PROFSTUD 500 First Session Fall 2014 Last Modified: 10/23/2014 1. Too Much # 1 2 3 4 5 6 Question Overview of expectations of graduate-level academic work Welcome and Introduction to the College of Education Diversity Carousel: Race/Ethnicity Diversity Carousel: SES/Social Class Diversity Carousel: Gender/Sex/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identification Diversity Carousel: Exceptionalities (3) Total Responses Mean 100.00% 5 1.00 0.00% 0 0.00 100.00% 7 1.00 100.00% 5 1.00 100.00% 6 1.00 100.00% 5 1.00 (2) Total Responses Mean 100.00% 60 1.00 100.00% 76 1.00 100.00% 67 1.00 100.00% 71 1.00 100.00% 68 1.00 100.00% 63 1.00 2. Just right # 1 2 3 4 5 6 Question Overview of expectations of graduate-level academic work Welcome and Introduction to the College of Education Diversity Carousel: Race/Ethnicity Diversity Carousel: SES/Social Class Diversity Carousel: Gender/Sex/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identification Diversity Carousel: Exceptionalities 3. Too little # 1 2 3 4 5 6 Question Overview of expectations of graduate-level academic work Welcome and Introduction to the College of Education Diversity Carousel: Race/Ethnicity Diversity Carousel: SES/Social Class Diversity Carousel: Gender/Sex/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identification Diversity Carousel: Exceptionalities (1) Total Responses Mean 100.00% 14 1.00 100.00% 3 1.00 100.00% 5 1.00 100.00% 4 1.00 100.00% 5 1.00 100.00% 11 1.00 4. Comments Default - Overview of expectations of graduate-level academic work #ReportTableColumnHeaders, Optional AnswerResponses# Should have happened at other times I don't even remember this being touched on Did you talk about academic work? didn't talk about it Presentation with visuals? Overview? Services? Such little time left for it Default - Welcome and Introduction to the College of Education #ReportTableColumnHeaders, Optional AnswerResponses# Knew that there are others going through my struggle fine Short, sweet and to the point I feel welcomed and comfortable. I feel I can utilize BU resources now that I know people Short, sweet and to the point Default - Diversity Carousel: Race/Ethnicity #ReportTableColumnHeaders, Optional AnswerResponses# fine not much discussion too little time with activity Very eye opening The session were cut short, but they were great otherwise Default - Diversity Carousel:<br /> SES/Social Class Optional #ReportTableColumnHeaders, AnswerResponses# well done Excellent! Default - Diversity Carousel:<br /> Gender/Sex/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identification Optional #ReportTableColumnHeaders, AnswerResponses# felt right loved instructor Great activity Default - Diversity Carousel:<br /> Exceptionalities #ReportTableColumnHeaders, Optional AnswerResponses# still have questions Our program was last and it was very rushed Our program was last and it was very rushed 5. Other feedback: Text Response I know it is a long night but adding just 5 minutes to each carousel would be helpful Great Seminar liked large group activity The diversity counsel was rushed and none of the information was new 3 hours on a Friday night is a bit intense to be the only provided time with no say It may be better to have a boring yet more informative large session rather than fun small ones where we can't discuss on a deeper level Thanks! I loved the 'Rise-Up' activity It felt rushed but I think that was due to the late start Most activities ended abruptly and couldn't be finished. Enjoyed the Rise Up activity! Last diversity session was cut short Thank you for making this interesting! Great opportunity to get to know others within the graduate program Loved the Rise Up activity, very eye-opening Rise up activity was eye opener despite level of being uncomfortable include question about success/failure (ie "I have questioned whether I will succeed in my career") I enjoyed the Race/ Ethnicity carousel and also the Rise-Up activity Excellent workshops, very ensightful candidates/ speakers were well chosen! Opened my eyes to alot All carousel's were great to open eyes and realize the various world around us I would of liked it to feel less rushed! But it was organized Some people were not familiar with current politically correct terminology. I think each speaker could have easily used more time Some activities were really exposing but really made you think Enjoyed how some activities got you up and moving Excellent seminar. Maybe give a little more time to get food and get to our rooms? Great diversity speakers Excellent program. In honesty, I was not happy about having to participate in this evenings GPS. I was extremely happy I did. It helped me grow professionaly Summer session available in the future? liked large group activity The diversity counsel was rushed and none of the information was new Great opportunity to get to know others within the graduate program Loved the Rise Up activity, very eye-opening I enjoyed the Race/ Ethnicity carousel and also the Rise-Up activity Excellent workshops, very ensightful candidates/ speakers were well chosen! Opened my eyes to alot I would of liked it to feel less rushed! But it was organized Excellent seminar. Maybe give a little more time to get food and get to our rooms? Statistic Total Responses Value 33 PROFSTUD 500 GPS Session 2 Fall 2014 Too Much # Question (3) Response Average Value 10 10 1.00 7 7 1.00 1 1. The PBLE was well organized/facilitated. 2 2. The PBLE provided opportunities for me to interact and solve problems that educators face in the real world. 3 3. The PBLE provided opportunities for me to solve problems with diverse peers from various educational programs. 10 10 1.00 4 4. The problem presented in the PBLE was current and feasible to encounter during my future professional work if hired in my area of current study. 11 11 1.00 5 5. My overall rating of the PBLE experience is: 9 9 1.00 (2) Response Average Value Just right # Question 1 1. The PBLE was well organized/facilitated. 99 99 1.00 2 2. The PBLE provided opportunities for me to interact and solve problems that educators face in the real world. 98 98 1.00 3 3. The PBLE provided opportunities for me to solve problems with diverse peers from various educational programs. 94 94 1.00 4 4. The problem presented in the PBLE was current and feasible to encounter during my future professional work if hired in my area of current study. 84 84 1.00 5 5. My overall rating of the PBLE experience is: 88 88 1.00 (1) Response Average Value Too little # Question 1 1. The PBLE was well organized/facilitated. 3 3 1.00 2 2. The PBLE provided opportunities for me to interact and solve problems that educators face in the real world. 5 5 1.00 3 3. The PBLE provided opportunities for me to solve problems with diverse peers from various educational programs. 7 7 1.00 4 4. The problem presented in the PBLE was current and feasible to encounter during my future professional work if hired in my area of current study. 15 15 1.00 5 5. My overall rating of the PBLE experience is: 10 10 1.00 6. What did you like best about the PBLE? Text Entry PBLE was an excellent excuse to foster communication amoung diverse educational programs. I enjoyed problem solving the two scenarios. Meeting with different peers from different programs Building a project and presenting it Small teams (1&2) from different areas All of it. I like how we presented to only the other group, not everyone. Dr. Hummel was awesome and helpful! Collaborating with collegues I like collaborating with people from each educational avenue. Open ended brainstorming is always helpful. Interacting with other grad students outside of my program Working with new people It was a great experience to handle real life issues and create a solution to it. 7. Was there anything you did not like about the PBLE? Text Entry No. The scenario didn't relate to the elementary level No. (Well the pizza didn't have much cheese) Friday night It was lovely! No No It was a little too long. Guidelines were not specific enough maybe state that there needs to be an action plan from both collegiate side and HS settings be put with faculty comfortable witj I enjoyed the program, it was realistic and effective GPS Session 2 Overall Evaluation Fall 2014 Too Much # Question (3) Response Average Value 1 1. The GPS was well organized. 10 10 1.00 2 2. The face to face program breakout sessions provided time to gain valuable information. 10 10 1.00 3 3. The GPS provided opportunities for me to interact and solve problems that educators face in the real world. 6 6 1.00 4 4. The GPS provided opportunities for me to interact with diverse peers from various educational programs. 2 2 1.00 5 5. The GPS provided opportunities for me to interact with diverse faculty from various educational programs. 2 2 1.00 6 6. The GPS was an overall valuable experience. 5 5 1.00 (2) Response Average Value Just right # Question 1 1. The GPS was well organized. 83 83 1.00 2 2. The face to face program breakout sessions provided time to gain valuable information. 78 78 1.00 3 3. The GPS provided opportunities for me to interact and solve problems that educators face in the real world. 84 84 1.00 4 4. The GPS provided opportunities for me to interact with diverse peers from various educational programs. 87 87 1.00 5 5. The GPS provided opportunities for me to interact with diverse faculty from various educational programs. 84 84 1.00 6 6. The GPS was an overall valuable experience. 81 81 1.00 (1) Response Average Value Too little # Question 1 1. The GPS was well organized. 5 5 1.00 2 2. The face to face program breakout sessions provided time to gain valuable information. 8 8 1.00 3 3. The GPS provided opportunities for me to interact and solve problems that educators face in the real world. 9 9 1.00 4 4. The GPS provided opportunities for me to interact with diverse peers from various educational programs. 8 8 1.00 5 5. The GPS provided opportunities for me to interact with diverse faculty from various educational programs. 13 13 1.00 6 6. The GPS was an overall valuable experience. 12 12 1.00 Open Ended Questions: 7. What did you like best? Text Entry Interacting with individuals from different programs The diversity carousel I liked the opportunity to meet and interact with people face to face. The first GPS on diversity was great! The food First GPS- learned more Session 2 Dr. Hummel Session 2- each scenario was able to be in the past and best thing to act out &quot;as if&quot; Organized and helped graduate preparation Interacting with individuals from different programs 8. What changes would you suggest to improve the GPS experience for the future semesters? Please be as specific as possible. Text Entry Try and not make it a Friday night. I enjoyed working with people from different programs, but it made it challenging doing a PBLE on something out of our own &quot;comfort zone&quot; It was great. I would suggest more specific details in completing PBLE notes to bring to 2nd GPS All on one day maybe in place of a class (Monday- Thursday) More different department interaction More equitable division of program in each group Offer it during current classes students are taking. Offer it online or on a night other than Friday. People working 2nd jobs are overwhelmed by end of week Turn this into a webinar change day- not on Fridays keep programs together Pick more flexible time scales (maybe 2 session 2's and 2 session 1's)