Minutes of Regular Meeting November 8th, 2012 2:50-4:40 Board Room, Building 200 ITEM OFFICERS Senate President Kathy Kelley Vice President Jason Ames Immediate Past President Kathy Kelley SENATORS Applied Technology & Business Mike Sherbourne Counseling Shirley Pejman Health, Physical Education & Athletics Jeff Drouin Jane Vallely Language Arts Stepahnie Zappa Library Jim Matthews School of the Arts Rachel LaPell Science & Mathematics Ming-Lun Ho Laurie Dockter Social Science Christina Mendoza Adjunct Faculty Lisa Ulibarri EX OFFICIO Associated Students of Chabot College President Chabot-Las Positas Faculty Association Shari Jacobsen 1.0 GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1.1 Call To Order—2:50 PM Senators: Jason Ames, Stephanie Zappa, Jim Matthews, Jeff Drouin, Mike Sherburne, Jane Vallely, Rachel LePell, Christina Mendoza, Lisa Ulibarri, Ming-Lun Ho Secretary: Vanessa Sadsad Guests: Luis Flores 1.2 Review and Approval of Minutes—M/S: Zappa/Jim 1.3 Public Comments 2.0 REPORT I 2.1 ASCC—Luis Flores LF: We are currently promoting our existence and informing our student services and flea market. I am asking the Senate for permission to speak to your classes about the ASCC. Jason Ames: I suggest that you email campus wide that same question. Jane & Lisa: Asked that ASCC email info that could be put into Blackboard sites. Mike: If you have a schedule (for instructor times) yes, blackboard would also be great. As far as Radio frequency issue goes run an evaluation as far as the campus? LF: A study was approved but no further updates. 2.2 CLPFA Jane Valley: We did training on distance Ed where my role is grievance officer. I did my training for distance education on Tuesday. Christina, in terms of committees they have been shuffled but will settle soon. Lisa: I only deal with the distance Ed part but as far as those evaluations go getting the list of courses still remains an issue. The VP Academic Services is supposed to give the FA the list from the deans. Jane: I only heard once but maybe once Dale gets into that position it will help. 3.0 ACTION ITEMS 3.1 Education Master Plan Jim: The next steps is reporting here how many people look at it and see what kinds of things that came out of the meeting. What would we do; what are the differences between the Strategic Plan and the Ed. Master Plan? These are the kinds of questions that are being asked and dealt with. This is my report back to everyone (passes out email sent). In any case, Kathy and I will be talking the President and also talking to the VP; getting Jan involved in this as well. Jan spoke relaying that she agrees in the next steps in speaking to PRBC & the District before we plan anything any further. I don’t think there is any action needed to be taken here. Jason: The one thing I felt pretty strongly on is that I don’t think this thing gets done without any reassigned time. This is why I think it was a great action item. This is why I think if it is Kathy, we need to ensure reassigned time. Chabot Academic Faculty/Senate Draft Minutes of February 26, 2009 Mike: Is there any cost analysis/ Jim: We don’t have a scope of this, I agree with you Mike. Mike: Before reassigned time comes around we need to look at cost analysis. Jim: We have a lot to do still if you look at that list there is a lot of ideas. I can call up a consultant now and get what they ask but I want it to be done how we want it done our way. I want to talk to the President and Jan more before we do this. I have another project related to this, I am pushing to get reassigned time for accreditation because we just do it for two years. Jan is pushing the strategic plan. We are going to basically need a proposal and not just my list. Mike: Yes definitely a proposal that would lead to this section and a bigger section. Jason: That is what I meant by the chicken and the egg? Mike: If we are doing the Ed Master Plan; won’t we have to revise a vision for the college? Jim: There may be a discussion before the Ed Master Plan that we discuss the mission and values of the college, the mission of the college is everything for everybody. Mike: Well can we do everything for everybody? Jim: Well the mission of California community colleges said we do but they don’t fund everything. And that is what accreditation asks us, how are we serving our community? So I will be continuing this and it will be a continuing action item This is tabled aka to be continued. 3.2 Credit by Exam Policy—discussion review of documents from DCC (Goes through and looks over sheets) Jim: My only concern is that we want to say that we give credit to a high school level? Jason: I agree looking into my department where there are great programs of forensics like at James Logan and I think if they are pretty good there would they qualify in forensics here? Jane: Then we discuss fees, why would they charge fees but when someone takes CBE they take up time and I don’t know why this came up as an issue, is it a title IV policy? Jason: My guess is that if you look at the CBE (reads paragraph) you noticed the majority is taken out of the language. Jane: If you look at the timeline it is different and if you notice LPC is giving a small unit paramedics course that would allow further courses to CBE. Christina: Other things like Philosophy that are not taught at high school what would you do? Jason: I would think for comm. You would give a speech but what kind of speech? It is hard to pin down form discipline to discipline. Mike: Do you know why they took out the majority of the faculty of the discipline? Jason: I wonder if it is a time issue? Jane: And I am a one person in a program so I just talk to myself. 2 Chabot Academic Faculty/Senate Draft Minutes of February 26, 2009 Seconded motion to table 3.3 Credit by Exam: Zappa All agreed to put aside. This is a note that she (Kathy) will have to convey a senate opinion for the Board of Trustees meeting th so it will have to get pulled form the board agenda. Even if we had a meeting on the 26 it will not get to the board and was not approved by senate. Rachel: The district has a sub committee for this specific issue and that is the source of this document. We can speculate that this was created this term from this committee and came up with it pretty early. 4.0 DISCUSSION ITEMS 4.1 Dealing with “Academic Changes” [new regular item for discussion] Jason: If we want to continue discussion about adjuncts or have an Jim: I think an agenda item for minimal requirements Jason: and adjunct seniority list 4.2 Continue reviewing Senate Constitution for Policies/possible changes Jason: Last meeting Kathy said she would continue working on getting reassigned time for President, Secretary, & VP and working on the consitution. Jim: I suggest to put Article 1 on the agenda and that we all read it and go over it Jason: Can we put Article 1, 2, and yes confirmed Article 1 & 2 for next meeting. 4.3 Institutional Research Board—Human Subjects Committee Christina: Kathy wanted me talk about it and we talk about whether we can talk about it So William came in about 4 weeks ago, Carolyn & Will are working together and plan on coming back to senate. I don’t know if you want me to describe the IRB but ….to get an Idea what the IRB is about … (hands out papers) Depending on the direction we plan to take … so apparently there are federal guidelines to follow for research where there is some kind of procedure involved. Jason: That is thing about a board and do we have to create on of our own. Christina: Maybe me could borrow or use someone else’s IRB but we would have to look into that. Jim: I would like to see what a community college’s IRB is doing and if there is one. Christina: I can do more research Jim: Carolyn might know Jason: Do you know who is on the board at the CSU? Christina: When I was in grad school it was composed of various faculty. The IRB is specific to researching human subjects and getting grants. Rachel: It sounds like it came from some sort of litigation and I think it would be good to have some sort of official form that Chabot could use formally. I am getting that there is some legal things going on here. 3 Chabot Academic Faculty/Senate Draft Minutes of February 26, 2009 Jason: In most of these is a risk evaluation and you’re absolutely right that there is a litigation involved in here. I mean if Andrew Pierson is doing research on students without consent of the students or an IRB that wouldn’t be legally ethical. Rachel: Every student is a subject of course of ours in our teaching … Christina: It is any kind of project and I like how it describes it in relation to the discipline. It really is (IRB) there for the protection against lawsuits. Jason: It seems surprising that we do not already have something like this established but for me it seems like we need to set up a board and instructions for this. Jim: No, but we appoint the members to the board. Jason: Yes of course. 4.4 Purview of Senate as distinct from PRBC and other committees Jim: That is what we do and Kathy does for us. And I think this comes from having Senate involved and anything from PRBC that can come up with anything but we have to approve it. Zappa; What is the difference between those plans? Jason: Does SP influence with EMP or vice versa? Jim: Missions & Values is number 1 and EMP is number 2 and the implementation of it is SP. That is one of the first things I had a question about in the workshop is what it is. The EMP actually sits above those things. Rachel: This is a question, my perception over the last 10-12 years is that PRBC has a manic pattern of being a very powerful committee and ascends again with a powerful chair, which Jan is, but I am confused as to where Senate stands. I feel that the Senate sits very impotent in comparison to PRBC. I am just wondering if PRBC can be delineated to the senate and it is not clear. Jim: That discussion is exactly where we need to go, our purview starts and is clear with 10+1 but beyond that it is not. Zappa: I have been on IPBC and on Senate but both of those time I will not mention any names but in those moments they were both in effective about were about those people running those committees. (We all want shared governance). Jason: The B in PRBC is what makes it look powerful, but Jim is right, when looking at the 10+1 that is very clear and clearly some rubbing as to who has some input. Mike: Does anyone actually know who and what these committees are and who run them? Jim: It’s on the website Skye: On 11/29 there will be forum for shared governance about the relationship with 2 sessions. 12 noon in the small theatre. Featuring DeWitt, Sperling, & Novak. Jane: Reads the 10+1 Zappa: They have been doing that too …. Lisa; For all of the committees they asked us for our input 4 Chabot Academic Faculty/Senate Draft Minutes of February 26, 2009 5 Jason: Kathy (the president) is a sitting member and a voting member of these committees and the question then becomes how much control and authority does the senate actually senate want. Example: Do we create events for flex or leave that up to staff development? Rachel: I thought our committees are from the divisions Jim: The way it is supposed to work by law is that the senate appoints people to the committees Jason: Maybe the senate doesn’t want to do that, committees are so small now a days and Jim: We can all beat ourselves up but the reality is that we delegate this to people who want to this. Rachel: Jason you said that you’ve been on senate in the last 5 years , has there been a change in role of senate to PRBC . Ming: Before PRBC was IPBC, before it was constituted from divisions trying to get people whereas with PRBC we get people but position. You already naturally selected by being a committee chair. Therefore I think they have been doing more just by that fact. The structure, you have to kind of sit back and ask, how many hours can you put in and what can we do with that, us as a senate? And I would look at it before as prior senate president as body how could be use the hours? Rachel: My point is that, I’m just stating what everyone has observed I’m just curious and it seems like senate has less seriousness and less bite in terms of PRBC. Jane: I just have to say that I am o a lot of committees is that I like that we have an agenda, review our agenda, and get our agenda done. I have worked with former College President Raul Cardoza. One of the reasons people don’t participate is because they don’t see the action, look at PRBC. Jason: Look it could be 2 things: 1) It could be us panicking Tuesday night contextually 2) The other thing is an underlying combativeness and competition between the two but maybe they can work together but I also do not know who is ultimately calling the shots. But I am worried about the combative nature. Mike: But I guess that goes back to my original question; I looked at the website. Zappa: With Kathy a member of PRBC, I don’t know I make an assumption that it is representative of communication. That she can keep us …it seems like there is stuff falling through the cracks. Ming pulls up organization chart. 5.0 REPORTS II 5.1 No Campus Requests 6.0 GOOD OF THE ORDER 6.1 Future Agenda Items Jason: We won’t meet until 12/13, we sent out the document late spring and want to invite the Chancellor again. (Same document with Joel last semester). I will leave that to the senate to decide and maybe have a planning meeting for the agenda for that meeting. A quick agenda setting meeting th on the 29 th th I move under the direction of the VP to have a special meeting on either the 29 to 6 to call one a meeting and look into having this. th I think the 29 would be great. Chabot Academic Faculty/Senate Draft Minutes of February 26, 2009 Jeff: Maybe revise and cross out line items Jason: I will resend the document. Jason: So, the Org. chart. Jim: It needs to be revised. Mike: It is the same level as IPBC. Jeff: The thing is that IPBC doesn’t even exist anymore. Zappa: Yet they have all the power. Jeff: We, in all of the committees, we represent the divisions, our power is diluted when we serve on a committee, and on PRBC there is diluted power in 1 person. SO when you do that there is just one voice in a number of votes. Ming: I would say with things like the SP, it needs to come to us for approval. And it come through Kathy, and we do need to communicate with PRBC what we want. As you create the SP consider these principles that will be guided by. Skye: They are looking for new members for PRBC Jason: I think all members are. Jeff: I don’t always use coaching analogies but I think we are allowing them to do so and what work are we giving ourselves. I have made these comments before go to these committees and it is the same people every time. I have told people in my division to go to these but we need to rejuvenate our faculty to be part of community. Vanessa: You guys get the approval at the end of the day for things such as accrediatation. Jason/Ming: Yes Skye: Asks about communication regarding accred. Jeff: There is a lot of things that are done based on obligation but are not always read. Skye: I hate the work beauracacy? Jason: How do you feel when teachers assign you busy work? Lisa: Who do we thank for refreshments. And I would like to find out who to thank for Prop. 30? What about on our website with the picture saying that Chabot thanks for voting Prop. 30 like I got from Berkeley Alum. Rachel: What about a sign? Lisa: I just was thinking about something cheap and fast Ming: I suggest you just ask susan directly and ask Lisa: Yes, but instead one of you. Jason: Definitely I will ask 6 Chabot Academic Faculty/Senate Draft Minutes of February 26, 2009 Any new business Rachel: There is this play … 6.2 Adjournment—4:40 th 6.3 Next meeting is December 13 , 2012 at 2:40 p.m., Board Room—Thanksgiving Holiday nd is on November 22 , so no meeting. 6.4 Future Meetings (www.chabotcollege.edu/facultysenate/#meetingdates) 7