Chabot College Program Review Report 2014 ‐2015 Year Two of Program Review Cycle Submitted on [11/1/2013] Contact: [Nursing Faculty] Final Forms, 1/18/13 Program Review Nursing 2014 Appendix B2: “Closing the Loop” Course‐Level Assessment Reflections. Course Nursing Program Core Courses Semester assessment data gathered 2 Number of sections offered in the semester 5 (2012) 6(2010‐2011) Number of sections assessed 5 Percentage of sections assessed 100% Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion 7 Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course‐Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE‐LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS CONSIDER THE COURSE‐LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) (CLO) 1: N55 Demonstration of fundamental concepts and practices utilizing the nursing process across the life span. (CLO) 2: N60A Application of the nursing process and evidence based practice in the care of adults experiencing selected conditions requiring treatment in medical‐surgical and psychiatric care settings. (CLO) 3: N59 Defined Target Scores* (CLO Goal) Actual Scores** (eLumen data) 100% 86% 100% 92% 100% 97% 100% 90% 100% 100% Application of the nursing process and evidence based practice in the nursing care of the childbearing and child rearing families. (CLO) 4: N60B Application and analysis of the nursing process utilizing evidence based practice for groups of clients in the medical‐surgical and critical care setting. (CLO) 5: N60C Application, synthesis, delegation, critical thinking and analysis of the nursing process utilizing evidence based practice for groups of clients in the medical‐surgical and critical care setting. If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. Program Review Nursing 2014 * Defined Target Scores:What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? PART II: COURSE‐ LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS A. COURSE‐LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Theory must be passed at 73%. 86% score at or above 73%. We are satisfied with this rate as some students leave the program for various personal reasons. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? NA Although we have lost 14% over the past two year, we understand some students do not have the dedication to complete the rigors for the program. Some students discover the profession of nursing does not meet their personal expectations and conflict with unexpected life events. B. COURSE‐LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Excellent at 97%. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? We will continue to utilize the course methodology in teaching this course and enhancing the student learning. We conduct a content review as required by the Board of Registered Nursing. C. COURSE‐LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Very good at 92% 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Continued enhancement of student clinical experiences including open lab time, simulations and tutoring. Utilize medication passing instructors to individualize the education of students D. COURSE‐LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Very good at 90%. Program Review Nursing 2014 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? This is the final core course in the nursing program requiring the culmination of all nursing program education. It is the most rigorous course offered and the last step to their individual preceptorship. It is a predicator for the success of our students in taking and passing their licensing exam (NLCEX). Last year 100% of the students who passed this class also passed the NCLEX. Over the past five years the program has had a first time pass rate of 96% ‐100%. The California Board of Registered Nursing requires nursing programs to have a pass rate of 85% for accreditation. We exceed these standards. E. COURSE‐LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: N60C ADULT HEALTH III.PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? Outstanding at 100% 2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course‐level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? Last year 96% of the students who passed this class also passed the NCLEX. Over the past five years the program has had a first time pass rate of 96% ‐100%. The California Board of Registered Nursing requires nursing programs to have a pass rate of 85% for accreditation. We exceed these standards. Preceptorships are becoming extremely difficult to arrange. In the future we may need to increase simulation experiences and as a substitute for preceptorships. This will require a enlargement of our simulation lab to accommodate the 40‐50 students along with a simulation director. Other possibilities in clinical health care are being explored. 3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Yes Pedagogical Yes Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods XXXOther:_simulation____________________________________________ Program Review Nursing 2014 Appendix C: Program Learning Outcomes Considering your feedback, findings, and/or information that has arisen from the course level discussions, please reflect on each of your Program Level Outcomes. Program: Nursing Program PLO #1:Incorporate the core of knowledge unique to the nursing profession in the delivery of health care in acute, chronic, or community health settings; PLO#2: Utilize the nursing process to provide care for clients, families and significant others with diverse health needs and practices; PLO #3: Respond to the demands of rapidly changing information technology by incorporating computer literacy in health care delivery and utilizing the internet for research; PLO#4: Use critical thinking skills in decisions related to managing care for groups of clients; PLO#5: Practice within the profession‘s ethical and legal framework; PLO#6: Respond to the unique health needs of the culturally diverse and aging population. What questions or investigations arose as a result of these reflections or discussions? Explain: The nursing program is pleased with the current PLO’s What program‐level strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? Strengths revealed: At this time the Chabot Nursing program is one of top 10 nursing programs in California with a 100% pass rate on the licensing exam (NCLEX). Fall 2013, we have received over 600 applications for the 50 spaces available. What actions has your discipline determined might be taken to enhance the learning of students completing your program? Actions planned: Continued use of case manager through counseling, additional tutors, medication pass instructors and increased hours in the skills lab using adjunct instructors all paid through grant funds. The grant funds are through June 2013. We are looking to replace one full time instructors we no longer have in medical surgical to meet Board of Registered Nursing full time instructor requirements. Program Review Nursing 2014