Classified Senate Minutes – 24 February 2015

Classified Senate Minutes – 24 February 2015
Welcome/Call to Order.
President's Report
o No report
Vice President's Report
o No report
Treasurer's Report
o See Addendum One
o Charge funds to President’s account
Secretary's Report
o Absent
SEIU Report
o We will most likely not receive payment in February, as the
contract has to be board approved. Tentatively, we believe we
should expect the 2% salary increase on March’s paycheck, and
the 2% one-time bonus on April’s. We now have regularly
scheduled labor management meetings, which allow us to follow
up with member concerns directly with HR and the college
presidents. We are still meeting for the Classification and
Compensation Study as well.
SSCC Report
o April elections
o Literacy drive
o Town Hall March 10
o Carnival March 24
o Women’s Safety March 17
o Water filters
Budget committee report
o Given by Chasity
o Reviewed shared governance documents
o Marketing
o Matt/Southland
o Shared governance documents, forms
o Work group formed
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Classified Senate Minutes – 24 February 2015
Staff Development
o Flex Day problems
Bookstore Advisory
o No meeting
Board of Trustees
o Barbara Mertes replaced by person from Livermore
Discussed charity One Warm Coat
o Another placard internally lit with logo and “Chabot College”
o Name sign on PAC
o Name sign on column near building 100
Discussed the possibility of a NRG grant and what it offered/required
from Chabot
o NRG charging stations with granted parking places
o 18 month contract with NRG
o Fee to join
o Fee to charge vehicle at NRG station
o At LPC, NRG was board approved
Election Committee
o Steve Stevenson
o Cheryl Sannebeck
o Gordon Watt
o Jeremy Wilson
o Trisha Avila
For the Good of the Order
Persistence survey
800 students
Question to merge SSSP and Basic Skills
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Classified Senate Minutes – 24 February 2015
In Attendance:
o Jeremy Wilson
o Noell Adams
o Catherine Gentiluomo
o Cheryl Sanneback
o Rachael Tupper-Eoff
o JoAnn Cerefice
o Yvonne Vanni
o Chastity Whiteside
o Trisha Avila
o Steve Stevenson
o Debra Kling
o Noeli Paz Soldan
o Jasawna Bowen
o Rosie Mogle
o Gordon Watt
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Classified Senate Minutes – 24 February 2015
Addendum One
Treasurer’s Report
In the co-curricular account we have $4,992.76. The general funds we
have $-15.60 in Travel account. I will need to transfer $15.60 to clear the
account. Deductions from payroll to co-curricular account are $115.00 per
Submitted by Rosie Mogle
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Classified Senate Minutes – 24 February 2015
Addendum Two
College Budget Committee
The College Budget Committee met one hour early on February 24 to discuss
the special shared governance recommendation notes purposed by PRBC
and those who worked at the shared governance retreats. The final
changes/recommendations to the current shared governance structure have
not been released by the President, but we began to address recommended
changes to the college budget committee. Under discussion are possible
changes to the membership, reporting structure (PRBC vs. College Council),
and what funds should actually be discussed by the budget committee
(general funds, grant funds, etc.). Connie Willis will start working on a
budget calendar and include input from the committee members. We also
discussed the importance of the Technology Committee reviewing
technology requests received through the program review process and
providing feedback to the Budget Committee before items are funded. We
discussed having the Deans from each division attend meetings where their
requested items are being discussed for funding to clarify any questions that
committee members may have. The instructional supply request list from
the program review process for 2015-2016 continues to be reviewed.
Submitted by Heather Hernandez
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Classified Senate Minutes – 24 February 2015
Addendum Two
The Planning, Review and Budget Council last met on February 18 and the
agenda included follow-up discussion on planning for the Charrette, the
PRBC calendar, a new PRBC Initiative Update Form, the shared governance
documents, senate reports, and updating program review forms. The
committee anticipated President Sperling sending out the final
recommendations/possible changes to the shared governance process by the
end of the week. Senates and committees would vet the information and
report back to PRBC by April 15. Deonne Kunkel asked that any feedback be
sent to her electronically beforehand by April 9th or 10th so that she can
compile it for the meeting on April 15. We discussed how to organize the
feedback from the senates and committees; PRBC and Academic Senate
developed a process plan for gathering input. A sub-group with two
representatives from each shared governance structure (Classified Senate,
Student Senate, Administrators, Faculty Senate, and PRBC) will meet to
synthesize feedback and make final recommendations to College Council.
Program review forms are now being looked at by a small workgroup for
revisions. Possible revisions should be sent to Deonne Kunkel, Connie Willis,
Matt Kritscher and Carolyn Arnold as soon as possible. Deonne is aware that
the classified prioritization workgroup would like to make changes to the
current program review forms and we should forward those purposed
changes as soon as possible.
Deonne presented a draft form (PRBC Initiative Update Form) that Chabot
College could possibly use to make presentations at district committee
meetings on current pressing needs for the college. We discussed how to
collect data on pressing needs, who would present the data, and how best to
communicate a targeted message.
Submitted by Heather Hernandez
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