January 22, 2009, 2:20 – 3:30 pm
Board Room in Building 200
Submitted by Ming Ho
Senate President
Ming-Lun Ho
Vice President
Mike Absher
Applied Technology
& Business
Mike Absher
Arts & Humanities
Dov Hassan
Rachel Aziminia
Dara Greene
Health, Physical
Education & Athletics
Nancy Cowan
Ken Grace
Language Arts
Jason Ames
Linda Barde
Applied Technology & Business — Michael Absher
Arts & Humanities — Dov Hassan
Counseling — Rachel Azimina & Dara Greene
Health, Physical Education, & Athletics — Nancy Cowan & Ken Grace
Language Arts — Jason Ames & Linda Barde
Library — Jim Matthews
Part-time Faculty — Anne Brichacek
Science & Mathematics — Dave Fouquet & Wanda Wong
Social Sciences — Kathy Kelley & Sherri Yeager
ASCC — Ahmad Asir, Vice President
CLPFA — Shari Jacobsen, Membership Coordinator
Presiding Officer
President Ming-Lun Ho.
Call to Order at 2:20pm.
Approval of Minutes of December 11, 2008. MSC(Matthews/Kelley).
Part-Time Faculty
Anne Brichacek
ASCC — Ahmad Asir
ASCC encourages faculty to put textbook on reserve in the library. Senator Absher
reports that he often cannot get the books from the publisher to put on reserve.
Senator Brichacek remarked that books on reserve for Computer Application
Systems don’t always make it back to the library.
Science &
Dave Fouquet
Wanda Wong
Asir also brought up the long lag time it takes for students to get their grades online.
He wonders if the grades can be rolled out as they come out, as opposed to all at
once at the end. Senator Greene informed that when grades roll in the system,
BANNER shuts down for two days for that purpose. Absher suggests that Judy
Young in A&R be contacted for more information about this issue.
Social Science
Sherri Yeager
Kathy Kelley
Chabot-Las Positas
Faculty Association
Shari Jacobsen
The pilot of the textbook rental program at the Bookstore worked well. ♦ The ASCC
has produced a calendar featuring Chabot students. ♦ The Student Senate for
California Community Colleges is organizing a rally on March 16, 2009 in Sacramento
to support community colleges.
Jim Matthews
Associated Students
of Chabot College
Ahmad Asir
CLPFA — Dave Fouquet
The contract is in the process of renegotiation. The FA wishes to revisit 15 articles,
and the District 25, articles.
On behalf of FA, Senator Fouquet attended the Bay Area Air Quality Management
District hearing at Hayward City Hall on the evening of Jan. 21, regarding the Russell
City Energy Plan, which is a 600 Megawatt plant, whose "maximum impacted receptor
center" is determined to be the Chabot athletic fields and none of whose energy
output supplies the City of Hayward or communities this side of the bay. Other
attendees include our chancellor Joel Kinnamon and faculty members Susan
Sperling, Tim Dave, and Kip Waldo. While the CEC has already granted license to
construct the plant, the BAAQMD holds the authority to grant the license to pollute,
hence the occasion for the hearing. Fouquet reported that the carpenter’s union
Chabot Academic Faculty/Senate Approved Minutes of January 22, 2009
support the building of the energy plant because it believes the resulting employment
for its members outweighs the pollution concerns.
Faculty Hiring Procedure
President Ho distributed a copy of Full-Time Faculty Hiring Procedures compiled in
November 2005 (revised June 12, 2006) by the District Office of Human Resources.
He also distributed a chart comparing notable differences between (1) the District’s
procedure, (2) the hiring procedure approved (October 30, 2008) by Chabot’s Faculty
Senate—which is similar to one passed by the LPC Faculty Senate)—and (3) the
Board-approved (June 18, 1991) hiring procedure. The chart comparing the three
documents can be found at
Ho praised the District’s effort as creating a comprehensive hiring manual that goes
beyond specifying the committee structures in the hiring process to include policy on
developing the job announcement, enumerating the responsibilities of the Committee
Chair in more detail, recruitment process to ensure equal opportunity, etc. However,
he expressed dismay that the District’s procedures contain clear contradictions to the
board-approved hiring procedure and that there has been no reference to the Boardapproved procedure in the last three years in which hiring procedure has been
discussed. He only became aware of it after examining Past President Linda Barde’s
binder and verifying it with minutes from the Board archive over winter break.
Senator Matthews asked if we are currently hiring, as this would impact the process.
Senator Kelley wondered if the Senate President should draft a statement of position
to the Board expressing concern about the state of hiring policy and shared
governance. Matthews suggested that the Senate President first work with the
Chancellor before addressing the Board directly. The consensus of the Senate was to
direct the Senate President to heed Matthews’ suggestion.
Ho asked the Senate to comment on the chart comparing the different versions of
hiring procedure. Senator Ames agreed that there is no reason to bar faculty vacating
the position from the hiring committee. Matthews was concerned that the phrase
“natural break” (in Section IX-B of the District’s procedure) is too loose in referring to
the scores of the candidates. Senator Fouquet remarked that the Faculty Association
should be consulted to see if there are legal reasons authorizing the District to bar
faculty and staff from conducting reference checks, as stated in IX-D of the District’s
procedures, contrary to the Board-approved version giving faculty full participation in
conducting reference checks. Points of investigation include changes in law and the
interpretation of “managerial duties.”
Appointments to Hiring Committees of Vice Presidents of Academic and
Administrative Services
Senate President — Ming Ho.
President Ho asked that Senators at their February division meeting seek
representatives to the newly created Academic Policy Council, which replaces the
former Academic and Student Services Council. Senator Greene expressed
enthusiasm for this committee, as she has encountered in her work a list of issues for
the council to address. Ho will determine a regularly scheduled meeting time for it and
inform the Senators by e-mail.
Senate Committees
Senator Fouquet reported that the Facilities Committee will examine the effect of on
the Buildings 800-900 renovation projects. State IOUs may be given to cover the state
matching funds for these projects. If so, they will be considered as district liability
(Note to Dave: What is the significance of that?).
Chabot Academic Faculty/Senate Approved Minutes of January 22, 2009
Senator Kelley observed that implementing new locks in Building 800 without
sufficient notification to faculty has caused quite a disruption to the beginning of the
semester. Further, white boards in some classroom no longer erase well. She noted
that the planning people need to be held accountable. Fouquet reported that the
whole campus will eventually be rekeyed. Keyless entry will be installed, but some
places will continue to require physical keys.
The District Office has also identified tens of millions of dollars’ worth of infrastructure
projects to submit to the Obama administration’s economic stimulus plan.
Please report difficulty in parking in Lot A to Fouquet.
Senator Matthews summarized an Academic Senate for California Community
Colleges (ASCCC) report to the California Community Colleges Chief Instrctional
Officer Board. ♦ The ASCCC with the System Office is in the process of developing a
definition for the AA and AS degrees to propose to the system. Any suggestions can
be sent to Mark Wade Lieu, President of ASCCC. ♦ Regarding accreditation, there are
currently 17 college on warning and 3 on probation. ♦ The ASCCC is searching for a
coordinator for the Basic Skills Initiative Project. The completion of 2008 projects
include resources on high-school/adult-school transition into credit instruction, BSI
handbook, CTE and basic skills work, and development of infrastructure necessary for
professional development in the area of basic skills/ESL. Matthews noted that the
action plan that Chabot completes for the State regarding basic skills funding should
be made public, but he cannot locate it online under the Basic Skills Committee’s
website. ♦ State Budget cuts for this year is about $1.6 billion for K-12, but community
colleges are not much affected. While the state legislative analyst recommends tuition
increase for CC, there has not been mention of it outside that office. Property tax
shortfall affecting CC will be picked up by the State.
Good of the Order
Future Agenda Items
Adjournment — Next meeting is February 26, 2009
Future Meetings — cf.
= Agenda Item Handout