

Senate President

Ming-Lun Ho

Vice President

Mike Absher


Applied Technology

& Business

Mike Absher

Arts & Humanities

Dov Hassan


Rachel Aziminia

Charles Gebhardt

Health, Physical

Education & Athletics

Nancy Cowan

Ken Grace

Language Arts

Jason Ames

Linda Barde


Jim Matthews

Part-Time Faculty

Anne Brichacek

Science &

Mathematic s

Dave Fouquet

Wanda Wong

Social Science

Sherri Yeager

Kathy Kelley


Associated Students of Chabot College

Ahmad Asir

Chabot-Las Positas

Faculty Association

Shari Jacobsen


February 26, 2009, 2:15 – 4:15 pm


Board Room in Building 200

Submitted by Ming Ho

Applied Technology & Business — Michael Absher

Arts & Humanities — Dov Hassan

Counseling — Rachel Azimina & Charles Gebhardt

Health, Physical Education, & Athletics — Nancy Cowan & Ken Grace

Language Arts — Jason Ames & Linda Barde

Library — Jim Matthews

Part-time Faculty — Anne Brichacek

Science & Mathematics — Dave Fouquet & Wanda Wong

Social Sciences — Kathy Kelley & Sherri Yeager


ASCC — Ahmad Asir, Vice President

CLPFA — Shari Jacobsen, Membership Coordinator


Jane Church, Couseling, Articulation Officer

Begoña Cirera, Health

Dara Greene, Counseling

Dr. Wayne Pitcher, Chemistry, Curriculum Committee Chair

Presiding Officer

President Ming-Lun Ho.


1.1 Call to Order at 2:17 PM. Dara Greene introduced Chuck Gebhardt as her successor at Senate, as she moves to serve on the Academic Policy Council. Chuck is a new counselor with many years of experience, including participation in union activities and negotiation. The Senate welcomes him.

1.2 Approval of Minutes of January 22, 2009 . MSC ( Matthews / Absher ) as corrected.

March 16 is March in March. There will be buses charted to take Chabot personnel to the event in Sacramento. ♦ ASCC Cocurricular Funds application material will be available in about two weeks.

Interest was expressed to have a centralized place for students to seek scholarship opportunities. It would also be nice to have workshops to help applicants with application process and letters of recommendation. Senator Kelley commented on the value of educating faculty about encouraging students to apply for scholarships, as students who are otherwise capable may not if they have other priorities and don’t think they have a chance in getting the scholarship.

The pilot textbook rental program with thirty Health 1 books was a success. The books were all rented in two days. The ASCC is looking for sponsors to fund books and working with departments to expand the program. President Ho cautioned the ASCC to make sure that the Bookstore get the books back, as he has had some problems with the calculator rental program that he set up with the Bookstore.

Chabot Academic Faculty/Senate Approved Minutes of February 26, 2009

The FA is working on concerns regarding lab hours and contract negotiations. The FA noted that there have been 3–4 new high-level administrators at the District Office, so that there should be budget available for the instruction side.


3.1 Budget Committee Revised Charges — Mike Absher

Senator Absher , as Budget Committee Co-Chair, presented the revised charges of the Budget Committee to the Senate. Senator Matthews commented that a college budget allocation model is mentioned among the charges, but we do not have one, although we have asked for one before. Senator Kelley asked if it is a legal requirement to have one, and Matthews responded that accreditation only requires a planning process. If we mention a college allocation model but do not have one, it will not be good for accreditation. MSC ( Matthews / Kelley ) by unanimous acclamation that the Senate remand the revised charges to Budget Committee to be reworked.

3.2 Adjunct Faculty Representative to Academic Policy Council — Ming Ho

MSC ( Absher / Ames ) that a Senate-appointed Adjunct Faculty Representative be added to the core membership of the Academic Policy Council, as recommended by the Academic Policy Council.

MSC ( Matthews / Absher ) that Anne Brichacek be appointed to the Academic Policy

Council as Adjunct Faculty Representative.

4.1 Wait List to Manage Class Enrollment

Judy Young was not able to make it to Senate today as originally scheduled.

However, President Ho reported that she did express positive reception to the idea at the Feb. 19 Academic Policy Council. Rather than give the details here, Ho will send out the minutes of the Feb. 19 APC meeting to the Senators.

Some Senators wanted to make it clear that the units for the sections on which students are waitlisted do not count as students’ official units. They also expressed the need for the instructor to remove students from the waiting list when they do not attend class.

4.2 Military Waiver of Wellness Requirement — Wayne Pitcher

Curriculum Chair Dr. Pitcher expressed that there were reservations at the

Curriculum Committee regarding the Military Waiver Proposal that had been discussed at the District Curriculum Council. Our Curriculum Committee has not voted on the issue. He presented a handout titled Military Waiver Proposal – Explanation &

Rationale that was produced at LPC for its joint Academic Senate and Curriculum

Committee meeting. That proposal seeks to grant (a) three elective semester units toward AA/AS degree and (b) a waiver of the AA Wellness GE requirement (both areas of Health and Physical Education) or the AS Physical Education GE requirement to military veterans with a DD-214 honorable discharge. Jane Church reported that she had worked with LPC’s Articulation Officer Andrea Alvarado, who offered the proposal aforementioned.

Representative Jacobsen recalled that for years we had done what the proposal seeks to accomplish. However, Health Faculty Begoña Cirera reminded us that the waiver was removed about nine years ago because it was determined that military training was not equivalent to the Health area of the Wellness requirement, but currently Chabot continues to grant three elective semester units for veterans presenting DD-214.


Senator Matthews concurred.

Senator Gebhardt said that he was in the military in his early days, and basic training has a emphasis on keeping fit. He would think that it would be sufficient to waive the

Wellness requirement. Church offered that the American Council on Education’s review of the Navy’s Recruit Training course recommends granting one semester credit of personal fitness/conditioning and one semester credit of personal/community


Prior to LPC’s proposal, LPC did not grant elective units as Chabot has been doing.


Chabot Academic Faculty/Senate Approved Minutes of February 26, 2009 health. Senator Absher expressed support for the proposal and emphasized the practical side of the issue over the philosophical side, noting that CSU already have such waiver in place. He recounted that he grants credit in Machine Tools based on students’ experience if they can demonstrate that they have the knowledge.

Cirera pointed out that the one semester units recommended by ACE for personal health is less than the three-unit courses satisfying the Health area of the Wellness requirement. Further, as faculty she would need more detail about “personal health” to determine if they are comparable to the Health classes that we teach. She also presented the argument that the Health course includes content related to disease prevention, which is relevant and useful for everyone and not likely to have been included in basic training in the military service.

Senator Yaeger showed concern that we are on a slippery slope when we get into evaluating work experience to satisfy course requirement. Dr. Pitcher recounted that, at the District Curriculum Council, our VP of Academic Services mentioned examining service in Peace Corps to see what requirement it could satisfy. Church reported that we currently don’t have process to evaluate non-traditional education, but LPC’s proposal only affects a relative small number of students. Further, CSU has concluded that the basic training curriculum in the military meets their Area E GE criterion.

Jacobsen pointed out that we are one of few community colleges that still require

Health for graduation.

Cirera responded that it does not matter what other colleges are doing. It is a big decision to waive a graduation requirement. She felt that our students reflect the values of our district and are benefitting from the Wellness requirement besides just fitness and nutrition. Representative Asir affirmed his positive experience as a student taking a Health class, even though he at first thought the requirement was unnecessary. He felt he learned a lot and the requirement should apply to everyone.

He also echoed the sentiment that it does not matter what CSU decides to do with

DD214. It was clarified that CSU’s GE Area E is for Lifelong Learning and Personal

Development, which is a broader area than our Wellness requirement. Cirera also questioned why is the Health area being waived. Why not math or English? Senator

Ames suggests that an important part of waiving a requirement involves examining the content. For instance, even if students make lots of speeches through work experience, that does not mean they should be exempt from a speech class because the work experience may not cover the same content. A job may rely on persuasive speech and lack the use of informative speech, in which case credit for a speech class calling for both content areas shall not be granted.

Senator Cowan remarked that, while veterans serve the country well, a gift of graduation requirement waiver is not appropriate. We do have procedure to challenge a course. If someone were to challenge an eight-unit nursing course and demonstrate that they can pass the tests and perform the required clinical procedures, then they would be granted credit. The same should apply to a Health course, regardless of the student. She also reiterated that it does not matter if CSU grants a military waiver or many other community colleges don’t have a Health requirement.

It was suggested that, if anything, DD-214 would only meet the Physical Education AS

GE requirement or the Physical Education Area of the AA GE requirement.

President Ho expressed the need for the Curriculum Committee to make a decision first. He does not want the Senate to micromanage by making a decision without a recommendation from the committee with proper purview. The consensus of the

Senate was to follow President Ho ’s recommendation to remand the military waiver proposal to the Curriculum Committee.


President — Ming Ho

President Ho ’s report is reproduced at the end of the minutes. In response to the report, Senator Kelley expressed the need for an archivist to maintain institutional history to record processes. Representative Asir shared that, as ASCC has a high turnover rate, they are creating an archive list of officers’ priorities for their successors. Senator Matthews reported that the average employment of an administrator statewide is less than 6 years. Ho mentioned that in Standard 4 of the

Chabot Academic Faculty/Senate Approved Minutes of February 26, 2009 accreditation report, he had also spotted this need and recommended that the District create a document control.


Senator Matthews , as a chair of the Accreditation Steering Committee, has been looking through the draft from the Self-Study Committees. Next week the drafts will go to the editor for formatting. At the end of March, copies will be sent to governance committees, and there will be a college-wide forum for input, after which a final version will be submitted to the Board.

Matthews reported that, while the rest of the country only has 15 community colleges with sanctions by their accreditation agencies, the ACCJS has sanctioned more than forty institutions in the last six years.

Chabot accreditation concerns center around planning and budgeting, as well as

District Service and the communication between the District and the college. Another area is the role of the Technology Committee within the College. That committee has written a Tech Plan but did not include discussion of it in the draft of the self-study.

All accreditation materials are due to ACCJC August 1, 2009. The Accreditation Team will visit Chabot October 19–21, 2009.

5.2.2 Academic Policy Council — Ming Ho

President Ho , serving as Interim Chair of APC, will send out minutes of the Feb. 19 meeting soon.

6.0 Good of the Order

6.1 Future Agenda Items

6.2 Adjournment


= Agenda Item Handout

Chabot Academic Faculty/Senate Approved Minutes of February 26, 2009

Senate President’s Report at Senate Meeting, February 26, 2009

Faculty Hiring Procedure

I had a meeting with the Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor of HR

Services and Organizational Development., and the LPC Faculty Senate

President on February 23. The Chancellor has agreed to send to the Board the original 1991 Board-approved full-time faculty procedure with minor updates cleaning up name changes and references to state law. I will get the draft next week and e-mail it to you for review before we formally vote on it

March 12. We will then take our time to work out substantive changes to be submitted to the Board at a later time.

After the meeting, I sent an e-mail suggesting that three of the processes approved by the Board in 1991—selection procedure for full-time faculty, selection procedure for adjunct faculty, and procedure to determine equivalency of minimum qualification—be respectively submitted to the Board as Board Policies 4312, 4313, and 4314, with only minor updates, so that they will won’t be lost in the shuffle as they were between 1991 and 2009. The numbers 4312 and 4313 are already in place in the table of contents of my new Board Policy binder.

Discipline List

The proposed revision to the Discipline List can be found at

. Please pass it along to the affected areas in your discipline for feedback. The ASCCC

Delegates will vote on the revision in April’s plenary session. The affected areas are Political Science, Speech Language Pathology, Biotechnology,

Agriculture, Humanities, Mathematics, and Instructional Design/Technology.

Updates from ASCCC

ASCCC President’s February update can be found at

. A copy is provided for you to post in your Division Office.

Board Meeting

A draft management class specification regarding the Dean of Physical

Education, Health, and Wellness at LPC was presented to the Board. That

Dean will now also serve as Director of Athletics.

Senate President Election

Please remind the faculty at the March division meeting that nomination of Faculty Senate President for the 2009–2011 term will be coming up soon.

Please encourage faculty to serve.

