Teaching Academy Executive Council Minutes August 28, 2015 Members Present:


Teaching Academy Executive Council


August 28, 2015

Members Present:

Mario Beruvides, Shane Blum, Scott Burris, Joaquin Borrego, Shannon Bichard, Dominick Casadonte, Lisa

Garner-Santa, Bill Pasewark, Comfort Pratt, Nancy Soonpaa, John White, Suzanne Tapp, Susan Tomlinson

Members Not Present:


Approval of minutes:

Dominick Casadonte moved to approve the minutes from May 8th. John White seconded. All approved.


Bill Pasewark welcomed the members of the Executive Council. Each member of the Executive Council introduced themselves.

New Business:

Provost’s Council

Bill Pasewark gave a synopsis of the last Provost’s Council meeting. Discussion included ideas to increase enrollment in evening and summer courses. Susan Tomlinson commented that she served as the President’s

Administrative Fellow last year and examined this issue. She emphasized that there are already many programs in place and more marketing and awareness is needed.

Mark Sheridan, Vice Provost for Graduate Affairs and Dean of the Graduate School, presented on the

Association of American Universities and goals for Texas Tech University.

The university will renew its contract with Academic Analytics. Darryl James, Associate Vice Provost, will utilize this for academic benchmark initiatives.

Juan Muñoz, Senior Vice President and Vice Provost, spoke about a calling campaign to reach out to active students who have not re-enrolled.

Bill Pasewark suggested that the Teaching Academy have a representative on the committee examining Texas

Tech’s response to Senate Bill 11 (Concealed Carry on College Campuses. After discussion, Susan Tomlinson will represent the Teaching Academy. Other suggestions included collaboration with the Faculty Senate and the creation of a white paper. Bill Pasewark recommended that members of the committee email Provost Lawrence

Schovanec their concerns.

Incoming Chair Election

Bill Pasewark asked for self-nominations and recommended that anyone interested email Kimberly Leigh,

TLPDC Administrative Assistant. Bill will aid in the transition and give support when needed. The election will be held next meeting. Kimberly will send a reminder and create a ballot.

Teaching Academy Direction for 2015 and meeting with Juan Muñoz

Bill Pasewark would like to focus on continuing education for his term as Chair of the Executive Council of the

Teaching Academy. He and Suzanne Tapp met with Juan Muñoz and discussed ideas for a wine/cheese talk and social. Dr. Muñoz has agreed to help fund these events. It was suggested that the first one be held the Thursday before finals. Shane Blum offered Skyviews restaurant as a possible venue. Dominick Casadonte suggested an event title to be, A “Spirited” Discussion about Teaching. Possible topics included teaching in the future, a panel discussion with undergraduate students and/or underrepresented students or representatives from Greek

organizations or SGA, and the role of creative arts on campus. Bill Pasewark asked that additional topic suggestions be emailed to him.

Electronic Course Evaluations

Bill added that the university is in the process of selecting a new software to be used for electronic course evaluations. When a committee is formed to discuss implementation of this tool, Bill would like to have someone represent the Teaching Academy. Dominick Casadonte and Suzanne Tapp both stated that they are currently on the software evaluation committee.

Old Business:

Committee Voting Protocols

In the last meeting, there was discussion among the Executive Council in regard to the selection process and duties of the New Member Selection Committee. Mario Beruvides proposed a review of the protocol for committees and a revision of the bylaws. Dominick Casadonte, Mario Beruvides, and Suzanne Tapp volunteered to serve on the subcommittee.

Over the summer, Dominick Casadonte and Suzanne Tapp (Mario Beruvides was unavailable) met to compose a new document, “Committee Voting Protocols.” Dominick Casadonte asked for each member to review this document and suggest possible revisions. Suggested revisions include replacing ‘rank/ranking’ the word

‘score/s’ and revisions to item number 7 as follows: “ Following discussion, revised rankings shall be collected from committee members in attendance. The committee cannot re-score the candidates more than one time. The results shall be tabulated using the process outlined in item 5 above. TLPDC support staff can assist the committee chair with revisions of the spreadsheet if desired. The highest-ranking department shall be awarded the DETA award. The highest-ranking applicants shall be awarded the Lawrence Schovanec Teaching

Fellowships as funding permits. 80% of the total points possible according to the rating sheets for Teaching

Academy membership must be obtained for applicants to be selected for membership. (Provided the total number of Teaching Academy members does not exceed 20% of the total Texas Tech faculty population).”


Suzanne Tapp discussed the Burns Conference to be held on September 25 th

. She asked for volunteers to help with arrangements for the guest speaker, Dr. Derek Bruff. Kimberly Leigh sent around a sign-up sheet.

Suzanne Tapp announced the two TA sponsored workshops to be held at the TLPDC, given by Dimitri Pappas and Nichole Morelock. Kimberly Leigh will send meeting requests to the EC.

Bill Pasewark talked about commencement and wants interested parties to sign up for fall commencement.

Kimberly Leigh will bring a sign-up sheet for the September 18 th


Meeting Schedule for Fall, 2015:

September 18 th

October 30 th

November 20 th

December 4th


Respectfully submitted by Kimberly Leigh
