& 4 Maintaining Confidentiality A Top Tips Series

A Top Tips Series
Top Tips For…
Maintaining Confidentiality
1) Limit the Audience – Limit the persons
to whom confidential communications are
disseminated. Before hitting “reply all” or
“forward” make sure to look at the entire email
thread and ensure no confidential information is
included. Remember to remove any non-essential
persons or information on an email thread.
2) Avoid Elevator Talk and Peeping
Toms – Don’t discuss confidential information
where it may be overheard by others. For many
of us, working through the daily commute is
essential. But be aware that others may be reading
drafts or emails over your shoulder and listening
to calls – assess your surroundings when reviewing
documents or having confidential conversations in
public places.
3) Copying a Lawyer Doesn’t Make it
Privileged – Copying a lawyer on a document
or physically giving a lawyer a document doesn’t
make the document privileged. The document still
has to meet the legal test for privilege. If you are
not sure if a document would qualify as privileged,
Counsel can advise whether this test is met.
4) Dutiful Dockets – While it is necessary to
create fulsome and detailed dockets remember
dockets of Court officers could become public so
be careful not to disclose confidential information
in docket entries.
5) Home and Away – Home networks and
disposal systems are often not as secure as
those at the office. When working from home
remember to transport documents, dispose of
documents and save documents in a secure way
as to maintain any confidential information.
A Top Tips Series
The Restructuring and Insolvency associates
at Cassels Brock are pleased to present the next
installation in our Top Tips Series. Developed
for junior professionals, the series provides basic
tips and advice on the questions most often
asked by our colleagues. Enjoy!
Restructuring and Insolvency Associates
Erin Craddock
416 860 6480 | ecraddock@casselsbrock.com
Rishi Hargovan
416 860 6887 | rhargovan@casselsbrock.com
Eleonore Morris
416 869 5352 | emorris@casselsbrock.com
Monique Sassi
416 860 6886 | msassi@casselsbrock.com
Keri Wallace
To view our complete list of partners and counsel,
please visit www.casselsbrock.com/
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Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP is a full service Canadian law firm with
more than 200 lawyers serving the country’s most dynamic business sectors.
© 2014 Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP. All rights reserved. 06/2014
416 860 2954 | kewallace@casselsbrock.com