Published by the ISPE PNW Chapter Serving Washington and Oregon Editor: Katie Bohocky: Ph 1.877.460.5880 Fax IN THIS ISSUE MAY 2013 NEWSLETTER "State of the Art Manufacturing Facilities and Equipment" May 23 Event PAGE 1 Welcome New Members PAGE 1 May Anniversaries PAGE 2 Annual Golf Tournament PAGE 2 Feature Member Benefit PAGE 2 Advertise with ISPE PAGE 3 Communities of Practice PAGE 3 Thursday, May 23, 2013 Join us May 23rd for a discussion about state of the art manufacturing facilities and equipment. Location: McKinstry 5005 Third Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 Click here for directions Agenda: 4:45 - 5:30 - Networking, Drinks, Appetizers, and Registration 5:30 - 6:15 - "State of the Art Manufacturing Facilities and Equipment" 6:15 - 7:00 - Q&A and networking Appetizers and drinks will be provided! Cost: $20/ ISPE Members / $40/ Non-Members FREE for Students & 1st time guests of an ISPE PNW Chapter event! th April 25 Event Recap PAGE 3 News from International PAGE 4 Register: Click here to register today! Thanks to our Sponsor and Host! __________________________________ Submit Your Articles! Click here to submit your articles for next month’s Newsletter. All suggestions will be reviewed by the Board of Directors. Welcome New Members! Megan Heinze, Genentech Jasmin Smith, Advanced Science Products 190 active members as of May 7. ISPE PNW – Serving the biopharmaceutical industy since the mid-nineties. ISPE PACIFIC NORTHWE ST CHAPTER NEWSLETTER May 2013 PAGE 1 Our May Anniversaries! 23 Years - Robert Woolfenden, II 17 Years - Cecilia Taylor 12 Years - Steven Powers & Tim Andrews 9 Years - Aaron Molskness 7 years - Elena Drapala & Guy Gendron 6 7ears - Ben Chen 3 Years - Jayant Aphale & Thomas Bazar 2 Years - Thomas Bazar 1 Year - Ritchie Gouk, Glen North, Ward Tuttle, Paul Chamberlain, Keith Miller, Scott Crawford & Barbara Fera ________________________________ Annual Golf Tournament! Join Us Friday, July 19th for some FUN in the SUN! 2:00 pm Shotgun Start - Eagle's Talon Make someone's day! Bring along a colleague, employee, family member or friend! Click here to Register to Play! Featured Member Benefit Interested in becoming a Sponsor? Click here to sign up for your Sponsorship Now! Thank you to our Event Sponsor! Networking with professionals! dedicated like-minded ISPE offers some of the best networking opportunities you will find in the industry. Whether it's through our extensive international network of Affiliate and Chapters, our discipline-specific Communities of Practice, volunteering on ISPE initiatives or at dedicated networking events at ISPE conferences, ISPE is your gateway to connecting with the top technical minds in your region and all over the world. Learn more Thank you to our Sponsors so far! ISPE PACIFIC NORTHW E ST CHAPTER NEW SLETTER May 2013 PAGE 2 Advertise with the ISPE PNW Chapter! Newsletter Sponsorships! ONLY $100 Per Quarter (3 newsletters per quarter) or $400 for an Entire Year (12 newsletters)! It's a great, economical option for your advertising dollar! Click here for more information! Website Sponsorships As a Website Sponsor, your firm's logo will randomly rotate through six pages of the ISPE PNW Chapter website for all of 2013! Cost – ONLY $150 per Ad! Contact the Association Office at or Toll Free 1-877-460-5880 to secure your Newsletter & Website sponsorship today! ISPE’s Communities of Practice (COPs) Connect with like-minded pharmaceutical industry professionals through one of our 19 interactive online communities offering exclusive global networking opportunities and access to a community-specific body of knowledge. COPs are now only available to ISPE Members. Join ISPE today to ask questions and share your expertise in online discussions and access technical articles, ELetters and other valuable resources that will assist you in increasing your effectiveness. Click here to join a COP today! ___________________________________________ April 25th "Disposable Technologies Lessons Learned" Event Recap On Thursday, April 25th, Harris Group hosted Christopher Miles, Bioprocess Specialist from Foster Wheeler Biokinetics, Inc. and Seattle-based Chris Thomas who is the Validation Cleaning Program Manager for CMC Biologics. We had an excellent turnout of 28 attendees that filled the Harris Group meeting room overlooking the Sound. Both presentations provided in depth, firsthand insight into the challenges with implementing single-use systems. The presenters were able to use real case-studies to provide the audience with useful tools and lessons learned. This event offered a unique opportunity to have candid discussions and ask detailed questions of experts in this field. Join a Committee! Your Board of Directors needs your help. Contact the Association office at if you are interested in joining a committee! ISPE PACIFIC NORTHW E ST CHAPTER NEW SLETTER April 2013 PAGE 3 NEWS FROM ISPE INTERNATIONAL The International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE) is an international society consisting of over 22,000 members in 90 countries. ISPE facilitates venues for networking, interaction, and information sharing within the region and provides publications, conferences, and trainings on a wide variety of topics from Good Engineering Practices to Quality Risk Management. Our membership constituency is made up of professionals from the biotechnology, pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers and other supporting industries such as academia, equipment manufacturers, and construction/architecture. ISPE PACIFIC NORTHW E ST CHAPTER NEW SLETTER May 2013 PAGE 4