Published by the ISPE PNW Chapter Serving Washington and Oregon Editor: Katie Bohocky Email: Ph 1.877.460.5880 Fax APRIL 2012 NEWSLETTER IN THIS ISSUE ISPE PNW Golf Tournament PAGE 1 Welcome New Members PAGE1 ISPE PNW Golf Tournament Friday, July 20th, 2012 Dendreon Tour & SABA Social Hour Recap PAGE 2 8:00 am Shotgun Start Willow Run Golf Course – Eagles Talon, Redmond WA Golf: $125 Lunch only: $25/person Super Tickets: $25/ticket ISPE International News PAGE 2 Click here to view sponsorship opportunities and secure YOURS! Click here to register your Golfers! ISPE Young Professionals Article PAGE 3 UPCOMING EVENTS! Stay tuned for more info about these events! June 7th * 4:30 pm Zymogenetics Tour of their new Fermentation Lab Join us for a great time on the course! Welcome New Members! Gerardo Caraballo, Novartis Consumer Health Vincent Foley, Agere Pharmaceuticals Patrick Garcia-Strickland, Frontier Global Sciences Eric Padilla, Novartis Sponsored by: July 20th Annual Golf Tournament September 27th Casino Night & Tradeshow ISP E P ACI FI C NO RTHW E ST CH AP TE R NEW SL E TTE R April 2012 PAGE 1 Dendreon Tour & SABA Social Hour Thanks to everyone who joined us March 15th to tour Dendreon in the Earl Davie Building followed by our Social Hour at SABA! Special Thanks to our Sponsor! News from ISPE International Registration Now Open for Pharmaceutical Supply Networks Conference Save the Date for the ISPE Annual Meeting! ISP E P ACI FI C NO RTHW E ST CH AP TE R NEW SL E TTE R April 2012 PAGE 2 The Future of ISPE: Young Professionals Beginning in January of 2011, ISPE rolled out a new initiative to foster the ideas and professional needs of individuals who consider themselves new in their career or are new to the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry. The primary focus of the ISPE Young Professional movement is to foster positive social and business environments for emerging professionals, with an emphasis on education and training, career/professional development, and quality networking. In order to address the needs of YPs, ISPE has created several YP groups around the US. Boston, Carolina – South Atlantic (CASA), Puerto Rico, Greater Los Angeles, San Diego, New Jersey, New England, and San Francisco have developed successful young professional groups that engage in a variety of afterhours activities. These groups are allowing young professionals to have unrestricted opportunities to network with peers, mentors and other professionals; gain fundamental and advanced knowledge about the industry; and to grow their skills as needed to become experienced industry professionals and the ISPE leaders of tomorrow. ISPE knows that new grads are often strapped for cash – paying off student loans and just beginning their career – so as part of the roll out of the YP initiative, a new dues structure has been implemented for YP members. Individuals who are within 1-4 years after graduation are eligible to pay only $75 for their ISPE membership. Now, thanks to the hard work of our volunteers, the Young Professional Committee is pleased to announce that we have just recruited over 200 Young Professional members! And we would like to keep up this great momentum! The International YP Committee is challenging all Affiliates and Chapters to go “Fishing for YPs.” The Affiliate or Chapter who “catches” the most YP Members will be recognized at ISPE’s 2012 Annual Meeting at the Marriott Marquis in San Francisco, California. We would like to encourage all ISPE members to take part in this fun contest to help us reach our goal of recruiting 200 new Young Professionals by December 31. Log onto to access the Young-Professionals-Toolkit for YP specific applications, flyers, and other ideas on how to recruit YPs For more information, and to see if you, or someone you know, is eligible for the discounted rate, go to: Click here for a flyer. For more information about YPs, visit: And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter! Submitted by: Emily Stump Co-Chair, ISPE Young Professionals Committee Commissioning Agents, Inc. ISP E P ACI FI C NO RTHW E ST CH AP TE R NEW SL E TTE R April 2012 PAGE 3