Faculty Scholarship Initiative (FSI) Guidelines

Faculty Scholarship Initiative (FSI) Guidelines
The Faculty Scholarship Initiative (FSI) was established to facilitate faculty scholarship and
research in fields that are disadvantaged in terms of external funding. As CSU becomes the
region’s urban research university, the scholarly reputation of each discipline is vital to our
mission. The FSI funds faculty who conduct quality research, or other creative or scholarly
activity. Funding may cover faculty summer salary, travel to library and archival collections,
graduate student assistance (based on hourly employment), manuscript preparation, and
materials. A maximum of 50% of the total budget can be used for faculty summer salary. If
salary is requested, include the appropriate fringe benefit rates; see here for current rates. The
FSI does not fund conference travel, or student tuition or stipends.
Full-time Level 1 members of the graduate faculty with regular tenure-track and tenured
appointments are eligible to apply for up to $7,500. University Research Council members are
not eligible.
FSI proposals will be evaluated by the University Research Council. In order to assist in the
preparation of successful applications, the proposal evaluation form is provided below. Since
proposal reviewers will come from many different fields across the University, the proposal
should be written in plain English that is clear and unambiguous so that the proposal is
understandable to readers outside the discipline. Nonetheless, the intellectual and creative
underpinnings of the proposal should be clear.
Previous awardees are eligible if it has been at least three years since the end date of their
previous award and they can document success from their previous award (e.g., publications,
performances, or exhibitions). Applicants whose previous award expired less than three years
ago may be considered, but only in exceptional cases, provided the applicant is able to document
exceptional success from their previous award.
Proposals should be submitted via email to Joy Yard at j.yard@csuohio.edu and Dan Simon at
d.j.simon@csuohio.edu by March 11, 2016.
If awarded, an account will be established on June 1, and all funds must be expended by May 30
of the following year. A one-time no-cost extension of no longer than six months may be
approved only in exceptional cases, and must be requested no later than one month prior to the
end date of the award.
Reporting Requirements:
A final report must be submitted to the Office of Research no later than 30 days after the end
date of the grant. The report should present the accomplishments of the project, including the
following sections: (1) Abstract; (2) Timeline of research/scholarship activities; (3) Products
(including publications) that were created, or are in the process of being created, as a result of the
funding; and (4) Summary of how CSU’s research/scholarship profile was (or will be) enhanced
as a result of the project.
One copy of all papers, books, or other publications that result from the FSI support must
accompany the final report. Each publication or product resulting from the grant must carry an
acknowledgment that the project was carried out with support from a Faculty Scholarship
Initiative Award from Cleveland State University.
Proposal Preparation Guidelines:
Applications should be written with 12-point font on letter-sized paper with 1" margins, should
consist of a single file, and should include the following sections.
1. Cover Page: The cover page should list the title of the project and the applicant’s name,
rank, department, and email address.
2. Page Two: One page should consist of a summary of your proposed project that explains
its significance and originality, and why the proposed work is from a field that is
disadvantaged in terms of external funding.
3. Page Three: Provide one page outlining your qualifications for the proposed activity,
and how the proposal fits into your ongoing scholarship.
4. Page Four: Provide one page to justify your budget. Provide a brief justification for each
budget item. Describe how each budget item is essential to the project, and why resources
are not available through other sources. A maximum of 50% of the total budget can be
used for faculty summer salary.
5. Page Five: Provide one page discussing the logical venues for your work, such as book
publishers, articles targeted for specific journals, grant proposals to specific agencies, or
alternative forms of presentation such as performances or exhibitions.
6. Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae: Provide a one-page or two-page abbreviated
curriculum vitae.
FSI Evaluation Form
Proposal Title: __________________________________________________ Proposal No.: ______________
When assigning point values, preference may be given to junior faculty.
1. A clear description of how the project will advance scholarship in the field. The likelihood of
successful completion (publications, exhibitions, etc.). The likelihood of raising the scholarly
profile of CSU. 10 points maximum
2. A clear description of how the project is consistent with the scholarly and research mission of the
department, college, school, university, or individual faculty member. 2 points maximum
3. Budget justification. No conference travel, student tuition, or stipends. No more than 50% for
faculty salary. Justification for each expense, and a description how each budget item is essential
to the project and why resources are not available from other sources. 3 points maximum
4. A clear and convincing explanation of why the field is disadvantaged in terms of external funding.
5 points maximum
5. New FSI investigator, or more than three years since the end of the previous award with
documented success, or less than three years since the end of the previous award with exceptional
success. 5 points maximum
Total (max 25 points)
Additional comments: