Chabot College Program Review Report Fall 2015‐Spring 2016 Year 1 of Program Review Cycle Early Childhood Development Submitted on Contact: Hilal H. Ozdemir, Barbara Ogman, Edna Rodriggs, and Michelle Sherry Final Forms, 1/18/13 1 Appendix B2: “Closing the Loop” Course-Level Assessment Reflections. Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion ECD 40 Fall 2013 1 1 100% Spring Francesca Conterno, Edna Rodriggs Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) (CLO) 1: ANALYZE THE IMPORTANCE OF THE EARLY YEARS AND THE EFFECTS OF INTERACTION BETWEEN MATURATIONAL PROCESSES AND SOCIAL FACTORS ON SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT. (CLO) 2: STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO DESCRIBE THE INFLUENCES ON EARLY BRAIN DEVELOPMENT. (CLO) 3: STUDENTS WILL BE ANALYZE HOW DIFFERENCES IN TEMPERAMENT IMPACT SOCIALEMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN. Defined Target Scores* (CLO Goal) 75% will score either 3 or 4 75% will score either 3 or 4 75% will score either 3 or 4 Actual Scores** (eLumen data) 41.6% scored either a 3 or 4 41.6% scored either a 3 or 4 41.6% scored either a 3 or 4 If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? 2 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS A. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores for Fall semester were below the target of scoring either a 3 or 4 in the class. However 76% of the students passed the course with a 2 or better. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Faculty will be looking at the assignments for clarity and addressing the CLO’s specifically. Faculty will review presentation of materials to locate the disconnect. B. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores for Fall semester were below the target of scoring either a 3 or 4 in the class. However 76% of the students passed the course with a 2 or better. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Faculty will be looking at the assignments for clarity and addressing the CLO’s specifically. Faculty will review presentation of materials to locate the disconnect. 3 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores for Fall semester were below the target of scoring either a 3 or 4 in the class. However 76% of the students passed the course with a 2 or better. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Faculty will be looking at the assignments for clarity and addressing the CLO’s specifically. Faculty will review presentation of materials to locate the disconnect. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: NA 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: ADD IF NEEDED. 4 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? Faculty are still working on analyzing the information and relating it to state standards since this course is a CAP aligned course. 2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? It seems that revisions need to be made to the assignments and presentation of materials including lecture and group discussions. 3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? xCurricular xPedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric xChange to assessment methods Other:______________________________________________________ 5 Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion ECD 50 2 4 2 50% Spring 2014 Hilal Ozdemir, Barbara Ogman Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) (CLO) 1: Assess early childhood settings, curriculum, and teaching strategies utilizing indicators of quality early childhood practice. (CLO) 2: Students will be able to define and describe the theories, philosophies, goals, objectives and methods associated with contemporary group care and educational systems - as related to developmentally appropriate practices for all young children with typical and atypical development in a play based environment (CLO) 3: 6 Defined Target Scores* (CLO Goal) 60% 60% Actual Scores** (eLumen data) 46% scored 3 &4 47% scored 3 &4 (CLO) 4: DUE TO PROBLEMS WITH ELUMEN, WE WERE NOT ABLE TO ASSESS THE CURRENT CLOS FOR THIS CLASS. SEVERAL ATTEMPTS TO CORRECTING/CHANGING THEM DID NOT PRODUCE THE RESULT THAT WE NEEDED. ACTUAL CLOS FOR THIS COURSE ARE: ECD 50- Define and describe the theories, philosophies, goals, objectives and methods associated with contemporary group care and educational systems as related to developmentally appropriate practices for all young children with typical and atypical development in a play based environment; ECD 50- Explain the professional standards of early care and education and importance of establishing relationships with coworkers, families, children and the professional community; ECD 50 -Student will be able to analyze an Early Childhood Environment Based on Specific Standards(such as DAP) If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? 7 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS A. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Only 46% of the class scored either 3 or 4. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? We think the assignment that was supposed to assess this particular CLO was not a good match. Since we were not able to change the CLOs, the chosen assignments were not effective because we made our planning based on the CLOs posted above in red highlighted section. B. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Only 47% of the class scored either 3 or 4. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? We think the assignment that was supposed to assess this particular CLO was not a good match. Since we were not able to change the CLOs, the chosen assignments were not effective because we made our planning based on the CLOs posted above in red highlighted section. 8 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: ADD IF NEEDED. 9 Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion ECD 52 Fall 2013 1 1 100% Spring 2014 Hilal Ozdemir Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) (CLO) 1: Analyze major developmental milestones for children from 8-18 years of age in areas of physical, psychosocial, cognitive and language development. (CLO) 2: ECD 52 - Explain how human development occurs as a result of the interaction of the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive systems Defined Target Scores* (CLO Goal) 70% of the class scored either 3 or 4 Actual Scores** (eLumen data) 54.3 % scored either 3 or 4 70% of the class scored either 3 or 4 61.8 % scored either 3 or 4 (CLO) 3: Synthesize material to allow for critical 70% of the thinking regarding contemporary issues impacting class scored middle childhood and adolescence either 3 or 4 69.7 % scored either 3 or 4 (CLO) 4: N/A 10 If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS C. A. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Students scored significantly less than the targeted score. During fall 2013 ECD 52 was offered face-to-face contrary to last few years (last 4 years, ECD 52 was only offered online). 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? I need to look into this particular CLO and how it is assessed in faceto-face teaching environment. I believe students in online courses take more ownership when studying for assigned concepts/sections. Perhaps I can come up with better ways to approach this issue. This semester (spring 2014) I am scheduled to teach ECD 52 online. I am really interested in comparing results one more time. B. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Students scored about 8% less than the targeted score. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Perhaps I can come up with better ways to reach to targeted score. I am planning to create some “Case-Study” samples that can be used to put stronger emphasis how human development occurs as a result of the 11 interaction of the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive systems. C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Students almost at the targeted score. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? I will review the course material, assignments, and guidelines. I will make sure expectations are clearly spelled out. I will also see if I can adopt a few more assignments in this particular CLO area since students showed stronger interests. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? N/A 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? N/A E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: ADD IF NEEDED. 12 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? This semester (Spring 2014) I am scheduled to teach ECD 52 online. While teaching I will also work on adopting some of the online “assignments/discussion forums” to face-to-face teaching since online ECD 52 CLO assessment results are better than the face-to-face section. 2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? Fall 2013 semester started with 40 students and I had 37 students at the end of the semester on my roster. However as one can see students success rate while assessing those course CLOS were lower than the targeted score. I run into several obstacles that took outside of the classroom even though students regularly attended to class sessions. Several students did not have their textbook, several had learning disabilities and were in the process of working with DSRC, 2 homeless students, and two were pregnant with complications. Next fall (2014 fall) I will do a survey on basic needs. Also now our ECD Study Hall is up and running, I believe it will also help those students that are struggling. 3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular X Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other: Study hall and try to provide basic needs ___________________________________________________________ 13 Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion ECD 54 Fall 2013 2 2 100% Spring 2014 Janice Fonteno and Edna Rodriggs Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS Defined Target Scores* (CLO Goal) 75% will receive 3 or 4 82.6 %received a 3 or 4 75% will receive 3 or 4 77.8% received a 3 or 4 (CLO) 3: Demonstrate basic skills of first aid and 75% will responding to common emergencies encountered receive 3 or in early childhood settings 4 78.2% received a 3 or 4 (CLO) 4: Apply knowledge of research and 81.5% CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) (CLO) 1: Evaluate regulations, standards, policies and procedures related to health, safety and nutrition in support of young children, teachers and families (CLO) 2: Identify and plan nutritionally balanced meals and snacks with consideration to cultural and special nutritional needs 14 75% will Actual Scores** (eLumen data) community resources to address the specific health needs of all children, including those with special needs receive 3 or 4 received a 3 or 4 If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS A. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 82.6% received a 3 or 4 on this CLO. It was the highest scored. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Looking at the data we met our desired levels. The course was offered online as well as face to face. B. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 77.8% students received a 3 or 4 on this CLO. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Overall we feel that the students are receiving the support they need to be successful. C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 15 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 78.2% received a 3 or 4. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? We are pleased with the outcome and observe that the students are receiving the support they need. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 81.5% received a 3 or 4. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students met the desired level for this CLO. E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: ADD IF NEEDED. 16 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? We are always updating out courses with the latest information and regulations for Early Childhood programs. We noticed that the students were having difficulty in the planning of nutritional meals and adjusted our lecture to give more hands on examples which were worked on for different age levels. This seemed to pay off with the score. 2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? Students are being successful in the class and this will help them as they find a career in this field. It demonstrates that they have a basic understanding of children’s health, safety and nutritional needs. 3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:______________________________________________________ 17 Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion ECD 56 Fall 2013 4 3 75% Spring 2014 Hilal Ozdemir, Barbara Ogman Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) Defined Target Scores* (CLO Goal) 70% 77 % (CLO) 2: Student will describe current trends in research about early childhood. 70% 74% (CLO) 3: Student will be able to identify techniques for studying children. 70% 74% (CLO) 1: The student will be able to analyze development as a result of the influences of nature and nurture Actual Scores** (eLumen data) (CLO) 4: If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) 18 **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? 19 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS A. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 77% of the class scored either 3 or 4. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? The statistics show that our students are grasping the content of this outcome and are successful. We have noticed however these scores didn’t mean that all these particular students who scored 3 &4 also did well in other areas as well. These scores only measured this specific CLO outcome. B. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 74 % of the class scored either 3 or 4. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? The statistics show that our students are grasping the content of this outcome and are successful. We have noticed however these scores didn’t mean that all these particular students who scored 3 &4 also did well in other areas as well. These scores only measured this specific CLO outcome. 20 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 74% of the class scored either 3 or 4. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? The statistics show that our students are grasping the content of this outcome and are successful. We have noticed however these scores didn’t mean that all these particular students who scored 3 &4 also did well in other areas as well. These scores only measured this specific CLO outcome. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? N/A 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? N/A E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: ADD IF NEEDED. 21 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? Because ECD 56 is a fundamentally important class both for the workforce as well as a prerequisite, a skills lab with learning assistants connected to this class would enhance student success giving them the individual help that they may need. This could be a .5 unit, voluntary, or instructor recommended course. (2011/12 Program Review) This semester (Spring 2014) we developed a pilot program “ECD Study Hall” To increase student success. 2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? We would like to see if the ECD Study Hall is successfully attracting students and if there is a significant improvement in over all successful completion of the course. 3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical X Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:______________________________________________________ 22 Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion ECD 60 Fall 2013 1 1 1 Spring 2014 1 Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) (CLO) 1: Demonstrate ability to compare and contrast typical and atypical development of young children and the implications for adaptation. Defined Target Scores* (CLO Goal) 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4 Actual Scores** (eLumen data) 77% (CLO) 2: Appraise the identification, screening and assessment processes for children with exceptional needs 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4 63% (CLO) 3: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of disabilities that affect children and community resources that meet the needs of their families. (CLO) 4: Understand and can apply laws protecting 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4 71% 75% of the class scored 54% 23 children with exceptional needs including Individual Development Education Act (IDEA) and use of Individual Educational Plan (IEP) and Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP). either 3 or 4 If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS A. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? The current scores are only slightly higher than the target for student success in this course level outcome. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? I think that the students have a fair foundational basis of what is typical development from their knowledge of typical child development from their college courses and work or personal experiences working with children. They are beginning to understand how wide the variations can be. B. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? The current scores are below the target for student success in this course level outcome. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? It is much harder to explain and show them what is atypical development when it goes beyond the obvious physical or mental differences that a child with special needs might exhibit. I think that the students have just begun to understand scratching below the surface when they are doing observations of children and learning to 24 look at the overall picture or background of a child to note more mild symptomology. I have taught them to assess children in two methods, criterion referenced and standardized. Both have a function in assessing a child and are important for the students to know the distinctions and difference in using them correctly to obtain information. I think I need to give them more examples and visual aides to comprehend the impact of their findings. C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? The current score is slightly below the target for student success in this course level outcome 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? I spent almost 1 / 4 of my class time going into greater detail about different disabilities. The class lectures discussed possible causes of disabilities as well as ramifications of having certain kinds of disabilities. I have given the students many community resources for them to develop their own library. I think that this CLO is the main emphasis of this course. Given the wide variety of backgrounds and experiences the students come into class with, I think that the score is a good representation of what an average student should know by the time this course is finish. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? The current score is significantly lower than the target for student success in this course level outcome. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Laws are numerous, complicated and often require numerous implementations before society can agree on the “letter of the law”. My students and society often accept how they are written and assume that laws will be followed and upheld even if they do not agree with 25 them. I think that my students can differentiate the laws but applying them has been an obstacle This is an course outcome that I need to work on and also I am aware that many of my students to whom English as a second language are struggling with even more because of the laws’ vagueness in wording and actual law cases. E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: ADD IF NEEDED. PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? This is my first closing of the loop reflection. I have made small changes and adjustments to my lectures and assessments over the time that I have taught this class based on my own reflections of my teaching 2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? I believe that my strengths are in helping my students understand and become aware of disabilities and inclusion. I provide them simple strategies that they can use with a variety of disabilities. I help them build more mutually respected relationships with parents who have children with special needs. I emphasize that all children are children first and are more alike than different. I realize that I need to find a way for more of my students who are English Language Learners to learn better from me. This requires me to dissect my vocabulary and produce a key. I realize I need to use more visual aides and review my assessments questions to make them less convoluted to reading. I think that I should par down my presentation of so many laws and place greater emphasis on only key laws that affect children with special needs. I also think that actually going over an actual IEP and IFSP form will be a way to help the students understand them better and emphasis how the laws require these parts to protect the rights of children and their families. 26 3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? XCurricular Pedagogical XResource based Change to CLO or rubric xChange to assessment methods Other:_______________________________________________ 27 Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion ECD 61 Literature for Young Children Fall 2013 1 1 100 Spring 2014 2 Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) (CLO) 1: Evaluate criteria for children's picturebooks, fiction and nonfiction (CLO) 2: Demonstrate an ability to read aloud both prose and poetry in an engaging fashion and to develop storytelling techniques Defined Target Scores* (CLO Goal) Actual Scores** (eLumen data) 75% 91% 75% 91%% (CLO) 3: 75% Understand developmental stages and types of books appropriate to use within each stage. (CLO) 4: 28 91% If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS A. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? The students’ performance exceeded expectations. They were able to use new information from the course to effectively evaluate Children’s Literature. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? The approach I have been using seems to be very effective. I think that more inclusion of non-fiction books and folklore would be beneficial. B. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Each student read successfully to the class members as an assignment. Each did very well in presenting the stories and poems. They read in an engaging manner. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Perhaps more in class practice reading would help the more reluctant reader gain confidence to read with more animation. Perhaps providing a “practice” presentation before the final reading would be helpful. 29 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? The “hands-on” materials helped the students to understand which books are best for each specific stage of development. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? It would be very helpful if the students could actually see a skilled reader present a story time session to young children. Perhaps arranging a class when some children could be visitors would give the students a clearer idea about how to conduct a successful story time. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? N/A 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? N/A 30 E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: ADD IF NEEDED. PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? I did have a guest speaker talk to the students about the book publishing world and tell her personal experience as a children’s book writer. 2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? Providing more opportunity to practice reading to each other is planned. A trip to a local library to see a professional story reader in action is also planned for the next semester this course is offered. 3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:______________________________________________________ 31 Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion ECD 62 Fall 2013 3 2 100% Spring 2014 Ogman Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) (CLO) 1: Defined Actual Target Scores** Scores* (eLumen (CLO Goal) data) 75% 43.9 ECD 62 - Student will analyze their own values, goals and sense of self as it relates to family history and life experiences and assess how this impacts relationships with children and families Rubric: ECD Rubric (CLO) 2: 75% 43.9 75% 43.9 ECD 62 - student shall be able to analyze and compare how services offered to families and children are determined by political influences Rubric: ECD 62 - student shall be able to analyze and comp (CLO) 3: ECD 62 - Student shall be able to identify the impact of culture on children and families 32 Rubric: ECD 62 - Student shall be able to identify the imp (CLO) 4:- student shall be able to identify and describe different parenting styles Rubric: 75% 43.9 If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS A. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 43.95 falls below the target for success. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? One section of ECD 62 was taught in the morning; the other section was a 6 week all-day Saturday class. The students on Saturday had greater success than the morning students. The morning class has younger and less experienced students than the weekend class. Perhaps more committed students attend on Saturdays. B. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 43.95 falls below the target for success. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? 33 One section of ECD 62 was taught in the morning; the other section was a 6 week all-day Saturday class. The students on Saturday had greater success than the morning students. The morning class has younger and less experienced students than the weekend class. Perhaps more committed students attend on Saturdays. C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 43.9% 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Continue offering this class at a variety of days/times. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 43.9 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Continue offering this class at a variety of days/times. 34 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? 2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? 3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:______________________________________________________ 35 Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion ECD 63 Fall 2013 2 2 100% Spring 2014 Hilal Ozdemir, Michelle Sherry Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) Defined Target Scores* (CLO Goal) 75% Over 80 % (CLO) 2: student shall be able to discuss the learning process in early childhood as it relates to play 75% Over 80 % (CLO) 3: student shall be able to evaluate teacher practices for best practices reflecting current research 75% Over 80 % (CLO) 4: student shall be able to plan curriculum that refects an understanding of cultural diversity 75% Over 75% (CLO) 1: Observe, plan, assess and evaluate an EC environment Actual Scores** (eLumen data) If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) 36 **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? 37 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS A. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Close to 90 % scored with a 3 or 4. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? The statistics show that our students are grasping the content of this outcome and are successful. B. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Close to 90 % scored with a 3 or 4. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? The statistics show that our students are grasping the content of this outcome and are successful. 38 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? A little over 80 % scored with a 3 or 4. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? The statistics show that our students are grasping the content of this outcome and are successful but perhaps we need to put a little stronger emphasis on cultural diversity. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? A little over 80 % scored with a 3 or 4. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? The statistics show that our students are grasping the content of this outcome and are successful but perhaps we need to incorporate assignments that will include current research. E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: ADD IF NEEDED. 39 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? CLO # 1-The students are able to reflect on information that they have gained in the class through an observation of an EC program and apply that to creating a developmentally appropriate classroom. However due to severe budget cuts, providing a developmentally appropriate model classroom has become challenging task. CLO # 2-The students are able to reflect on information that they have gained in the class and to be able to articulate the importance of play in young children’s development. Even though students scored above the target for CLO # 3, we need to perhaps put more emphasis on culture. As a department we make this a high teaching priority. Although we exceeded predicted percentage rate for CLO #4 we are hoping our student assistants help us reach to 100% success goal. 2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? CLO # 1: Rely heavily on Lab Faculty Student Assistants CLO # 3: New assignments CLO # 4: New assignments involves recent research 3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical X Resource based Change to CLO or rubric X Change to assessment methods Other:______________________________________________________ 40 Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion ECD 65 Fall 2013 1 1 100% Spring 2014 2 Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) (CLO) 1:STUDENT WILL BE ABLE TO DISCUSS LEGAL AND ETHICAL ASPECTS OF OPERATING EARLY CARE AND EDUCATION PROGRAMS (CLO) 2: STUDENT WILL DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT OPERATING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES IN CHILD CARE PROGRAMS. (CLO) 3: STUDENT WILL IDENTIFY AND DESCRIBE THE RESPONSIBILITIES AND TASKS ASSOCIATED WITH ADMINISTERING AN ECE PROGRAM (CLO) 4: ANALYZE THE RESPONSIBILITIES AND TASKS WITH ADMINISTERING AN EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 41 Defined Target Scores* (CLO Goal) 75% score 3 or 4 83% scored 3 or 4 75% score 3 or 4 89% scored 3 or 4 75% score 3 or 4 89% scored 3 or 4 75% score 3 or 4 83% scored 3 or 4 Actual Scores** (eLumen data) If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS A. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores are above 75% at 83% 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? It seems students are not only meeting the target but going beyond. B. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores are above 75% at 89% 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? It seems students are not only meeting the target but going beyond. 42 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores are above 75% at 89% 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? It seems students are not only meeting the target but going beyond. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores are above 75% at 83% 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? It seems students are not only meeting the target but going beyond. 43 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? Faculty reviewed assignments and made some tweaks to assignments to more reflect outcomes. 2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? Revealed that students are exceeding the expectations of the course. Does not seem that any are needed. 3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:______________________________________________________ 44 Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion ECD 67 Fall 2013 1 1 100% Fall 2013 Mitchell Ha Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) Defined Target Scores* (CLO Goal) 75% 88.5% (CLO) 2: Apply the principles of infant/toddler development to create safe and healthy environments which meet licensing requirements and are responsive to the needs of individual infants and toddlers. 75% 88.5% (CLO) 3: Analyze qualities of team approach, collaboration, communication, professional and ethical behaviors in infant/toddler care environments. (CLO) 4: 75% 88.5% (CLO) 1: Analyze skills of infants/toddlers in physical cognitive, social emotional domains as well as key elements of language development 45 Actual Scores** (eLumen data) If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS A. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Actual scores of 88.5% exceeded defined target scores of 75%. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? The students did much better than anticipated based on the 88.5% actual scored. The combinations of lecturing, small groups and large group discussions helped students in understanding the materials presented to them in class. B. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Actual scores of 88.5% exceeded defined target scores of 75%. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? The students did much better than anticipated based on the 88.5% actual scored. The combinations of lecturing, small groups and large 46 group discussions helped students in understanding the materials presented to them in class. 47 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Actual scores of 88.5% exceeded defined target scores of 75%. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? The students did much better than anticipated based on the 88.5% actual scored. The combinations of lecturing, small groups and large group discussions helped students in understanding the materials presented to them in class. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? N/A 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? N/A 48 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? More group discussions were added to class time. Students were given time to discuss their reading in small groups. 2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? Students certainly did better through the combinations of lectures and peer discussions. 3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:______________________________________________________ 49 Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion ECD 69 Fall 2013 1 1 100% Fall 2013 Adrienne Hodson Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) (CLO) 1: APPLY CHILD DEVELOPMENT PRINCIPLES ACROSS ALL DOMAINS USING AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENTS, QUANTITATIVE AND OBSERVATIONAL SKILLS TO THE PREPARATION OF A CHILD’S DEVELOPMENTAL PORFILE AND PORTFOLIO (CLO) 2: COMPARE AND ANALYZE CURRENT ASSESSMENT TOOLS USED IN EARLY CARE AND EDUCATION (CLO) 3: DEMONSTRATE THE USE OF OBSERVATION AND ASSESSMENT TO IMPLEMENT CURRICULUM AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES IN SUPPORT OF CHILD’S INDIVIDUAL NEEDS 50 Defined Target Scores* (CLO Goal) 75% of students scored 3 or 4 80% of students scored 3 or 4 80% of students scored 3 or 4 Actual Scores** (eLumen data) 79% scored 3 or 4 93% scored 3 or 4 93% scored 3 or 4 If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS A. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? The students scored 4% above the target for CLO 1. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? The first CLO was discussed and reflected in all the curriculum and discussions. Students discussed and analyzed each domain and reflected how this related to the individual child’s strengths and needs. B. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? The students scored 13% above the target for CLO 2. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? The second CLO reflected on specific assessment tools. During the class session the discussion was on the following assessment tools: DRDP (Desired Results Developmental Profile) and how it is used to reflect the needs of the individual child; ASQs (Ages and Stages) and how this tool is used to assess a child who may have a special need; 51 ECERS (Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale) and how the environment affects the quality of a program; CLASS (Classroom Assessment Scoring System) and the importance of interactions between teachers and students and what the teachers do with the material they have. C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? The students scored 13% above the target for CLO 3. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? The class demonstrated the use of observations including anecdotal notes, running records, rubrics, child interviews and document panels. Discussion included a developmental checklist, individual observations of children in each domain and a portfolio on one child to be presented to the class and completed portfolio to be part of their final project. The discussion was also on interpreting and using the data and discovering what observational tool would work best for them and their program. PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? This is the first time I’ve taught this particular course. I will address any changes needed before teaching this course again. 2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? The strengths of the assessment reflections showed the need for students to understand the importance of observation, techniques to be successful when observing children and the importance of understanding the needs of the individual child. 52 In the future the domains of child development should be stressed when using authentic assessments. 3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular X Pedagogical Resource based X Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:______________________________________________________ 53 Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion ECD 79 Spring 2104 1 1 100% Summer 2014 Mitchell Ha & HilalOzdemir Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) Defined Target Scores* (CLO Goal) 85% Actual Scores** (eLumen data) (CLO) 1: Critique theories and review the multiple impacts on young children's social identity (CLO) 2: 85% identify and analyze personal cultural backgrounds and contrast and compare their cultural identity to those of other groups. Recognized groups include but are not limited to African American, Asian American, Chicano/Latino, European Americans, Indigenous Peoples of the Americans and Americans of Middle Eastern origin 93.6 (CLO) 3:Compare and contrast diverse cultural values, childrearing practices, attitudes towards play and education in order to work more 93.6 54 85% 93.6 effectively with children, families and co-workers (CLO) 4:apply the principles of developmentally 85% 93.6 appropriate practice and of anti-bias pedagogy to develop environments and curriculum which are linguistically appropriate and support diversity, inclusion and a multiethnic perspective If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores:What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS A. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? It’s a successful class overall. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? I will look at each student’s success rate based on each individual assignments submitted. This would allow me a better understanding of the needs of each students and their style of learning. B. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Overall, the students did really well in the class. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Even though it was a successful class, I still would like to do more 55 intensive reflection basing on current events each week. This would allow them to move beyond their own community and reaching out of their comfort zone which is the main goal of the course; understanding different environment and dynamics of families and children served. C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? The class went well. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? The class lecture/discussion was great. If I have to add another component, I would add the hands-on in the actual environment where children are served. Perhaps visiting several children centers/lab school at Chabot to see how could we work with the center staff and Director to create an environment that is inclusive for all families and children. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? This class was successful in this aspect as well. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? We covered best practices in several ways; through discussions, reflection papers, and small as well as large group discussions using the assigned textbook as well as other relevant articles. 56 Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion ECD 83 Fall 2013 1 1 100% Spring 2014 Ogman Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) (CLO) 1: Student will identify and support developmental stages of adults. (CLO) 2: Student will maintain a safe and developmentally appropriate environment Defined Target Scores* (CLO Goal) 75% 66.60 75% 66.60 Actual Scores** (eLumen data) (CLO) 3: (CLO) 4: If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) 57 **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? 58 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS A. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Students fell below success level. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? ECD 83 is an “advanced” course and many students are not prepared to take the class. They lack the experience to provide an adequate framework for success. Perhaps additional prerequisites should be considered. B. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 66.60 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Consider adding additional prerequisite or recommendation. 59 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? N/A 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? N/A D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? N/A 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? N/A 60 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? 2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? 3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:______________________________________________________ 61 Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion ECD 87 Spring 2014 1 1 100% Summer 2014 Mitchell Ha & Hilal Ozdemir Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS Defined Target Scores* (CLO Goal) CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) (CLO) 1: Analyze infant/toddler classrooms using the infant toddlers environmental rating scale rating 75% (CLO) 2: 75% Develop learning experiences that support children’s optimal development. (CLO) 3: 75% Develop strategies that are effective in creating partnerships with families. 62 Actual Scores** (eLumen data) 80.0 80.0 80.0 If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores:What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycles.PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS A. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? The class was successful with 80.0. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Overall the students did well in their classwork as well as small group projects. B. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? It was a successful class. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? The students were able to plan and maximized their learning experience to optimize their learning experiences. 63 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? This class was successful in this aspect. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students were able to work on gathering resources to support families and children’s needs. PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? It would be great if the students could actually observe children in the natural environment This class was offered in the evening and there were no infant/toddler serve at the lab school. Therefore, working with the community to identify model centers in the community where students may visit to make it more successful. 2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? The class was successful. However, 16% of the students stop attending class due to lack of transportation, family issues, and financial difficulties. In term of curriculum, it could be even more successful if the lab school serves infants and toddlers as well as open during the evening hours so students could connect theory with practice in an actual lab school setting. 64 3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical X Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other: Conduct a survey to find out students needs and connect them with the resources offered on campus. 65 Course Semester assessment data gathered ECD 88 Spring 14 Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion One 100% Spring 14 Ogman Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 1: Outcome: Student will be able to demonstrate the ability to use the Environmental Ratings Scale In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.) We expected 75 % success. How do your current scores match with your above definition of success? 100 % achieved success. The students surpassed our predictions. Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? This is a one-day, ½ unit course. There is only one “agenda”: to teach how to use the tool. It is an effective format for mastering this particular assessment too. What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? Critical thinking, cultural sensitivity What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? None at this time 66 What is the nature of the planned actions? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other: ________________________________________________________________ Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 2: Outcome: In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.) How do your current scores match with your above definition of success? Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? We need to give students more time and opportunities to practice reflection during the class. What is the nature of the planned actions? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other: ________________________________________________________________ 67 Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 3: Outcome: In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.) How do your current scores match with your above definition of success? Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? What is the nature of the planned actions? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other: ________________________________________________________________ ______________ Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 4: Outcome: In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.) 68 How do your current scores match with your above definition of success? Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? What is the nature of the planned actions? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other: _____________________________________________ 69 Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion ECD 89 Fall 2013 1 1 100% Spring 2014 Michelle Sherry Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) (CLO) 1: Students will analyze and apply information gained from the specific topic of this session in their everyday interactions with young children and professional colleagues Defined Target Scores* (CLO Goal) 80% Actual Scores** (eLumen data) 100% (CLO) 2: (CLO) 3: (CLO) 4: If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? 70 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS A. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? The scores exceed the target 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? The assignment was specifically designed to discuss theory in class, implement in an early childhood classroom and then return to class to discuss and evaluate B. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? 71 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? 72 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? The successful assignment is a new one, based upon evaluation of prior classes 2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? To continue the use of the assignment 3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? xCurricular xPedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:______________________________________________________ 73 Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion ECD 90 Fall 2013 2 1 50% Spring 2014 Michelle Sherry Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) Defined Target Scores* (CLO Goal) Actual Scores** (eLumen data) 92.3% (CLO) 1: Critically assess one's own teaching experience to guide and inform practice 75% receive 3 & 4 (CLO) 2: Demonstrate knowledge of current research and understanding of how young children learn by way of planning and implementing developmentally appropriate practices that emerge from observation. (CLO) 3: Demonstrate ability to use feedback, constructive criticism and reflection to improve teaching skills (CLO) 4: Demonstrate and discuss the learning process in early childhood as it relates to play 75% receive 3 & 4 84.7% 75% receive 3 & 4 92.3% 75% receive 3 & 4 84.6% 74 If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? 75 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS A. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? The current scores surpassed the target 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Journal assignments are fostering reflective practice by students B. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Current scores exceed target 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Use of “Plan/do/review” assignments are proving to be successful 76 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? The current scores exceed the target 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Present scores exceed target 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Use of curriculum webs documenting values of play are helping students 77 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? Providing more assignments that require students with opportunities to make connections between theory and practice 2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? To continue with current assignments 3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? X Curricular xPedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:______________________________________________________ 78 Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion ECD 95 Fall 2013 1 1 100% Spring 2014 Edna Rodriggs Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) (CLO) 1: ECD 95 - Demonstrate one or more new skills acquired as a result of selected professional objectives Defined Target Scores* (CLO Goal) 75% will receive 3 or4 Actual Scores** (eLumen data) 100% received a 3 or 4 (CLO) 2: (CLO) 3: (CLO) 4: If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? 79 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS A. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Students achieved the goal that was set for this course 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? This course is a work based course and students are demonstrating their ability to set professional goals and achieve them. B. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? N/A 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? N/A 80 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? N/A 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? N/A D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? N/A 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? N/A 81 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? We have looked at the assignments and have made them in accordance to specific ECE Competency skills such as planning a learning activity at their work site. 2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? It has revealed that the assessment is a valid assessment for this course. 3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? X Curricular X Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:______________________________________________________ 82 Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion ECD 96 Fall 2013 1 1 100% Spring 2014 Edna Rodriggs Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) Defined Target Scores* (CLO Goal) (CLO) 1: 75% receive Apply concepts encountered in ECD instruction to 3 or 4 problems and situations occurring in early care and education Actual Scores** (eLumen data) 91% received a 3 or 4 (CLO) 2: (CLO) 3: (CLO) 4: If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? 83 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS A. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Target was met 91% received a 3 or 4 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? The students have been able to apply the information that they have acquired in the course with ethical scenarios at a desired level. B. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? N/A 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? N/A 84 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? N/A 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? N/A D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? N/A 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? N/A 85 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? We have not made any changes to the course since we are meeting our goal 2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? It demonstrates that the students have had acquired the skills that they need so that they are able to apply the NAEYC code of Ethics in specific work based scenarios. 3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:______________________________________________________ 86 Appendix C: Program Learning Outcomes Considering your feedback, findings, and/or information that has arisen from the course level discussions, please reflect on each of your Program Level Outcomes. Program: AA PLO #1: Apply ethical standards and professional behaviors that demonstrate understanding of the needs, the characteristics and multiple influences on the development of children birth to age eight as related to high quality care and education of young children. PLO #2: Design, implement and evaluate environments and activities that support positive, developmental play and learning outcomes for all children. What questions or investigations arose as a result of these reflections or discussions? Expand # of PLOs so it is more inclusive of competencies. Reflect on and adjust CLOs and PLOs to align with NAEYC Accreditation standards What program-level strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? ECD 63 and ECD 90 which are our advanced classes require prerequisites of the foundational courses. The success rate for these classes are high. Our analysis of the CLOs indicates that students are able to demonstrate their ability to design, implement and evaluate activities in early care and education environments. The students are able to connect theory to practice through their highly supervised Lab experiences on campus. The on-campus Lab experience allows students to learn and develop their skills over time and through the progression of ECD courses. Students get constant, real-time feedback on their work in a classroom. Their Lab instructor is available to answer questions and model appropriate behavior. What actions has your discipline determined might be taken to enhance the learning of students completing your program? Faculty has made efforts to support student learning in the Lab by finding funds for student Lab assistants. This enhances the program and the learning for students in this climate of diminishing resources. We will explore the creation of an Internship in ECD to help develop leadership skills and provide professional development for advanced students as they mentor beginning ECD students. NAEYC Program Accreditation requires a self-study. We will become more aware of specific professional competencies and will need to work to assure that those competencies are core elements of all of our classes. 12% of our courses did not meet our expected CLO scores of success. We will reflect 87 on these results and come up with appropriate response. Program: AA Intervention PLO #1: Design, implement and evaluate environments and activities that support positive, developmental play and learning outcomes for children with special needs. PLO #2: Develop strategies that promote partnerships between programs, teachers, families and their communities to meet the needs of children with special needs and their families. What questions or investigations arose as a result of these reflections or discussions? Expand # of PLOs so it is more inclusive of competencies. Reflect on and adjust CLOs and PLOs to align with NAEYC Accreditation standards What program-level strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? ECD 63 and ECD 90 which are our advanced classes require prerequisites of the foundational courses. The success rate for these classes are high. What actions has your discipline determined might be taken to enhance the learning of students completing your program? The capstone course for the AA Intervention Degree is ECD 91 Adaptive Curriculum and it is not offered every year and so we do not have latest results Program: ECD Certificate: Associate Teacher PLO #1: Student will be able to observe, reflect, develop and carry out an activity that is developmentally appropriate for a group of young children. What questions or investigations arose as a result of these reflections or discussions? Students at this level have completed 24 ECD units. Based on CLO data, at this level students are competent to observe, reflect and implement appropriate activities under the direct supervision of a Lab instructor. Students need more specialization to continue in the ECD career ladder. The California Child Development Permit requires students to pursue higher academic levels. Because of budget cuts, we have been limited in our ability to offer any but the most basic ECD courses. Students need electives in order to meet their educational and professional goals. Reflect on and adjust CLOs and PLOs to align with NAEYC Accreditation standards What program-level strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? Students at this level have completed 24 ECD units. Based on CLO data, at these level students are competent to observe, reflect and implement appropriate activities under the direct supervision of a Lab instructor. 88 What actions has your discipline determined might be taken to enhance the learning of students completing your program? Reinstate when possible, advanced and elective and specialization ECD courses. Students are completing the units but not completing paperwork for certificate and so we are being more intentional in supporting students to apply for the certificate with the support of the ECD Professional Development Coordinator. Students are being educated as to the value of a certificate even if their long term goal is a degree. Program: ECD Certificate: Basic Teacher PLO #1: Student will be able to demonstrate their understanding of children's development through documentation of their skills. What questions or investigations arose as a result of these reflections or discussions? Reflect on and adjust CLOs and PLOs to align with NAEYC Accreditation standards What program-level strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? Number of students for this certificate since 2011 is 49. What actions has your discipline determined might be taken to enhance the learning of students completing your program? Reflect on and adjust CLOs and PLOs to align with NAEYC Accreditation standards. Insure that all eligible students apply for their basic certificate. Program: ECD Intervention (C) PLO #1:Student will demonstrate an understanding of atypical development in children birth through age 8 by designing an environment and planning curriculum that meets the diverse needs and learning styles of all children. What questions or investigations arose as a result of these reflections or discussions? Since this Certificate is relatively new, we have trouble filling the required courses. It also requires a Lab placement, which represents a challenge for many students to accommodate to their work schedule. What program-level strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? The strengths of this program are still to be determined. It has the potential to be a meaningful educational path for our students, as well as meeting community needs. What actions has your discipline determined might be taken to enhance the learning of students completing your program? 89 Reflect on a Better “marketing” of the program, specifically the financial benefits of being an inclusion specialist. 90