EconomicTheory 9, 341-354(1997) Econom/c Theory 9 Springer-Verlag 1997 Insurance monopoly and renegotiation* Geir B. Asheim and Tore Nilsscn Department of Economics,University of Oslo, N-0317 Oslo, NORWAY Received:March 1, 1994;revised version September 16, 1995 Summary. The mechanism design problem of a monopoly i n s u r e r - faced with privately informed insurees - is considered. It is assumed that the insurer cannot commit not to renegotiate (by using the information that customer separa-tion reveals) before contracts are put into force. A solution is offered by modeling renegotiation-proofness in a framework inspired by Greenberg's theory of social situations. Maximizing profit within the set of renegotiationproof outcomes always leads to a semi-separating outcome (i.e. neither full pooling nor full separation can occur) and may leave all low-risks as well as some of the high-risks self-insured. J E L Classification Number: D42. 1 Introduction Most of the literature on renegotiation among asymmetrically informed parties has been concerned with the design of long-term contracts when the contracting parties are unable to commit not to renegotiate contracts as the relationship develops and new information arrives; see Dewatripont and Maskin (1990) for a survey and Dionne and Doherty (1994) for a contribution in the context of insurance. This line of work restricts renegotiation to take place only after the contract has been put into force. In contrast, in the present * This work originated with Asheim and Nilssen (1991). The authors thank Paul Beaudry, Mathias Dewatripont, John Hillas, Terje Lensberg, Georg N61deke, Trond Olsen, Michel Poitevin, Eric van Damme,and especiallyJoseph Greenberg, as well as participants at seminarsin Bergen, Cambridge, Florence, Helsinki, London, Mons, Montreal, Oslo, Stony Brook, and Tilburg for helpful comments and discussions. Asheim thanks Tilburg (CentER), McGill and Humboldt Universities for their hospitality and acknowledges support from the Norwegian Research Centre in Organization and Management and the Norwegian Research Council. Nilssen acknowledges support from Norges Bank and the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities. Correspondence to: G. B. Asheim 342 G.B. Asheim and T. Nilssen paper we want to consider the effect of allowing renegotiation to take place before contracts are put into force. For renegotiation to take place, new information must arrive. One important piece of information that does indeed arrive before contracts are put into force is the informed agent's choice of contract. The present analysis extends the theory of mechanism design to the case where contracts can be renegotiated after they are signed but before they are put into force. The basis for our discussion is Stiglitz's (1977) model of an insurance monopoly; see Kreps (1990, Sec. 18.1) for an exposition. Like in Stiglitz, therefore, our model is one-period. By allowing renegotiation before contracts are put into force, we can do without the restriction in the aforementioned literature, that renegotiation be allowed only after one period has elapsed. To deal with renegotiation in a one-period model of mechanism design, we provide a concept of renegotiation-proofness that is governed by two principles: First, from an outcome that is deemed not to be subject to renegotiation there should be no scope for profitable renegotiation if such renegotiation is restricted to end with an outcome from which no further renegotiation will take place. Second, from an outcome which is deemed to be subject to renegotiation there should be scope for profitable renegotiation even if such renegotiation is restricted to end with an outcome from which no further renegotiation will take place. With these principles, which are closely tied to von Neumann-Morgenstern stability and Greenberg's (1990) 'theory of social situations', we are able to completely characterize the set of outcomes that are renegotiation-proof under the assumption of constant relative risk aversion (Proposition 2). We then go on to discuss how a profit maximizing insurance monopolist will choose among the elements in this set. We find - contrary to Stiglitz's analysis, but in line with the renegotiation l i t e r a t u r e - t h a t there will never be full separation. Nor will there be full pooling. Like Stiglitz, we find that the low-risks may be left self-insured. However, in contrast to Stiglitz, we find that even some of the high-risks may be left self-insured in optimum. In the formal analysis we model renegotiation atemporally. Thus, in contrast to the numerous recent applications of non-cooperative extensive form games, our general approach is more related to cooperative game theory, one advantage being that the analysis becomes less dependent on the details of the specified structure. We relate particularly closely to studies that incorporate the core, or a modification thereof, in analyses of economies with asymmetric i n f o r m a t i o n - s e e Boyd, Prescott, and Smith (1988), Marimon (1990), Berliant (1992), and Lacker and Weinberg (1993, 1994). 1 Previous analyses of renegotiation before contracts are put into force include Hillas (1987), Hosios and Peters (1988), and Beaudry and Poitevin (1993, 1995). The work of Hillas is particularly relevant. Also he studies the i Ofrelated interest is the work of Hamilton, MacLeod, and Thisse (1991). They also motivate the use of cooperative game theory out of a need to become less dependent on the details of the structure of the game. Insurance monopoly 343 case of insurance (see his Ch. 5) and his discussion parallels ours in some important respects. However, contrary to us, Hillas does not provide conditions ensuring the existence of renegotiation-proof outcomes. The analysis of Hosios and Peters differs from ours as well as that of the other literature by viewing renegotiation outcomes as being non-verifiable. Beaudry and Poitevin (1993) consider renegotiation in a signaling model and let the informed agent have all the bargaining power during renegotiation. Beaudry and Poitevin (1995) discuss a financial market where informed borrowers, after having entered into one or more previous contracts and before these contracts are put into force, may enter into additional contracts with other uninformed financiers. Like us, then, they discuss a screening model. However, the screening is competitive, whereby the informed party ends up with all the bargaining power. While our model allows the agent to renegotiate with the monopoly insurer only, Beaudry and Poitevin (1995) consider recontracting with new uninformed parties. They allow for an infinite number of recontracting rounds before contracts are put into force. Since the recontracting does not take place in real time (i.e., there is no time cost), this difference from our model is, however, more apparent than real. This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 includes some preliminary notation and terminology. Section 3 defines the concept of a renegotiationproof group, a concept which is completely characterized in Section 4 under the assumption of constant relative risk aversion. In Section 5 we characterize the choices of a profit maximizing monopolist who is not able to commit not to renegotiate, while Section 6 concludes. The proof of Proposition 2 - the main characterization result - is contained in an appendix. 2 Preliminaries Consider a continuum of individuals uniformly distributed on the unit line [0, 1]. Each individual faces two possible states of nature: In state 1, no accident is experienced and his endowment is w01. In state 2, an accident is experienced and his endowment is Wo2, with w01 > Wo2 > 0. The individuals are identical except for the probability of an accident. The high-risk (H) type has probability PH, the low-risk (L) type has probability PL, with 0 < PL < PH < 1. The proportion of K-type individuals, #oK, where Ke{H, L}, is given by #o -- (#oH, #oL) >> 0, 2 where #o~ + #0/~ = 1. There is a risk-neutral monopoly firm that offers insurance. If an individual buys insurance, then the endowment w o = (w01 , w02) is traded for another state-contingent allocation w = (wl, w2) >>0. If w 1 -- w2, then w provides full insurance, if w 1 > w 2, then w provides partial insurance. We assume that moral hazard prevents w 1 < w2, implying that w is feasible if 2 The following notation for vector inequalities is used: a _>b if all elements of a - b are non-negative,a > b if all elements of a - b are non-negativeand some are positive, and a >>b if all elements of a - b are positive. 344 G.B. Asheim and T. Nilssen and only if w a > w 2 > 0. A feasible allocation w is evaluated by a K-type individual according to the expected utility uK(w):= pKv(wl) + (1 -pK)v(w2), where v is a strictly increasing, twice continuously differentiable, and strictly concave von N e u m a n n - M o r g e n s t e r n ( v N - M ) utility function. W h e n the firm has signed up individuals with one or more state-contingent allocations, its customers are distinguished by the allocations that they are signed up with. F o r each of these allocations, the firm has beliefs a b o u t the mixture of H-type and L-type individuals. We want to establish under what conditions the firm does not want to renegotiate with any of these groups of customers. Therefore, assume to the contrary that the firm enters into renegotiation with one of these groups. 3 Let w denote the allocation that the individuals in this group was signed up with when renegotiation was entered into. Then, w is the fall-back allocation for the insurees in the subsequent renegotiation. Let # = (#H, ~L) denote the type profile of individuals that the firm believes the group consists of. Then, G --- (w, #) describes the group of individuals that the firm enters into renegotiation with - as well as the position of the renegotiating firm - by the fall-back allocation w and the type profile #. The set of g r o u p F is given as F : = {G = (w, #)]w 1 >_ w 2 > 0 and 0 < # = (#H, #L) --<#0}. In principle we allow for the possibility that further renegotiation can occur after the g r o u p G t h r o u g h renegotiation has been signed up with a new (pair of) allocation(s). However, we assume that the firm and the group G perfectly foresee what will be the final o u t c o m e of the present and further renegotiation. Hence, the renegotiation between the firm and the g r o u p G will be completed only if an o u t c o m e has been reached from which no further renegotiation will take place. W h a t are necessary conditions for such final outcomes in the renegotiation between the firm and the group G = (w, #)? I.e., what final allocations can the firm sign the individuals in the g r o u p up with, given that their fall-back allocation is w and their type profile is #? With two types, it will not be possible for the firm to separate the group into more than two subgroups given that no further renegotiation shall occur.'* Hence, a feasible final o u t c o m e when the firm's position is G = (w, #) is in general a pair of subgroups (G h, G l) - ((w h, #h),(Wl, #1))eF x F such that (1) (Exhaustiveness) G h and G z exhaust G; i.e., their type profiles sum to the h h 1 type profile of G: #h + #z -=- (#n, #L) + (#~, #L) = (#U, #L) = #" (2) (NO domination) w h does not dominate w I or vice versa; i.e., w h and w I can be labeled such that un(w h) >_un(w l) and UL(Wl) > UL(wh). 3 Note that if the firm profits by renegotiating with more than one group, it can also profit by renegotiating with one of the groups separately. 4 The argument is simple: If the group is separated into three or more distinct and non-empty subgroups, then - since we cannot have one allocation dominating another (in the sense of being preferred by both types of insurees)- it follows from incentive compatibility constraints that at least one subgroup is given partial insurance and contains only one type of insurees. Such a group cannot be renegotiation-proof. Insurance monopoly 345 (3) (Incentive compatibility) high-risk individuals choose w~, and low-risk individuals choose w h, only if indifferent between w h and w~; i.e., #~ = #~ if un(w h) > un(w z) and #tr = #L if uL(w l) > NL(Wh). (4) (Individual rationality) the allocation w k is at least as good as w when evaluated by K-type individuals; i.e., un(w h) > urn(w) if/~n > 0 and UL(W~) >_ UL(W) if/~L > 0. If the group G is separated into two distinct subgroups (i.e., w h r W~), then (G h, G ~) =_((wh, #h), (Wt, #~)) is called semi-separating. The term 'semi' reflects the fact that types are fully separated only if/~h = (/~rt, 0) and #~ = (0,/~L), which is not in general the case. Otherwise, the o u t c o m e ( G h, G l) :~ ( (Wh, klh), (W l, ]11)) is called pooling, in which case we slightly abuse notation by writing (G h, G l) : G d -- (w d,/ze), where we = w h = w I and/l d =/~h + #I =/~. Let X: F ~ F x F be a correspondence that for any group assigns the set of feasible final outcomes in the group. In particular, the set of feasible final outcomes for the group G is denoted X(G), being the set of outcomes satisfying conditions (1)-(4), given G = (w, #). If (G h, G l) is a pooling outcome, then we Slightly abuse notation by writing (G h, G ~) = GdeX(G). Define ~z:F--~ N by rc(G):= ~/c =m/~/~K[(1 - pK)(w ~ - wl) + pK(w ~ - w2)]. Hence, ~(G) is the profit earned by the firm on the group G = (w, #) before entering into renegotiation. The profit that the firm earns after having concluded the renegotiation with the semi-separating outcome (G h, G~)eX(G) is equal t o 7c(G h) + ;rc(Gl). If the renegotiation ends with the pooling outcome (G h, G l) = Gd~X(G), then its profit equals 7c(G h) -[- lr(G 1) = 7r(Ge). In any case, the renegotiation is profitable for the firm if and only if ~(G h) + ~z(Gz) exceeds ~(G). 3 Definition of renegotiation-proofness Some outcomes in X(G) may invite further renegotiation and cannot therefore be final outcomes of the renegotiation between the firm and the group G. In other words, X(G) is a set of outcomes satisfying certain conditions that are necessary but not sufficient to ensure that no further renegotiation will take place. Therefore, let a: F ~ F • F be a standard of behavior (SB) that for each group G assigns a set of outcomes a(G)~ X(G) from which no further renegotiation will take place. If (G h, G t) is a pooling outcome, then we slightly abuse notation by writing (G h, G l) = Gd~a(G). We require that an SB a satisfy: If (G h, G~)~a(G) is semi-separating, then there does not exist (~h ~l)~a(Gk), k = h or l, such that 7r(Gh) + ~(~t) > :r(Gk). If ( G h, G l) = Gd ~ a( G) is pooling, then there does not exist ( ~h, ~l)~ a( Gd) such that 7r(Gh) + rc(GI) > ~(Gd). This is called internal stability (IS): If there is no scope for further renegotiation from an outcome, it must be because the firm cannot profit from entering into renegotiation with one of the groups that the outcome consists of if constrained to suggesting to this group a new outcome from which no further renegotiation will take place. Conversely, we also require that an SB a satisfy: If (G h, GZ)~X(G)\a(G) is semi-separating, then there does exist (~h, ~t)Eo,(Gk), k = h or l, such that 346 G.B. Asheim and T. Nilssen n(G h) + n(G l) > n(Gk). If (G h, G l) = Ga~X(G)\a(G) is pooling, then there does exist (~h, ~I)E6(Ga ) such that 7c(Gh) + n(G l) > n(Ga). This is called external stability (ES): If there is scope for further renegotiation from an outcome, it must be because the firm can profit from entering into renegotiation with one of the groups that the o u t c o m e consists of even if constrained to suggesting to this g r o u p a new o u t c o m e from which no further renegotiation will take place. If the SB cr is both internally and externally stable, it is called (yon Neumann-Morgenstern) stable, yon N e u m a n n - M o r g e n s t e r n stability has recently been used by Greenberg (1990) as one of two general solution concepts in the alternative a p p r o a c h to game theory presented t h r o u g h his theory of social situations. 5 The above definition a m o u n t s to a core-like concept: The monopolist together with the insurees of one of the groups can block an outcome if and only if they can find an o u t c o m e of the subgame formed by the m o n o p o l y insurer and the insurees of this g r o u p that yields the monopolist a higher profit, while satisfying the individual-rationality and incentivecompatibility constraints of the insurees of the group. 6 This concept is, in fact, the modification of the core that has been suggested by Greenberg (1990; Section 6.1) and called the coalition-proof core by Lacker and Weinberg (1994): Only outcomes in the coalition-proof core of the subgame formed by the m o n o p o l y insurer and the insurees of the g r o u p can be used for blocking, not any o u t c o m e ] As discussed at the end of Section 4, this modification of the core is of major importance in the present application to a game of asymmetric information. The concept of a coalition-proof core is used in the context of models of asymmetric information also by Lacker and Weinberg (1993, 1994). As pointed out in their 1993-paper, the coalition-proof core bears the same relation to Bernheim et al.'s (1987) concept of a C o a l i t i o n - P r o o f equilibrium as does the core to A u m a n n ' s (1959) concept of a Strong Equilibrium. In a strategic matching game without enforceable contracts, K a h n and M o o k herjee (1995) apply the concept of a C o a l i t i o n - P r o o f equilibrium to a competitive insurance economy. In addition to differences concerning the underlying situation (e.g. competition vs. monopoly), the present paper differs at a formal s Greenberg(~99~referst~v~nNeumann`M~rgensternstabi~ityas~timis~icstabi~ity;the~ther solution concept he uses is referred to as conservative stability. The present analysis (in Sections 3 and 4) of renegotiation-proofnessin an insurance market draws heavily upon Greenberg's (1990) theory of social situations and can, at a notational cost, be properly embedded in this theory, as we did in Asheim and Nilssen (1991). This application of Greenberg's theory to a problem of asymmetric information seems to be a novelty. Note that what is here referred to as a group of individuals corresponds to a position in Greenberg's (1990) framework. 6 Note that it is not an effectivelimitation that an outcome cannot be blocked by the monopolist combined with both groups that the outcome consists of, since if the firm profts by renegotiating with both group simultaneously, it can also profit by renegotiating with one of the groups separately. 7 A variant of this modification, called the 'modified core', has been defined and analyzed by Ray (1989), Greenberg (1990, Theorem 6.1.3) and Ray (1989) show that their modifications do not expand the core in finite cooperative games (of complete information). Insurance monopoly 347 level by presenting a cooperative game where contracts between the firm and its insurees are enforceable if at least one party insists. In general, yon Neumann-Morgenstern stability does not yield a unique stable set. In our application it is indeed the case that there exist multiple SBs o- that are internally and externally stable. Therefore, define an outcome to be renegotiation-proof if there exists some stable SB o- that admits the outcome. (~){~isstable} Definition 1. Z(G):= a(G) is the set of renegotiation-proof outcomes in the renegotiation with the group G. The following lemma enables us to defne renegotiation-proof groups. (Gh, Gt)~X(G) is a semi-separating outcome, then (G h, GI)~Y, (G) if and only if Ghe y~ (G h) and Gt ~ Y, ( Gl). If ( Gh, G ~)= Gd~ X (G) is a pooling outcome, then Gdey,(G) if and only if Gd~Z(Gd). Lemma 1. If Proof. Let (Gh, GI)eX(G) be a semi-separating outcome. Consider some stable a. Suppose Gkq~a(Gk), k = h or I. By ES, there exists (~h, ~t)~a(Gk), k = h or l, such that rc(Gh) + ~(G~) > ~z(Gk). Hence, by IS, (Gh, G1)r establishing the necessity part of the lemma. Conversely, suppose (G h, GI)(~a(G). By ES, there exists (~h, ~l)ea(Gk), k = h or l, such that rc(Gh) + zc(Gl) > ~(Gk). Hence, by IS, Gk(~a(Gk), k = h or l, establishing the sufficiency part of the lemma. Repeat the argument for the case where (Gh, G ~)= Gd~X(G) is pooling. [] Definition 2. A group G is renegotiation-proofif and only if GE22 (G). The next section is devoted to the study and characterization of renegotiationproof groups. Note that Lemma 1 implies that a stable SB a is fully determined if, for each Gs_F, it is known whether Gca(G). We end this section by noting the following useful result. Lemma 2. If the standard of behavior a is stable, then X(G')~_ X(G) implies ~( G') =_~( G). Proof. By the proof of Lemma 1, if (G h, Gl)~a(G ') ~_ X(G') ~_ X(G) is semiseparating, then Gh~a(Gh), Gt6a(Gl), and (G h, Gl)~a(G). Repeat the argument for the case where (Gh, G l) = Gd~a( G') ~ X ( G') ~_ X ( G) is pooling. [] 4 Characterization of renegotiation-proof groups For any feasible state-contingent allocation w at which the low-risk indifference curve is steeper than the high-risk isoprofit curve, let ~L(w)~ [0, ~ ) be the ratio of high-risks to low-risks that makes the isoprofit curve for the mixture tangent to the low-risk indifference curve at the allocation w. For other feasible allocations, let QL(w)= ~ . The following observation is provided without proof. Lemma 3. ~L(w)> 0 if and only ifw provides partial insurance (i.e., w1 > w2). It is straight-forward to establish that a group G = (w, #) is not renegotiationproof if the isoprofit curve for the mixture # -- (/~H,/~L) is steeper than the 348 G.B. Asheim and T. Nilssen low-risk indifference curve at the allocation w (which includes the case where # = (0, #L) is given partial insurance) or if# = (#~t, 0) is given partial insurance. Proposition 1. G = (w,#) is not renegotiation-proof if #H/#L < QL(w) or if # = (#~,0) and w 1 > w 2. Proof. s We need to establish that there does not exist a stable a such that G~a(G) in each of the two cases. Suppose to the contrary that there exists a stable ~ such that G~a(G) where #~/#L < •L(W) 9 By L e m m a 3, w 1 > w 2. Hence, there exists w' with w'1 >_ w 2 satisfying un(w' ) > u~i(w) and UL(W') = UL(W). We have that G'~X(G')c_ X(G) for the pooling outcome G ' = (w',#). Furthermore, since #tl/#r < ~L(W), ~(G') > re(G) if w' is chosen sufficiently near w. Therefore, by IS of ~, G'(s~(G). This implies by ES of a that there exists (G h, Gl)ea(G ') such that 7c(Gh) + ~z(Gl) > ~(G'). However, since X(G') c X(G), it follows from L e m m a 2 that (Gh, Gz)Ea(G). Since 7c(Gh) + rc(Gl) > rc(G') > re(G), this is in conflict with IS ofa. Suppose next that there exists a stable a such that G~a(G) where # = (#~, 0) and w 1 > w 2. Then there exists w' with w't _> w~ satisfying u~(w') = ua(w ), and such that G'~X(G') ~_ X(G) and rc(G') > re(G) for the pooling outcome G' = (w', #). Repeat the argument of the first part of the proof. [] It is somewhat harder to establish that a group G = (w,#) is renegotiationproof if and only if w provides full insurance or the isoprofit curve for the mixture # = (#H, #L) is not steeper than the low-risk indifference curve at the allocation w. In particular, to establish the following complete characterization of renegotiation-proof groups, it is assumed that the v N - M utility function v satisfy constant relative risk aversion (CRRA), or equivalently, that the preferences on state-contingent allocations be homothetic. Such homotheticity implies that QL(') is homogeneous of degree zero. Proposition 2. Under the assumption of constant relative risk aversion, G = (w, #) is renegotiation-proof if and only if w 1 = w 2 or 0 < QL(w) <_#H/#L < oe. Proof. See the Appendix. [] The proof of Proposition 2 uses the assumption of CRRA by constructing a stable SB ~ such that if G ' = (w', #')~a(G'), then GE~(G) for any G = (w, #) with w'~/w'2 = wl/w 2 and #~/#k = #~/#L" Whether the same characterization can be obtained for general v N - M utility functions is an open question. Note that for any G' = (w', #') with 0 < ~L(W') _< #~/#~ < OO,there exists an SB a such that G'~a(G'). In particular, any group consisting of a partial insurance allocation and a type profile with a high fraction of high risks (such that the isoprofit curve for the mixture is less steep than the lowrisk indifference curve) is also renegotiation-proof. The next section establishes that such a group will, however, never be chosen by a profit maximizing firm. s We thank Joseph Greenberg for suggesting this proof. Insurance monopoly 349 If we in our definition of renegotiation-proofness had allowed the firm to choose any feasible o u t c o m e in the set X(G) when renegotiating with the g r o u p G, 9 then the only r e n e g o t i a t i o n - p r o o f outcomes would be pooling outcomes yielding full insurance. T o see this, note that if G' = (w', #') satisfies 0 < OL(w') <_ #~t/#~ < 0% then there exists - using the n o t a t i o n and a r g u m e n t of the p r o o f of Proposition 2 - (Gh, G~)eX+(G ') such that rc(Gh) + rc(G z) > 7c(G'), while the corresponding a r g u m e n t is straight-forward for the cases covered by Proposition 1. Hence, restricting the firm, when renegotiating, to choose outcomes from which no further renegotiation will take place therefore yields a m a j o r expansion of the set of renegotiation-proof outcomes. T h e rationale behind restricting the firm to renegotiate to an o u t c o m e from which no further renegotiation will take place, is that the firm and the g r o u p with which it renegotiates perfectly foresee what will be the final o u t c o m e of the present and future renegotiation. Hence, by construction, our a p p r o a c h seems to be i m m u n e against a criticism of lack of farsightedness, as levied against the concept of yon N e u m a n n - M o r g e n s t e r n stability by H a r s a n y i (1974) and, m o r e recently, Chwe (1994). Still, for the sake of the argument, suppose that first the firm and the g r o u p G'=(w',#')~a(G') with O<OL(W')<#'U/#'L<oO renegotiate to (Gh,Gl)~ X+(G')\a(G ') with ~(G h) + ~(G I) > 7r(G'), and that next the firm and the g r o u p GIr l) renegotiate to (~h, ~l)~a(G1 ) with ~ ( ~ h ) + rC(~l)> rc(Gl). This twostage renegotiation splits the original g r o u p G' into three new groups, Gh, ~h and G~, with all the high-risks being better off, with all the low-risks being as well off, and the firm earning a higher profit. Note, however, that the high-risks being separated out into the group Gh in the first stage are left at a lower utility level than the high-risks in the groups ~h and Gt. We argue that such two-stage renegotiation will not come a b o u t because no high-risks will want to enter the group G h when not doing so will lead to an even higher utility level. 1~ 5 Profit maximization without commitment W h a t is the profit maximizing o u t c o m e when a m o n o p o l y firm offers insurance to the group of insurees G o = ( W o , # o ) given by W o l > W 0 2 > 0 and #o = (#oH, #oL) >> 0? O u r basic a s s u m p t i o n is that the m o n o p o l y firm cannot c o m m i t to the pair of allocations that the individuals are signed up with. Hence, we raise the p r o b l e m of credibility which has been formulated in Kreps (1990, pp. 677-9). This implies that the firm is restricted to finding an o u t c o m e 9 This would have corresponded to the unmodified core; see the discussion in Section 3. lo Alternatively, as suggested to us by John Hillas, the firm could make an additional, fullinsurance offer w" - preferred to w' by high-risks only - while retaining w'. For the firm, making such an offer weakly dominates not making the oiler. If some high-risks accept w", the resulting two-stage renegotiation increases the firm's profit and leaves high-risks at two different utility levels. Since at most a 'small' amount of high-risks would want to be left at the lower level, the firm's increase in profits is, by Proposition 2's construction of stable SBs, at most negligible. We claim that the firm - lacking a strict incentive - does not behave irrationally by not making the offer w". 350 G.B. Asheim and T. Nilssen in X(Go) - the set of renegotiation-proof outcomes - that maximizes the firm's profit. This problem will be analyzed under the general assumption of CRRA such that Proposition 2 applies. By adapting the analysis of Stiglitz (1977) to the present case, the first result of this section establishes that full separation never occurs. Proposition 3. I f (G h, G t) ~ ((w h, #h), (Wl, #1)) maximizes rc(a h) + g(G l) over all elements in N ( ao), where G o = (W o, #o), then wh ---- wh2' UH(wh) = UH(Wl)' UL(wl) = u L ( w o ) , #L~ - -- #OL, and # ~~ / # L' = er(wZ) 9 Proof. By Proposition 1 and Lemma 1, (G h, Gt)(~Z,(Go) if " #~/#L l t < 0c(Wt)- By Proposition 2 and the assumption ofCRRA, ( G n, GZ)~ Z, (GO) lf#~/# . l L = 0L(w~). The proposition follows by adapting the analysis of Stiglitz (1977). [] Let e = w] = Wh2 and determine e and 0 by uR(e,e ) = uH(wo) and UL(6,0)= UL(Wo). Proposition 3 simplifies the firm's problem to a one-dimensional one, viz. finding e~[e, ~] that maximizes the firm's profit. For the analysis of this problem, let e ~176denote inf{e'>0[~w'>>0 such that u~(e',e')=utt(w'), UL(W') = UL(Wo), and 0L(W')< oe}, noting that e ~ < _eif and only if r < oO. Define the function f(.): (e ~ ~] --~ ~+ as follows: f(e) equals the profit gained by moving a unit of L-type individuals from wl, determined by uti(e, e) = u~(w t) and UL(Wl) = UL(Wo), to (~, e-), and 0L(W~)units of H-type individuals from wz to (e,e). Let ~)o:= #0~/#OL. Then #or-[00-(g--e)- f(e)] is the profit gained by moving the type profile #0 = (#o~, #0L) from the pooling outcome ((~, ~), #o) to the outcome described in Proposition 3. Note that feasibility requires 0o -> 0L(WZ).The following two lemmas describe the properties of the correspondence E(-): ~+ --~ [_e,~], assigning to each 0 the set of values of e that maximize the firm's profit given ~); i.e., E(-) is defined by E(O):= argmaxe~Ee,e?~(~%~lO' (~ - - e) - f (e). Lemma 4. e~E(Q) implies Q > QL(WZ), where w I is determined by uu(e, e) -= utt(w l) and UL(Wl) = UL(Wo). Proof. Let wQbe determined by 0 = OL(w~) and UL(W o) = UL(Wo). (If no such w ~ exists, then the lemma is immediate.) Furthermore, let e-~be determined by un(e ~, e ~) = u~(w~~ Ire > eQis chosen sufficiently close to e ~, then it follows from the envelope theorem that 0"(~- e) - f ( e ) > o ' ( e - e ~) - f ( e ~ the first order gain consisting of H-type individuals being moved from partial to full insurance. The lemma follows since it is straight-forward to check that 0'(~ - e) f(e)<o'(O-e~ f(e~ ~ [] Lemma 4 establishes that feasibility is ensured; i.e., that the amount of highrisks that are signed up with w*is smaller than the total amount of high-risks. Lemma 5. (a) E(') is an upper hemi-continuous correspondence of o. (b) ~ E ( o) if and only if 0 = O. (c) I f OL(Wo) < 0% then _e~E(o) if and only if 0 >- ~ f o r some 0 > O. (d) IfoL(Wo) = o% then Ve > O, ~0~ < oe such that 0 > O~ and e e E ( o ) imply 0 < e - e ~ < e. (e) E(.) is strictly monotone on [0, 0] (i.e., if 0 <_ ~' < ~" <_ ~, Insurance monopoly 351 e' ~E(o'), and e"6E(o'), then e' > e"). ( f ) E(O) = {_e} for 0 > 0 if OL(w~ < oo; if oL(w ~ = o% then eCE(~) for all 6. Proof. This lemma follows from Lemma 4 since (i) f(.) is continuous and smooth on [max {_e,e~ 0J (with e ~ defined as in the proof of Lemma 4), (ii) f(O) = O, f(e) > 0 otherwise, (iii) the left derivative of f(-) at e = ~ exists and equals 0, (iv) f(.) is Lipschitz on [-_e,g] if OL(Wo)< o% and (v) e ~ ~ as Q--, ~ . [] Lemma 5 entails both that full pooling never occurs (i.e. 6~E(~ ~ is impossible) and that all the low-risks together with some of the high-risks may remain self-insured (i.e. _e~E(~)~ is possible). These findings are stated as Proposition 4. Proposition 4. I f (G h, G l) ~ ((w h, #h), (wl #1)) maximizes 7c(Gh) -b 7z(Gl) over all elements in ~, ( Go), where G O= (Wo, #o), then: (i) ( G h, G l) is not a pooling outcome. (ii) I f Oi.(Wo) < co, then there exists ~ > 0 such that (G h, G l) = ((w h, #h), (Wl, #l)) with w h = wh2' UH(wh)=un(wo), #~ = #OL, and # u1/ # rI = PL(Wo) if and only if #or~/#oL > O. Proof. The first part follows from Lemma 5(b) since ~9o= #o/J#oL > 0. The second part follows from Lemma 5(c). [] How do our results relate to those of Stiglitz (1977)? In both models, the optimal outcome is restricted by the low-risks' incentives to self-insure and by the high-risks' incentives to mimic the low-risks. In both models, it includes a full-insurance allocation that only high-risks buy and a partial-insurance allocation that all the low-risks buy. The difference is that, in our model, some high-risks mimic the low-risks and buy the partial-insurance allocation so that semi-separation prevails, whereas in the Stiglitz model, only low-risks buy partial insurance and there is full separation. The reason for this difference is, of course, that, in our model, the firm is not able to commit not to renegotiate. However, if the ratio between high-risks and low-risks signing up for the partial-insurance allocation is not too low, the allocation is viable and will not be renegotiated. Ensuring renegotiationproofness this way, by having some high-risks buy partial rather than full insurance, is costly to the monopolist, so that, clearly, the introduction of renegotiation-proofness reduces its profit. The low-risks are equally well off in both cases, obtaining their self-insurance utility level. It is more involved to see how the high-risks are affected by the introduction of renegotiation. However, under our assumption of CRRA, it turns out that they are better off when renegotiation is allowed, given that the low-risks are not left at their selfinsurance allocation in both cases. 6 Concluding remarks This analysis has shown how the Stiglitz model of insurance monopoly can be extended to include a concept of renegotiation. Our results reinforce the 352 G.B. Asheim and T. Nilssen lessons from the earlier renegotiation literature: that full separation is not to be expected, or more generally, that individuals with different characteristics have identical behavior. The restriction to CRRA is a short-coming. Although the present work may provide us with an intuition for how renegotiation-proof outcomes may include partial insurance, it seems hard to extend our results to a more general class of preferences. We leave for future research to determine whether such an extension can be established. In Asheim and Nilssen (1996) we combine competition in an insurance market with renegotiation where the firm is unable to discriminate between its various groups. This corresponds to employing the Stiglitz monopoly model as a building block for the study of insurance market competition. Hence, renegotiation between firms and insurees is based only on the information provided by the insurees' choice of firms, not their choice of contracts. Sub- stituting the present model for that of Stiglitz would yield an analysis where renegotiation could be based also on the information that customer separation reveals. Such an analysis is, however, outside the scope of the present paper. Appendix Proof of Proposition 2. Consider any G' = (w', #') with 0 < ~L(w') _< #~/#~ < Go. By Proposition 1, it suffices to show that there exists a stable a such that (i) G'sa(G') and (ii) G~a(G) for any G = (w, #) with w 1 = w2. By Lemma 3, w'1 > WE" Consider X +(G,):= {(G h, G l) = ((w h, #h), (W ~,#I))~X(G,)I w h = w2h ' uL(w') = uL(w'), wl c w ' , # ~ = # r ,'a n d # ~I/ # L l = QL(w~)} 9 Note that incentive compatibility and individual rationality imply ui~(w h) = un(w l) > un(w') and that exhaustiveness implies #h = #, _ #l = (#~, 0) > 0. If (G h, GI)eX+(G ') and w1is sufficiently close to w', then n(G h) + n(G z) > n(G'). If (G h, GI)~X +(G') and w h = w l, then (G h, G l) is pooling (and yields full insurance) and n(G h) + n(G l) = n(G d) < n(G'). By continuity, there exists (~h, ~ ) = ((#h, fib), (#I,/~z))~X+(G') (if not unique, choose #l nearest to w') such that n(G h) + n(G l) = n(G'). Note that n(@) < n(w', ft h) and n(G l) > n(w', ftt). Also consider F - ( ~ z ) : = {G = (w, #)eFI3G h such that (G h, Gt)~X(G), n(G h) + n(G t) = n(G), wh ~h, UL(~l) = UL(W),W~r W - I = #r, and , #r 0 < Q~(w) <_ #i~/#L < 0o}. Write G ~ = (w ~, #~):= G~. If it exists, let Go = (w ~ denote an element of F - ( G 1) satisfying QL(w o) = l~n/# o Lo (if not unique, choose w~ nearest to wl). If such an element does not exist, choose w ~ such that ~)r(w~ = oe and UL(W~)=UL(wO). Note that, by the construction of G 1, G = ( w , # ) e F - ( G 1) implies w l / w ~ < wz/w 2 < w~176 in fact, n(G h) < n(w,#h). For w satisfying Insurance monopoly 353 wl/w 2 i 1 < wi/w 2 <_W~ ~ let G = (w, #)e~r(G) if and only if G e F and there exist ~ , t > 0 such that (c~w,tl~)eF -(G1). Start an infinite induction towards full insurance by, for each n > 1, constructing X+(G"), determining G "+ 1, and letting (for w satisfying w n+ a l/ n+l n n w 2 < wl/w 2 < Wl/W2) G = (w,#)ea(G) if and only if G ~ F and there exist e , t > 0 such that (c~w,t#)eF-(G'+l). Start a finite induction towards even more partial insurance by, for each n <_ 0, constructing F -(G"), letting (for w satisfying W]/wn2 < Wl/W2 < W]- i~ w n2- 1 ) G = (w,#)ea(G) if and only if G e F and there exist ~, t > 0 such that (ew, tilt) e F - (G"), and determining, if it exists, G"- 1. Let G = (w,#)ea(G) ifw 1 = w 2, and let G = (w, lO(~a(G) if ~gL(W) = 00. Internal stability of a follows by construction due to the CRRA. External stability of a is established as follows due to the CRRA: (a) If W l > W 2 and # = ( # ~ , 0 ) , then G=(w,#)(~a(G), and G = ( # , # ) , with W1 = 1'~2 and uH(# ) = uH(w), satisfies Gea(G) and n(G) > n(G). (b) Consider G = ( w , # ) with Wl,+1./w2, + i < wl/w2 <- wl/w2 , , for some integer n and ~gL(w) _< #~/#r < 00. (i) If #H/#/~ > / ~ / / 2 L for some G = (w,/~)ea(G), then G(~a(G) and there exists (G h, G) = ((w h, #h), (W,/~))ea(G), with wh ----wh2, UL'(wh) = UH(W), and/~r = #L, satisfying rc(Gh) + ~(G) > re(G). (ii) Otherwise, if G(~a( G), then there exists (G h, G I) = ( (w h, t~h),(w l, #l) )c a( G) with Whl - 2 ' l.iH(Wh)=!.tH(W1), WI /WI2 = wln+ I,/w 2n+ l, UL(WI)=UL(W), l l = QL(), W l satisfying re(G") + 7r(Gz) > lr(G). #L[ __ --/~L, and #n/#L (c) If #H/#L < QL(W), then G = (w,#)(~-a(G). Determine G = (~,#) by UL(V~) = UL(W) and #H/#L = QL(VV)- N o t e that a(G) _~ a(G) by L e m m a 2, and that lr(G) > ~r(G) by the definition of ~ ( ' ) . By (b), there exists (G h, Gl)~a(G) ~_ o-(G) such that 7r(Gh) + rc(G1) >_~z(G) > zc(G). [] References Asheim, G. B., Nilssen, T.: Renegotiation in an insurance market. 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