Analysis of Selected Metals in Groundwater and Soil on Byers Island near Sunbury, Northumberland Co., PA BROODY, Al; KITTING, Sarah; WHISNER, Jennifer B., Department of Environmental, Geographical, and Geological Sciences, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, 400 E. 2nd St., Bloomsburg, PA, 17815, ShCr Silt bank at OW3 (source of high manganese?). The soil type found on Byer’s Island as described in the Soil Survey of Northumberland County Pennsylvania is Uf, or Udifluvents and coal overwash (Eckenrode, 1985). Uf soils are generally deep, have a slope of 0-3 percent and are excessively drained to moderately well drained. There are 20 to 40 inches of black, sand/silt size coal particles overlying 1 to 6 inches of silt or sandy loam. The substratum is composed of loam or sandy loam and descends to a depth of 60 inches or more. Uf soils have a moderate to rapid permeability but the available water capacity is moderate to low. Historical records (Brainerd et al., 1798) indicate the island was part of a large native american settlement and aerial photos indicated that the north half of the island was used as farm land at least through the late 1930s. Shallow soil in the farmed area was analyzed in the field with XRF. On the banks of the island, a three-layer stratigraphy was observed, a steep, silt bank underlain by a 612-inch dark clay-rich layer, followed by more silty sand underlain by a poorly sorted mix of sand and rounded gravel to cobbles. This poster presented at the 7th Annual Bucknell Susquehanna River Symposium, October 12-13, 2012 Soil Samples Peristaltic pump set-up. 250 12 250 200 40000 800 150 35000 700 100 30000 600 50 50 25000 500 0 0 20000 SB 5 ) nk ba 2 3( SB SB 2 DM 3 DM 4 DM 5 SB 1 1 DM DM C DH n Co Q2 Q1 1 SC nk ba 2 3( SB SB CQ 1 DM Q12 DCM o2n DDM H3C DM D4M 1 DM DM 52 SBD 1M 3 SBD 2 M SB 3( 4 bDa M nk5 ) SSB B51 1 DH nSC Co Q2 Q1 30 OW1 60 20 40 OW1 As Cd Cu Mn Ni Pb Sham. Ck OW2 20 400 4 350 3.5 5 SB nk ba 3( 2 1 SB 5 SB 4 DM 3 DM 2 1 DM DM C DH n Co Q2 Q1 1 SC SB OW2 SW2 OW2(2) SW3 OW5 nk ba SB 3( 2 1 SB 5 SB 4 2 1 DM DM C DH n Co Q2 Q1 1 SW5 SW3 OW5 SW5 SW3 OW5 SW5 50 0.5 SW5 OW5 100 1 ND SW3 150 1.5 ND OW2(2) 200 2 0.4 SW2 250 2.5 Sham. Ck OW2 300 3 ND ND Sham. Ck Iron (ppb) 4.5 ND 0 OW1 ND Sham. Ck ND OW2 ND ND SW2 ND ND ND ND OW2(2) SW3 ND ND ND ND OW5 SW5 NDND 0 OW1 Sham. Ck OW2 SW2 OW2(2) Nickel (ppb) Manganese (ppb) 60 2500 50 2000 40 30 1000 4 ND Sham. Ck OW2 SW2 ND ND ND OW2(2) SW3 ND OW5 Bottom right: OW1 from a distance. nk ) SB 5 ba SB 3( 2 SB 1 SB 5 3 DM 2 1 DM DM C DH n Co Q2 Q1 1 SC nk ) SB 5 ba SB 3( 2 SB DH 1 C Q DM 1 Q1 DM 2 Co2 n DM DH3 DM C D4M DM 1 D5M SB 2 1D M SB 3 2 SB DM 3( ba 4 DnMk ) SB 5 S5B 1 SC Co n Q2 0 SB SB 2 3( ba n SC k) 1 SB 5 Q1 Q DM 1 1Q DM 2 2Co n DM D3 H DM C 4DM DM 1 5DM SB 2 1D M 3 SB SB 2DM 3( 4 ba nDkM )5 SB 5SB 1 1 C DH OW1 ND 20 500 10 0 0 SW5 OW1 Sham. Ck OW2 SW2 OW2(2) SW3 OW5 SW5 OW1 Sham. Ck OW2 SW2 OW2(2) Zinc (ppb) 200 180 160 50 SC 0 SW5 1.2 Above right: Al paddles Downstream with a canoe full of equipment; 100 Co n OW5 450 OW1 Zirconium by XRF (ppm) 150 Q2 SW3 5 2 200 Q1 OW2(2) 6 250 SC 1 2 DM 3 DM 4 DM 5 SB 1 SB SB 2 3( ba nk ) SB 5 1 DM DM C DH SW2 1500 nk ba SB 3( 2 SB 2Co DM n 3DH DM C 4D DM M1 5D M SB 2 1 D SB M3 SB 2 D 3( M4 ba nDk M ) SB 5 5S B1 DM 1Q 2 DM DH C Q1 1 SC n Co Q2 Q1 SC 1 5 SB nk ba SB 3( 2 SB 1 SB 5 DM 4 DM 3 DM 2 DM 1 DM C DH n Co n Q2 Q1 1 OW2 8 Zinc by XRF (ppm) 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Sham. Ck 1.4 0 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 OW1 ND Copper (ppb) 10 ) 0 ) 0 SW5 Lead (ppb) SC 200 OW5 5 40 SW3 ND 0 Cadmium (ppb) Zn OW1 SB 60 OW2(2) ) 80 SW2 0.2 DQM 2 1 C DM on 2 D DM HC 3 DDMM 41 DDMM 52 SDBM 13 D SBM SB 2 4 3(D baM n5k ) SSBB1 5 SB SB 2 3( ba nk ) SB 5 100 DHQ C1 800 50 10 20 ) ) n Co Q2 Q1 5 Q1 80 12 CoS nC1 120 Q2 1000 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Q1 140 SCSB 15 1200 Titanium by XRF (ppm) Top: Looking at Southwest end of ridge where Doughty Mine samples were collected. Right: Heavily vegetated area where Quarry samples were collected 100 OW2 Strontium by XRF (ppm) Rubidium (by XRF (ppm) 400 DHC: Downhill Concrete Con: Concrete Structure Q#: Quarry DM#: Doughty Mine SB#: Soil boring SC#: Shamokin Creek 150 0.6 0 DH n SC Co Q2 SC Q1 5 ) nk SB ba 2 3( SB SB 1 5 SB DM 4 3 DM DM DM 2 1 DM C DH n Co Q2 Q1 1 Manganese by XRF (ppm) Dh Dtr: Trimmer’s Rock Fm. Dh: Hamilton Gp. Doo: Onondaga and Old Port Fms. DSkt: Keyser and Tonoloway Fms 40 0 600 SB4 120 0 Ba Fe 140 0.8 SB 20 Co DM4 0 nk 40 2000 Q2 DSkt 0 200 50 1 ba 4000 1 SB3 100 3( 60 0 5000 250 60 100 SB5 Barium (ppb) 70 200 160 300 SB5 200 SB 6000 OW1 Arsenic (ppb) Aluminum (ppb) 180 400 10000 Al 2 80 S DH C1 C Q DM 1 1Q DM 2 C2o DM n D3H DM C 4D DM M1 D5M SB 2 1 D SB M3 SB 2DM 3( ba 4 DnkM) SB 5 5S B1 8000 Doo Q1 Q2 DM1 DM2 DM3 nk 30 Q1 DM5 SB5 ba 100 SC Con 2 10000 10 DHC 3( 40 0 SB2 SB 120 20 SB1 SB 12000 C Q DM 2 1C DM on 2D DM HC 3D DM M1 4D DM M2 5 D SB M3 1 D SB M4 SB 2 D M 3( ba 5 nk )SB SB 1 5 SB SB 2 3( ba nk ) SB SC 5 1 50 140 1 14000 1 SC2 60 OW2 15000 Lead by XRF (ppm) Iron by XRF (ppm) SB Copper by XRF (ppm) Dh DMQ 12 DMC on 2 DM DH 3C DMD 4M1 DMD 5M2 SBD 1M 3 SBD M SB 2 4 3( baDM nk5 ) SBSB 51 CQ1 1 DH nSC Co Q2 Q1 1 1 DM DM C DH n Co Q2 SC1 Q1 SC 1 0 2 DM 3 DM 4 DM 5 SB 1 SB SB 2 3( ba nk ) SB 5 2 SC 4 ) 100 S SCB5 1 6 5 150 SB 200 ) 300 8 Dtr Selected Soil Metals by SWR 6020/10B (ppm) Selected Soil Metals by SWR 6020/10B (ppm) Cobalt by XRF (ppm) 14 10 Metals Profile ICP-OES Hawk Mountain Labs Barium by XRF (ppm) Arsenic by XRF (ppm) SC Soil Conditions X-Ray Fluorescence (ThermoScientific Niton XL2 Series handheld XRF): Any detected constituents X-Ray Fluorescence SC Transporting equipment over the low-head dam Profile ICP-OES: Metals: Aluminum, Barium, Arsenic, Iron, Cadmium, Manganese, Nickel, Zinc, Copper, Lead DM OW4 Ion Chromatography (Dionex ICS 2000): Anions: Fluoride, Chloride, Nitrite, Bromide Nitrate, Sulfate, Phosphate 4 ShCr : Shamokin Creek, surface water OW1: Observation well 1, surface and groundwater OW2 : Observation well 2, surface and groundwater OW3: Observation well 3, surface water, dry well OW4: Observation well 4, vandalized OW5: Observation well 5, surface and groundwater Alkalinity and Acidity: For filtered samples using the Hach 8203 and 8201methods respectively DM OW3 1. Observation well 4 was vandalized before we could collect our samples, so surface water samples were collected only from observation wells 1, 2, 3 and 5, with a duplicate at OW3. Observation well 3 was too dry to pump a 4L sample, so groundwater samples were collected only from observation wells 1, 2 and 5, with a duplicate from OW2. 2. To better assess the impact of groundwater, an effort was made to sample during a period of low discharge with maximum contribution from groundwater baseflow. This goal was not achieved, however, as during our first round of samples collected (8/238/24), groundwater samples from OW1 & OW2 and surface water from Shamokin Creek were collected during the initial stages of fiberdam deflation, so discharge on those days was variable. The second round of samples was collected 9/29/12 when discharge was somewhat higher than average. Due to time constraints from the bald eagle nesting season and the ensuing Fall semester, we could not be more selective about our sampling days. 3. Is the lead from Shamokin Creek? Our analyses indicate that lead levels in the creek are above the EPA Recommended Water Quality Criteria for aquatic life (Chronic Exposure) (2.5 ppb) at a hardness of 100mg/L , however no other surface water samples had lead above these criteria. 4. Is the lead from groundwater or surface water contaminated by lead dissolved from tailings or pockets of lead-rich unmined bedrock around the Doughty mine on the east bank? While XRF screening indicates two quarry soil samples have higher lead concentrations than other samples, levels are only in the 100 ppm range. Surface water samples along the east side of the river (Robert Kresch, this symposium) do not show elevated lead levels. 5. Is the lead from possible past use of lead and arsenic pesticides on farm fields on the northern half of Byer’s Island? XRF field scans indicated lead and arsenic were present in the soil profile, but not at levels substantially higher than other area samples. 6. No smoking gun for elevated lead was found! 7. Elevated manganese levels in surface water, however, may be related to elevated concentrations of manganese in island soil samples. Groundwater concentrations of manganese are high at two of three groundwater locations, which is consistent with concentrations detected in glacial outwash northeast of the study area (Williams and Eckhardt, 1987). D.O., pH, T, and Conductivity (Hach HD40) In situ DM OW5 A hand auger was used to drill sample wells on the shoreline of Byer’s Island. Soil borings were placed on plastic sheeting as they were removed from the boerehole, logged, and screened with a hand-held XRF to determine whether any intervals had elevated metals. At least one soil sample was collected from each boring, with preference given to those intervals showing elevated metals. Three representative samples were sent to Hawk Mountain Labs for further analysis. Soil not collected for sampling was returned to the borehole. Plastic sheeting was bagged and properly disposed on shore. One-inch diameter PVC pipe with a PVC piezometer was placed in the hole. The piezometers were located within 2 m of the shoreline, extended below ground up to approximately 1m, projected up to 1/2m above the ground surface, had non-locking PVC caps, and were located by GPS so they would not require flagging. Groundwater samples (4L, conditioned) were collected by the use of a peristaltic pump and placed on ice in the field. Surface water samples were also collected at every well and placed on ice. Samples were analyzed for dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, and conductivity in the field. Filtering (GFF 0.7µm effective pore size) took place upon returning to the lab. Nonfiltered and filtered metal samples were acidified and refrigerated for later testing, and cation/anion samples were frozen until analysis. A surface water sample was also collected in Shamokin Creek following the same preparations and procedures. Soil samples from the adjacent SE ridgeside near the Doughty Pb-Zn mine were also collected for XRF analysis. DM OW2 Analytical DM OW1 Background Information and Objectives The Susquehanna River Heartland Coalition for Environmental Studies has, for the past several years, funded collection and analysis of water from the Susquehanna River to determine levels of dissolved constituents and help establish a baseline against which surface water affected by hydraulic fracturing or flowback water may be identified. Drs. Christopher Hallen and Cynthia Venn of Bloomsburg University, along with several undergraduate summer research students, have conducted this sampling in the North Branch, West Branch, and Main Stem Susquehanna since summer 2009. During their first round of sampling, elevated concentrations of metals including lead, manganese, and copper were documented (Eyerly et al., 2010) in Susquehanna River water samples collected near Byers’ Island—a large island in the Susquehanna between Sunbury and Selinsgrove, Northumberland Co., PA . Additional work indicated that the island is the most likely source of these metals, but confirmation in the form of groundwater and soil analyses was lacking (Kaldon et al., 2010, Ochal et al., 2011, Reed et al., 2012). A variety of potential sources of metals were evaluated for this study. In the initial survey, lead levels were highest along the east bank of the Susquehanna river south of its confluence with Shamokin Creek . Aerial photos going back to the 1930s suggest that input from Shamokin creek may stay relatively unmixed near the east bank of the river along the length of the island. Recent analyses of fish in Shamokin Creek (Cravotta and Kirby, 2004), however, did not detect elevated lead levels. A literature review turned up documentation of an old (mid-late 1800s) leadzinc mine on the east side of the river, across from Byer’s Island (Rogerson, 1976). Exploration of the ridge revealed several locations that may be related to mining, and soil samples were collected and screened for metals using a handheld ThermoScientific Niton XL2 Series handheld X-ray Fluorescence instrument. Sampling 3 A group of faculty and students at Bloomsburg University have been sampling the Susquehanna River near the confluence of the West and North Branch for the past several years. During the first round of sampling, elevated concentrations of metals were documented in Susquehanna River water samples collected near Byers Island—a large island in the Susquehanna between Sunbury and Selinsgrove, Northumberland Co., PA. Additional work indicated that the island was the most likely source of these metals, but confirmation in the form of groundwater and soil analyses was lacking. In late summer 2012, soil, groundwater, and surface water samples were collected in and around Byer’s Island to identify what could be causing the elevated levels. Due to concerns with nesting bald eagles, the sampling process could not begin until after the nesting season ended on August 1. Travelling by canoe, we collected water and soil samples on Byers Island and adjacent surface water samples. Using a hand auger, 5 wells were installed along the shore of the island; one well was placed above the low-head dam and the subsequent 4 were placed below the dam, three on the east side of the island, where metals level had been elevated, and one on the west side. Soil samples were collected from each well drilled; selected samples were sent to Hawk Mountain Laboratories for further analysis. Surface water samples were also collected at the mouth of Shamokin Creek, and soil samples were collected on the ridge that rises above the east bank of the river, near entrances to the long abandoned Doughty Lead-Zinc Mine. Analyses were run for metals, anions and cations in the lab, as well as alkalinity and acidity using the Hach 8203 and 8201 respectively. The soil samples were all analyzed by X-ray Fluoresence (XRF) in the field. A few minor complications were faced when we went out to sample from our well, especially for the second round of sampling. One well was vandalized before we could sample (OW4) and another was too dry to pump a useful sample from it. Our search found no obvious sources for elevated levels of lead or copper in the Susquehanna River. Field and lab soil analyses, however, as well as groundwater samples from Byer’s Island do show moderately elevated levels of manganese. DM Abstract Results and Discussion Methods Left: First Byers Island day, looking at the northern tip 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 ND ND 0 OW1 OW2 SW2 OW2(2) SW3 ND ND OW5 SW5 Acknowledgments References Berg, T. M., Edmunds, W. E., Geyer, A. R., and others, compilers, 1980, Geologic map of Pennsylvania (2nd ed.): Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Map 1, scale 1:250,000, 3 sheets [web release]. Brainerd, D., Edwards, J., and Pemberton, E., 1798, An account of the life of Mr. David Brainerd : missionary from the Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge, & pastor of a church of Christian Indians in New-Jersey. Online Resource:, accessed, June 26, 2012. Brown, A. P., and Ehrenfeld, F. E., 1913, Minerals of Pennsylvania, Topographic and Geologic Survey of Pennsylvania Report no. 9, Topographic and Geologic Survey Commission, 194 p. Cravotta, C.A., Kirby, C.S., 2004. Effects of abandoned coal-mine drainage on streamflow and water quality in the Shamokin Creek Basin, Northumberland and Columbia Counties, Pennsylvania, 1999-2001, Eckenrode, J.J., 1985, Soil survey of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. U.S. Government Printing Office. pp. 178. Eyerly, M.H., Venn, C., Hallen, C.P., and Rier, S., 2010. Will gas production from the Marcellus shale impact water quality in the Susquehanna River? A snapshot of water quality in the Susquehanna in summer 2009. GSA Abstracts with Programs, NE/SE Sections Joint Meeting, vol. 42, no. 1, p. 182. Kaldon, L., Hallen, C.P., Venn C., and Rier, S., 2010. Assessment of the water quality in the North Branch, West Branch, and Main Stem of the Susquehanna River, Summer 2010. Online resource: North_West_and_Main_Susquehanna.pdf. Accessed 4/10/12. Ochal, K., Hallen, C. P., Venn, C., and Rier, S., 2011. A snapshot of water quality in the Susquehanna in summer 2010: influence of Byers Island, Shamokin Creek, and the Shamokin Dam power plant on local Susquehanna River water, GSA Abstracts with Programs, NE/N-C Sections Joint Meeting, vol. 43, no.1, p. 105. Reed, E. R., Venn, C. and Hallen, C. P., 2012. Attempt #2: Quest for Point Sources of Metals and Sulfate into the Susquehanna River near Byer’s Island, Shamokin Dam (Northumberland County), Pa. GSA Abstracts with Programs, NE Section Meeting, vol. 44, no. 2, p. 110. Rogerson, P. N., 1976, The Doughty Mine, Sunbury, PA. Senior Honors Thesis, Bryn Mawr, PA, 40 p. Sham. Ck ND ND • • • • • • • Skip Wieder and the Susquehanna River Heartland Coalition for Environmental Sciences for project funding and partial support of A. Broody and S. Kitting. The Bloomsburg University Undergraduate Research Scholarly and Creative Activities Program for partial support of A. Broody and S. Kitting Dr. Robert Marande, Dean, College of Science and Technology for support of the Institute for Environmental Analysis Bloomsburg University Department of Environmental, Geographical and Geological Sciences, and Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Chad Voorhees, Forest Resource Planner, PA Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources, Bureau of Forestry, Resource Planning Section, for overseeing the permitting process Olivia Mowery, PA Game Commission, Bureau of Wildlife Habitat Management, Division of Environmental Planning & Habitat Protection, for assisting with the permitting process Dr. Christopher Hallen for use of his boat motor and battery, for assistance with laboratory analyses, and for use of the Geochemistry laboratory instruments and supplies • Dr. Cynthia Venn for use of Geochemistry laboratory instruments and supplies • Dr. Michael Pugh, Chair, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, for use of the ThermoScientific Niton XL2 Series handheld XRF analyzer for screening soil samples. • Caitlin Heller, Kendi Waltemeyer and Derek Weicht for assistance with sample preparation and analysis. • Robert Kresch for productive discussions • Sam Pfister for help with data wrangling