Intercollegiate Athletic Advisory Council (IAAC) Meeting September 5, 2013 3:30 PM CBB 323 Present: Ronnie Bankston, Jean Berger, Jess Betts, Russ Campbell, Forrest Dolgener, Stacia Eggers, Brady Fritz, Tim Gilson, Joel Haack, Mark Jacobson, Lisa Jepsen, Rex Karsten, Lisa Krausman, Kara Park, Justin Schemmel, Diane Wallace, Kay Weller. Recorder: Sarah Harms 1. Approval of May 2013 tabled for next meeting 2. Tanya Warren, Head Women’s Basketball Coach (guest speaker) discussed her philosophy on coaching student athletes both athletically and academically, highlighted past success stories, and answered questions from the group. 3. Michelle Van Dorn, New Media Coordinator (guest speaker) distributed the staff and student policies for social media and answered questions from the group. 4. Athletic Director Report / SWA Report – Jean Berger a. Various facility projects completed over the summer: NW Dome pavers, McLeod ticket office renovations, and football office renovations. b. Upcoming projects include: McLeod team room, West Gym Phase II c. Submitting bids for NCAA women’s basketball and women’s volleyball regional tournaments and the women’s volleyball national championships, all to be held in the Wells Fargo arena in Des Moines. d. We have hired a new facilities manager – Brooke Croshier-Sidebotham. We are in the process of hiring an assistant soccer coach. e. There are some opportunities for students to do internships in the athletic department. f. The football team helped move in new students this year. Next year athletics will try to get all teams to help. g. Thank you to Diane Wallace for all her help with eligibility this summer. h. Department members and coaches will be delivering thank you gifts to new faculty and staff members on Monday, September 9th. 5. Compliance Officer Report – Justin Schemmel a. Justin started as Assistant Athletic Director for Compliance in August. He introduced himself, gave his background, and discussed his philosophy on compliance. 6. Academic Advising Report – Kara Park / Stacia Eggers a. Distributed the student athlete community service review for last year. b. Distributed student athlete GPA reports by sport, including GPA by gender, minority status, and international students. Distributed a chart comparing student athlete GPA compared to all students GPA and answered questions. c. Invited everyone to attend the SAAC Welcome Event (Talent Show) on Sunday, September 8 at 6 p.m. in the McLeod Center. 7. Faculty Athletics Representative – Lisa Jepsen a. Discussed student athletes to bring forward for post-graduate scholarships. b. Meetings will be held in CBB this semester and will take suggestions for future meeting locations. Meeting adjourned. Next meeting: Thursday, October 3 to be held in CBB 323.