Chabot College Academic/Faculty Senate Minutes of Regular Meeting January 24

Chabot College Academic/Faculty Senate
Minutes of Regular Meeting
January 24 t h , 2013
Board Room, Building 200
1.1 Call To Order—3:05
Senators: Ming-Lun Ho, Christina Mendoza, Mike Sherburne, Jim Matthews, Laurie Dockter,
Kathy Kelley, Jane Vallely
Recording Secretary: Vanessa Sadsad
Senate President
Kathy Kelley
Vice President
Jason Ames
Immediate Past
Kathy Kelley
Jim Matthews
Applied Technology
& Business
Mike Sherburne
Shirley Pejman
Health, Physical
Education & Athletics
Jane Vallely
Language Arts
Stephanie Zappa
Jim Matthews
School of the Arts
Rachel LaPell
Science &
Ming-Lun Ho
Laurie Dockter
Social Science
Christina Mendoza
Adjunct Faculty
Lisa Ulibarri
Associated Students
of Chabot College
Luis Flores
Chabot-Las Positas
Faculty Association
Shari Jacobsen
Guests: Jane Church, Dave Fouquet
Vanessa informed the Senate that she will be leaving early for class at 4:30 this semester.
Quorum was not met, proceeded to discussion on agenda items.
1.2 Review and Approval of Minutes—No Action Taken
1.3 Public Comments—None
2.0 Reports I
2.1 ASCC—No Report
CLPFA— Dave Fouquet: (We will be negotiating coaching stipends, music
performance, and journalism, in terms of what extra compensation is. When you give coaches
compensation hours, there was the issue of music performance and they have to play at other
schools and we are looking to give them compensation in the F hour for that, additional time
with students goes well beyond contact time, other big item is the free speech negotiation from
last year. It is not up to the lawyers it is up to us.
DBSG: Dave Fouquet stated that the DBSG is continuing its discussion of a
new allocation model. There are 2 major thrusts of it: 1) Content of what they want to do; 2)
The political maneuvering of what they want to do. The DBSG is discussing how to dispense
with the current a hybrid revenue/expense model. Dave felt that the DBSG is not evaluating
how any proposed the models would impact the colleges. He stated that the district needs to
basically use expenses on the instruction side to maximize revenue for the district. There is no
way of doing that without going into a hybrid model. Chabot still has its Nursing and Dental
Hygiene programs which cost so much more than any other CTE program district wide that it
needs to be factored in an expense in any new model. Also, any new model needs to
incorporate the Distirct Enrollment Management Committee into the mix to since that
committee is highly effective and made the district much more aware of how to be cost
effective with its FTES allocations.
Educational Master Planning - Jim: We passed a motion previously
regarding the EMP with a provision on reassigned time for doing the work. In the meantime
Kathy, Jan, myself, VPs, Deans, and others are discussing how this will work. It will involve
the senate and all of the talk about new degrees should be in there. MOOGs may have a role
in any new plan too. We need to figure out what is going on in our community and with
education. We need a college plan rather than an individual discipline plan. Is there a way to
create a new program to serve our area? I believe the EMP would create a college decision
plan on where we are going.
Mike: Who are you referring to when you say college decision?
Jim: The college as whole should create college-wide decisions and not only have just
decisions from within departments or divisions. Now we have only department and division
visions but when it comes to college wide decisions, those decisions are made in a Ad Hoc
fashion and I’m hoping to get away from Ad Hoc decision making in the college –wide
Chabot Academic Faculty/Senate Minutes of January 24, 2013
Mike: You also have to decide that is you have 3 CTE who is going to make the decision to
only have 1 new position?
Kathy: IF we only have one position, we have to look into the best interest of our area so that it
pays for itself come enrollment
Jim: You’re asking who is going to be making that decision? If there is a plan, then there is a
basis for the PRBC, the Senates and the administration to base their decisions upon. Based
on statistics and a plan, I’m hoping for a rational decision.
Jane: I think that a plan should include regionalization with Ohlone, Merritt, if you put that in
making pathways for students it would be huge. So I think more globally but we could be a
forerunner in a regional center. We need to talk to Las Positas too.
4.1 Dealing with “Academic Changes” (Jane Church) Jane: Passes out handouts
(Certification form). The cover letter came out of Chancellor Scott’s office filtered down to the
community colleges on Transfer Degrees. On this chart there are 22 finalized TMCs degree
patterns that have been lower division major prep courses. They have agreed upon these
plans along with GE a student will be guaranteed admission to CSU that use this. This is a
great idea and CSU is admitting based on AA-T. We are now being directed to produce these
degrees here at the community colleges, the list has 22, since then 2 ore have been added
but were are working on this list. By Fall 2013 the degrees that we have in our catalog that are
aligned with TMC have to be in the chart.
Explains chart. I have checked off in this chart where we have a TMC alignment. We need
80% of 16 done by Fall 2013. We don’t do the templates but we can participate in creating
them. Column B has 6 and Column C are not done. We are working on the 7 in Column C by
fall 2013.
Ming: What is considered aligned?
Jane: Any faculty who do not have an aligned degree I will work with them. The waywe are
working on this and or who we are targeting on this is by asking who is working on CurriciNet.
Goes through handout chart. Psych is under review at the curriculum meeting in February
Kathy: We have been talking efforts AA-T is out and provided by Rani Nikar and she has done
an extraordinary job.
Jim: The curriculum process used to be completely controlled by our college, however, now
the state has taken control based on things like the Student Success Task Force. The State
Chancellors office is working to create a real system.
4.2 Continue Senate Constitution
Kathy: I would like us to review the membership of the senate since we are losing members
when divisions are combined.
Jim: SOTA and Social Sciences are now married.
Kathy: Maybe we need to change the 20 FT Faculty in a division to 1 senator ratio to
something like 15 to 1.
Jim: We could eliminate the divisions from the equation and do something else altogether.
Ming: We can define this at a later date describing how we choose to determine to allocate
senator membership.
5.1 President
Chabot Academic Faculty/Senate Minutes of January 24, 2013
Kathy: I fear that the state may be attempting to take control of Distance Education in a way
that courses are not our courses but part of a centralized state course.. One move of this is
having a state sponsored or run distance education whereby giving up our curriculum to state
Laurie: Have read an article in the paper I noticed that not all students can do this and
students can do this.
Christina: This pertains to Online classes right?
Jim: Yes, it refers to the MOOC (Massive open online courses) concept that San Jose State
among others are exploring.
Ming: I have taken an MOOC online course myself in statistics and I found that it was
tremendously easier and didn’t cover a depth of content that I deliver in my classes.
Ming: The concern that we raised that was about statistics and the concern that a specific
statistics course run by psychology for psychology students may impact what psychology can
offer. That if you have enrollment fragmentation (among many separate courses all doing
discipline specific statistics, there may be course droppings and would due lack of students in
each course.
Jim: However, due to the AAT in psychology we are required to have this course if we have a
AAT in psychology.
Vanessa: How many of the faculty have degrees in Statistics?
Ming: Not many
Kathy: The other report is that there is a DBSG (District Budget Study Group) meeting
tomorrow. There we will be discussing the revenue allocation model. (Goes on describing
such things) We have all of these signature programs that need to be supported in any
allocation model.
Laurie: So we will going by how many students we have and using Biology as an example
where we have Nursing classes with Biology 31 and they don’t have the courses required for
the degree.
Kathy: What we need to focus on is the value our classes hold to our community. The board
will not cut the nursing or dental hygiene program because the community relies on these
Jim: We have done this before using the old revenue allocation model but the question to be
asked is what is the framework and purpose of a new model?
Kathy: Now, onto other announcements the senate is sponsoring the Public Lecture series. I
have a questionnaire for the audience and put this information into our bank for our alumni
base. We are going to have a foundation president soon. (Explains foundation talk).
(End of Report).
Future Agenda Items— None
Adjournment - Next meeting (TBD Due to Flex Day on February 14th , 2013)
Future Meetings (