Sci Tech Dean’s welcome

Bloomsburg University
of Pennsylvania
M ay 2 011
C o l l e g e o f S c i e n c e a n d T e c h n o lo gy N e w s l e tt e r n w w w. b lo o m u. e d u / c o st n
What a
Members of BU’s Geography and Planning Society, led by senior Josh
Prosceno, researched, designed and printed seven tree benefit tags that
hung from Main Street trees during Renaissance Jamboree on Saturday,
April 30.
The dollar amount on each tag reflected the current size of the tree and the
increasing returns over 10 years as the tree continues to grow. Each tag
also identified the tree species and explained tree benefits, including storm
water mitigation, carbon dioxide storage, air quality improvement, energy
offset, electricity savings and increased property value. The students used
data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's i-Tree software to estimate
The project was presented in honor of Arbor Day, following the Arbor Day
Foundation theme, "Every Tree Counts." Bloomsburg has been designated
as a Tree City USA for 16 years; one requirement for the designation is an
Arbor Day observance.
The Geography and Planning Society also completed a tree inventory in the
Town Park and prepared maps and tree benefit analyses for the park.
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania is committed to affirmative action by
way of providing equal educational and employment opportunities for all persons
without regard to race, religion, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation,
disability or veteran status.
I want to thank the faculty,
staff and students in the
College of Science and
Technology for a great year.
We started 2010-11 with
Bloomsburg University’s first
Farmers Market, brought
to campus by the SOLVE
volunteer office and the Green
Campus Initiative, chaired by
CoST faculty Jeff Brunskill and
John Hintz. The final major
event was Research Day on
Friday, April 29, featuring
Robert Marande
presentations by students from
all four colleges. More than 47
CoST students participated in
Research Day, with 21 presenting posters and 26
giving presentations. You will read about them in
this issue of SciTech.
I was pleased to present the honors medal
to an outstanding student, Michele Brita of
Bethlehem, on Saturday, May 7, between our two
commencement ceremonies. Graduating seniors
with the highest grade point average are honored
at each winter and spring commencement, and
Michele, who earned a bachelor’s degree in speech
pathology and audiology, was this spring’s top
honor graduate from the College of Science and
Technology. Michele achieved dean’s list standing
every semester at BU, is a member of the National
Student Speech Language Hearing Association and,
this year, was elected co-chair of the association’s
symposium. This is quite an accomplishment in
one of our intensive academic programs.
Our faculty, staff and students have continued
to sponsor programs on campus that encourage
the region’s high school students to excel in
the sciences. In April, 16 high school teams
participated in this year’s Science Iditarod. The
Wolf Pack, a team from Bloomsburg Area High
School, captured the title.
Continued on next page
Bloomsburg University College
Technology Newsletter
M ay 2 011 — Pa g e 2
Tapsak receives
24th patent
Mark Tapsak received word earlier this year
that an invention he worked on prior to arriving
at Bloomsburg University had been patented,
adding number 24 to his lengthy list of patent
achievements. Tapsak, associate professor
of chemistry at BU and an expert in polymer
chemistry, has taught at the university since 2004
when he left the business world in favor of the
At the San Diego-based company, DexCom, he worked with other engineers
to develop an implantable glucose monitoring device that continuously checks
diabetics’ glucose levels for one-year —a device that doesn’t replace the
traditional finger-prick sticks, but rather supplements them.
An aspect of this glucose monitoring device recently became the latest patent
for Tapsak, whose favorite part of the project was working with engineers and
experts from various backgrounds to create the final product. The device is
designed to help diabetics maintain a consistent blood-sugar level throughout
the day and avoid the peaks and valleys that may occur when only checking a
few times per day.
Improvements in the device’s design and shape came after DexCom picked
up the technology from the University of Wisconsin Medical Center, where it
was developed. Tapsak and his colleagues succeeded in creating a smootherrunning and less invasive device that would be more marketable to health care
The monitor, which is slightly smaller than an average-sized USB thumb-drive,
is connected to a beeper-like receiver that would be kept in a pocket or purse,
and provides continuous updates via radio frequencies relayed from inside the
Years after his work for longtime employers Medtronic and DexCom, the
assignees for his patents, Tapsak finds himself teaching the skills which led
him to a successful career in the engineering industry.
“Since I’ve been in academia, I’ve been very active doing polymer science with
BU students,” said Tapsak. “I still do consulting work for companies, but I’m
being paid for ideas or opinions, so I’m not the person coming up with the
inventions. My name won’t be on those patents.”
Dean’s welcome
Continued from page 1.
During the summer, we will work on new outreach programs for the
community and local schools, including a college advancement program,
astronomy program and summer camps for middle school and high school
students. More exciting endeavors – our new cardiac rehabilitation clinic
– will begin this fall.
Student’s research
gets national spotlight
A senior geology and planetary geoscience
major presented his
research, “Integration
of Quickbird Satellite
Imagery and GIS
to Map Subzones
within a Salt Marsh
near Wallops Island,
Va.,” in Washington,
D.C., on Tuesday and
Wednesday, April 12
to 13.
Research by Brian
Culp, a resident of
Danville and native
of Grand Island, N.Y.,
was among 74 presentations chosen from
more than 700 reviewed for the Council of
Undergraduate Research “Posters on the Hill”
event. BU faculty members Cynthia Venn
and Michael Shepard of the geography and
geosciences department were co-authors of
Culp’s research, which also was featured
during BU’s Research Day on Friday, April
While in Washington, D.C., Culp discussed
the importance of undergraduate research
during face-to-face meetings with several
At the state level, two BU students presented
posters during the eighth semi-annual
Undergraduate Research at the Capitol
on April 26, sponsored by Pennsylvania’s
Legislative Office for Research Liaison. Justin
Idzenga, a senior geoscience major from River
Vale, N.J., presented “The Pine Forest Acid
Mine Drainage Treatment System, St. Clair,
Schuylkill County, PA: An Anoxic Limestone
Drain with an Oxygen Problem” and Kathleen
Paiva, a senior geoscience/earth science
major from Ogdensburg, N.J., presented
“Development of Touch Maps to Aid the
Visually Impaired in Developing Spatial
Awareness of Oceanographic and Geographic
Venn served as research adviser to both
students. Faculty member Christopher
Hallen of the chemistry and biochemistry
department also advised Idzenga.
Bloomsburg University College
Technology Newsletter
M ay 2 011 — Pa g e 3
Forty-seven students present research
Bloomsburg University’s Office of Research and
Sponsored Programs and Colleges of Business,
Education, Liberal Arts and Science and Technology
sponsored a university-wide Research Day on Friday,
April 29. College of Science and Technology students
offered poster presentations and talk sessions.
Following are the names of students who presented
15-minute talk sessions and posters on the same
topic, the title of their research and names of their
faculty mentors:
Laura Kaldon, “Synthesis of a PolyisobutyleneSupported Nheterocyclic carbene for use as a
recoverable ligand,” Philip Osburn
Alan Shaffer, “Developing N-Heterocyclic Carbene
Adducts: Surveying Nucleophiles for Addition to N, N’
(2-alkyl)arylimidazol-2-inium Halide Salts,” John P.
Jordan Metz, “Development of N-Heterocyclic
Carbene Adducts: Direct Condensation, Electrophilic,
and Nucleophilic Routes,” John P. Morgan
Jarid Metz, “Synthesis of 1-(2,6-dimethylphenyl)
thiomethyl)-6-(2-(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)-1Himidazolium) pyridine bromide as a Potential
Hemilabile Ligand,” Philip Osburn
Ken Myers, “Synthesis of 1-(phenylthiomethyl)-6(2-(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)-1H-imidazolium) pyridine
bromide as a Potential Hemilabile Ligand,” Philip
Dustin Hunsinger, “Development and Optimization of
a Plate Assay for Thrombin Activity,” Garland Crawford
Wayne Nilsen, “Slices Through Time,” Nada Jevtic and
Peter Stine
Andrew Gerhart and David Moyer, “Laser Absorption
and Double Resonance Spectroscopy of Methylene
near 1.2μm,” Ju Xin
Neil Sullivan, “Genetic structure of native and nonnative populations of the invasive leaf-cutting bee
(Megachile apicalis),” John M. Hranitz
Jacqueline North, “Interactions among Tetrapeptides,
Thrombin and Fibrinogen During Clotting,” Toni TrumboBell
Following are the names of students who presented
15-minute talk sessions, the title of their research
and names of their faculty mentors:
Paige Ricci, “Characterization of microsatellite
primers for the invasive leaf cutting bee (Megachile
apicalis),” John M. Hranitz
Kyle Higgins, “Airport Security Scanners, Advantages
and Potential Risks,” Naz Afarin Fallahian
Jordan Peoples, Chris Swope and Victoria
Ziolkoswki, “Development of Norm-Referenced
Fitness Standards for Bloomsburg University
Students,” Swapan Mookerjee
Meghan Duell, “Honey Bee Stress: Behavioral and
Physiological Effects of Varostop,” John M. Hranitz
Michael Busada, “Analyzing new methods to measure
cellular proliferation rates in human melanoma cells,”’
Angela Hess
Ben McFadden, “Synthesis of a vegetable-oil-based
thermoplastic polyester,” Mark Tapsak
Oran Tansey, “The Role of Transcriptional Cofactors
Ada2 and Stb5 in Candida albicans dimorphism,” Karl
Jonathan Bobek, “Honey Bee foraging groups show
diverse color preferences,” John M. Hranitz
Jon Stewart, “Synthesis of a Vegetable-Oil-Based
Thermoplastic polyamide,” Mark Tapsak
Ghaith Ibrahim, “Expression of EphB4 and ephrin-B2
in highly aggressive and poorly aggressive human
melanoma tumor cells,” Angela Hess
Rodrigo Cano, “Computer Generated Worlds in
DirectX,” Erik Wynters
Emily Whisel, “Probiotics: Evaluation of Weight Gain
Benefits to Calves,” Judy Kipe-Nolt
Jason Vognetz, “Heart Shift and Reduction in Heart
Dose to Left-Breast Cancer Patients Using the Deep
Inspiration Breath Hold Technique,” Naz Afarin
Jonathan Busada, “Investigating the effects of
EphA2/ephrin-A1 signaling on aggressive melanoma
metastatic characteristics,” Angela Hess
Diana Pierce, “Comparative expression profiles
of Eph receptors and Ephrin Ligands in the Human
Keratinocytes and Melanocytes,” Angela Hess
Hannah Cronk, “Extraction and Analysis of Lavender
Oil from Pennsylvania-Grown Lavendula augustfolia
For Use in Fragrances,” Toni Trumbo-Bell
Continued on next page.
Bloomsburg University College
Technology Newsletter
M ay 2 011 — Pa g e 4
(continued from page 3)
Following are the names of students who presented
posters, the title of their research and names of their
faculty mentors:
Brian Culp, “Integration of Quickbird Imagery and GIS
to Map Subcones within a Salt Marsh Near Wallops
Island, VA,” Cynthia Venn, Michael Shepard and Jeff
Megan Dager and Ghaith Ibrahim, “Assessing
Cellular Stress in a Bioindicator: Establishing
Procedures for Measuring Heat Shock Protein 70
Levels in Lumbriculus variegatus,” John Hranitz and
Cynthia Surmacz
Jaclyn Yamrich, “Preparing for Marcellus Drilling: 3.
Water Quality Assessment for Bear Creek and Wild
Rice Lake, Crystal Lake Camps, Lycoming/Sullivan
County, PA,” Cynthia Venn and Christopher Hallen
Pugh honored for service
Dr. Michael Eugene Pugh, Professor and Chairperson
of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
was presented with the Susquehanna Valley Section
of the American Chemical Society (SVSACS) Joseph
Priestley Service Award at the 2011 Annual Education
Awards Banquet held 4 May 2011 in the Kehr Union
Ballroom. The Joseph Priestly Service Award recognizes
outstanding community involvement and outreach
activities within the SVSACS. The award criteria
are broadly defined so both “worker-bees” as well
as those in formal leadership roles are elgible. It
is hoped that this continuing award will stimulate
community involvement in the section, an provide
examples of community-active role models for
the younger professional in the section. Dr. Pugh’s
accomplishments included initiating the SVSACS’s
participation in the International Chemistry Olympiad
(ICO) in 1985; serving as the Section’s ICO coordinator
from 1985-1990 and 1992-1999; Chairperson of
the SVSACS Education Committee from 1985-1988;
member of the SVSACS Education Committee from 1988-1991; and Chairperson of the SVSACS in 1991.
Lauren Lowenberger, “Bluebird skeletal morphology:
a phylogenetic thrush or a functional flycatcher?” Clay
Laura Kaldon, “Preparing for Marcellus Drilling: 1.
Existing Water Quality at Mud Lake and Adjacent
Wetland Crystal Lake Camps, Lycoming/ Sullivan
County, PA,” Cynthia Venn and Christopher Hallen
Katie Daud, “The Search for Lunar Lobate Scarps
Using Images from the Lunar Reconaissance Orbiter
Camera,” Michael Shepard
Elizabeth Chamuris, “Preparing for Marcellus Drilling:
2. Crystal Lake Water Chemistry Assessment, Crystal
Lake Camps, Lycoming/ Sullivan County, PA,” Cynthia
Venn and Christopher Hallen
Rodrigo Cano, “Computer Graphics Using DirectX,”
Erik Wynters
Rodrigo Cano, “Solving Nonlinear Equations for
Biostatistical Applications with JAVA,” Mehdi Razzaghi
Paul Krasner, “Mapping at the Saturnian Moon
Mimas,” Michael Shepard
Kathleen Paiva, “Development of Touch Maps to Aid
the Visually Impaired in Developing Spatial Awareness
of Oceanographic and Geographic Feature,” Cynthia
Ross Merieski, “Analysis of Oneida #3 Acid Mine
Drainage Treatment Facility and the Resultant Effects
on Little Tomhicken Creek, Hazleton (Schuylkill
County), PA,” Cynthia Venn
Jon Stewart, “Synthesis of Vegetable Oil-Based StepGrowth Polymers Using a 2’ Wiped-Film Still,” Dr. Mark
Ben McFadden, “Synthesis of Vegetable Oil-Based
Step-Growth Polymers Using a 2’ Wiped-Film Still,”
Mark Tapsak
Justin Idzenga, “The Pine Forest Acid Min Drainage
Treatment System: An Anoxie Limestone Drain with an
Oxygen Problem,” Cynthia Venn and Christopher Hallen
Bloomsburg University College
Technology Newsletter
M ay 2 011 — Pa g e 5
Faculty, students honored for excellence
Faculty and students were honored for academic
achievement during the Spring Honors Symposium in
Institute of Chemists Foundation, Outstanding Senior
Award, and Phi Lambda Upsilon, National Chemistry
Honor Society.
Receiving faculty awards were Helmut Doll, instructional
technology; Angela Hess, biological and allied health
sciences; Michael Shepard, geography and geosciences;
Melissa Snyder, nursing; and Biswajit Ray, physics and
engineering technology.
Cum Laude: Kenneth Myers.
Scholarships were awarded within each of the college’s
nine departments and students were recognized for
outstanding academic achievement, as follows:
Audiology and Speech Pathology
Brittany Bohach, J. Bryden Scholarship; Michele Brita,
Outstanding Undergraduate Senior; Maria Eboli, F.F.
DeRose Scholarship; Amanda Sissock, Husky Scholarship;
and Kollene Sistek, Cynthia Schloss Scholarship.
Summa Cum Laude: Michele Brita and Melissa
Marion Moyer; Magna Cum Laude: Jaclyn Bewick, Erin
Petrasovits, Travis D. Deputy, Keri Lynn Reitenauer, Alyssa
N. Fetterman, Lauren Elizabeth Rumberger, Abbey M.
Leibig, Megan Teresa Stevens, Erin M. Lolley, Jennifer
Lyding West and Brandi Lynn Pace; and Cum Laude: John
Hirsch “Chip” Benedict, Laura Andrea Litzenberg, Anikka
E. Brill, Heather M. Morgan, Stefanie A. Chaffee, Kristy L.
Nork, Sarah Marie Dudrich, Joy Lynn Orr, Chelsey Morgan
DuFour, Meredith Eileen Pfister, Kristin M. Horan, Alyssa
Seelye, Meryl K. Jacobs, Nicole Suzanna Skibbee and
Sarah Marie Kitko.
Biological and Allied Health Sciences
Sarah Fogleman, James E. Parsons Microbiology
Scholarship; Sarah Lech, James E. Cole Scholarship;
Kelsey Matthews, Biology and Allied Health Science
Scholarship; Joelle Bittner, Outstanding Allied Health
Senior; Michelle Stipanovic, Outstanding Biology Senior;
and Jason Nolt, Margaret Till Physiology Award.
Summa Cum Laude: Rose Marie Novinger; Magna Cum
Laude: Jillian Kida, Cory Charles Worgen and Taylor
Washburn; and Cum Laude: Debon Berger, Jesseca
Whitenight and Sean Scubelek.
Exercise Science and Athletics
Charles E. Brightbill, Bill Sproule Award; Evan L.
Matthews, Graduate Honor Award in Exercise Science;
and Michael A. Welgosh Graduate Honor Award in Clinical
Athletic Training.
Magna Cum Laude: Matthew Joseph McMahon; and Cum
Laude: Julie M. Kuznicki and Christopher A. Tressler.
Geography and Geosciences
Aileen C. Elliot, Daniel Tearpock Field Camp Scholarship;
Merissa A. Wert, Daniel Tearpock Field Camp Scholarship;
Joshua A. Prosceno, Outstanding Achievement Award
Geography/Planning; and Audra Mitchell, Outstanding
Student in Geoscience.
Cum Laude: Reade Carrathers and Lauren Jean Robinson.
Instructional Technology
Linda Brown, Paul Huckett, Jestine Myers, Jessica
Sanford and Matthew Thomas, Outstanding Student in
Instructional Technology.
Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics
Jacob Jacavage, J. Edward Kerlin Scholarship; Carrie
Mensch, Marek Mathematics Scholarship; Emily
Claypotch, James Pomfret Mathematics Award; C. Ryan
Kelly, Highest Achievement in Computer Forensics Award;
Scott Kiedeisch, Highest Achievement in Computer
Science Award; and Nicholas Boccella, Reardin Award.
Summa Cum Laude: Emily Claypotch, Scott Kiedeisch,
Lydia Geise, Eric Subach and Lauren Elizabeth Gilger;
Magna Cum Laude: Nicholas J. Boccella, Lindsey
Shemansky, Joseph James Horro, Emily N. Young and
Cullen G. Mentzell; and Cum Laude: Ashley B. Caliguire,
Dustin Jones, Rodrigo Cano, C. Ryan Kelly, Michael S.
Feist, Wayne E. Nilsen, Thomas A. Harrin, Rebecca A.
Stevenson, Kyle M. Huber and Keri N. Williams.
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Benjamin McFadden, ACS in Inorganic Chemistry; Adam
Miller, Junior Chemistry Achievement and ACS Chemistry
Undergraduate; Kenneth Myers, ACS Outstanding Senior;
David Yovic, David Murphy Memorial Scholarship; Hannah
Cronk, POLYED Undergraduate Award for Achievement in
Organic Chemistry; Alan Weaver, BS Chemistry American
Institute of Chemists Foundation, Outstanding Senior
Award; and Kenneth Myers, BS Biochemistry, American
Brittany Martin, Spirit of Nursing Award; Miranda Beach,
Jaime Debuski and Laura Postles, Nursing Student
Achievement Award; and Nicole Ransbottom and Jeryl
Simon, Theta Zeta Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International
Honor Society of Nursing Undergraduate Student
Summa Cum Laude: Jaime Debuski; Magna Cum Laude:
Kylie Laine Matthews, Jeryl Aileen Simon, Lain W. Sheatler
and Amy Margaret Wislock; and Cum Laude: Miranda
Beach, Brittany Rose Martin, Lindsay Beck, Jennifer L.
McLean, Laura Ashley Garzio, Laura Postles, Cassandra
E. Kling, Nicole Nadine Ransbottom, Sarah Kathryn
Lawrence, Katie Raymis, Megan Leonhartsberger and
Rachael Quinne Snyder.
Physics and Engineering Technology
Stephen W. Grib, Levi Grey Scholarship; Alex P. HalldenAbberton, P. James Moser Scholarship; Alex P. HalldenAbberton and Aaron J. Homiak, Outstanding Students in
Electronic Engineering Technology; and Eric J. Otruba and
Jason A. Vognetz; Outstanding Students in Physics.
Magna Cum Laude: Jason A. Vognetz; and Cum Laude:
Eric J. Otruba.
Presenting the awards were Jorge Gonzalez, audiology
and speech pathology; George Chamuris, biological and
allied health sciences; Michael Pugh, chemistry and
biochemistry; Timothy McConnell and Joseph Hazzard,
exercise science and athletics; Dale Springer and Sandra
Kehoe-Forutan, geography and geosciences; Timothy
Phillips, instructional technology; Curt Jones and William
Calhoun, mathematics, computer science and statistics;
Christine Alichnie, nursing; and Peter Stine, physics and
engineering technology.
Bloom HS team
wins science title
The Wolf Pack, a team from Bloomsburg Area
Senior High School, won the 2011 Bloomsburg
University Science Iditarod in April. Members
of the winning team are Adam Naessig, Andrew
Zimmerman, Zack Minter and Ryan Erwin. Their
coach was Michael Copenhaver.
Teams of high school students from the region
took part in the quiz-bowl style competition in
geosciences, biology, chemistry and physics. The
competition was moderated by students, faculty
and administrative volunteers from BU’s College of
Science and Technology.
Other winning teams were:
Upper Dauphin Black from Upper Dauphin Area
High School, second place overall, winner in biology
and chemistry.
Wyoming Green of Wyoming Area High School, third
place overall and physics winner.
Chem Innuendo of North Schuylkill Area High
School, geosciences winner.
Also competing were students from Lourdes
Regional, Western Wayne Area, Mount Carmel Area
and Pittston Area high schools, as well as a team
of homeschooled students from Columbia County.