BAKERSFIELD,CinCO,DOMINGUEZHILLS,FRESNO,FUllERTON,HAYWARD,HUMBOI.DT,LONGBEACH,LOSANGELES,NORTHRIDGE, POMONA, SACRAMENTO, SAN BERNARDINO, SAN DIEGO, SAN FRANCISCO, SAN JOSE, SAN LUIS OBISPO, SAN MARCOS, SONOMA, STANISLAUS WHAT ARE THE "GENERAL EDUCATION-BREADTH REQUIREMENTS"? The California State University faculties believe that students who are graduated from their institutions should have participated in two primary educational experiences. One of these is defined as a "major," meaning the primary subject area of the student's course work. The other is defmed as "general education," meaning a broad experience with subjects other than the "major" of the student's choice. This requirement of the California State University comes from the belief that a truly educated person is one with some familiarity with many aspects of knowledge, not just one. HOW DO I COMPLETE THE GENERAL EDUCATION-BREADTH REQUIREMENTS AT CHABOT COLLEGE? TherequirementsvaryfromcampustocampusintheCalifomiaStateUniversity,butaresimilar.Afewofthemareintended to be completed after you transfer, but most are intended to be completed during your freshman and sophomore years at Chabot College. If you complete the requirements as suggested on the reverse of this page, you will make a smooth transfer to the fouryear school. Of course, you must also complete any requirements for your major as well, andif"major"requirements are included in the lists for "general education" courses, they can usually be included in the sixty units suggested for completion. If you lack the required general education courses you should have completed at Chabot College, your graduation from the four-year college will probably take longer than it should. WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS AND THE NUMBER OF UNITS NEEDED FOR A FOUR-YEAR DEGREE? (Units are defined in quarter terms.) Units Required for Units Suggested at Chabot a Four-Year Degree COMMUNICATIONS IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE 13-14 12-15 AND CRITICAL TlllNKING 12-15 B. THE PHYSICAL AND LIFE SCIENCES 18 AND MATHEMATICS 12-15 c. ARTS, LITERATURE, PHILOSOPHY AND 18 FOREIGN LANGUAGES 12-15 D. HUMAN SOCIAL, POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC 18 INSTITUTIONS AND BEHAVIOR 4-5 4-5 E. UNDERSTANDING AND SELF-DEVELOPMENT If you complete more than the number of suggested units in one or more of the various categories, they will count as transferable units, but will not make up for deficiencies in other areas or add to the total of 60 units that is suggested for completion in the freshman and sophomore years. A total of 84 transferable units is the minimum needed for Junior standing. Students not originally qualified to enter a California State University as freshmen must complete 84 transferable units with a 2.0 grade point average before transfer. A. CHABOT COLLEGE 25555 HESPERIAN BLVD. HAYWARD, CA 94545 (510)786-6600 "'\.,., .... - .... NEW GENERAL EDUCATION BREADTH REQUIREMENTS 1993-94 [A.] COMMUNICATIONS IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND CRITICAL THINKING Select at least one course from each group. (12-15 qtr. units) !i tfillilo, 4~~----~ A3 English lA, English-~~ Philosophy 12A, Speech 46 THE PHYSICAL AND UFE SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS Select at least one course from Group 1, 2, and 4. At least one course must include a laboratory (underlined courses are laboratory courses). (12-15 qtr units) Group 1 - Physical Sciences (B 1) Astronomy lA, lB, 10, .li2L Chemistry lA. ll!.l.l.A. .l.lll.lQA. 3m3.. ll. Geography 1 Geology l.A.lB.. 10, lQI.., 11, 12, 12L Physics2A,ZB.~§ lO,.lQL Psychology 2 Group 2- Ufe Science (B2) Anatomy l Anthropology 1 Biology .1A, ~ 10, 20, 25, ll, 40, 50 Botany l.,lQ Ecology 10, l l Microbiology l Physiology l Zoology l.,l.Q Group 3- Lab Science Requirement (B3) Any underlined Dumber satisfies this requirement. Group 4- Mathematics (B4) Mathematics 2A, 2B, 26, 33, 34, 36, 40, 42A, 42B, 46 Psychology 5 [B.] Ethnic Studies (D3) Anthropology 5 English 21, 22, 23 History 19, 20, 21A, 21B, 22, 25, 26 Sociology3 Gender Studies (D4) History 27 Sociology 11 Geography (DS) Geography 2, 3, 12 History (D6) History 4A, 4B, 4C, 5, 17A, 17B, 17C, 18, 19, 20, 21A,21B,22,23,25,26,27,28,45 InterdiscipUnary Social or Behavioral Science (D7) Business 30 Computer Information Systems 50, 70 Marketing 50 Mass Communication 5 PoUtical Science, Government, and Legal Institutions (D8) Political Science 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 21 Psychology (D9) Psychology 1, 3, 30, 33, 43A, 43B Sociology and Criminology (DO) Gerontology 30A, 30B, 32 Sociology 1, 2, 3, 4, 11 [C.] ARTS, LITERATURE, PHILOSOPHY AND FOREIGN LANGUAGES Select at least one or two courses from each of the two disciplines. (12-15 qtr units) ARTS (Art, Dance, Music, Theatre) (Cl) Architecture 64 Art2A, 3A, 6, 8, lOA, lOB, lOC, 11, 14A, 15, 16A, 18A, 30 Creative Arts 10 Drama 1A, 3A, 5, 10, 12, 14, 16, 25,40 Music 4, 5, 6, 12, 22, 25 Welding Teclmology 71 (Art Welding) [E.] UNDERSTANDING AND SELF DEVELOPMENT (E) (4-5 qtr units) General Studies 20 Gerontology 30A, 30B Health 1, 2, 8, 30 Nutrition 1 Psychology 8, 45 Psychology-Counseling 10, 11, 16, 20 Sociology8 Speech 10 Physical Education Activity 1, 2 (limit 3 units) HUMANITIES (Literature, Phllosophy, Foreign Languages) (C2) English l~. 17, 21, 22, 23, 27, 32, 38, 42, 43, 45,47 French 2A, 2B, 2C German 2A, 2B, 2C History 4A, 4B, 4C Htmnurlties1,3,5, 7,10,28,35,40,45 Philosophy 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 25 Religious Studies 1, 7 Spurlsh 2A, 2B, 2C Speech 2A, 5 - AMERICAN INSTITUTIONS REQUIREMENT (Should be completed in addition to requirements for Section D.) Complete one of the following combinations: HUMAN SOCIAL, POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC INSTITUTIONS AND BEHAVIOR Select courses from at least two different disciplines D1 through DO. (12-15 qtrunits) Coursesmaybelistedinmorethanonedisciplinebutmaynotbeusedinmore than one discipline. [D.] 1. Political Science 1 and one course from: Political Science 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 21, History 21A, 21B, 22, 23, 25 or 26. 2. Political Science 1, History 17B, 17C. 3. History 17A, 17B, 17C (History 21A, 21B, 22, 23,25 or 26 may be substituted for History 17B or 17C.) 1. No more than 58.5 quarter units (39 semester) may be certified for the CSU General Education Breadth Requirements. 2. No more than 45 quarter units (30 semester) may be certified for Areas B through D combined. 3. Upon transfer, students may be expected to complete a minimtmn of 12 quarter/9 semester units of General Education Breadth Requirements at the CSU granting the baccalaureate degree. Anthropology & Archeology (Dl) Anthropology 1, 2, 3, 5 Courses may be listed in more than one area but may not be used in more than one area. Economics (D2) Economics lA, 1B, 5, 10, 12 GENERAL EDUCATION CERTIFICATION If you are planning to transfer to any of the California State Universities (Cal State Hayward, San Jose State, San Francisco State, etc.) you need to have your course worlt in General Education certified by Chabot College before you tnnujer. This is done at your request at the time you order your final transcript before transferring. The material in this publication has been prepared from the 1992-93 catalog as carefully as possible. However, Chabot College does not assume responsibility for inaccuracies or changes in the information contained herein after the date of publication. NJA:lf /Rev. 8/93