Satisfactory progress is evaluated on the basis of five criteria:
- your ability to remain a full-time student and earn a minimum of 24 credit hours each academic year;
- your ability to maintain the quality point averages as outlined below at the conclusion of each grading
- your responsibility to obtain an electronic mail account and check it regularly for messages from the
Assistant Director or designee;
- your consistent participation in the Board of Governors Scholars Program (including any courses
assigned as part of the BOG Scholars Program), attendance at mandatory meetings and completion of
all assignments contained in said program’s syllabus (extensions and/or exemptions from BOG
assignments must be requested in writing from the Assistant Director or designee and
- your completion of a minimum of 15 hours of community service for a full scholarship and 7.5 for a
half scholarship per semester (i.e., work that is done on a volunteer basis and from which there is no
For a full-time, continuously enrolled undergraduate degree student to maintain satisfactory progress toward the
completion of a degree, he/she must earn a minimum of 24 undergraduate credit hours in any given 12-month period
(including credit hours earned in developmental studies courses).
To maintain satisfactory progress, the student must meet the following minimal requirements:
Cumulative Quality Point Average required for minimal progress:
1 - 29 semester hours
30 - 59 semester hours
60 or more semester hours
NOTE: The Board of Governors tuition waiver only applies to undergraduate courses taken at Bloomsburg University
where a Bloomsburg University tuition invoice is generated.
NOTE: An incomplete grade, a failing grade, or a withdrawal from a course will count as zero credits earned.
NOTE: Course repeat grades will only be counted toward the minimum satisfactory progress standards if credits were
actually earned. A repeat of a "D" grade would not be counted as credits earned in two different semesters.
NOTE: Students who are granted a Science and Technology Board of Governors Tuition Waiver must remain in a
Science or Technology major in order to keep their tuition waiver.
NOTE: This waiver can be extended for a maximum of eight semesters within a five-year period, subject to the Board
of Governors approval for continuation of this program.
NOTE: The BOG Tuition Waiver will apply to regular semesters only; fall and spring. Summer sessions do not
count toward a BOG Scholarship.
NOTE: The BOG only applies to “Exchange” programs, not “Study Abroad.”
NOTE: Students must remain in good standing through the Student Standards Office.