Classified Senate called to order 12:100 p.m. on Thursday 6-17-10...

Classified Senate called to order 12:100 p.m. on Thursday 6-17-10 in room 455 (IOB)
In attendance: Gordon Watt, Isabel Braunstein, Yvonne Craig, Catherine Gentiluomo, Cheryl Sannebeck, Stacey Moore,
Rosie Mogle, Debra Kling, Sylvia Ramirez, Chasity Whiteside.
Yvonne-IPBC should get stipend
Yvonne-Talks about getting Classified Senate Award with Shirley. Got some good ideas. Sell books to raise money.
Storage was the problem. Staff wellness, e.g. stretches in your chair. Other colleges have a lot of problems. Really
realized how well supported we are here. It would be nice to send people next year.
Yvonne-No union members here so Classified Prioritization study review can’t be totally addressed, so table that until
next time.
Debra Kling-Hiring committees shouldn’t be hand-picked; they should get input from us.
Gordon-Approval of minutes pending corrections. Classified Meeting open to everyone. Voted on Chasity becoming a
representative. Unanimously accepted.
Yulian Ligioso special speaker to talk about the budget. Would like to present where we as a district is headed. It will be
a tough couple of years. In January Gov said 19 billion short fall. Lots of changes made to the budget over the year, so
don’t know what we will end up with. Kari doing dual role, SEIU and supervisor. Will help when that position is hired.
We have 3 faculty and want to have 4. Make decisions during the summer so we can have our allocations ready for the
Fall. Meet 2nd and 4th Tuesday Room 405 at 2 p.m. PowerPoint presentation will be available in district services website
under the budget heading. State Government deferring allocations to us. 40-50% reductions to categoricals. And a big
reduction to CalWorks grants. Our student rate grew but not funded for them. Hats off to teachers taking in more students
then scheduled for. And the students are sticking it out. Serve High School students and reverse transfers in the Summer.
Our bread and butter are those students in the Fall and Spring. So try and continue our offerings in the Fall and Spring
when we have the core of our students. SF eliminated their summer program. Benefits went up double digits. Maintain a
reserve of 5% for economic uncertainties.
Gordon- We owe a lot to our predecessors for making this such a great senate. Got a message from Greg Correa.
Bargaining is starting for a new contract. Opening 3 points in the contract only.
Studies show that a 4/10 workweek is not productive. Our change in hours needs to be posted on the website for campus
hours. 4/10 schedule is for saving money and limiting carbon foot print.
Talk to George Railey about scheduling because it affects us classifieds, not just teachers and students.
Carlson Awards we have the flyers out. Present 2nd day of convocation. College day. Deadline 25th of this month. Cheryl,
Isabel and Gordon volunteers to work on this. Service to Chabot.
Room 403 available now to senators. Have to set up PC access to senate folder.
Catherine- Would be nice to have an e-mail account dedicated to senate stuff so we don’t have to look for it through all
our e-mails.
Meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m.