Minutes – General Education Council, November 23, 2015

Minutes – General Education Council, November 23, 2015
Mindi Miller called the meeting to order at 2:05 PM on Monday, November 23, 2015, in the Schweiker
Room Andruss Library.
Members Present: Mindi Miller, Marianna Wood, Ted Roggenbuck, Linda Neyer, Carolyn LaMacchia,
Michael Stephans, Angela La Valley, Shane Jaynes, Brooke Lylo, Molly Marnella, Sheila Jones, Todd
Shawver, Michael McFarland, Sharlene Gilman, George Agbango
Guests: Margie Eckroth-Bucher, Bob Heckrote, Terry Riley
1. Approval of the Agenda of November 23, 2015
Sheila Jones moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Todd Shawver.
Motion to approve the agenda passed by voice vote.
2. Approval of Minutes of November 9, 2015
Sheila moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Linda Neyer.
Motion to approve the minutes with revision passed by voice vote with one abstaining.
3. Proposals
A. Honors 217- Alcohol Use and Abuse (2 GEP’s Goal 9 and 1 GEP Goal 10)
Linda Neyer made a motion to recommend Honors 217 to BUCC for Goal 9 Healthy Living for 2
GEP’s and Goal 10 Citizenship for 1 GEP. Sheila Jones seconded the motion.
Margie Eckroth-Bucher presented.
Recommended changes included:
 #8- Comma consistency
 #11- Fix #8
 Element- Look at changing curiosity as an element
 Rubric- Inquire/analysis rubric for paper use for goal #1
 Elements- Should say “Life Long Learning”
 Elements- Add “means by which students will be assessed will be a paper”
 #14- Take out extra period
 #14- Change wording to “will be shared”
Motion to recommend Honors 217 to the BUCC with 2 GEP’S toward Goal 9 Healthy Living and
1 GEP for Goal 10 Citizenship with revisions passed by voice vote.
B. English 380- Introduction to Queer Theory and Curltures ( 1 GEP Goal 4)
Ted Roggenbuck made a motion to recommend English 380 to BUCC for Goal 4 Cultures and
Diversity for 1 GEP. Michael Stephans seconded the motion.
Terry Riley presented the proposal.
Recommended changes included:
 It was noted that two separate Omnibus forms may be needed one for “Major” changes
and one for the new course
 Q1- Make titles match
 Content- This area needs to be expanded
 Syllabus- Throughout whole document keep “Queer Theory” consistent with either
capitalization or no capitalization
 Q- Change effective date
 Title- Consider using “Survey” or “Principals” with Title instead of Introduction
 #10- Do a separate paragraph for justification
 Rubric- Needs a zero column
 SLO#2- Use “variety of texts”
 #14- Change to “requested by GEC” wording
 #12- Take “Typical” out and use “Means of Assessment”
 Rubric- Verify if the rubrics were modified or not
Motion to recommend English 380 to the BUCC with 1 GEP toward Goal 4 Cultures and
Diversity with revisions passed by voice vote with 1 abstention.
C. Assessment Plan and Flow Chart Drafts
Mindi Miller and Carolyn LaMacchia provided an overview on the status of the Assessment and
Flow chart documents. It was noted that a few changes were made including the change of the
word “ISIS” to the new title of “MyHusky.” BUCC’s second reading was conducted, and this GE
Assessment Plan and Flow Chart are being forwarded to the Provost.
D. Second Language Draft
Angela La Valley had no updates at this point in time.
E. Ongoing work on GEP’s and Transfer Credits
Mindi Miller will contact Exercise Science in regards to possible 199 transfer courses for GEP
Bob Heckrote reviewed ongoing discussions about GEP options for ROTC. Bob offered to help
ROTC with creating an Omnibus proposal if needed. Ted Roggenbuck discussed PRP3343
language for ROTC basic training and noted that contacting Exercise Science about ROTC GEPs
(as well as the above transfers) could help with this process.
Shane Jaynes addressed the GESAR form and the Specialist Group, in order to clarify this
process. Mindi Miller commented that the “Goals Specialist Groups” are derived from the GEC
membership. Also, additional members may be invited at the discretion of the GEC or may
volunteer based on their interest and expertise in the goals under review. These members do
not have to be from any particular discipline. Each specialist group should exemplify a range of
interest, such as the colleges, non-aligned faculty, and student affairs staff. The GEC votes on
the final selection of each specialist group denoting membership that is based on need interest
and expertise. This wording is reflected in the Assessment Plan.
George Agbango attended the Council of Chairs meeting in Harrisburg and remarked that the
Chancellor commented that “the GEC model was wonderful.” He has invited Mindi Miller to
attend the next meeting if possible. Mindi Miller commented that the GEC could use a lot of
positive PR as well as the ability to move items quickly through the final approval process.
H. Chair Remarks
Mindi Miller thanked Carolyn LaMacchia for her work representing GEC at the BUCC meetings.
Mindi will now be able to attend the BUCC meetings as she will be on sabbatical in the spring.
Sheila Dove-Jones and Mindi Miller outlined the dates sent by Jerrold Harris for the links to
submit data.
Carolyn LaMacchia made a motion to approve the winter session rubric publication date of
1/4/2016 and the submission date of 1/22/2016. Linda Neyer seconded the motion. The
motion was passed by a voice vote.
Linda Neyer made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Michael McFarland seconded. The
motion was passed by a voice vote.
The meeting adjourned at 4:05 PM.