TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: Scott Salter, Alameda County EMS Agency John McInnis, Chabot College Chabot College EMT program renewal application documentation February 22, 2012 On April 30, 2012, our EMT program approval status is set to expire. I would like to request that our EMT program approval status is renewed and that we will be allowed to continue functioning as an EMT program approved by the Alameda County EMS Agency. Presently we offer two (2) EMT courses and two (2) EMT-Refresher courses per year. CALENDAR OF COURSES OFFERED IN 2011 Below is a calendar of courses given in the past year showing dates of full courses, refresher courses, and number of students: Spring 2011 EMT Course: January 19, 26, February 2, 9, 16, 23, March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, April 2, 6, 13, 27, May 4, 11, 18 and 25. Total number of students completing the Spring 2011 EMT Basic Course: 28 Fall 2011 EMT Course: August 17, 24, 31, September 7, 14, 21, 28, October 5, 12, 19, 26, November 2, 5, 9, 16, 30, December 7, 14 Total number of students completing the Fall 2011 EMT Basic Course: 21 Spring 2011 EMT Refresher Course: April 25, 27, 30, May 2, 4, 7 Total number of students completing the Spring 2011 EMT Refresher course: 21 Fall 2011 EMT Refresher Course: November 29, December 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 Total number of students completing the Fall 2011 EMT Refresher course: 29 EMT-1 CURRICULUM BEING UTILIZED Presently we are utilizing Prehospital Emergency Care 9th edition curriculum as the basis of our lesson plans. This curriculum was developed utilizing the DOT HS 811 077A, January 2009 Department of Transportation EMT, National Standard Curriculum and the June 2010 version of the California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 9, Chapter 2, Article 3. TOTAL COURSE HOURS FOR THE CHABOT EMT PROGRAM Total number of didactic hours: Total number of skills lab hours: Ambulance Clinical Hours: Hospital ER Clinical Hours: Total instructional Course Hours: 92 80 22 8 202 Midterm written and skill examination: 6 Final skills examination: 8 Final written examination: Total examination hours: 4 18 Total course hours: 214 COURSE COMPLETION BY CHALLENGE EXAM As stated in our information brochure available to students: Persons may obtain an EMT certificate by successful completion of an approved challenge examination if: 1. They are a currently licensed Physician in one of the United States, a Registered Nurse, a Physician’s Assistant, or a Vocational Nurse. 2. They provide documented evidence of having successfully completed an EMS training program of the Armed Forces including the Coast Guard of the United States within the preceding 2 years that meets the Department of Transportation (DOT) EMT National standard curriculum. 3. An individual who was active in the last 2 years in a prehospital classification of the armed services, including the Coast Guard. 4. A currently licensed, out of state Paramedic or EMT- II. For all other questions regarding information on the challenge examination or certification in general, please call the Alameda County Emergency Medical Services Agency at (510) 6182050 or visit their website at Students who wish to challenge the EMT course (Health 81) at Chabot College are asked to apply to attend as a student at Chabot College and then enroll in the Health 85 (EMT Refresher Course). To challenge Health 81 the student must submit a written request to the EMT Program Director prior to the beginning of the Health 85 class and provide proof of all requirements. The student must then successfully pass the written final examination and all required skills examinations administered to the EMT students (Health 81). EMT REFRESHER COURSE OFFERINGS (HEALTH 85) As stated in our information brochure available to students: All certified EMT’s need to recertify every two years. This can be done by either taking a 24 hour refresher course including skills competency testing, or completing 24 hours of continuing education (C.E.) units. Either way, an EMT has to successfully pass a skills competency examination every 2 years. EMT refresher courses are offered twice a year at Chabot College once every spring and fall semester. To be eligible for an EMT refresher course, the student must have a current EMT certification or an EMT training program completion certificate not greater than two years old. Students are directed to check the current class schedule under Health 85 or contact the EMT Program Director for more information. TOTAL COURSE HOURS FOR THE CHABOT EMT PROGRAM Total number of didactic and skills practice hours: Total instructional Course Hours: 24 24 Final written and skills competency examinations: Total course hours: 8 32 FACILITIES, EQUIPMENT AND EXAMINATION SECURITY AND RECORDS Facilities, equipment: Chabot College is located at 25555 Hesperian Blvd. Hayward CA. The Emergency medical Technician course is held in building 3100. This building was constructed for the health department and is primarily used by the Nursing program, EMT program and other various health education courses. The EMT program uses room 3115 for lecture and rooms 3115 and 3102 for skills sessions. Classrooms are large and adequate for class size, climate controlled and well lit. Modern Audiovisual equipment for class presentations is located each classroom. All skills equipment is secured and maintained within these facilities and minor maintenance and service is performed on equipment as needed to keep equipment in good usable condition. Security of Examinations and Course Records: The EMT program keeps all examinations locked in a separate office away from the classroom in building 2000, room 2060. This office is used exclusively by the EMT faculty and no other faculty or students have access to this office. Records for the EMT program are kept in a storage room in building 2200. Records for the Nursing and Medical Assistant programs are kept in this same secured location. Records for each EMT class are kept for a minimum of five years before being shredded. Included required documents Within this binder you will find the following documents: 1. A completed EMT Training Program application form. 2. Program Director Resume Form, Program Clinical Coordinator Resume Form, Principal Instructor Forms and up-to-date resumes and medical credentials of the following individuals: a. John McInnis (program director, clinical coordinator and principle instructor) b. Michelle Rippy (principle instructor) c. Paul Tappan (principle instructor) 3. Teaching Assistants Form 4. A course outline a. Master outline based on the DOT HS 811 077A, January 2009 Department of Transportation EMT, National Standard Curriculum b. A spring 2012 course schedule / course outline that takes the above curriculum items and puts them into our schedule format for the semester 5. Two sample lesson plans a. Chapter 15 – Shock and Resuscitation b. Chapter 19 – Seizures and Syncope 6. Clinical ambulance and hospital ER provider/contractors information 7. A sample course completion certificate 8. Sample copy of a final skills competency examination 9. Sample copy of a final written examination Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if you need any further clarifications or documentation. Thank you very much for your support and assistance! Respectfully submitted: John McInnis EMT Program Director Chabot College (925) 413-4546 – Cellular (510) 723-7090 – Office