Chabot College Classified Senate Minutes 2010-11 Classified Senate Governing Council EXECUTIVE BOARD Gordon Watt President Chabot Computer Support Yvonne Wu-Craig Vice President Grant Development Isabel Braunstein Secretary Media Services Rosie Mogle Treasurer Administrative Services Kari McAllister Immediate Past President Performing Arts Center ADVISOR - SEIU Catherine Powell School of the Arts SENATORS ACADEMIC SERVICES Catherine Gentiluomo Health & Natural Sciences Debra Kling Language Arts Cheryl Sannebeck Social Sciences Bella Witt President’s Office ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Nate Moore Campus Safety Tatiana Diaz Mail Room Shirley Dazhan Campus Safety Gregory Correa Maintenance & Operations STUDENT SERVICES Trisha Avila Financial Aid Stacy Moore Counseling Sylvia Ramirez EOPS Judy Wright Admissions & Records REPRESENTATIVES Katrin Field Assessment Rajinder Samra Institutional Research Chasity Whiteside Language Arts Karen Metcalf Language Arts Friday, January 21, 2011 − 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM − Room 455 In Attendance: Gordon Watt, Yvonne Wu-Craig, Isabel Braunstein, Catherine Powell, Catherine Gentiluomo, Debra Kling, Nate Moore, Tatiana Diaz, Trisha Avila, Chasity Whiteside, Karen Metcalf, Gregory Correa. Discussion Items: a. Consideration of a resolution to support a campus-wide no smoking policy (ASCC) (R. Pola) ASCC – Don Bosco Hu and Theresa Pedrosa came to talk about a campus wide smoking ban. The city of Hayward has banned smoking at various places educational institutes included. Second-hand smoke is really bad for you. TP- A lot of people here have asthma and it also brings with it a trash problem. DB- I have asthma and my lungs get irritated from cigarette smoke. Ruben – Smoking lonely in the parking lot originally mirrored the LPC policy. Nate Moore sees the situation in the parking lot. TP – The Health & Safety Committee was asking where we were on this. They are getting a lot of complaints not only about trash but about marijuana smoking going on. Nate – There are receptacles all around the parking lot but students are still just throwing their cigarettes on the ground. This makes more work for M&O. Also, receptacles have been vandalized and lit on fire from excess use. There’s also a lot more loitering in the parking lot surrounding the smoking areas. People hang around the permit areas [purchase points for parking permits] and people have to walk through there. Also the solar panels are holding in the smoke. Ruben – We just moved the problems from the campus to the parking lot. GW - What about classified staff who want to smoke and can’t leave campus; where would they go to smoke? Ruben – They can park by the gas station on Depot Rd. City of Hayward smoking ordinances are not city-wide, they just ban places where people congregate. {5.602E} Sidewalks (public places) GW – Can people sit and smoke in their car or do they have to drive around at lunch time? CP – I am vehemently anti-smoking, but I don’t like where this is going. I live close to campus and can see people going to the neighborhoods to smoke and angering the neighbors. YW – What were the results at other schools that did the smoking ban? Chabot College Classified Meeting Minutes Page |2 Ruben – It’s a hard thing to adjust to and it takes time. We have to do a lot of reminders with a smile. I haven’t seen any articles popping up about community problems. YW- Does this just spread the problem somewhere else? I can envision a lot of clandestine people hiding behind bushes to smoke. Yvette Nahinu – I used to be a smoker in high school and we had a designated square. Maybe we could do something like that? Ruben – You would have to rearrange the parking lot – have a shelter, do a survey, etc. and it would take away from parking spots. Rosafel [Adriano - from Chabot Health Center] is very supportive about doing this. Get more resources from the hospital for the anti-smoking campaign and give people resources to stop smoking. Kathy Kelly – Could we create a fire pit at the edge of campus for smokers? Ruben – LPC has a nice fire pit for get-togethers. Nate – We put the old concrete garbage cans in the parking lots and that’s helped with the garbage situation, but people are still just flicking their cigarette butts. Ruben – [in response to having fire pits] There would need to be several of those. If you limit them you would have to increase enforcement, otherwise you would have an unenforceable policy. YW – Have we gotten a census from the students to see how they feel about this? Don B. – I think the problem at hand is finding a new place for people to smoke. We want to promote a healthier life style. CP – Can we put feelers out to the community to see how they feel about this? Is there a way to poll the residents? Ruben – Yes, they went through exhaustive research to pass the city resolution. The little park [on Depot Road] is where everyone goes to hang out and there have been a lot of complaints about this. It’s difficult on enforcement. With the budget crunch, enforcement of smoking laws has been a low priority. Obama is trying to promote a healthier lifestyle in the whole country. My opinion is the community isn’t going to see a big difference. CG – I think this is a slippery slope. These people aren’t stupid and know what they are doing isn’t healthy. Are we going to limit everything unhealthy? Plus people don’t have time to take 30 minutes to walk over to the park. Don B. – Another problem is a lot of the chemical from cigarette butts [that have been tossed on the ground] run into the drains. Ruben – If we move the smokers to the sidewalks, the onerous would be on the city itself. Ruben – A lot of the loitering is from chain smokers killing time between classes. I think this resolution would get a lot of opposition from smoker. It would also be hard on visitors to the PAC who are chain smokers. Chabot College Classified Meeting Minutes Page |3 CP – There are a lot of people walking kids to schools on Depot Road and the kids see all these students smoking on the sidewalk. GC – There’s an article today in the Chronicle/S.F. Gate dealing with cigarette. It’s in the “Bay Area – Inside” section. GW – Do we want to vote on this now or talk to our constituents first? Let’s bring this back up at the February meeting. Ruben – Why don’t we do an online survey on this (Survey Monkey)? CP – Can we do this on the Zone? Maybe we could have Rajinder [Samra in Institutional Research] help out with the questions. If we poll the students through the campus newspaper and the Zone, we could contact someone in the math department and have them do a statistical survey of the 15,000 students and get a pretty accurate poll from that. The issue is officially tabled until next meeting for a decision. The minutes are also tabled until our next meeting. Budget Crisis Task Force: YW – On Thursday, January 27th Kathy Kelly and Academic Senate will co-sponsor a community forum regarding Budget cuts solutions. There will be work groups forming five groups (I will be assisting with the Fundraising group) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Social networking /community outreach Saving money by changing practices Curricular change System-Wide, College-wide change & Legislative outreach Fundraising Kathy Kelley – I feel we should be proactive and not a victim of the budget situation. CP – Flex day is March 3rd. It’s mostly a faculty orientation. There will be a cognition brain discussion with Dr. Zull. Do we want to have him talk to us about cognition and the brain in the afternoon? It would be approximately 1-½ hours. Also we need more training in Banner. GW – We need to make a nomination of a classified employee to the state classified employee of the year. The person needs to have at least 5 years of service to the district. The deadline is the February board meeting. DK –I think we should make the nomination campus-wide. b. Naming of hallway in building 700 After Mary Lou Cisneros (G. Correa) GC – I’m here to discuss the naming of a hallway in building 700 for Mary Lou Cisneros. She worked for Chabot since the 1970’s. She did a lot of things behind the scenes. She treated the Veterans she served like family. Chabot College Classified Meeting Minutes Page |4 GW – Board Policy 2313, naming of district property policy, state that we must wait a minimum of one year before naming district property after a retired or deceases employee. NM – Mary Lou touched many people in the community. YW – Are there other classified employees who should be recognized this way? GC – Mary Lou was probably here the longest, over 40 years, and there was a certain kindness about her that was special. DK – Maybe through this act of recognition we can set a precedence for this kind of thing. SEIU Report: GC – Seiu report – Go to negotiations on Monday. The district wants to give us two presentations, one by Joel Kinnamon and one by Keenan & Associates. We have four SEIU representatives meeting here at Chabot in February: 1) Amy Dooha – Social Services Agency, Alameda County; Eric Stern – Regional Center of the East Bay, Oakland; [himself] Gregory Correa – Fremont Unified School District; and Michelle Rodrigues – County of Contra Costa. We will be meeting to discuss lowering our union dues from 1.8%. We need to have more representatives at Chabot College. U.C. Davis had cuts and then the administrators rewarded themselves with raises. DK – In the Hometown Heroes section of the Daily Review, Kerri McAllister was mentioned for her work sponsoring a forum on bullying. YW – We need to discuss revising the Classified Senate Constitution regarding coordinating committee chairs. GW – We need to start thinking about forming election committees. All the officers are up for election. Adjournment 2:11 p.m. Upcoming Meeting Dates: February 25, March 18, April 15, May 20, June 17. Meetings to be In room 455 in the I.O.B. Submitted and recorded by Isabel Braunstein.