Document 11500113

Curriculum Vitae Kevin Chua Texas Tech University School of Art P. O. Box 42081 Lubbock, TX 79409 USA 1(806) 742-­‐3825 x 237 Updated February 2014 Employment August 2012-­‐ Associate Professor of 18th-­‐ and 19th-­‐ Century European Art present and Contemporary Asian Art, Texas Tech University September 2006-­‐ Assistant Professor of 18th-­‐ and 19th-­‐ Century European Art May 2012 and Contemporary Asian Art, Texas Tech University Education 1997-­‐2005 University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA Ph.D. in Art History, filed September 2005, Dissertation: “Sentimental Affliction: Jean-­‐Baptiste Greuze and the Waning of Sensibility, 1761-­‐69” directed by Darcy G. Grigsby and T. J. Clark 1992-­‐1996 Bachelor of Arts in Art History and Economics, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL Fellowships and Grants Summer 2013 Creative Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Grant, Texas Tech University (competitive; $10,000) 2010-­‐2012 International travel grants, College of Visual and Performing Arts, Texas Tech University 2006-­‐2008 President’s Humanities Research Fellowship, Texas Tech University 2005-­‐2006 Ahmanson-­‐Getty Post-­‐Doctoral Fellow, Center for 17th and 18th-­‐ Century Studies, UCLA 2004-­‐2005 Chancellor’s Dissertation Finishing Fellowship, U. C. Berkeley 2001-­‐2003 Samuel H. Kress Pre-­‐Doctoral Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC 1997-­‐2001 Various departmental and university grants Publications Forthcoming 2014 Forthcoming 2014 February 2014 April 2013 January 2013 July 2012 April 2012 December 2011 August 2011 December 2010 December 2009 June 2009 August 2007 June 2007 June 2007 April 2007 “On Exhibiting Modern Asian Art in Southeast Asia,” Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art (6,500 words) “Sedlmayr’s Rococo,” in Rococo Echo: Art, Theory and Historiography, edited by Katie Scott and Melissa Hyde, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century (7,000 words) “Jamesonian Affect, or the Lower Depths” (forum on Fredric Jameson’s Antinomies of Realism), (3,000 words) "The Teak of Neoliberalism," catalogue essay for Jalan Jati, a project by The Migrant Ecologies Project, Singapore (12,000 words) “In the Shadow of David’s Brutus,” Representations, vol. 121 (9,000 words) “Girodet and the Eternal Sleep,” in Vital Matters, edited by Helen Deutsch and Mary Terrall, University of Toronto Press (11,000 words) “Picasso and the Vital Order” (review of Christopher Green, Life and Death in Picasso, Thames & Hudson, 2009), (2,000 words) “Arcadian Tomb, Silently Speaking,” in We Who Saw Signs, exhibition catalogue for the Institute of Contemporary Arts, Singapore (3,000 words) “On Teaching Modern and Contemporary Southeast Asian Art,” Third Text, vol. 25, no. 4, 467-­‐73, special issue on Modern and Contemporary Southeast Asian art, edited by Joan Kee (4,000 words) “Donna Ong’s Coral Realism,” Broadsheet, Australia (4,000 words) “Public Intimacy, or the Discipline of Affect in China,” in Journal of Korean Modern and Contemporary Art History (9,000 words) “Of Boxes Unfolded and Houses Unfound” (on Sang-­‐Mi Yoo’s installations), in Afterimage: Solo Exhibition by Sang-­‐Mi Yoo, Moonshin Museum Bit Gallery, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, Korea (2,500 words) “The Tiger and the Theodolite: George Coleman’s Dream of Extinction,” FOCAS: Forum on Contemporary Art and Society 6, Singapore (republished in Broadsheet, vol. 36, no. 2; 9,000 words) “Ho Tzu Nyen’s Criminal Tableaux,” catalogue essay for Ho Tzu Nyen: Bohemian Rhapsody Project, 4x4 Episodes of Singapore Art, 1 June -­‐ 8 July 2007, Contemporary Art Centre of South Australia (4,000 words) “Dead Birds, or the Miseducation of the Greuze Girl,” in Performing the Everyday: The Culture of Genre in the Eighteenth Century, ed. Alden Cavanaugh, University of Delaware Press (8,000 words) “Painting Paralysis: Filial Piety in 1763,” in French Genre Painting in the Eighteenth Century, ed. Philip Conisbee, Studies in the History of Art 72, Center for Advanced Studies in the Visual Arts, Washington: National Gallery of Art, distributed by Yale University Press (alongside Thomas Crow, Michael Fried, Susan L. Siegfried, Joan E. DeJean, Ewa Lajer-­‐Burcharth, Philippe Bordes; 9,000 words) January 2007 Summer 2006 Fall 2003 “Painting the Nanyang’s Public: Notes toward a Reassessment,” in Eye of the Beholder: Reception, Audience, and Practice of Modern Asian Art, ed. John Clark, Maurizio Peleggi, T. K. Sabapathy, Sydney: Wild Peony Press, distributed by University of Hawaii Press (9,000 words) “World’s Largest T-­‐Square,” Review of Wu Hung, Remaking Beijing: Tiananmen Square and the Creation of a Political Space, Art Journal (1,500 words) “The Natural History of the Brand,” FOCAS: Forum on Contemporary Art and Society 5, Singapore (republished in Broadsheet, vol. 33, no. 1; 8,000 words) Winter 2002 “Simryn Gill and Migration’s Capital,” Art Journal (6,000 words) Fall 2001 “In Venetian Waters: Singapore at the 49th Venice Biennale,” FOCAS: Forum on Contemporary Art and Society 3, Singapore (1,500 words) Conference Participation and Invited Talks (recent only) March 2014 “Colonialism after Globalization,” guest speaker for “Colonialism, Orientalism, Primitivism: 19th-­‐century European Encounters with India and ‘The East’”, graduate seminar taught by Nora Taylor, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL March 2014 “Children’s Scientific Literature and the Cybernetic Example,” panel “Regimes of Visuality: Technologies of Vision,” American Society for Eighteenth-­‐Century Studies Conference, Williamsburg, VA February 2014 Chair, “After the Secular: Art and Religion in the 18th century,” Historians for the Eighteenth-­‐Century Art and Architecture sponspored panel for the College Art Association 102nd Annual Conference, Chicago, IL October 2013 “On Exhibiting Modern Asian Art in Southeast Asia,” Sites of Construction: Exhibitions and the Making of Recent Art History in Asia, Asia Art Archive, Hong Kong April 2013 Chair, “Landscape and Economy,” panel for the 39th annual Association of Art Historians Conference, Reading, United Kingdom April 2012 Workshop Respondent, "Impossible Purities: Modern East Asian Art and the Question of Artistic Medium," organized by Joan Kee and Chelsea Foxwell, University of Chicago, IL March 2012 “Fuseli and Gothic Preformation,” panel “The Medical Gothic,” American Society for Eighteenth-­‐Century Studies Conference, San Antonio, TX February 2012 Chair, Historians of Eighteenth-­‐Century Art and Architecture New Scholars May 2011 Panel, College Art Association 100th Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA March 2011 “Chardin’s Leibnizian Unconscious,” 10th Annual Bloomington Eighteenth-­‐ Century Studies Workshop, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN “Mediating Hysteria in France, c. 1780,” panel “The Gendering of Disease: Real and Fictional Manifestations in France and England – Part II,” 37th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern American Society for Eighteenth-­‐ Century Studies, “Science and the Arts in the Long Eighteenth Century,” Winston-­‐Salem, NC February 2011 March 2010 “Macartney’s Globe, or Cartographic Refusal in 1793,” panel “The Global Eighteenth Century,” College Art Association 99th Annual Conference, New York, New York Panel Respondent, “Rethinking ‘Influences’ of Modern Art in Korea: Beyond Colonial Discourses” panel, Association for Asian Studies Conference, Philadelphia, PA November 2009 June 2009 November 2008 February 2008 “Haacke’s Luhmann: Rethinking Shapolsky, et. al.,” Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts Conference, theme: Decodings, Atlanta, GA “Public Intimacy, or the Discipline of Affect in China,” International Symposium of the Association of Korean Modern and Contemporary Art History (“Art and Its Public”), Seoul, South Korea “Jacques-­‐Louis David and the Iterability of the Law,” Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts Conference, theme: Iterability, Charlotte, NC “Rewinding Fried’s Absorption and Theatricality,” panel “Critical Influences: the 18th century, the 1980s, and a Generation of Scholarship,” College Art Association 96th Annual Conference, Dallas-­‐Fort Worth November 2007 “Gros and the Napoleonic Code of War,” Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts Conference, theme: Code, Portland, Maine May 2006 “Girodet and the Eternal Sleep,” Vital Matters 4: Borders of the Animate, Clark Library, UCLA, Los Angeles May 2005 “Wu Hung’s Transience, or the Domestication of Failure in the 1990s,” Claims to Authority: Workshop on Modern and Contemporary Art in East Asia, Institute of Fine Arts, NYU, New York March 2005 “Dead Birds, or the Miseducation of the Greuze Girl,” panel “Humanity and Animality,” 36th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-­‐Century Studies, Las Vegas, NV December 2003 “Painting Paralysis: Filial Piety in 1763,” French Genre Painting in the Eighteenth Century Symposium, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C. Teaching Experience (recent only) Spring 2013 “The Contemporary Art World” (College of Visual and Performing Arts graduate seminar, for students in Theater and Music), Texas Tech University “The Medial Enlightenment 1700-­‐1900” (graduate seminar), Texas Tech University “Theories and Methods in Art History” (graduate seminar on art-­‐historical methodology), Texas Tech University “Art and Science 1700-­‐1900” (upper-­‐level undergraduate seminar), Texas Tech University Fall 2009 “Modern and Contemporary Southeast Asian Art” (upper-­‐level undergraduate lecture), co-­‐taught with Tony Godfrey, Sotheby’s Institute Singapore Spring 2009 “The French Revolution and the Birth of Modernity” (upper-­‐level undergraduate lecture), Texas Tech University “Conceptualism and the End of Time” (graduate seminar), co-­‐taught with Christie Blizard, MFA, Texas Tech University Spring 2009 Fall 2012 Fall 2010 & Fall 2012 Spring 2012 Summer 2010 “Prehistories of Posthumanism 1800/2000” (graduate seminar), Texas Tech University Spring 2008 “Art and Globalization 1980-­‐2000” (graduate seminar), Texas Tech University Spring 2008 “Theory for MFAs and PhDs” (graduate seminar on critical theory), Texas Tech University Fall 2007 “Picturing Empire: Art of the United States 1700-­‐1950” & Fall 2010 (upper-­‐level undergraduate lecture), Texas Tech University Spring 2007 “Spectacle and Modernity: Art in France and England 1851-­‐1914” & Spring 2011 (upper-­‐level undergraduate lecture), Texas Tech University Fall 2006 “Black Atlantic: Art and Global Empire 1650-­‐1850” (upper-­‐level & Fall 2008 undergraduate lecture), Texas Tech University Fall 2006 “Survey II: Renaissance to Modern Art” (lower-­‐level -­‐ present undergraduate lecture), Texas Tech University Other participation Forum editor, Comparative Contemporaries Project on Contemporary Southeast-­‐Asian Art Membership College Art Association American Society for Eighteenth-­‐Century Studies Historians of Eighteenth-­‐Century Art and Architecture Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts Languages English, French, German (reading) 