APPROVED MINUTES of REGULAR MEETING March 12, 2009, 2:15 – 4:15 pm Board Room in Building 200 Submitted by Ming Ho Senators OFFICERS Senate President Ming-Lun Ho Vice President Mike Absher SENATORS Applied Technology & Business Mike Absher Arts & Humanities Dov Hassan Counseling Rachel Aziminia Charles Gebhardt Health, Physical Education & Athletics Nancy Cowan Ken Grace Language Arts Jason Ames Linda Barde Library Jim Matthews Part-Time Faculty Anne Brichacek Science & Mathematics Dave Fouquet Wanda Wong Social Science Sherri Yeager Kathy Kelley Applied Technology & Business — Michael Absher Arts & Humanities — Dov Hassan Counseling — Rachel Azimina & Charles Gebhardt Health, Physical Education, & Athletics — Nancy Cowan & Ken Grace Language Arts — Jason Ames & Linda Barde Library — Jim Matthews Part-time Faculty — Anne Brichacek Science & Mathematics — Dave Fouquet & Wanda Wong Social Sciences — Kathy Kelley & Sherri Yeager Ex-Officios ASCC — Ahmad Asir, Vice President CLPFA — Shari Jacobsen, Membership Coordinator Guests Kathleen Kaser, Chabot Bookstore Manager Sgt. Ruben Pola, Director of Campus Security Judy Young, Director of Admission and Records Presiding Officer President Ming-Lun Ho. ITEM 1.0 1.1 Call to Order at 2:25 PM. 1.2 Approval of Minutes of February 26, 2009. MSC (Barde/Absher). 2.0 2.1 REPORTS I ASCC — Ahmad Asir The March on March was a success on the 16th. ♦ College affordability workshop will be on March 25. ♦ ASCC elections will be on March 23–24. ♦ International Night will be on March19. 2.2 3.0 3.1 EX OFFICIO CLPFA — None ACTION ITEMS Recommendation of Recruitment and Selection Procedure for Contract Faculty as Board Policy 4312 MSC (Matthews/Kelley) to approve the updated Recruitment and Selection Procedure for Contract Faculty based on the same passed by the Board of Trustee in 1991 and to recommend that the Board of Trustees adopt the procedure as Board Policy 4312. Associated Students of Chabot College Ahmad Asir Chabot-Las Positas Faculty Association Shari Jacobsen GENERAL FUNCTIONS 3.2 Curriculum Recommendation Not to Accept Military Waiver of the AS Physical Education and AA Wellness Requirements MSC (Cowan/Kelley) to accept Curriculum Committee’s recommendation to maintain the current policy of granting 3 semester units of elective credit for veterans with a DD214 but to reject the additional waiver of the Wellness or the Physical Education requirement for an associate degree. Chabot Academic Faculty/Senate Approved Minutes of March 12, 2009 4.0 4.1 DISCUSSION ITEMS Wait List to Manage Class Enrollment — Judy Young Judy Young reported that, after the new version of Banner is installed this December, implementing an automated waitlist for students signing up for classes would be feasible. A waitlist would avoid students’ running from class to class at the beginning of the semester in hopes of an open section, and thus reducing the class time faculty takes up to manage enrollment. It will also help with the college enrollment management by using the waitlist as data on class demand. Bakersfield College developed the waitlist capability, which was later integrated into the new version of Banner as a feature. The automated system also automatically bills the students after they successfully enroll in the course through the waitlist. Judy provided a PowerPoint printout of BC’s implementation, as well as links to BC’s waitlist guides. Student Guide: Faculty Guide: In the BC’s implementation, each class has a waitlist. Student may not be waitlisted for multiple sections of the same course. The waitlist size is determined by faculty, dean, etc. Students are added from the waitlist on a first-come-first-serve basis, not by priority number. When a student is selected from the waitlist, s/he is notified by e-mail and has 24 hours to confirm before losing the spot. There were concerns over how much control faculty has over the waitlist and how the waitlist works with the late add procedure. President Ho encouraged faculty to join a task force to work out some of these details and form a proposal for consideration. Young pointed out that we can have our own implementation of the waitlist, and the task force working with her will be able to identify what is technologically feasible. Spring 2010 would be the earliest a pilot of the waitlist can be implemented. 4.2 Textbook — Kathleen Kaser Kathleen Kaser presented several items related to textbooks. From the California Community Colleges’ Board of Governors came Recommendations to Reduce Textbook Costs to Promote Student Access and Success, which includes items Chabot has implemented (e.g. textbook rental program and library textbook reserve) and which encourages local campus to establish a Textbook Affordability Taskforce and to develop and implement Textbook Adoption Guidelines. Chabot’s Faculty Handbook already contains the section “Policies and Procedures for the Selection, Approval, and Ordering of Text Materials.” The state and federal governments have legislations relevant to textbooks. While the California legislations are mostly recommendations, the federal Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) of 2008 have textbook provisions that mandate compliance by July 1, 2010. “To the maximum extent practicable,” textbook ISBN and retail price must be accessible from Chabot’s online schedule of classes, and the printed schedule must explain how to look up the information online. However, the legislation specifies that institutional autonomy and faculty academic freedom to choose books remain unimpeded by this law. President Ho recommends that Kaser reports to College Council so that the Chabot administration can prioritize its work load and begin planning the technical support to comply with HEOA. Meanwhile, as suggested by Senator Barde, there should be a faculty committee examining the process by which faculty need to follow to comply with HEOA. Ho asked that Kaser convert her handouts into PDF files to be posted on the Senate website. 5.0 5.1 REPORTS II Senate President — Ming Ho 5.1.1 Proposed Flag Board Policy President Ho handed out draft ARP he received at the Chancellor’s Council. The ARP provided has slight discrepancy with the process listed on the U.S. Department of 2 Chabot Academic Faculty/Senate Approved Minutes of March 12, 2009 Veterans Affairs website. The Chancellor says that he will clean it up. He suggested rewording the ARP to reference the website, not repeating it in ARP. 5.1.2 Naming of Buildings Procedure At the Chancellor’s Council, the Chancellor would like some policy regarding naming of buildings in place in preparation of calling the Naming Committees at the two colleges. He passed out a draft ARP to existing Board Policy 2313 (a copy of which is given to the Senators) and would like feedback to it. President Ho had asked whether the names would remain in perpetuity, and the Chancellor responded that he would like the constituencies to raise and decide other relevant issuing regarding naming before names are considered. As Linda Barde and Zack Papachristos are the Senate representatives on the Naming Committee, Ho is delegating to them the task of collecting feedback from faculty. 5.2 Senate Committees 5.2.1 Accreditation — Jim Matthews The self-study on the four accreditation standards are at the editors. There will be a forum in early April for college wide feedback. The accreditation team will visit Oct. 19. 5.2.2 Academic Policy Council — Ming Ho President Ho will be contacting the LPC Senate, the Curriculum Committees at both colleges, and the District Curriculum Council regarding the following items: Waiver of AA/AS GE and proficiency requirements for holders of bachelor’s degree or higher Conferring multiple degrees At the next meeting on 3/19, Judy Young will bring data on readmits of dismissed students, to see if waiving the requirement that dismissed students must take a onesemester leave is a good policy. 5.2.3 5.3 Others — None Health and Safety Committee — Ruben Pola Local public schools have asked that Hayward Police Department be able to access their surveillance cameras in the case of man-made emergency. By extension, HPD wonders if postsecondary campuses are interested in similar arrangement. Sgt. Pola recommends allowing HPD access to our cameras because, in the event of a violent emergency, the Security Office may not remain operational. He has already presented the idea at College Council and will be visiting the Classified and ASCC Senates. An emergency is defined as situation that would require three squadrons to respond. HPD would have the authority to declare and end an emergency incident. HPD would call Chabot when it does take over Chabot’s surveillance system. In general, the Senate feels that allowing HPD access to our surveillance system will be very helpful in the event of an emergency. 5.4 6.0 Senators — None Good of the Order 6.1 Future Agenda Items 6.2 Adjournment at 4:00 PM. Next meeting is March 26, 2009. 6.3 Future Meetings — cf. = Agenda Item Handout 3