The following is a checklist of some of the essentials for online learning at Chabot College.* Getting Started with your Online or Hybrid Course Verify the course start date and any requirements (such as on-campus meetings). Browser: Mozilla Firefox /Google Chrome (Internet Explorer is not recommended) Login to Blackboard and Change Your Password Update your Email address for Blackboard (in CLASS-Web) Locate your course Syllabus Email your instructor from Blackboard Course Materials/Weekly Modules/Assignments Using Blackboard (Please note: Not all instructors/courses use the same tools) Use The Discussion Board Submit an Assignment Send an Email using "Send Email" in Blackboard Send Email using the "Messages" tool in Blackboard Taking Assessments (quizzes/tests/exams) What to do if you get “locked out” of a quiz/test/exam How to View Your Grades Succeeding in an Online Course Myths and Facts about Online Courses Time Management skills for the Online Learner Study Skills for Online Learners Netiquette (online etiquette) *An online version of this Orientation to Online Learning, including steps and videos, can be found at: For further assistance with Online Learning or Blackboard support needs, please visit the Online Learning Student Support website: