March 26, 2009, 2:15 – 4:15 pm
Board Room in Building 200
Submitted by Ming Ho
Senate President
Ming-Lun Ho
Vice President
Mike Absher
Applied Technology
& Business
Mike Absher
Arts & Humanities
Dov Hassan
Rachel Aziminia
Charles Gebhardt
Health, Physical
Education & Athletics
Nancy Cowan
Ken Grace
Language Arts
Jason Ames
Linda Barde
Jim Matthews
Part-Time Faculty
Anne Brichacek
Science &
Dave Fouquet
Wanda Wong
Social Science
Sherri Yeager
Kathy Kelley
Applied Technology & Business — Michael Absher
Arts & Humanities — Dov Hassan
Counseling — Rachel Azimina & Charles Gebhardt
Health, Physical Education, & Athletics — Nancy Cowan & Ken Grace
Language Arts — Jason Ames & Linda Barde
Library — Jim Matthews
Part-time Faculty — Anne Brichacek
Science & Mathematics — Dave Fouquet & Wanda Wong
Social Sciences — Kathy Kelley & Sherri Yeager
ASCC — Ahmad Asir, Vice President
CLPFA — Shari Jacobsen, Membership Coordinator
Dr. Carolyn Arnold — Institution Researcher and Accreditation Standard I Chair
Dr. Celia Barbarena — College President
Chad Mark Glen — Accreditation Steering Committee Co-Chair
Matt Kritscher — Dean of Counseling and Accreditation Standard IIB Chair
Rebecca Otto — Accreditation Standard IIA Chair
Dr. Patricia Shannon — Humanities Faculty
Presiding Officer
President Ming-Lun Ho.
Call to Order at 2:22 PM.
Approval of Minutes of March 12, 2009. MSC (Barde/Kelley).
ASCC — Ahmad Asir
Bobby Seale is visiting Chabot during college hour on April 16, 2009. ♦ ASCC Senate
voted to ban smoking on campus by one vote. ♦ ASCC held elections.
Our Shari Jacobsen is running for FACCC Board of Governors.
Dave Fouquet reported that the FA holds the position that 2008-09 issues need to be
resolved before negotiating issues for 2009-10. They mostly have to do with finances,
such as lab load factor. Another question is that, when we rolled back 2007-08
enrollments to 2006-07, there was a gain of $3.2 million. By Fouquet’s estimate,
recent personnel enhancement would take up about $1.6 million, but where the rest
went is unclear. He also thinks that we need to add FTEF to build enrollment and to
serve students that UC and CSU are turning away in this budget climate.
Associated Students
of Chabot College
Ahmad Asir
Chabot-Las Positas
Faculty Association
Shari Jacobsen
Appointment of Election Committee
By acclamation the Senate appoints Senators Brichacek, Cowan, and Wong to the
Election Committee for Senate President. The consensus of the Senate is to send out
Chabot Academic Faculty/Senate Approved Minutes of March 26, 2009
to the faculty the call for nominations presented by President Ho, with appropriate
blanks filled in by the Election Committee.
Accreditation Steering Committee Presentation of Self-Study: Standards 1 & 2
and Response to Past Recommendations — Chad Mark Glen
Chad Mark Glen introduced the presentation to the self-study by summarizing that we
are generally meeting the standards. The link to the self-study can be found on the
Accreditation homepage as well as the Chabot homepage.
Dr. Arnold stated that the self-study is where we are honest, as opposed to
supercritical, of how well or to what extend we are meeting the standards. Regarding
Standard I on mission and planning cycle, we do meet the standards. Although the
planning process may not always have been visible, our current process is built upon
that which preceded it over the past six years, and making more visible the planning
process is on the planning agenda.
Rebecca Otto reported that through the self-study process, she has seen many
examples of good work on campus. Senator Barde commented on the language of
“rocks and boulders” in the self-study as an overextended metaphor. Dr. Barberena
responded that we are moving away from that language, and references to them in
the self-study only serves to narrate the evolution of Program Review since the last
accreditation visit. Senator Kelley pointed out that the terms “rocks” and “boulders”
may have been meaningful in Program Review Committee but is not for the college.
Dr. Shannon stressed that the language is embedded in the historical documents to
represent tractable and intractable problems, and the visiting team needs some
context to make sense of it all.
Representative Asir asked who provided the description of ASCC on p. 45–46 in the
self-study of Standard 2, as he does not recall ASCC being solicited for information
and he has been in ASCC for a couple of years. Glen responded that he had
approached the ASCC before.
Senator Grace asked when students can see student learning outcomes (SLO) for the
class they take. Otto responded that those SLOs that are written should be available
by Fall 2009. Question was raised as to how SLOs are recorded. Chabot has chosen
to record them as appendix to the course outline of record (COR) rather than the COR
itself to have the flexibility to adopt what is assessed as needed. Dr. Shannon
reported about 50% of California community colleges have SLOs listed in their CORs.
Dr. Barberena asked that faculty input be channeled through Faculty Senate for
orderly processing. President Ho delegated that task to Accreditation Co-Chair Jim
Matthews, so faculty comments should be sent to him.
Matt Kritscher reported that there are many alternative service formats to the
students reported in the self-study. They include online and off-site components, as
well as reorganization within Student Services.
Barde expressed thanks to the Accreditation Coordinating Group for its effort.
Draft Administrative Rules and Procedures to Board Policies — Ming Ho
Feedback regarding policy on naming of buildings, etc., should be submitted directly
to Senator Barde and Zack Papachristos, as they are the Senate appointees to the
Naming Committee. Senator Grace thinks there should be a more explicit list for
naming after meritorious qualifications. Question was raised as to where the money
donated for naming rights would go. The policy should also address how long a name
would stay.
Regarding the flag policy, an interest was expressed to have the flag lowered when an
active employee dies.
President Ho reminded Senators to give feedback regarding his comments to the
faculty hiring policy language that the District had documented in 2005. That
document is good for putting together all aspects of hiring in one place. At the
suggestion of LPC Senate President, each Senate will have representative on an ad
Chabot Academic Faculty/Senate Approved Minutes of March 26, 2009
hoc committee of the two Senates working on revisions. Ho’s idea is to turn what the
district has into administrative rules and procedures to Board Policy 4312.
Senate President  — Ming Ho
Upon review of resolutions for consideration at ASCCC plenary session on April 19,
President Ho’s initial assessment is that they are mostly non-controversial, with the
except of Resolution 9.07S09, Support for “CCC Assess.” A draft proposal, passed
out to the Senators, can be found as Appendix G at
The perceived issue is that there are too many test instruments statewide in math,
English, and ESL, with no uniformity, comparability, and mobility of test/cut scores
from one institution to another. As individual colleges pay for the locally given
assessments, the claim is that colleges are economically disincentivized to maximize
the number assessments given. A proposed solution would create a centralized
storage and delivery data warehouse of CCC Assessment instruments, test scores,
and other data used in the assessment/placement process. A centralized service
would purchase license of a fixed number (1-3) of testing instruments for each
curricular area, and that cost is charged to the central system and not to the college.
Current matriculation money will be kept locally and redirected to counseling services.
While colleges are not required to participate, the shift of assessment cost from
individual colleges to the central system would be the incentive to do so.
President Ho thinks this is worth discussing because he worries about whether the
limited number of testing instruments adopted by the central system would meet the
need of local control. Senator Barde also pointed out that, if assessment cost is
shifted to the central system, what guarantee is there that the matriculation money will
not be reduced in the future?
Ho asked that Senators bring this issue back to division and bring up other resolutions
that the Senate should discuss at the next meeting. No Senator wish to raise an issue
of other resolutions at this time.
Senate Committees
Senator Fouquet reported that there is a need to work with architects to redo the
Facilities Master Plan from 2005, as a lot has happened since then. Included in the
revision will be an assessment of whether we need a new library, as well as deciding
if faculty offices in Buildings 1100, 1500, 2000, and 2600 should be upgraded to the
new office standard or to a temporary standard. Or do we delay upgrade until a new
building is constructed. Currently, Measure B funds one project manager at each
college and the District’s Vice Chancellor of Facilities, and question was raised if
those positions would go away after constructions are completed.
Senators — None
Good of the Order
Future Agenda Items
Adjournment — Next meeting is April 2, 2009, a special meeting.
Future Meetings — cf.
 = Agenda Item Handout