October 23, 2008, 2:24 – 4:25 pm
Board Room in Building 200
Submitted by Ming Ho
Senate President
Ming-Lun Ho
Vice President
Mike Absher
Applied Technology
& Business
Mike Absher
Arts & Humanities
Dov Hassan
Rachel Aziminia
Dara Greene
Health, Physical
Education & Athletics
Nancy Cowan
Ken Grace
Language Arts
Jason Ames
Linda Barde
Applied Technology & Business — Michael Absher
Arts & Humanities — Dov Hassan
Counseling — Rachel Azimina & Dara Greene
Health, Physical Education, & Athletics — Nancy Cowan & Ken Grace
Language Arts — Jason Ames & Linda Barde
Library — Jim Matthews
Part-time Faculty — Anne Brichacek
Science & Mathematics — Dave Fouquet & Wanda Wong
Social Sciences — Kathy Kelley & Sherri Yeager
ASCC — Ahmad Asir, ASCC Vice President
CLPFA — Shari Jacobsen, Membership Coordinator
Presiding Officer
President Ming-Lun Ho
Call to Order at 2:24pm by President Ho.
Approval of Minutes of October 9, 2008. MSC(Matthews/Barde) as amended.
Part-Time Faculty
Anne Brichacek
Flex Day Activity Guidelines. Senators remarked that the guidelines allow for a wide
variety of activities to meet the flex obligations. MSC(Matthews/Kelley) that the
conversion between semester units and clock hours for courses taken be amended to
“1 Semester Unit = 17.5 Clock Hours.” MSC(Kelley/Barde) that the amended
guidelines be adopted and forwarded to Academic Services.
ESL/BSI Proposal Selection Committee.
Chabot-Las Positas
Faculty Association
Shari Jacobsen
ASCC — Ahmad Asir
There will be a forum for candidates running for the Area 1 seat on the Board of
Trustees the evening of Oct. 28. There will be a Halloween movie night Oct. 29.
Social Science
Sherri Yeager
Kathy Kelley
Associated Students
of Chabot College
Ahmad Asir
The ASCC has participated in a conference at San Diego. They learned that there is a
college that does book rental program completely online, as well as Open Education
Resources that makes teaching material, including textbooks, freely available to
reduce the cost of education for students.
Jim Matthews
Science &
Dave Fouquet
Wanda Wong
President Ho shared Interim Vice President Groppetti’s recommendation for a BSIESL Project Screening Committee and suggested that, in the interest of moving the
process, it be adopted but only for the funds the college currently possess, as the
Senate in its last meeting expressed the desire for IPBC to consider what to do with
“funds without a home” while maintaining Senate oversight. Senator Absher would like
the Basic Skills Committee to communicate its actions to the Budget Committee. MSC
(Barde/Matthews) that the BSI-ESL Project Screening Committee be formed as
1) The membership shall consist of President of Academic Senate (or designee), two
representatives from the Basic Skills Committee, VP of Student Services (or
designee), and VP of Academic Services (or designee).
Chabot Academic Faculty/Senate Approved Minutes of October 23, 2008
2) The committee only screens for projects applying for BSI-ESL money that we
have now, which does not include the 2008-09 funds.
3) The committee shall communicate its actions to the Budget Committee.
Minutes Made Public on Website. The Senate is required to post its agenda and
minutes as a public body that follows the Brown Act. Currently, these documents are
accessible through the Chabot intranet, but there is no reason why they should not be
available online generally, just as the agenda and minutes of the Board of Trustees
are. MSC (Matthews/Absher) that the agenda and approved minutes of the Chabot
Academic/Faculty Senate be made accessible online generally.
Faculty Hiring Procedure
The discussion resulted in the following amendments to the draft of the faculty hiring
procedure that the Senate approved in December 2005:
§IIH. The Personnel Office shall establish mechanism by which applicants of a
rejected application is informed of the decision. [Comment: The old §IIH is now §II(I).]
§IIIA1b. Generally, the committee will be composed of at least three or four faculty
members selected by the division or area or division faculty. [Rationale: Smaller
disciplines may have difficulty getting four faculty members. Faculty in a discipline
area should have precedence over division faculty.]
§IIIA1d. When appropriate and mutually agreed between the area administrator/Dean
and the faculty, the committee may be supplemented by classified staff, students, or
members of the community or advisory committee members selected by the area
administrator or division or area faculty.
§IIIA1e. When the position is shared between in an area that affects both colleges, the
faculty are encouraged to include members from both colleges on the committee.
[Rationale: As the two college faculties are considered separate entities, the inclusion
of the other college on a hiring committee should involve only positions that are
specifically announced as a shared position between the two colleges.]
§IIIA2f. The committee will submit to the stage two committee the acceptable topranked candidate or candidates, usually no more than three in number. The
committee may at its discretion shall not send the candidate(s) to stage two with the
ranking indicated. [Rationale: The stage one committee may wish to inform stage two
committee of its preference. The timing of when the ranking is made known is not
specified to allow flexibility. For instance, this may take place after the stage two
interview, so stage two may examine the candidates with a pair of fresh eyes but still
consider stage one’s preference after the interviews.]
§IIIB1c. Whenever possible, efforts will be made to have an ethnically and gender
diverse committee. [Rationale: The gender and ethnicity of committee members who
are on the committee by virtue of their office are immutable.]
§IIIB1d. Stage two committee chair or designee(s) and a faculty member shall perform
reference checks on the on the stage two finalists…. [Rationale: A faculty member
may see warning signs that others don’t see.]
The Senate will vote on the amendments in its next meeting.
Abstention in Voting. A handout by Senator Absher was distributed to support his
ruling that abstention is allowed in the Senate.
Committee Core Membership
President Ho asked the Senate why there are Core Representatives in the committee
structure when most committees are open and how are core representatives different
from others. Senator Matthews recounted that former President Carlson wanted to
open up committees to everyone, and Matthews as then Senate President retained
core representative to reflect representative structure on the committee. Currently,
there is really no difference between core representatives and others who just show
up during a meeting of an open committee. Various senators recounted that, because
of the open structure, people can show up on the day consensus is taken and skew
the outcome of the committee’s decision. An example of this is the Facilities
Chabot Academic Faculty/Senate Approved Minutes of October 23, 2008
Committee. Because of this, faculty representation on Facilities has declined to
around four members. It has been suggested that, while committees remain open so
that interested parties are encouraged to be present and contribute to items under
discussion, only core representatives are included when reaching consensus.
Senate President — President Ho’s report is included below. The consensus of
the Senate with regards to the Senate Resolution on Prop 8 is that that it will remain
as it is.
Training on Handling Disruptions
Ruben Pola would like feedback from faculty regarding his providing a twohour training to handling disruptions on campus. I will send out an e-mail with link to
survey monkey to gauge interest and availability.
I have made appointments to the following committees:
Committee to Name Buildings: Zack Papachristos, Linda Barde.
Student Grievance Committee: Sadie Ashraf
Academic Fairness Committee: Sadie Ashraf
There is still a need for two faculty members to serve on the District
Curriculum Council. I would really like to have a CTE faculty among the two. Please
ask your area, and let me know who is interested.
Senate Resolution on Prop 8
I believe the Senate has done the right thing passing the resolution against
Prop 8, but concern has been expressed that the use of the word “bigotry” imputes
that all supporters of Prop 8 are hateful, as one modern usage of the word connotes
hatred. Although the resolution does not refer to anyone, I would like feedback on
alternatives to using the word “bigotry” that do not diminish the force of our resolution.
So far, the only thing I can come up with is to replace the third bullet in the first
“whereas” to state that Prop 8 “violates the principle of the separation of Church and
State because the practical effect of its passage is an imposition of a religious practice
upon the civil institution of marriage with no compelling State interest.”
Exemplary Program Award
The State Academic Senate has announced the call for nomination for the
Exemplary Program Award, the deadline of which is November 14, 2008. Please
provide suggestions so that we made make one nomination to the State and still allow
enough time for the application to be assembled.
Senate Committees
Senator Matthews reported that the current Chabot Curriculum Chair Patricia
Shannon will step down at the end of the Fall semester to assume the position of Title
III Coordinator. An issue from the District Curriculum Committee is that the Chancellor
is concerned that the curriculum between the two colleges have diverged. President
Ho expressed equanimity to this situation, as the two colleges are supposed to be two
separate academic institutions.
Senators — None
Good of the Order
Future Agenda Items
Adjournment — MSC at 4:25pm. Next meeting is October 30, 2008
Future Meetings — cf.
= Agenda Item Handout