
Senator M. Absher reiterated that if you implement a similar system at Chabot
College, it tends to “grow legs and roots” and when the money is spent, the system is
left with the problem of “retrenching.” M. Thompson responded that if we discover
Chabot Academic/Faculty Senate Approved Minutes of September 25, 2008
there is a better way to deliver the services in Basic Skills, the argument to leave it in
place becomes stronger.
Senate President Ho commented that he felt the Basic Skills Committee (BSC) has
overstepped its charge. In the drafting of the BSC framework and the discussion at
Senate to approve the framework, funds allocation was intentionally left out, as the
committee was to focus on policy recommendation regarding basic skills issues. Yet,
the expenditure plan included recommendations for certain funds allocation as if they
have already been decided. President Ho expressed concerns that the power of the
Senate in the collegial consultation of “institutional budget and planning” has been
usurped by the expenditure plan presented because the BSC had been explicitly
instructed not to be involved with funds allocation. M. Thompson responded that (1)
the policy-making was planned to be collegial in nature. (2) The committee was aware
of resentments of how monies have been allocated in the past. (3) If anyone believes
they have been marginalized (especially in regards to budgeting), it should be
addressed and dealt with. He hopes that past difficulties won’t spill over into the
current work.
Senator M. Absher suggested we re-agendize this matter and limit the discussion at
this time, and President Ho stated the subject will be put on a future agenda.
Senator Aziminia wanted to know if the CAH relating to release time is still in
question and was concerned because this plan has not been approved by the Senate
and should be discussed and voted on. Thompson wanted to know what the
committee should do until Senate reaches a decision. President Ho said that there
are items that the BSC could address before the Senate discusses this again and that
he will meet with the BSC co-chairs soon to give suggestion.
Faculty Hiring Procedure — Ming Ho
President Ho announced that a copy of the faculty hiring procedure may be found in
the President’s report. He requested feedback. N. Buchwald submitted a list of
suggestions from Senator J. Matthews. The suggestions will be incorporated into the
procedure and discussed as a future Senate meeting.
Section III A 2 f, implies that Stage One Committee may send forth only one
candidate. A discussion with President Barberena is summarized in the Senate
President’s report (See Item 5.1). The Senate’s reaction to that is, since Stage Two
Committee does not have the expertise to evaluate disciplinary expertise, it shouldn’t
require Stage One Committee to submit more candidates when Stage One deems no
other candidates qualify. Barde remarked that Senate cannot be taken out of the
decision loop.
Proposed Academic Policy Council and Alternatives — Ming Ho
Academic Policy Council and Alternatives: (See Senate minutes from Jane
Church’s report to the Senate on 9/11/08)
The Senate reviewed thoughts about the presentation made by Jane Church at the
last Senate meeting. After discussion, the consensus of the Senate was that, rather
than having a council making decisions, a “standing” or “steering” committee be
formed to monitor these issues and to appoint faculty and staff with expertise related
to specific policy issues to make proposals for Senate’s consideration. Such a
committee could be a subcommittee of Senate, or it could be a shared governance
committee with heads of the various senates and the VPs.
Senator L. Barde asked what the difference between such a steering committee and
the work of the College Council was. She also wanted to be sure that if the committee
is formed that it does not usurp the Senate’s purview.
President Ho will inform the College Council of this discussion at the next College
Council meeting.
Senate President — Ming Ho
Chabot Academic/Faculty Senate Approved Minutes of September 25, 2008
The Senate President’s Report is attached to the minutes and can be found at
Senate Committees
Senator Absher reported that about $9.5 M need to be cut from the eight groups of
projects reported at the last meeting.
Good of the Order
Future Agenda Items — Faculty Hiring Procedure, Allocation of Funds to College.
Adjournment — MSC at 4:30 p.m. Next meeting is October 9, 2008
Future Meetings — cf.
= Agenda Item Handout
Attachment: Senate President’s Report