Fisheries Research 37 (1998) 77±95 On the effect on cod and herring ®sheries of retuning the Revised Management Procedure for minke whaling in the greater Barents Sea Tore Schwedera,*, Gro S. Hagenb, Einar Hatlebakkc a Department of Economics, University of Oslo, Box 1095, Blindern, 0317 Oslo, Norway b Norwegian Computing Center, 0317 Oslo, Norway c Statens Datasentral, 0317 Oslo, Norway Abstract In a model with four species ± cod, capelin, herring and minke whales ± the ®sh populations are age and length distributed, while the minke whale is age and sex distributed. The time step is one month, and there are two areas (The Barents Sea and parts of the Norwegian Sea). There is a food-web with minke whales as top predators, consuming herring, capelin and cod according to a non-linear consumption function in available prey abundance. The consumption function for minke whales is roughly estimated. The opportunistic minke whale may forage on plankton and other ®sh than cod, capelin or herring, and is thus, modelled as having carrying capacity and demographic parameters independent of the status of the ®sh stocks in the model. The ®sh-®sheries are managed by ®xed VPA-based ®shing mortalities (cod and herring) and Captool (capelin), while minke whaling is managed according to the RMP of the IWC. The model is stochastic in ®sh recruitment and in survey indices for minke whales. The model is simulated over 100-year periods in a number of scenarios spanned by nine experimental factors. The core of the experimental design is an orthogonal array with 27 points. The primary study variable is the tuning of the RMP, and the response variables are catches and stock sizes of cod, herring and minke whale. The responses are taken as yearly means over the last 90 years of the period. When the tuning of the RMP is changed from the current level of targeting the ®nal stock at 72% of carrying capacity to 60%, the annual catch of whales increases with some 300 animals, while the annual catch of cod increases with some 0.1 million ton on the average. For herring, no clear main effect was found on catch or mortality rate. The catch of cod is estimated to increase in annual mean with some 6 ton with a mean reduction in the whale stock of one animal. The results concerning the effects on the cod and herring ®sheries must be taken as tentative since the ecosystem model used could be improved, and so could the strategies for managing the ®sheries. The study exempli®es how scenario experimentation can be used as a tool for investigating the properties of ®shery management regimes. # 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Scenario; Experiment; Simulation; Multispecies model 1. Introduction Sea mammals are important in the northeastern Atlantic ecosystem. The number of minke whales is *Corresponding author. 0165-7836/98/$19.00 # 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII S0165-7836(98)00128-3 estimated to be around 85 000 north of 658N in 1995, and their total consumption is estimated to be around 1.4 million ton biomass yearly, (Haug et al., 1996 personal communication). Harp seals, Greenland seals, great baleen whales and toothed whales are also important top predators in this ecosystem. 78 T. Schweder et al. / Fisheries Research 37 (1998) 77±95 Will the ®shermen be able to take more cod, capelin and herring if the stocks of sea mammals are reduced? How much more if whaling is regulated by the management procedure developed by the Scienti®c Committee of the IWC, but tuned to another target than its present level? We investigate this for minke whales by running scenario experiments in a multi-species and multi-¯eet model roughly tailored to the ®sheries and ecosystem of the Barents and the Norwegian Sea. The multi-¯eet nature of the ®shery is modelled as in Hagen et al. (1997). The conclusions obtained in this study are not meant as ®nal ®ndings. There is substantial room for improvement in the ecosystem model used as the operating model in the simulations. Rather than settle the debate over whether regulated whaling could be bene®cial for ®sh-®sheries, our aim is to demonstrate how scenario experimentation can be used to shed light on this and other management issues, and to present a tentative analysis. The use of uncertainty factors and scenario experiments are not without their dif®culties. When data are unavailable and uncertainty simply is ignorance, it will be dif®cult to obtain plausibility ranges. In such cases, the levels of the uncertainty factors will have to rely on guesswork. It is desirable that the degree of plausibility is about even across uncertainty factors, say with the range having `plausibility' 95%. It is also desirable to have the models parameterized such that the main effects of the factors on the central output variables are as linear as possible. This is because we will use linear statistical models when estimating the effects of the factors involved, with focus on the experimental factors. The choice of criterion or output variable might also be dif®cult to make. In our case, the long term yield in the cod and herring ®sheries, and the corresponding stock sizes are of primary interest. The yield from whaling is also of interest. 1.1. Scenario experimentation The core of the bio-dynamic model is a system with cod, capelin and herring. Fisheries on cod and herring are carried out according to catch limits based on target ®shing mortality and VPA-assessments, while Captool (Tjelmeland and Bogstad, 1998) is used to determine ®shing mortality for capelin. The minke whale stock is age and sex speci®c, and it has an autonomous population dynamics speci®ed by the IWC (more precisely its Scienti®c Committee) for the purpose of performing implementation trials for the Revised Management Procedure (RMP) for north Atlantic minke whales, see International Whaling Commission (1993). We use the program developed by IWC. Whaling is regulated by the RMP, see International Whaling Commission (1994), but not necessarily with the same tuning as currently used by the Norwegian Government in calculating catch limits for minke whales (Target level 0.72K, i.e. 72% of carrying capacity; Internal protection level 0.54K). This procedure takes as input the historical catch series, and 5-yearly abundance estimates (on the summer feeding grounds) and their measured uncertainty. The output is a yearly quota that is in force until a new abundance estimate arrives. We assume that whales are removed according to the quotas. The RMP is tuned by two parameters which determine the long-term equilibrium level of the whale stock Scenario modeling and experimentation are discussed in general terms in Hagen et al. (1997). The basic idea is to have a dynamic model of the process to be studied. This model is conditioned to available data as well as possible, in the sense that parameters are estimated or matched to data. Understood stochastic variability in the process, like stochasticity in yearclass strength is modelled in probabilistic terms. This could also apply to estimated parameters, where the estimation uncertainty is available in the format of Bayesian posterior distributions. When uncertainty is associated with lack of data and knowledge instead of sampling variability or understood stochasticity, the parameter in question is treated as an uncertainty factor in the computer experiments. For these parameters, plausibility ranges with midpoints are sought. The uncertainty factor is allowed to vary over the three levels LOW, MID and HIGH, determined by the plausibility ranges obtained. In the computer experiments, the uncertainty factors are combined with the factors that specify the management regime governing the system. These factors are called speci®cation factors. In the present application, tuning of the catch limit algorithm for whaling will be the speci®cation factor. 1.2. An overview of the model T. Schweder et al. / Fisheries Research 37 (1998) 77±95 Our main interest is in the effect of whaling on the other ®sheries. Our approach is, therefore, to tune the RMP over a relatively broad spectrum, to see how the ®sheries perform under the various regimes of whaling. With this focus we experiment with three different strategies for managing the ®sheries on herring, cod and capelin. Recruitment in ®sh is a most important natural factor determining the status of the ®sh stocks. The parameters of the recruitment functions are hard to estimate, and are treated as uncertainty factors. In addition, stochasticity is incorporated in the recruitment process. For whales, we include uncertainty factors in the parameters maximum sustainable yield rate (MSYR), carrying capacity (K), bias in absolute abundance estimates of whales (BIAS), and in two parameters regulating the predator±prey relationship between whales and ®sh. 2. The scenario model The basic structure of the scenario model we use is as follows. The ecological system consists of herring, capelin, cod and minke whales. There are two areas (the Barents Sea and parts of the Norwegian Sea), and the time step is one month. Recruitment is stochastic for the ®sh stocks but deterministic for minke whales. Except stochasticity with positive correlation in recruitment between herring and cod, recruitment for each species depends only on spawning stock of the species. Except for predation, individual natural mortality is independent of the state of the system. In the model, the minke whale prey on herring, capelin and cod. The cod prey on young cod (cannibalism), herring and capelin, the herring prey on young capelin while the capelin is at the bottom. The dynamics of the model is explained in broad terms in the following. For the ®sh-®sheries model a more extensive presentation is given in Hagen et al. (1997). 2.1. Stock size and distribution 2.1.1. Minke whales Since the minke whale is an opportunistic predator, it may switch to plankton or to food items outside our 79 model if herring, capelin and cod are in short supply. We, therefore, assume that the population dynamics of the minke whale is independent of stock status of herring, capelin and cod. In practical terms this means that the minke whale is modelled in a separate module, and its trajectory with respect to population and yield is simulated before the ®sh model is simulated ± with mortality caused by simulated ®shermen and minke whales, in addition to excess natural mortality. In a more realistic model zoo-plankton and `other ®sh' would be included in the ecosystem model, and the dynamics of the minke whale would be dependent on the abundance of all its prey items. However, with respect to our main question, the lack of realism due to minke whale dynamics being independent of the status of herring, capelin and cod should be a minor concern. The stock size of the minke whale is determined by the carrying capacity and the past catches together with mortality and fertility parameters. These latter demographic parameters are discussed below. We use the IWC model, MANA4, as documented in International Whaling Commission (1993). In this model there are three stocks of minke whales with a total of 10 substocks covering the whole north Atlantic. We will be concerned only with the eastern stock in the present study. The substocks do have the same demographic parameters, but they are allowed to differ in their carrying capacities. The Greater Barents Sea stock, EBES, has carrying capacities regulated by an uncertainty parameter, K. K is thus included in the experimental design, but not as a three level uncertainty factor as most of the other parameters/factors. A closer description of K in the design is given below (Section 3). The minke whales in our model belong to one substock which is evenly distributed between the two feeding areas, the Barents Sea and the Norwegian Sea. The parameters for carrying capacity in the IWC program we use refer to mature females. The numerical values for the mature female carrying capacities of the substocks are calculated by assuming that 27% of the total stock consists of mature females. The yearly temporal distribution is determined by the population dynamics of the model. In addition, the minke whale has a seasonal distribution. The minke whales migrate to its feeding ground in spring, and return to their breeding grounds in the autumn. We assume that the minke whales are present on the 80 T. Schweder et al. / Fisheries Research 37 (1998) 77±95 feeding grounds north of 658N during April±October, and absent during November±March. The number of whales in the model at the start of the simulation period is taken to be the number of whales estimated north of 658N, based on the July 1995 survey (Schweder et al., 1997): 85 000 minke whales. 2.1.2. Fish For cod, herring and capelin, the initial stock sizes are speci®ed as the abundance estimates based on VPA for the year 1993, as in Hagen et al. (1997). 2.2. Recruitment 2.2.1. Minke whale The minke whale recruit according to a Pella± Tomlinson production function with MSYL0.6K, as de®ned in International Whaling Commission (1993). The parameter regulating the productivity of the stock is the maximum sustainable yield rate per year, MSYR. We use this as an uncertainty parameter. Parallel to the carrying capacity parameter K, MSYR is included in the experimental design. As experimental parameters, MSYR and K are linked together, and a closer description is given in Section 3. 2.2.2. Fish All three ®sh species have Beverton±Holt recruitment. The recruitment level for cod and herring are used as experimental factors. The factors, named RCOD and RHER, are de®ned as multiplicative parameters to the Beverton±Holt function, and the plausibility range is 10% of the reference value for both parameters. Recruitment in cod and herring is in¯uenced by oceanographic and ecological factors that are likely to produce exceptionally good year classes in the same years for both species about 10 years apart. This is roughly modelled by stochastically drawing good common years for the two species, at least 5 years apart and with a mean distance of 10 years. More details of ®sh recruitment are laid out in Appendix A. 2.3. Mortality in excess of predation and fishing mortality Minke whales have a piecewise linear natural mortality rate increasing from 0.085 at age 4 to 0.115 at age 20, with ¯at mortality above and below this interval. For cod and herring, we set the excess mortality rate at 0.05, while for capelin there is no natural mortality in excess of that caused by minke whales, cod, herring and man. However, for capelin we have spawning mortality, which means that a certain fraction of the mature stock dies immediately after spawning. In the present study, the spawning mortality for capelin is set to 100%. The excess mortality we use might be on the low side. It was, however, necessary to limit the excess mortality in our model, since in several scenarios the minke whale stock grew high and the mortality caused by these whales was substantial. In Hagen et al. (1997), the value 0.2 was used for cod, but in that application cod was the top predator, except for man. 2.4. Predation Minke whales, cod and herring are predators, while capelin, herring and small cod act as prey. In the following, the predation is brie¯y described, while predation formulas are given in the Appendix A. 2.4.1. Minke whales Minke whales prey on herring, capelin and cod, and the whale's diet is determined by availability of the three ®sh components. Due to migratory patterns and ®sh behavior, we assume that there is a limited overlap between the prey species and the minke whale. The predation functions are estimated from data on ®sh stock abundance and stomach content. We have chosen the two most important parameters from the predation model (Appendix A), H and C, as uncertainty factors. The midpoints are as estimated from data and the rather arbitrary plausibility range is the multiplicative interval from half the midpoint to twice the midpoint for both factors. This corresponds basically to the switching in the consumption being half as sharp, or twice as sharp as at the reference level. Fig. 1 displays partial consumption plots. 2.4.2. Fish How cod is preying on (young) cod, herring and capelin is speci®ed in Hagen et al. (1997), where the predation pattern is estimated from stomach data. Herring prey on juvenile capelin when present in T. Schweder et al. / Fisheries Research 37 (1998) 77±95 81 Fig. 1. Partial effects on minke whale's consumption of herring and cod, of varying available cod and herring biomass from 0% to 200% of median observed level. For the two upper and the lower left panel, H is varied from low to high value. At bottom right C is varied. the Barents Sea. We model this as impaired recruitment in capelin in years when herring and capelin overlap, see Appendix A. The strength of this effect is not well known. Our results are not insensitive to how the herring capelin interaction is modelled and uncertainty in the herring capelin interaction induces uncertainty in our results concerning the relationship between whaling and ®shing. 2.5. Observational regime 2.5.1. Minke whales There are two parameters for the observational regime for minke whales: the bias in the 5-yearly abundance estimates, and their coef®cients of variation. The survey noise constants that regulate the coef®cients of variation are set to values roughly 82 T. Schweder et al. / Fisheries Research 37 (1998) 77±95 matching the estimated coef®cients of variation of the abundance estimates obtained from the 1995 survey, see Schweder et al. (1997). The bias in the absolute abundance estimate is taken as an uncertainty factor with three levels: We set BIAS ÿ40% 0 40% 2.5.2. Fish In the VPA assessments, survey indices are used. These indices are described in Hagen et al. (1997). In the present study, we assume that these indices are linear and unbiased and without error. 2.6. Management regimes 2.6.1. Minke whales For whaling, quotas will be set by the RMP method of the IWC, as it is implemented in the IWC program MANA4, see International Whaling Commission (1993). For technical reasons, the substocks of MANA4, ES and EB, are associated with our feeding areas, the Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea, respectively. The catch limits are calculated for each of ES and EB separately (no catch cascading), and whales are removed according to the catch limits. The RMP is tuned to three different levels. This is taken to be the main experimental factor, and is called TUNING. There are two tuning parameters, internal protection level (IPL) and the probability of the quantile (PROB) of the posterior distribution of a quantity related to the replacement yield used as the catch limit. Both parameters are technical. The values of the tuning parameters are chosen to meet target values in a reference scenario with maximum sustainable yield relative to the mature female component being 1%. At TUNINGLOW, IPL54% and the target stock size after 100 years of managed exploitation is 72% of K. At MEDIUM and HIGH levels, IPL50% and PROB is chosen to make target stock size 66% and 60%, respectively. The order of this speci®cation is that TUNING on high level means high catches, relative to the medium and low levels. 2.6.2. Fish Cod and herring are managed by quotas calculated to make ®shing mortality meet ®xed target values. A VPA routine with Laurec±Shepherd tuning is used to Table 1 Target fishing mortality rates for cod and herring Experimental factor SFISH Cod Herring L M H 0.45 0.60 0.45 0.2 0.2 0.35 calculate the quotas, see Hagen et al. (1997). The ®sh management is taken as a factor, F, with three levels. At each level, the Captool method with a reserved spawning stock of capelin of 500 000 ton is used to manage the capelin. For cod and herring, ®xed values of F are used according to Table 1. 3. Experimental design and levels for uncertainty factors In Table 2 the factors of the experiment are speci®ed. Some of the factors are complex, and are further speci®ed in Tables 1, 3 and 4. Most of the factors are described in the previous chapter, and we will now give only a description of the experimental values for the two parameters MSYR and K. The parameter choices for these parameters are a result of ®tting a likelihood function to historical data (unpublished note: STAT/11/97, Norwegian Computing Center). It turned out that the log likelihood, as a function of MSYR and K, was a surface with a maximum point and a banana shaped contour at the 90% plausibility level. The parameter values for Table 2 BIAS is relative bias in absolute abundance estimates for minke whales Experimental Name factors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MSYR H C BIAS K RCOD RHER FISH TUNING Levels Reference L M H 0.593 0.831 0.6 1.186 1.662 1 2.372 3.324 1.4 0.9 0.9 1 1 1.1 1.1 Table 3 Table 3 Table 1 Table 4 T. Schweder et al. / Fisheries Research 37 (1998) 77±95 83 Table 3 Relation between the artificial factors W and L, and the experimental parameters MSYR (TRUE MSY RATE) and the carrying capacity K Artifcial factors Exp. parameter Initial mature female stock W L MSYR K ES EB MSY L L L M M M H H H L M H L M H L M H 0.0078 0.0155 0.0213 0.0015 0.0163 0.0280 0.0095 0.0171 0.0225 107 000 82 000 69 000 140 000 90 000 65 000 120 000 97 000 81 000 4020 2948 2546 5360 3350 2412 4556 3618 2948 24 656 19 028 15 946 32 169 20 770 15 008 27 604 22 378 18 760 501 763 882 126 880 1092 684 995 1094 MSYR is relative to the 1 stock. The unit for K, initial mature female stock and MSY0.6MSYRK is 1 whale. Table 4 Parameters governing the RMP PPROB IPL L M H 0.423 0.54 0.45 0.50 0.51 0.50 the pair (MSYR,K) have been chosen to be at the maximum point (reference point) and in 8 points on the 90% contour, see Fig. 2. A simultaneous plausi- bility range of 90% corresponds roughly to both parameters having a plausibility range of 95%. When ®tting the likelihood function, only the Greater Barents Sea stock (substocks ES and EB) was included, and so the experimental part of the carrying capacity K is the sum of the values for these two substocks. The two substocks EN and EC were held at constant carrying capacities 40 000 and 8000, respectively, and for technical reasons these values will be used in the present experiment as well, but will not Fig. 2. Contours of the log-likelihood function used to determine the experimental design in MSYR and K. The inner contour represents a 90% plausibility region, and is approximately spanned by the eight chosen points. The inner point is the maximum likelihood estimate. 84 T. Schweder et al. / Fisheries Research 37 (1998) 77±95 in¯uence the results. For MSYR the parameter value is the realized maximum increase rate relative to the 1 stock without whaling, and it is given as `TRUE MSY RATE' to the MANA4 program. We have previously based our scenario experiments on design matrices that are orthogonal in the main effects (concepts and techniques of experimental design are presented by Box et al. (1978)). In the present experiment this is not possible, because MSYR and K are de®ned simultaneously. Instead, we base the experimental design on an orthogonal array design when de®ning the scenarios. To do this, we introduce two arti®cial experimental factors, W and L, both having three levels (LOW, MED and HIGH), and when de®ning the scenarios the experimental parameters MSYR and K are substituted by the two arti®cial factors. In the simulations (and the analysis), each point of (W, L) corresponds to a speci®ed set of values for (MSYR, K). Table 3 displays the relation between (W, L) and (MSYR, K), while Table 5 shows the set of scenarios that will be simulated in this experiment. The production model has the level of maximum sustainable yield at MSYL0.6K. The maximum sustainable yield is thus MSY 0.6KMSYR, which is given in Table 3 for ease of interpretation. Each of the scenarios speci®ed in Table 5 was simulated in two replicates. The experimental design and the number of replicates is minimal, at least by the standards of previous scenario experiments related to the RMP carried out within IWC. However, our interest is in mean response of ®sheries to increased whaling and not on the potential for severe depletion. As will be seen in the Section 4 our minimal design is suf®cient to allow conclusions to be made ± conditional on the assumptions made. Table 5 Orthogonal array design for the experiment No. W H C BIAS L RCOD RHER SFISH TUNING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 L L L L L L L L L M M M M M M M M M H H H H H H H H H L L L M M M H H H L L L M M M H H H L L L M M M H H H L L L M M M H H H M M M H H H L L L H H H L L L M M M L L L M M M H H H H H H L L L M M M M M M H H H L L L L M H L M H L M H L M H L M H L M H L M H L M H L M H L M H L M H L M H M H L M H L M H L H L M H L M H L M L M H L M H L M H H L M H L M H L M M H L M H L M H L 1 3 3 2 3 1 3 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 2 L M H M H L H L M M H L H L M L M H H L M L M H M H L The levels for SFISH are labeled 1, 2 and 3 not implying any order. T. Schweder et al. / Fisheries Research 37 (1998) 77±95 4. Results For each response variable, regression analysis has been used to summarize the results. As predictors we use the experimental factors as categorical covariates and the experimental parameters MSYR (in %) and K (in unit 1000 whales) are used as numerical covariates. The descriptive models are ®tted with a constant term. The categorical covariates are coded as treatment factors, with their medium level (M or 2) as reference category. There are, thus, two parameters associated with the main effect of each of these covariates. With an orthogonal array design, regression coef®cients for different main effects are uncorrelated. Due to the inclusion of MSYR and K as numerical covariates `outside' the orthogonal design, we must, however, expect some correlations. For an orthogonal array design with 27 points for nine 3-level factors, interactions cannot be estimated when all the factors are included with main effects. 4.1. Cod 4.1.1. Mean yearly catches Fig. 3 shows marginal effects plot for mean catch of cod over 90 years. For each categorical factor, and for 85 each level of these factors, the mean value over the simulation period and over scenarios with the factor at the given level, is shown. In addition, the mean value for each level of the product MSY is shown to the right. For TUNING, the expected order is that at low level, the whale stock will grow higher and compete more strongly with cod and also consume more cod, and so the ordering is expected to be from low to high level. We observe that the simulation results have the expected order. This is also true for the factors C and BIAS. When C is on low level, the whale's preference for cod (and capelin) is low, and the cod stock will grow larger, so the expected order of the mean catches is from high to low level. When BIAS is on low level, the whale stock is estimated too low, the catches will be lower and the stock will grow higher. The low values of MSY occur when MSYR is low. Then the RMP will keep the whale stock at a reduced level, while with MSYR higher than 1%, the stock will approach levels closer to carrying capacity. This is seen from Fig. 6. The reduction in catches of cod when MSY increases is thus an effect of an increased whale abundance. The ®tted descriptive model includes the factors TUNING, MSYR, K, BIAS, C and SFISH. In addition to the main effects, the descriptive model also includes Fig. 3. Marginal effects plot for mean annual cod catch (in million tons). 86 T. Schweder et al. / Fisheries Research 37 (1998) 77±95 Table 6 Effects on the cod fisherya of tuning the RMP Intercept TUNING L Value 2.711 Std. e 1.079 H MSYR K BIAS L ÿ0.069 0.041 ÿ1.490 ÿ1.353 0.294 0.026 0.026 15.692 0.800 0.186 SFISH kC MSY H BIASkC H L H L LL HL LH HH 0.256 0.110 0.266 0.110 0.231 0.186 0.030 ÿ0.027 ÿ0.137 ÿ0.519 ÿ0.009 ÿ0.427 ÿ0.406 0.026 0.026 0.029 0.287 0.075 0.270 0.287 a Regression results: mean yearly cod catches. For categorical covariates, for MSYR, K and MSY when multiplied by the covariate, the unit is million ton, R20.87. the interaction effect MSY, and that between C and BIAS, see Table 6. The main effect of tuning the RMP up from a target of 72% to a target of 60% is an increase in yearly cod catches of about 0.1 million ton, see Table 6, where the estimated contrast in TUNING is 0.110.041ÿ (ÿ0.069). The relative increase will, however, depend on the values of MSYR and K, because they will always contribute to the expected value. The main effects of MSYR and K are not signi®cant, but the interaction effect MSY is highly signi®cant. 4.1.2. Mean stock size We would expect the whale factors (TUNING, C, BIAS) to have similar effect on the mean cod stock compared to the effect on the cod catches. Fig. 4 shows the marginal effects over all levels of the categorical covariates, and we observe that the simulated results coincides with our expectations. The ®tted descriptive model includes the terms TUNING, MSYR, K, C, BIAS and RCOD, and also the interaction effect MSY, see Table 7. The main reason for the relatively modest R20.64 is a very low response value in one of the scenarios (one of the replicates of scenario number 20, see Table 5), which the regression model is not capable to re¯ect. The reason for the low response value in this simulation is a total collapse of the cod stock after a period of 50 years. The fact that TUNING was at low value in this scenario and the levels of MSYR and K were such that the number of whales would be relatively high throughout the simulation period while the levels of H and C would make the per whale consumption of cod relatively high, might hint that the cod stock in the Fig. 4. Marginal effects plot for mean annual cod stock (in million ton). T. Schweder et al. / Fisheries Research 37 (1998) 77±95 87 Table 7 Effects on the cod stocka of tuning the RMP Intercept TUNING Value Std. error 2.596 0.751 MSYR L H ÿ0.262 0.101 0.036 0.101 53.035 24.546 K MSY 0.126 0.547 C ÿ0.189 0.042 BIAS RCOD L H L H L H 0.185 0.101 ÿ0.127 0.101 ÿ0.070 0.101 0.252 0.101 ÿ0.208 0.106 ÿ0.005 0.106 a Regression results: mean stock size (cod). For categorical covariates, for MSYR, K and MSY when multiplied by the covariate, the unit is million ton, R20.64. model is quite sensitive to the number and behavior of the minke whales. The sensitivity of the northeast Arctic cod to the status of the minke whale stock is a major research issue that is not pursued in the present paper. When studying the coef®cient estimates we observe some obvious unreasonable results. The main effects of both MSYR and K are estimated positive, which contradicts our intuition. The interaction effect is, however, negative, and more than compensates for the positive main effects for all simulated pairs (MSYR,K). The reason for this peculiarity is the strong linkage between those two experimental parameters. Large MSYR-values are simulated only in combination with small K-values (and vice versa), and therefore, the main effects will be hidden. Interpreting the coef®cient estimates further, tuning the RMP to the most protective level (TUNING on low level) will result in a mean cod stock that are approximately 0.26 million ton lower than if any of the two other tuning targets were used. It is no signi®cant difference for the two higher levels. A positive bias in the abundance estimates for whale (BIAS on high level) will also result in a signi®cantly higher mean cod stock. The interpretation is that increased whale catches as a result of the high abundance estimates, has a positive effect on the cod stock. From Table 7 we observe that the main effect of MSYR is signi®cant on 5%, but as discussed above we are convinced that this effect is spurious and due to the experimental design. 4.2. Herring 4.2.1. Mean yearly catches Table 8 shows the result of ®tting the preferred descriptive model with mean yearly catch of herring as the response variable. A model consisting of H as the only explanatory variable has R20.74. The preferred regression model is quite good, having R20.88. The effect of TUNING seems to be somewhat strange, since both the low and the high level has positive main effects and as such result in higher yearly herring catches than when TUNING is on medium level. From the standard errors we observe, however, that none of the effects are signi®cant at 5% level, but the effect of TUNING on high level is signi®cant at 10%. A possible interpretation could then be that when the RMP is tuned towards the least protective level (TUNING on high level), the main effect is a slight increase in mean yearly herring catches, while there is no signi®cant difference between the two lower TUNING levels. From the coef®cient table we can also observe that the Table 8 Effects on the herringa fishery of tuning the RMP Intercept Value Std. error a 1.024 0.283 TUNING MSYR L H 0.055 0.039 0.072 0.039 13.458 9.156 K ÿ0.027 0.207 MSY ÿ0.066 0.015 H L H 0.228 0.039 ÿ0.411 0.039 Regression results: mean yearly herring catches. For categorical covariates, for MSYR, K and MSY when multiplied by the covariate, the unit is million tons, R20.88. 88 T. Schweder et al. / Fisheries Research 37 (1998) 77±95 Table 9 Effects on the herring stocka of tuning the RMP Intercept Value Std. error 8.069 3.051 TUNING MSYR L H 0.528 0.404 1.022 0.404 298.037 102.628 K 2.295 2.236 MSY ÿ0.982 0.172 RHER H L H L H 4.86 0.404 ÿ3.982 0.404 ÿ0.043 0.424 1.206 0.418 a Regression results: mean stock size (herring). For categorical covariates, for MSYR, K and MSY when multiplied by the covariate, the unit is million tons, R20.93. main effects of MSYR and K are far from being signi®cant, which once more most probably is due to the experimental design. The interaction effect MSY is, however, both signi®cant and it is negative, as expected. 4.2.2. Mean stock size Similar to the herring catches, the mean stock size is mainly affected by the whale's preference for herring, H. The preferred descriptive model for mean herring stock is similar to the model describing the catches, except for the inclusion of the herring recruitment factor, RHER. When this factor is on high level, the result is a signi®cant increase in the mean herring stock size. The coef®cient estimates for the ®tted regression model is given in Table 9, and most of the comments concerning the model for herring catches are also relevant for this model. The ®tted model has R20.93, and ®ts the data very well. 4.3. Capelin Capelin stock and catches are mainly affected by the large ¯uctuations in capelin recruitment. That capelin also is managed by the Captool approach, allowing the ®shermen to take whatever is estimated of the capelin stock when a suf®cient amount is reserved for the cod to feed on and as spawning stock, makes the relationship weak between yearly capelin catches or mean stock size on the one hand and of our experimental factors on the other. From a marginal plot one can get the impression that the management strategy for cod and herring (SFISH) will have large explanatory effect. We have tried to ®t a model based on this impression, but unlike the herring responses, the apparent marginal effect does not result in any explanatory power. All our alternative regression models resulted in R2-values less than 0.3, and consequently, none of the models were acceptable for describing an eventual relation between the capelin catches (or stock size) and the experimental factors and parameters. 4.4. Minke whales For the whale responses, the only relevant covariates are TUNING, BIAS, MSYR and K, and combinations thereof like MSY. The reason is that these are the only covariates that concern the MANA4-program, which is used to simulate the whale stock. 4.4.1. Mean yearly catches In Fig. 5 the marginal effects on the mean yearly whale catches are shown. TUNING on low level represents the most protective tuning of the RMP procedure, and the order of the marginal effects are from low to high level. Also for the BIAS factor, the order of the marginal effects are from low to high. This is as expected, since BIAS on low level means that the abundance estimates are negatively biased and so the result is lower quotas (and thus lower catches). Normally we would expect the order of the marginal effects of both MSYR and K to be from low to high level. From the marginal effect plot we observe that this is not the case in the present experiment. The reason for the apparent opposite effect of the carrying capacity factor K is once more the link between the two factors. When K is high the MSYR is very low, and the result is that the whale stock decreases until reaching a minimum before it starts to grow again. The catches start to decrease when the stock size gets under a limit (dependent on the tuning of the RMP), and there is not any increase in the catches during the T. Schweder et al. / Fisheries Research 37 (1998) 77±95 89 Fig. 5. Marginal effects plot for mean annual whale catch (in number of whales). simulation period in any of the de®ned scenarios. The result is that the mean yearly catches over the total simulation period gets low for this combination of the MSYR and K parameters. The four relevant factors are all included in the ®tted regression model, which has R20.92. From Table 10 we observe that the main effects of TUNING and BIAS are as expected. The low level results in lower catches and the high level in higher catches, than does the reference (middle) level. The negative main effects for MSYR and K are for almost all combinations in the design more than neutralized by a large and positive interaction effect. The ®tted model states that TUNING on low level results in a mean yearly catch (quota) that is 151 animals less than the reference level, while TUNING on high level has a mean yearly catch that is 169 animals higher than the reference level. The estimated mean difference in the yearly quota is thus more than 300 animals between the two extreme levels. 4.4.2. Mean stock size TUNING and BIAS have opposite marginal effects on the stock size, compared to the catches. The reason is of course that lower catches result in a larger stock, and vice versa. Fig. 6 shows the marginal effect plot, and we can observe that the effects of TUNING and BIAS are smaller on the stock size than they are on the catches (compared to the range of simulated values). Further we would expect MSYR and K to have similar effects on stock size and catches, and as we can see from the ®gure the expectation was correct. This means that even if the experimental design has been chosen in such a way that the real main effects are hidden, the apparent main effects are similar for the two responses. Table 10 Effects on the whale catchesa of tuning the RMP Intercept Value Std. error a 206 241 TUNING MSYR L H ÿ151 33 169 33 ÿ25 326 7 794 K ÿ75 176 MSY 102 13 BIAS L H ÿ323 33 248 33 Regression results: mean yearly whale catches. For categorical covariates, for MSYR, K and MSY when multiplied by the covariate, the unit is number of whales, R20.92. 90 T. Schweder et al. / Fisheries Research 37 (1998) 77±95 Fig. 6. Marginal effects plot for mean annual whale stock (in number of whales). The four factors are all included in the ®tted model, and the model includes both the obvious interaction effect between MSYR and K, and an interaction effect between TUNING and BIAS. Table 11 shows the coef®cient estimates, and the ®tted model has R20.94. We observe that the main effect of managing the whale stock according to the most protective level is an increase in mean stock size of approximately 9000 animals, while there is no signi®cant difference in mean stock size between the two higher TUNING levels. 4.5. Cod and herring catches versus whale stock To investigate further the direct effect of the whale stock on cod and herring ®sheries, we have ®tted linear models with number of whales in the Barents Sea as an additional explanatory variable, using unit ton for the catches of ®sh and unit whale for the whale stock. 4.5.1. Cod catches The model for cod catches includes the mean number of individuals in the whale stock over the period (called WHALE), the cod recruitment (RCOD) and the whale's preference for cod and capelin (C). Table 12 displays the regression results. From this table one can observe that the main effect on cod catches from one whale is estimated to be a reduction of about 6.5 ton, and the standard deviation tells that the effect is signi®cant. The main effects of the whale's preference for cod and capelin are not signi®cant, while the interaction effect between C and WHALE tells that when the whale has a high preference for cod and capelin the cod catches are further Table 11 Effects on the whale stocka of tuning the RMP Intercept Value 87 239 Std. error 13 740 a TUNING MSYR L H 9164 3320 503 3272 K ÿ4 079 533 ÿ15 844 472 017 10 285 MSY 14 193 792 BIAS TUNING BIAS L H LL HL LH HH 14 106 3272 ÿ3670 3320 ÿ12 299 4742 ÿ4596 4610 ÿ1441 4711 ÿ14 004 4743 Regression results: mean stock size (whale). For categorical covariates, for MSYR, K and MSY when multiplied by the covariate, the unit is number of whales, R20.94. T. Schweder et al. / Fisheries Research 37 (1998) 77±95 91 Table 12 Regression results with number of whales as a covariate (cod catches vs. whale stock) Intercept Value Std. error 1 332 070 92 733 WHALE ÿ6.57 0.76 RCOD C WHALE C L H L H WHALEL WHALEH ÿ75 087 186 343 233 991 136 174 ÿ718 48 25 922 37 397 26 690 1.46 1.49 ÿ2.39 1.10 Table 13 Regression results with number of whales as a covariate (herring catches vs. whale stock) Intercept Value Std. error 1 205 643 123 884 WHALE ÿ3.90 0.99 RHER H WHALEkH L H L H WHALEL WHALEH ÿ155 408 151 341 231 602 146 815 ÿ33 722 21766 57 134 22 099 3.12 1.22 ÿ5.21 1.18 reduced. The recruitment covariate is signi®cant on low level. The model has R20.85. 4.5.2. Herring catches The model for herring catches looks similar to the model for cod catches, including the whale stock (WHALE), the whale's preference for herring (H) and the herring recruitment (RHER). The regression results are given in Table 13. This table shows that the estimated main effect on herring catches from one whale is a reduction of 3.9 ton, and the standard deviation shows that the effect is signi®cant. The estimated interaction effects show that when the preference for herring is on low level, the main effect is nulli®ed while when the preference is on high level the reduction is increased by approximately 130%. As for the cod catches, the main effects of the preference covariate (H) are not signi®cant. The recruitment covariate is signi®cant on high level, and the model has R20.96. 5. Discussion The title of this paper is ``On the effect on cod and herring ®sheries of retuning the revised management procedure for minke whaling in the Greater Barents Sea''. So, what are the conclusions of this simulation experiment? In our model, and in the region of parameter space that has been explored, the picture is clear: the higher the whale stock, the stronger the predation pressure on herring and cod, and the smaller the long term catches of cod and herring. For the cod ®shery, it is bene®cial to manage minke whaling with RMP tuned to the 60% target value. For herring catches, the effect of tuning RMP was not signi®cant. It is possible to imagine situations where whaling no longer is of bene®t to the cod ®shery. If, say, herring in the Barents Sea prey harder on capelin larvae than modelled, a larger stock of whales could reduce the number of herring in the Barents Sea resulting in a larger stock of capelin. If the increase in capelin more than compensates the adverse effect on the cod stock by the increased predation pressure on cod from minke whales and also less herring as food for cod, the result of increased whaling is reduced cod catches. From the present experiment, this situation seems to require more non-linearity in the predation pattern, and less predation of minke whales on cod and capelin than we have in our model. Since the design set is limited to the orthogonal array with only 27 points, there is limited space for identifying interaction effects in general. This is a restriction in the process of model ®tting. One exception has been the interaction effect between the two parameters MSYR and K. These parameters are not included directly in the orthogonal array design, and the result is both that the interaction effect can (and should) be estimated and included in the ®tted models, 92 T. Schweder et al. / Fisheries Research 37 (1998) 77±95 and that the main effects are hidden in the experimental design. We have observed that in most of the ®tted models the main effects of these two parameters were estimated to contradict our expectations, but also that the interaction effect more than compensated for the `wrong' main effects so that the total effect of the two parameters were `as expected'. Due to the strong linkage between the two parameters, the main effects are hidden in the experimental design. One additional reason for the strange main effect estimates could be that the interaction effect is not uniquely de®ned. For each value of MSY there are in®nitely many combinations of MSYR and K that have identical product, and the estimated main effects could be interpreted as an adjustment of the total effect according to the actual values of the two parameters. In a separate analysis (submitted to NAMMCO) we found that both cod and herring catches are well approximated by linear functions of the number of whales in the stock, and that the cod catches are reduced by some 5 ton and the herring catches by some 4.5 ton for each extra whale present in the Barents Sea. The simulations behind those numbers were performed with whale stock being constant over the simulation period, all other factors on their medium level and with no replicates, and so there was little room for uncertainty considerations. To further investigate the effect of whales on the cod and herring catches we use data from the present uncertainty experiment. Using the number of whales as an additional explanatory variable when ®tting models to the data on cod and herring catches, we estimate the cod catches to decrease with 6.57 ton (s.e. 0.76 ton), and the herring catches to decrease with 3.90 ton (s.e. 0.99 ton), when the minke whale stock is increased with one animal. This means that a 95% con®dence interval for each extra whale's effect on the cod catches is (ÿ8.06, ÿ5.08) and on the herring catches the con®dence interval is (ÿ5.84,ÿ1.96). The present uncertainty experiment thus con®rms the cost on the herring catches (ÿ4.5 is included in the con®dence interval), while the cost on the cod catches of each extra whale perhaps is larger than 5 ton. Note, however, that uncertainty in the herring capelin interaction has not been taken into account, and that this uncertainty would propagate into uncertainty in the interaction between whale abundance and cod catch. From Table 12, it is also seen that the effect of whale abundance on cod catches depends upon the level of C, which should be no surprise. As noted in Section 1, the substantive conclusions obtained from our experiment must be understood as tentative. There is still too much uncertainty surrounding this study to allow ®rm conclusions. The model assumed for minke whale predation is based on data. Observed local abundance of prey was compared to stomach contents in whales. The local abundance data are, however, of questionable quality, and our model for whale predation might, therefore, not be very good. The predation of herring on capelin larvae and young capelin is modelled as reduced capelin recruitment in years with herring in the Barents Sea. The realism of this important part of the model is also open to question. This is also the case for a number of other aspects of the model like assuming the minke whale dynamics unaffected by the status of the ®sh stocks. With respect to the main question ± does increased whaling yield higher catches of cod and herring ± our qualitative conclusion is likely to stand even if the density dependence of the minke whale basically is determined by available amounts of cod, capelin and herring. Increased whaling will, even in this case, lead to a decrease in the whale stock ± with decreased predation pressure on the ®sh stocks, and increased catches of cod and herring. In addition to presenting tentative results on the effect of increased whaling on the ®sheries of herring and cod, our aim is to present a case of what we call the method of scenario experimentation. The concepts and techniques of this method to study the comparative properties of management regimes were presented and discussed in Hagen et al. (1997). They have been exempli®ed in the present study. The extensive simulation studies carried out during the development of the RMP within the IWC Scienti®c Committee can be regarded as cases of scenario experiments, see Kirkwood et al. (1997). The implementation simulation trials required before an actual implementation of the RMP are de®nitely scenario experiments, with particular emphasis on uncertainties surrounding the stock in question, see International Whaling Commission (1993) and Kirkwood et al. (1997). Simulation studies are not uncommon in the general ®sheries literature. Our impression is, however, that simulation studies for other ®sheries are usually less T. Schweder et al. / Fisheries Research 37 (1998) 77±95 where B is the mature biomass of the stock, MAXR is the expected maximum number of recruits and H is the stock's half value. The noise is given by a normal (Gaussian) stochastic variable Z having expectation and standard deviation . All parameters are, of course, speci®c for each species. Maximum values and half values used in the present experiment are given in Table 14. Due to environmental factors, recruitment will be exceptionally high in some years. This is modelled by having two levels for the maximum value (MAXR), one `normal' value and one `high' value. The actual recruitment level is every year (in the simulations) a result of a stochastic drawing. This stochastic procedure results in years of high recruitment at least 5 years apart and with a mean distance (between 2 years of high recruitment) of 10 years. Years of high recruitment are common for all species. When herring is present in the Barents Sea, the predation on capelin larvae results in reduced capelin recruitment. How the herring stock affects the capelin recruitment is modelled as a piecewise linear function. In the following, the prey stock is de®ned as the capelin recruits, and the predator stock is de®ned to be the part of the herring stock present in the Barents Sea. Roughly the model is as follows: Let CAPREC be the number of capelin recruits according to a Beverton±Holt recruitment model, and HER be the number of herring (0±3 years) present in the Barents Sea. If CAPREC < RECRPREYLOW, or if HER < RECRPREDLOW, then no predation is performed. If HER > RECRPREDUP, then the number of capelin recruits, RECR, is set to min(CAPREC, RECRPREYLOW). If RECRPREDLOW < HER < RECRPREDUP (and CAPREC > RECRPREYLOW), then the number of capelin recruits are reduced according to the function systematic than those carried out within the IWC, and those in the present paper and in Hagen et al. (1997). Comparison of management regimes by simulation is often done within a model with little regard to uncertainties. The conclusions from the primary comparative analysis might then be put to sensitivity analysis to investigate their robustness. Scenario experimentation is, of course, closely related to sensitivity analysis by way of simulation. Most cases of sensitivity analysis are, however, characterized by (i) the result that is tested for sensitivity is arrived at in a given model without regards to the uncertainty embodied in the sensitivity trials, and (ii) the experimental design of the sensitivity trials is naive with one factor perturbed at the time, and possibly with imbalance between the number of replicates and the main design. The analysis of the simulation results is also naive with simply tabulating summaries of the raw simulation data. This as distinct from scenario experiments, where a careful experimental design is chosen, and where the results and the associated uncertainties are obtained in an integrated analysis. Appendix A A.1 Fish recruitment For all three species recruitment is basically modelled as a Beverton±Holt function, subjected to some noise. The noise can be additive or multiplicative, both possibilities are present in the simulation model. In this simulation experiment we have used the additive alternative, because we are most experienced with that. The general ®sh recruitment model in this experiment is then given by the following formula: Number of recruits MAXR 93 B Z ; BH Table 14 Parameter values in fish recruitment Species Capelin Cod Herring Maximum value, MAXR (in billion) Normal years Extreme years 1800 1.33 26.52 1800 2.22 280.63 Half value, H (in million tons) 0.2 0.21 1.29 94 T. Schweder et al. / Fisheries Research 37 (1998) 77±95 RECR RECRPREYLOW CAPREC The combined potential capelin and cod consump0 tion, Ccc , is divided between capelin and cod according to the formula acap Bcap 0 0 Ccc : Ccap acap Bcap 1 ÿ acap Bcod ÿRECRPREYLOW F with F being the fraction RECRPREDUP ÿ HER : RECRPREDUP ÿ RECRPREDLOW The three parameters RECRPREYLOW, RECRPREDLOW and RECRPREDUP are parameters to the simulation program, and in the present experiment the following numbers are used: CAPRECLOW HERLOW HERUP 20 109 2:0 109 3:0 109 A.2 Predation formulas A.2.1. Whale-fish predation We use the following model discussed and roughly estimated elsewhere (submitted to NAMMCO). The estimated model must be regarded as tentative. Let Bher, Bcod and Bcap denote the total herring, cod and capelin biomass respectively, and let Bcc Bcod Bcap denote the total biomass of cod and capelin. Further, we de®ne Cmax to be the maximum daily consumption of ®sh from one minke whale. From energetic calculations, one has found that Cmax0.09 ton (Haug et al., 1996). The potential daily consumption of herring and 0 0 and Ccc respectively, are codcapelin, denoted Cher given as 0 Cher 0 Ccc Cmax ch Bher ; Bcc Cmax ÿ Cher ccc Bcc (1) The proportions of herring and codcapelin in the daily consumption, ch(Bher, Bcc) and ccc(Bcc), are modelled as modi®ed logistic functions: ch Bher ; Bcc exp H Bher C Bcc 1 exp H Bher C Bcc 1 ÿ exp ÿH Bher exp C Bcc ccc Bcc 1 ÿ exp ÿC Bcc 1 exp C Bcc (2) With H>0, C<0 and C>0 the consumption function will have a reasonable structure. We will assume 0.5acap1, since capelin is a fatter ®sh than cod, and it is presumable no less attractive to the minke whale. The time step in the model is one month. To prevent the predation of the minke whales to empty, or even to create negative stocks, we assume that the actual consumption during one month, Cher etc., is at the most half the biomass of the food item, generically Cher 0 ; Bher =2, while for cod a further restriction is min Cher imposed, Ccod min 20; Ccod ; Bcod =2 (in tons). Point estimates for the parameters of this predation model were obtained by at least squares ®t of the estimated consumed quantities calculated from minke whale stomach samples and estimated prey abundance in regions of the Barents Sea. The estimates are given in Table 15. A.2.2. Cod predation We de®ne the following quantities: H CAP1 CAP2 CAP3 HER COD1 COD2 COD3 CY Indicator for period. H1 for second half year. Number of immature capelin <10 cm. Number of immature capelin 10 cm. Number of mature capelin. Number of herring in Barents Sea. Number of 1-year-old cod. Number of 2-year-old cod. Number of cod 3 years and older. Indicator for 2-year-old cod. The cod predation is modelled in two steps. First we model the total stomach content as a linear function of number of ®sh on log-scale. The response is the ratio between the weight of the stomach content and the total weight of the ®sh. The model for young cod (1±2 year old) and older cod differs, and the stomach content models are R1 0 1 log CAP1 2 CYlog CAP2 3 CY 1 ÿ Hlog CAP3 4 CYlog HER 5 log COD1 6 log COD2 7 log COD3 (3) T. Schweder et al. / Fisheries Research 37 (1998) 77±95 95 Table 15 Rough estimates of predation parameters in the whale predation model Cmax H C C acap 0.09 ton ÿ2.75 1.18 ÿ0.24 ÿ0.27 1.66 0.50 Cmax is estimated from energetic considerations (Haug et al., 1996). for 1 and 2-year-old cod, and for cod of age 3, R3 0 1 log CAP1 2 log CAP2 3 1 ÿ Hlog CAP3 4 log HER 5 6 1 ÿ Hlog COD1 7 log COD2 8 log COD3 (4) These formulae tell that 1-year-old cods feed on small immature capelin, competing with the older cod. 2-year-old cods feed on capelin and herring, competing with both younger and older cods. The older cods feed on both capelin, herring and young cod, competing with the rest of the cod stock. The mature capelin is only preyed upon in ®rst half year, while for the old cod the eventual cannibalism has a different pattern in the ®rst and second half year. We distinguish between the two half years due to the spawning migrations. The above models are computed for each age group of cod, and the next step is to model the distribution of the different prey species. This is done separately for each group of prey species (immature capelin, mature capelin, herring, 1 and 2 year old cod), and the modelled value is the percentage of the actual prey specie for each predator group. The linear model is parallel to the stomach content models: P 0 1 log CAP1 2 log CAP2 3 1 ÿ Hlog CAP3 4 log HER 5 6 1 ÿ Hlog COD1 7 log COD2 8 log COD3 (5) The left-hand quantity (P) corresponds to the percentage of the actual prey species, e.g. CAP1, and the model is for each predator group estimated for every prey group. The model describes a mixture of availability (the prey species) and competition (the other predator groups). All models are estimated separately (unpublished note: STAT/02/1995, Norwegian Computing Center), and one is not assured that the percentages for one predator group will sum to 100. One is not even sure that the model will give only non-negative percentages. It is therefore necessary to do an adjustment. After computing the model percentages, all negative numbers are substituted with zeros and the remaining percentages are scaled to sum to 100. A.2.3. Herring predation The herring predation is not modelled explicitly, and the reason is that the only relevant predation is from herring on 0-group capelin. This model is described in Section A.1. References Box, G.E.P., Hunter, W.G., Hunter, J.S., 1978. Statistics for Experimenters, Data Analysis and Model Building. Wiley, New York. Hagen, G., Hatlebakk, E., Schweder, T., 1997. Scenario Barents Sea: A tool for evaluating fisheries management regimes. In: Rùdseth, T. (Ed.), Models for Multi-species Management. Ch. 7, Springer, in press. Haug, T., Lindstrùm, U., Nilssen, K.T., Rùttingen, I., Skaug, H.J., 1996. Diet and food availability for northeast Atlantic minke whales, Balaneoptera acutrostrata. Rep. Int. Whal. Commn. 46, 371±382. International Whaling Commission, 1993. Specification of the North Atlantic minke whaling trials. Rep. Int. Whal. Commn. 43, 189±196. International Whaling Commission, 1994. The Revised Management Procedure (RMP) for Baleen Whales. Rep. Int. Whal. Commn. 44, 145±152. Kirkwood, G.P., Hammond, P., Donovan, G.P. (Eds.), 1997. Development of the Revised Management Procedure. Special issue No. 18 from International Whaling Commission. Schweder, T., Skaug, H.J., Dimakos, X.K., Langaas, M., éien, N., 1997. Abundance of northeastern Atlantic minke whales, estimates for 1989 and 1995. Rep. Int. Whal. Commn. 47, 453±483. Tjelmeland, S., Bogstad, B., 1998. MULTSPEC ± a review of a multispecies modelling project for the Barents Sea Fish. Res., 37, 127±142.