4820–2 Dynamic oligopoly I Geir B. Asheim Introduction Dynamic oligopoly — Tacit collusion 4820–2 Context Theory of repeated games Geir B. Asheim Application of repeated games Department of Economics, University of Oslo Price rigidities ECON4820 Spring 2010 Empirical studies Motivation 4820–2 Dynamic oligopoly I Static price competition → Aggressive behavior Geir B. Asheim Introduction Outline Static quantity competition → Somewhat less aggressive behavior Context Theory of repeated games Application of repeated games Price rigidities Empirical studies But correct prediction? Is competition restrained by the lack of available capacity? Alternative: Competition is restrained by the threat of retaliation: If one firm undercuts, then an aggressive response from competitors. Short run gain must be compared to long run loss. Outline 4820–2 Dynamic oligopoly I Geir B. Asheim Context Given number of firms Collusion among firms vs. cooperation among individuals Introduction Outline Context Theory of repeated games Application of repeated games Theory of repeated games Finitely repeated games Infinitely repeated games Application of repeated games Price rigidities Price competition Empirical studies Quantity competition Price rigidities Empirical analysis Context 4820–2 Dynamic oligopoly I Geir B. Asheim Introduction Context Oligopoly Collusion vs. cooperation Theory of repeated games Application of repeated games Price rigidities Empirical studies Given number of firms Collusion among firms vs. cooperation among individuals Why a given number of firms? 4820–2 Dynamic oligopoly I Geir B. Asheim Introduction Context Oligopoly Collusion vs. cooperation Theory of repeated games Application of repeated games Durable investments Technological know-how Barriers to entry Price rigidities Empirical studies Collusion among firms vs. cooperation among individuals 4820–2 Dynamic oligopoly I Geir B. Asheim Introduction Context Oligopoly Collusion vs. cooperation Collusion among firms Efficiency loss due to higher prices to consumers → Usually illegal Overt collusion supported by third-party enforcement is not possible Tacit collusion supported through repeated interaction (deviation triggers future punishment) Theory of repeated games Application of repeated games Price rigidities Empirical studies Cooperation among individuals Efficiency gain, e.g., due to lower transaction costs → Promoted Implemented by many mechanisms: Supported through repeated interaction Social preferences; e.g., reciprocity May be supported by social evolution Theory of repeated games 4820–2 Dynamic oligopoly I Geir B. Asheim Introduction Context Theory of repeated games Finitely repeated games Infinitely repeated games Application of repeated games Price rigidities Empirical studies The analysis of dynamic oligopoly is based on the theory of repeated games. Let G = N, (Ai ), (ui ) be a normal form game, where Ai is the set of actions for player i and ui is the payoff function for player i. Two classes: Finitely repeated games: G is played finitely many times. Infinitely repeated games: G is played infinitely many times. Equilibrium concept: Subgame-perfect equilibrium Finitely repeated games 4820–2 Dynamic oligopoly I Geir B. Asheim Introduction Context Theory of repeated games Finitely repeated games Infinitely repeated games Application of repeated games Price rigidities Empirical studies Assume that G has a unique Nash equilibrium. Examples: Prisoners’ dilemma Bertrand model with homogenous products and linear and identical costs Cournot model with homogenous products and linear demand and costs Then: A unique SPE of the finitely repeated game, in which the unique Nash equilibrium of G is played in every stage. Why? However, Kreps, Milgrom, Roberts, Wilson (aka “Gang of Four”) Rational cooperation in finitely repeated prisoners’ dilemma, J Econ Theory 27 (1982) 245–252 show how firms cooperate to sustain reputation for friendly behavior; Tirole 6.5. Relevant? Note that if G has multiple Nash equilibria, then a large set of SPEa; Benoit, Krishna, Finitely repeated games. Emca 53 (1985) 905–922 Infinitely repeated games 4820–2 Dynamic oligopoly I Geir B. Asheim Introduction Context Theory of repeated games Finitely repeated games Infinitely repeated games Application of repeated games Price rigidities Empirical studies Tacit collusion requires infinitely repeated interaction. A δ-discounted infinitely repeated game of G is an extensive game where G is played infinitely many times, where players can observes the actions of previous rounds and where the payoff function for player i is given by ui∗ ((at )) ∞ = (1 − δ) δ t−1 ui (at ) t=0 Important papers: Characterizing the set of SPEa for a given δ: Abreu, Extremal equilibria of oligopolistic supergames, J Econ Theory 39 (1986) 191–225; Abreu, On the theory of infinitely repeated games with discounding, Emca 56 (1988) 383–396 Characterizing the set of SPEa when δ → 1: Fudenberg, Maskin (1986) The folk theorem in repeated games with discounting and with incomplete information, Emca 54 (1986) 533–554 Application of repeated games 4820–2 Dynamic oligopoly I Geir B. Asheim Price competition Introduction Context Theory of repeated games Application of repeated games Price competition Quantity competition Price rigidities Empirical studies Quantity competition Is it true that collusion is facilitated by (Chamberlin, 1929) Fewer firms Shorter detection lags Symmetric firms What other factors facilitate collusion? Price competition (1) 4820–2 Dynamic oligopoly I Geir B. Asheim Introduction Context Theory of repeated games Firms 1 and 2 have constant unit cost c. In each stage, firms choose prices simultaneously. The chosen prices determine quantities in this stage and becomes observable for both firms before the next stage. Infinite number of stages. Payoff is profits discounted at constant discount factor δ ∈ (0, 1). Consider the following paths, where p ∈ (c, p m ]: (pt ) = (p, p), (p, p), . . . Application of repeated games (nt ) = (c, c), (c, c), . . . Price competition Quantity competition Price rigidities Empirical studies Result The simple strategy profile σ((pt ), (nt ), (nt )) is a subgame-perfect equilibrium if and only if δ ≥ 12 . Price competition (2) 4820–2 Dynamic oligopoly I Geir B. Asheim Introduction Context Theory of repeated games Application of repeated games Price competition Quantity competition Price rigidities Empirical studies Proof. Enough to consider unilateral one-period deviations. Why? Is a unilateral one-period deviation from (p, p) profitable? (1 − δ)(p − c)D(p) Supremum of payoff with deviation Not profitable if 1 − δ ≤ 1 2 ≤ 1 2 (p − c)D(p) Payoff without deviation or, equivalently, δ ≥ 12 . Is a unilateral one-period deviation from (c, c) profitable? Payoff with deviation is non-positive. Payoff without deviation equals zero. What if there are more than 2 firms? δ ≥ n−1 n Few firms and short detection lags facilitate collusion. Price competition – Asymmetric costs 4820–2 Dynamic oligopoly I Geir B. Asheim Firms 1 and 2 have constant unit cost c1 and c2 , where c1 < c2 . Consider the following paths, where p1m = arg maxp (p − c1 )D(p): (pt ) = (p1m , p1m ), (p1m , p1m ), . . . (nt ) = (c2 − , c2 ), (c2 − , c2 ), . . . Introduction Context Theory of repeated games Application of repeated games Price competition Quantity competition Price rigidities Empirical studies Since firm 1 will have positive profit, even after collusion has broken down, we obtain: Result The simple strategy profile σ((pt ), (nt ), (nt )) is a SPE if and only if δ ≥ δ where 12 < δ < 1. Hence, asymmetric costs can prevent collusion. But what if the firms agree on asymmetric market shares? Tirole, Exercise 6.5 Which firm gets the higher market share? Price competition – Fluctuating demand 4820–2 Dynamic oligopoly I Geir B. Asheim Introduction Low-demand D1 (p) with prob. 12 and high-demand D2 (p) with prob. 12 . Assume that D1 (p) < D2 (p) for all p with D2 (p) > 0. m Write Πm k = maxp (p − c)Dk (p) and pk = arg maxp (p − c)Dk (p) Consider the following paths: (pt ) = (pkm , pkm ), (pkm , pkm ), . . . Context Theory of repeated games Application of repeated games Price competition Quantity competition Price rigidities Empirical studies (nt ) = (c, c), (c, c), . . . Since the short run gain is higher when demand is high: Result The simple strategy profile σ((pt ), (nt ), (nt )) is a SPE 2Πm 1 2 2 if and only if δ ≥ δ where 2 < δ = 3Πm +Π m < 3. 2 1 1 2 < δ < δ? Rotemberg, Saloner, A supergame-theoretic model of business cycles and price wars during booms, Am Econ Rev 76 (1986) 390–407 What if Quantity competition (1) 4820–2 Dynamic oligopoly I Geir B. Asheim Introduction Context Theory of repeated games Firms 1 and 2 have constant unit cost c < 1. In each stage, firms choose quantities simultaneously, and P = 1 − q1 − q2 . The chosen quantities in this stage and becomes observable for both firms before the next stage. Infinite number of stages. Payoff is profits discounted at constant discount factor δ ∈ (0, 1). Consider the following paths: 1−c 1−c 1−c (qt ) = ( 1−c 4 , 4 ), ( 4 , 4 ), . . . Application of repeated games 1−c 1−c 1−c (nt ) = ( 1−c 3 , 3 ), ( 3 , 3 ), . . . Price competition Quantity competition Price rigidities Empirical studies Result The simple strategy profile σ((qt ), (nt ), (nt )) is a 9 . subgame-perfect equilibrium if and only if δ ≥ 17 Quantity competition (2) 4820–2 Dynamic oligopoly I Geir B. Asheim Introduction Context Theory of repeated games Application of repeated games Price competition Quantity competition Price rigidities Empirical studies Proof. Enough to consider unilateral one-period deviations. 1−c Is a unilateral one-period deviation from ( 1−c 4 , 4 ) profitable? 9 1 1 2 1 (1 − δ) 64 − 8 (1 − c) ≤ δ 8 − 9 (1 − c)2 Short run gain Long run loss 1 1 Not profitable if (1 − δ) 64 ≤ δ 72 or, equivalently, δ ≥ 9 17 . 1−c Is a unilateral one-period deviation from ( 1−c 3 , 3 ) profitable? No, Nash equilibrium in the stage game. (n+1)2 −4n (n+1)2 −16n2 /(n+1)2 What if there are more than 2 firms? δ ≥ Few firms and short detection lags facilitate collusion. Price rigidities 4820–2 Dynamic oligopoly I Geir B. Asheim Introduction Context Theory of repeated games Application of repeated games Price rigidities Empirical studies How to formalize the kinked-demand-curve story? → Tirole 6.4 & 6.7.2. → Covered later. What is the effect of a “meet-the-competition” clause? What is the effect of a “most-favored-nation” clause? Empirical studies of collusion 4820–2 Dynamic oligopoly I Geir B. Asheim The railroad cartel Porter, Bell J Econ 1983 Ellison, RAND J Econ 1994 Introduction Context Theory of repeated games Application of repeated games Price rigidities Collusion among petrol stations Slade, Rev Econ Stud 1992 Collusion in the soft-drink market: prices and advertising Gasmi et al., J Econ & Manag Strat 1992 Empirical studies Collusion in procurement auctions Porter, Zona, J Pol Econ 1993 (road construction) Pesendorfer, Rev Econ Stud 2000 (school milk)