Online/Hybrid Course Review Checklist

Online/Hybrid Course Review Checklist
Chabot College Committee On Online Learning (COOL)
Directions: Using the list of best practices for online course development below as a reference guide,
review the course site and enter comments & suggestions in the box at the end of this form.
Course Title & Number:
Course Reviewer Name:
Instructor Name:
Course Review Date:
Getting Started and Syllabus
Course includes a distinct starting point where clear, detailed instructions are provided for students to
begin accessing specified course components, upcoming due dates, etc.
Instructor contact information is easily located and includes preferred method(s) of communication/
contact and expectations for response times.
Course Syllabus is easily located (“Syllabus” button recommended) and includes:
*course description and/ or objectives, * textbooks and materials (*technical requirements, *software,
access codes, and a reminder of purchase methods), *participation standard (standards for quality,
*amount of required participation), *explanation of grading methods/rubrics/ categories/ percentages.
Explanation of course menu/navigation/procedures and/or how students should proceed are provided
each week for class activities.
Students are provided guidelines and policies for online etiquette (“netiquette”).
Students are provided accessibility & accommodation information and resources.
Course Site Organization
Course menu includes a designated starting point such as “start here” or “syllabus,”
Course menu is intuitive and the number of menu items is concise to prevent scrolling.
Course content is organized/grouped by week, topic, module, lesson, or as appropriate.
Sequence of folders and items follow a consistent layout and structure.
Different font styles/colors are used consistently and sparingly in efforts to meaningfully enhance
Instructions are clearly stated and repeated (where/ how/ when to submit material).
Unused menu items, content areas and tools have been hidden from the student view.
Course Content Delivery
Learning materials are presented in ways appropriate to the subject matter (text, presentations,
audio, and video).
Learning materials are clearly labeled as required or optional.
Files/attachments open promptly and display properly for students.
Links to external websites are active and display properly (set links to open in a new window).
Files are provided in a common format (.rtf, .pdf, .doc) and suggestions are included for access of
materials that may require additional software (plug-ins, viewers, etc).
Directions and links to support are provided for accessing publisher-generated content (such as a
cartridge, package, external learning activity site, etc.).
Alternative text (Alt Text/Alt-tags) are provided for images.
Required video is closed-captioned and/or is accompanied by a transcript.
Required audio is accompanied by a transcript.
Online/Hybrid Course Review Checklist, Last Updated 5/29/2016
Online/Hybrid Course Review Checklist
Chabot College Committee On Online Learning (COOL)
Learning Activities, Assessment & Evaluation methods:
Clear directions & due dates for submitting assignments/assessments are posted.
Acceptable file formats (.rtf, pdf, .doc., etc.) for assignments are posted.
Opportunities for meaningful student-student & student-instructor interaction are offered.
Opportunities are given for students to access and review their own learning progress.
A variety of assessment methods (quizzes, assignments, projects, etc.) are used.
Learner Support and Resources:
Instructions or links to instructions are provided for students to verify and/or update their email for
Blackboard in CLASS-Web.
Reference/links to Online Learning at Chabot College is provided.
Reference/links to support for external/publisher content is provided.
References/links to the Chabot Disabled Students Resource Center are provided.
References/links to the Chabot Library and other campus resources.
Comments and Suggestions:
Online/Hybrid Course Review Checklist, Last Updated 5/29/2016